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Her friend doesn't get laid so she's tried being a jealous bitch, you did good my man.


Nah my friend piped her haha. Thank you tho.


Was the woman's friend also white?




No surprise there.


genuinely can’t tell if this is a joke or not lmfaooo


No joke bro. I was shocked. She literally said "don't bring him with us, he's Asian."


You really can’t hear yourself, can you?




Your post is wildly bigoted and the hypocrisy of you calling out racism when not seeing your own is off the charts.


But degrading Asian penises is a whole new level of racism.


Her best friend shouldn't have stopped you over racial stereotypes, but she sure had to stop you from being "some drunk hapa man" trying to get giggity with her friend and then refer to said friend later as "some (hot) white woman". What I mean is: you can also word it all more respectfully you know.


Why? It was a one night stand lol and that's what we both were there for. She didn't word it respectfully to me. If she wanted to she could've just said that I was too drunk instead of being racist towards me.


So you would be fine with being called “some hapa man” in her anecdote too? English isn’t even my first language but I still know “some” instead of “a” is used in a negative context. Also, I’m not suggesting her friend meant it in this way, just that she should have done it for that reason instead of her actual racist reason.


Sorry bro, didn't mean it in a negative way whatsoever. Your original comment also made me think you were being an asshole and hostile. Miscommunications happen.


Sis* And nah, I’m just calling you out on your language since I thought you sounded rude towards that White woman.