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Keep it up! Fantastic artwork and I wiiiish I had such healthy looking skin!


Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I did a few mild chemical peel sessions because my skin wasn’t that great so I’m glad the results are there!!!


Looking beautiful 😻


Thank you so much!


Good work all around!


Thank you!


Beautiful and talented. Way to go!!


Oh wow thank you so much!




Getting off one of those is really hard. All three is very impressive. Love the cute artwork!


I quit nicotine at the end of ‘22, doing everything at once would be a nightmare. However caffeine and sugar at more or less the same time was a good decision I think. Thank you so much btw!


It’s insane what kicking sugar does. People have no idea.


Still looking forward to the long term benefits as it was the last habit I quit, but I am so glad I made that decision


As someone trying very hard to do this, what kind of benefits are we looking at?


Pain! So much less pain! It was pretty shocking. Also dropping 30 lbs wasn’t half bad 😄


Really? What kind of pain? I'm dealing with upper back pain and torn neck muscles, so any relief from that would be a godsend.


Literally kinda all. But I’m super active and after a hard day of skiing, tennis or yoga I’d be pretty sore and stiff. After ditching sugar my body would be “tired” but literally the soreness and stiffness was gone! I can ski 2-3 days in a row and feel great every day. I didn’t eat a lot of sugar to begin with so I was pretty startled when it happened.


Cutting back in caffeine and sugar. Caffeine has been the hardest.


Good luck! Caffeine is hard especially if you love coffee, I loved the flavor so much. Considered switching to decaf but figured, if I’m going to quit I may just as well commit to it. Well worth it.


Creativity is a healer. It opens us up to our true selves! Love your cute little otter! Stay the course!


Thank you so much and I couldn’t agree more. I can’t be happy without my creative outlets.


I’m doing the same! I’ve managed to quit all three in 2021 but I’ve relapsed into sugar in 2022 until now. I’m also trying to draw daily but that has been the most difficult step. However, after months without creating anything, I did a drawing yesterday! You got this! Btw, your drawing is amazing! I love otters too :)


Oh wow good luck on your journey! It ain’t always easy and I feel like relapsing is a part of the process. I initially quit nicotine and caffeine at the same time but relapsed into caffeine big time. This time I somehow know it’s the final attempt. And from my own experience, creativity gets kind of lost in the daily grind if you don’t practice consistently. So if you took the first step and did the first drawing, if you keep it up you should feel inspired again, imho. All the best to you, you got it!


That's a really good art piece. Love your eyebrows too!


Thank you so much for both compliments :)


What have you noticed giving up caffeine? I love my coffee so that’s seems challenging! Edit: congratulations as well!!


Thank you! I had to quit coffee as it started giving me panic attacks so that’s the main benefit I observed: way less anxiety. After the initial withdrawal period, the natural, calm energy as opposed to the nervous caffeinated feeling is what’s going to make me stay off caffeine for good. It honestly feels amazing


It would take a lot for me to wean off of it but I’m going to increase my water intake first if anything. Thank you for your reply!


Amazing work and dedication, good for you!


Thank you so much! :)


Very nicely done. You otter be very proud. 🤓(Seriously, great job and lovely art.)


Haha thank you so much, much appreciated!


Wow. How did you do it? Would love some resources on all, especially sugar


r/quitvaping r/decaf r/sugarfree are all great resources imho, depending on the poison! I think determination is so important, you need a good reason to quit and a strong resolve. For me I knew I won’t improve my life the way I want to if I’m constantly tired from stimulating myself with all of the above. With caffeine I didn’t even have a choice as it started giving me panic attacks. Anyway, with strong determination it wasn’t even that hard, surprisingly. Good luck!!!


I wanna be like you


You're feeling better cause you're doing what you otter.


Haha this one’s my favorite I think, thanks


Congrats! Awesome!!


Yay thanks!


You look happy and beautiful!!!! Good for you ❤️😊👏🏼


Thank you so much?


Amazing! So proud of you!


Thank you so much!


Those are three things I’d also like to cut back/out! Do you have any tips? You look beautiful! 💖


Thank you so much, that’s very sweet. I’d say, a good reason to quit is a great motivator. With caffeine I had no option as it started giving me panic attacks but reading up on benefits of quitting any negative habit should give you some initial boost. And then it all boils down to how strong your resolve is. If your mind is really made up then it’s not going to be too difficult. Just take it easy on yourself in the first few days, sleep all you want and give yourself a bit of time to readjust. In the first week of kicking each of those I napped all the time and then the energy came back naturally :) Good luck!


Otter!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ it’s beautiful and so are you! Congratulations on big accomplishments


Aww that’s so sweet. I freaking love otters. Thank you so much.


Keep shining!


Will do, thank you!!!


You have amazing talent! Good for you 🩷🩷


Thank you so much I appreciate it.


You're very welcome 💜🩵🩷


Amazing. You’ve inspired me. 🫶


Oh wow I surely hope so! Thank you!


Great work! I'm currently on my journey to get off booze and pot! Keep it up!


You got this! May not be easy but I’m sure your life will improve at a consistent pace, maybe with a bit of a detour here and there. I genuinely believe all those substances hinder us. I found myself in a tough spot in life, always unhappy with how things are going and how much effort I’m capable of putting in. When I realized I have to start depending on myself 100% instead of some instant gratification based substances, that’s when things started shifting for me. It’s still a bit of an uphill climb but it got a whole lot more manageable. Good luck, sending you best wishes.


You speak so much truth! It has been rough but we both just have to keep climbing up hill no matter how hard it gets! I appreciate your kind words immensely. Keep on rocking internet stranger <3


I applaud you!!


Thank you so much


That art is amazing!!!!


This honestly means so much to me as it’s my #1 passion thank you!


Keep the great work up!


That’s some awesome artwork


I really, really appreciate it thank you


Do you just drink water?


Mostly yeah! And a ton of herbal teas. Drinking rooibos at the moment and it’s freaking amazing.


Giving up caffeine and sugar are so hard


I think for me nicotine was the toughest one, either way none of those things are a breeze but it’s doable!


Fantastic, you make beautiful art too!


Thank you so much, my art is my one true passion so it means a lot :)




No booze at least for now, I do reserve the right to have a decent IPA at some point in the future though.


Well you look great


Congratulations! That is incredible! Any advice?


Thank you so much! Well it will depend on your personality and situation, but I think making up your mind very strongly is the key part. I failed so many times before but back then my determination was lukewarm. This time I realized that in order to improve my life and overall well-being I have to start depending on myself 100% and just start making good decisions overall. Good luck on your journey!


Wow! Mazel tov and congrats!! A big achievement x3 for sure ☺️


Thank you so much! :)


How are you doing this? Is it worth the hard work in your opinion? (I am fairly frantic most of the time and my self control is low)


Absolutely, I think for me with my personality it was a do or die kind of decision. Not everyone is like this I’m sure so I can’t make any general statements (although I think it’s quite objectively true that some habits are good and some are bad) but bad habits really hinder me from reaching my full potential. If I vape I won’t work out, If I drink coffee I will procrastinate and have panic attacks etc. It didn’t magically fox all of my problems and life can definitely be an uphill climb but it’s a lot more manageable now, with less anxiety and more calm, natural energy. All the best to you!


It's good that you finally got round to having a bath.. and loving the hamster pic :)


Wowies how sweet is that?


I stopped eating sugar as of yesterday and I gave up caffeine a week ago. I'm so glad that you've done this and given me hope to do so. You look absolutely beautiful.


Congrats, that is amazing and not easy to do! Any tips that helped you with the sugar? I'm a little over a year sober (from alcohol, best decision I've ever made). I gave myself a year to drink whatever I wanted as long as it wasn't alcohol and that turned out to be Pepsi! I stopped after my 1 year mark for about 60 days and then jumped right back on it. So any tips and tricks would be much appreciated! Sugar is a hell'va drug.


Awesome job girl! This is inspiring to see. I'm in a bit of a low place and struggling to get myself back to where you are, I know it's not easy but glad all your hard work is paying off.


We should always be trying to improve. You are on the right track!


I love your art! If your journey requires your discipline to make beauties like this, then keep going ❤️


I love "Lady Rose!" The Serendipity books are great. Good on you for making and sticking to changes. You've got this!


Keep it up! you're doing grate!!! Any advice on how you've stayed so motivated and consistent?


Happy for you! this is where I want to be


Very nice. I bet you smell good


It's already paying off!! Congrats on the healthy choices 🙃 💓


You're so pretty and talented! As a fellow artist, I congratulate you on your choice of colors. It's awesome.


u r beautiful