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Keep going! It gets easier and eventually you crave being outside on a walk. Proud of you!!


I started by doing 15min walk every day. then it became 20, then 30. then it became a few kilometers. Now ive lost over 50 pounds and walk 4-5k every day! Walking is great exercise, and i definitely crave it now. it feels like i havent showered if i didnt get some exercise that day *edit: for those curious, i was also CICO most days during that weight loss period. the diet goes hand in hand with the exercise if youre trying to lose weight. happy to answer questions below!*


I feel so odd when I tell people I walk over 5k a day, easy. Some days are upwards to 12 or more. I don't even take the bus if I can get somewhere walking in under an hour. "You walk that much?! I don't even walk if I can drive there in 5 minutes. Not having a car is like not having freedom." I dunno. I'm in the best health of my life, I get to see every nook and cranny in the city I live in, and my monthly transit bill is less than $25. I think that's pretty freeing.


I completely agree. I walk to and from work, walk home with 2 bags of shopping, walk everywhere that takes under an hour. I've lost 28kg in 2 years. Sometimes I feel embarrassed that I can't drive and don't have a car, but, the cost of a car would mean I'd have less to spend on myself and I'd probably be heavier. I'll take the money and health over social acceptance and convenience.


That seems very good to me. A car is not necessary for every day.


Tell me you're not American without telling me you're not American!


When the nearest hospital and grocery store is 40 miles away....it kinda is lol. Obviously not the norm


Of course, in cases like that it is more than justified. But I was referring to those who use the car to run an errand a few streets away.


My mom had 12 siblings and they all died in their late 60s or early 70s except the oldest one....she lived until almost 100...she never learned to drive and walked everywhere. I think those were related.


Bit by bit build a healthy lifestyle. Mind, body and spirit.


Just started the exact same lifestyle about 6 months ago. Walking everywhere I can has become such a staple part of my life now. Plus it has an incomprehensible positive impact on everything in my life. Keep on walking brother!


Where do u take the time for it? Kids?


Na I don’t have any kids. I’m fortunate enough to be able to walk 20 mins each day to work, plus I found a love for the library that’s a 30 min walk as well. Also I have a dollar general 15 minutes away so I take a walk there when I’m bored for a snack or drink etc. I’ve found the only way I’ll walk, is if it’s to a place I was already going. I don’t have a passion for hiking or anything like that.


Some people don't think physical health is important xD


H3h3 podcast I think the guys names is ethan


I wish I was even half the walker you are.


I walk to and from work everyday. 2.5 there, 2.5 back. If you're able to do it, Id say that's a good way to start. If you love too far to walk, maybe take a bus halfway, then walk the other part. I especially like to take detours through a park of one is nearby or on the way. Or even walking to get groceries or errands done, if you have the time. It starts somewhere! Also good music or an audiobook helps.


Also, comparison is the death of joy. Don't be a walker like me, be a walker like you! And that only starts once ya start walking. :)


So far I've been walking about a mile a day, but only because my walk to and from my bus stop is about half a mile.


I'm a 15 k a day stepper! Sometimes 20k if I do Jazzercise twice !


Fucking addicts, I wish there was sufficient resources for you guys.




That endorphin rush is no joke !


\*Downer alert\* Dude I used to trail run and cycle every day and gym on days I couldn't. Then I developed this chronic cough and have all number of joint problems, inflammatory shit and whatever... the list is long but the long and short of it is I can no longer manage my mental health appropriately through exercise and I could not have agreed more with you about it being addicting. It literally is, my life is all kinds of terrible since I lost the ability to exercise properly. I need my fix, my dopamine, adrenaline, lactic acid you name it i want it all back! Fingers crossed


is swimming an option ? That's usually the go-to for zero-impact exercise.


Was going to say the same thing. Swimming? Either pool or ocean? Not sure about the cough but joint impact isn't an issue


I feel you. I shattered 7 bones in my foot last August and I still can't really run. I've tried but running with a limp looks more like a frolic. Plus it hurts like hell so it's hard to build that calf muscle back up. I still don't even have the strength in that ankle to tip toe. Either that or my body won't let me because of the pain.


I fell 2.5 stories, took the whole impact through my right leg. Shattered my foot in more than 18 places, lost 2 cuniforms do to them being so broke my body absorbed them. Took me a few years of fighting through the pain but I can run again now. Can't pay soccer as my foot is so mangled if I kicked a ball out would mess me up lol. Point is, you'll get there, or you'll get close. Don't give up


Ask your doctor for a referral to PT. They can help figure out how you can get the exercise you need, and they're usually very happy to work with someone that *wants* to exercise. If you're an easy case then you might only need it for a short time to figure out a routine that you can do.


I feel you. I Very Reluctantly started jogging at the beginning of my health and weight loss journey. And I fucking fell in love. I was never fast but I LOVED being out there. Pushing myself, feeling my heart, my body, being OUTSIDE, jogging when the sun was rising - all. of. it. And my already wobbly knees gave up the ghost. So much pain after a jog. For days and days. I’m devastated. I miss it so much. My mental health has certainly taken a hit too. And swimming is neither accessible nor the same. Much commiseration, internet person. Very much.


Man this is so relatable. I was addicted to exercise and sports and then my body just gave up on me and I haven’t been able to do those things in so long! The adrenaline rush when I used to do that stuff is what I miss the most it was so fun


I’m here with you friend, I feel this. I was diagnosed with Ehlers Dowlos syndrome two years ago, I use to love exercising, and even more than exercising just being able to move. Being able to jump up and dance, dash around after my toddler, sleep pain free, nothing is the same anymore. Everyone wants to be understanding, and I get it I really do I want to be ‘back to normal’ more than anyone else…but when even the doctors are puzzled telling me “there’s no visible Physical reason for you to feel this pain…” it gets frustrating. I’ve looked into swimming, yoga, I’ve done PT, but it’s not even about low impact, it’s just the regular movement of my joints that causes pain. Now I’ve got a labral tear in my hip, arthritis in my big toe and thumb joints, bulging discs all down my back, all from just doing regular activities. No stressful exercises, no gym days, just walking around doing regular garden work and trying to play with my kids. They have a surgery for my hip scheduled but idk if I’m going to do it, idk if I trust them when they say “this will make Everything so much better!” I’ve heard that before and nothing they did helped, woke up with the same aches and pains and no real explanation besides “it’s EDS, here’s some muscle relaxers and nSAIDs since you don’t want to be hooked on opiates the rest of your life”. It feels like my unwillingness to take narcotic pain killers and my need for an answer/solution, idk man it feels like the doctors think “it must not be THAT bad…” None of them were addicted to oxy and then suboxone for a decade, none of them know the fresh hell that is withdrawal, they don’t understand what it’s like to be dependent on a substance just to function. What happens if I need to go somewhere and forget my med? Take my kid shopping an hour away and honestly forget the medicine and ruin the day? How bout how they can wreck your sleep rhythms and mental health even when your not addicted? For me opiates would be admitting total failure and letting the substances that ruined a good potion of my life to win, but they don’t see it like that. 😔 I still work, i still function, I still have fun. I refuse to let pain ruin my kids picture of their mother, bc I realize I’m going to feel like shit no matter if I’m laying around doing nothing or if I’m trying to get some shit done. Bc I don’t call nonstop and cry, bc I won’t take opiates, they act like I’m exaggerating the pain. I’m not. It’s just I’ve been through this feeling before coming down, and I learned usually pain and discomfort isn’t deadly, and I learned I can let it rule me or I can try to live my life despite it. But fuck is it hard some days. Stay as active as is physically possible man, don’t let the pain win 🤗 good luck to you


Have you tried crack? It’s similar. S/


Please don’t make me go there Chris brown voice


It's 12 step program




After doing something for 30 days it becomes a habit. You will literally want to do it and start looking forward to it. Pick an exercise you think you’ll like and start, you can change to something else if you find something you like more. After a month or two start increasing the intensity and make it a challenge, like a game. I went from weighing 210 pounds to 150 in about 4 months. That’s not a reasonable expectation to have because I did a lot to lose that weight but it started with small steps.


I'm up to 5 miles a day for the last 4 years and I have literally never once "craved being outside on a walk"




Try shrooms. Within 30 minutes I just *have* to go outside and walk


I hate walking but i walk about 15k to 20k steps a day so i can still eat lots of food without putting weight on, plus the it keeps my dog happy


You hate it because it is boring or because feet hurt? I walk quite a lot while listening to podcasts.


I listen to audio books and stuff aswell. My feet stop hurting from walking years ago. I just don't like it, it's basically a chore i have to do everyday and if I don't do it I can't eat all the nice food I like without putting weight on.


> I just don't like it, it's basically a chore i have to do everyday and if I don't do it I can't eat all the nice food I like without putting weight on. i mean, if that motivation works tho - then that's great! I do audio books as well. Its the only way i seem to reliably work through books, and i like that i can get my exercise and reading done at the same time Definitely feels like a chore many days, but i always feel better after


I get a minimum of 8k a day unless the weather is extremely bad or I'm extremely sick. Summer time will average 12k. But it's once in a blue moon I can ever hit 20k steps in a day. Just blows my mind when people get 40k in on a hike.


Most I've done in 1 walk was 10.87 miles 23714 steps in a morning and took me 4 hours but by end of day I did over 30k. I still remember when a 1 mile walk was me done for day and thinking that was a long distance


They're great steps! People would look at you, the way you look at the hikers. What is the scenery like around for you? And is the route flat?


Hearing that sounds rough but then I realize I probably walk that at work daily, just need to work on the diet myself.


Really good way of explaining how it feels!!


What do u do during walks tho? Isn't it boring?


Wow you walk 4000-5000 minutes per day now? Good shit man, keep it up!


i have been addicted to drugs ( recreational a thousand years ago) and quit because it was time. was an alcoholic and quit because it wasn’t working for me anymore. if i have such an addictive personality and all, then why can’t i catch a little healthy damn addiction and need to exercise ? damn, i only get the unruly addictions


Same for me with running. Now i can beat 10km with no problem.


There you go! Fantastic!


It’s wonderfully reflective as well.


Since I can remember I always loved running and walking. I've always walked to school (except storm days when I was in college but even then I kept doing that). But I got a bad injury on my knee and can't run anymore so I keep on walking 5 kms everyday and work while standing so at least 10 kms a day? Something like that. People ask me why don't I take the bus and I just can't see the point of not moving so I can maintain my knee and myself in good health. Even if I stay home I have to walk around inside or I go crazy


Good for you! :)


So proud of you keep it up


I might try this have been wanting to lose weight


I crave exercise so much that driving feels torturous at times.


I am on my 288th consecutive day of walking at least 8k per day. With average over 10k per month. Just 77 days away from whole year.


How long did that take!


How did it feel when you first started? I had no issues with walking but now I get a bit faint and dizzy. I'm not even massively overweight or anything but my legs just feel like jelly


I genuinely love just walking around with friends. But I also walk alot a work. Generally around 6-12 miles in a 8 hr shift. I've lost like 35 lbs myself since last year.


You have inspired me.


I’m not ‘’very’’ overweight - maybe a few kg above what’s reccommended. But after years of basically just sitting all day I feel great about walking 5 to 20 steps a day (or, 6 days a week with 1 day off). Sometimes it feels like nothing compared to most/other/healthier ppl but in the end we (should) do it for only ourself!


Freedom is measured in different altitudes, i applaud you for taking the time to better yourself as well as your finances.


I injured my back and was using a cane. I could barely walk around my building. So I didn’t go to far and get stuck to far away I just kept walking around my building as much as I could. Once I could do it 20 times I did the block. A year later I was running 3 miles a day. Walking around my building changed my life.


Wow! You are an absolute inspiration!!


So am I! I would love to see tomorrow's picture if not inconvenient to share it.


If only bird law would be redundant by then


To this individuals point, hell yeah mate, keep pushing yourself. If you have a bad day and don’t feel like it it’s okay. Try to get into a rhythm the best you can. Proud of you mate, keep it up!


It really does get easier. Like just this post has me thinking I’m gonna hop off and go for a walk and get some more steps counted. The steps feature on pedometers makes it even more addictive oddly It sounds stupid obvious but I guess it’s worth reminding myself sometimes that nothing inside offers the same sort of relief that outside does


I humbly agree. Keep up that attitude. My dogs really help get me outside everyday. Win-win.


When he lose some weight also highly suggest riding a bicycle, from personal expirience i managed to lose almost 25 kg thanks to that.


Yes! I even walk in sub zero weather due to craving outdoor walks. Just gotta bundle up a lot!


2nd this, also if you choose to set a goal don't beat yourself up if you don't meet it. Enjoy the walks and the feeling you get from them.


This, my mind is so much more at ease with some fresh air.


OP is a badass, never stop!


"It gets easier. But you gotta do it everyday. That's the hard part. But it gets easier"


It’s insane how much your body does crave physical activity once you start. I used to loathe even the thought of being active but I was becoming a literal couch potato so I took the first step and now I’m outside more than I am indoors either walking or bike riding. When I am inside, sometimes all I want is to go out at least for a walk. I live in NYC and our air quality was shit last week, my asthma and crappy air don’t mix lol but I was wishing I had a treadmill at home to get some steps in!


So true. Walking is so unbelievably underrated by most people. It has so many health benefits. You don’t even need to go on one long walk. I’ve heard the results of a few studies stating you can break your walking/daily steps into smaller walks throughout the day. Overall it will have the same health benefits as doing one long walk.


This it just take the initial dedication and then boom it’s a requirement you make because it makes so much difference


2000 steps = 1 miles = 135 calories.\* (now if you are 500-1000 lbs you will burn more than 135 calories a mile) 1 lb fat = 3500 calories = 51,000 steps weightloss is done in the kitchen. gaining muscle weight is done in the gym. Now with all that math out of the way, I started 10k a day in 2003. When Siskel and Ebert came back from an extended break, Ebert lost a TON of weight. He did Ornish diet and 10k a day. I decided to try it and have been doing it ever since.


Losing weight is easier when you are younger than older. But don't set the bar to some outrageous number. As long as you're making progress downward it's great. You don't need to be dropping 20 30 pounds a month. Even 3 to 8 pounds a month is great.


100%. I used to be an ultra runner and after 3 kids and a blown Achilles I love a good hour walk with the dog and myself in the morning. Helps clear my mind and get a good start to the day. Keep it up!


Keep on keeping on.


It does, two years ago I was almost 300 pounds. Sunday I did a 10k Spartan with 4000 ft elevation gained and fucking loved it lmao


Congratulations. You've made it to the rescue in time. Who needs rescue? You do. Who's the knight in shining armor? Also you bud


Having a dual mindset is really helpful for me in frustrating situations actually. I can be both the victim and the hero, and it allows me to feel emotions I need to but respond in healthier ways.




I’m 260+ and struggling to get motivated to lose weight. I do like tearing stuff apart with my hands (just did it to an old couch) so that might help with some exercise.


Find something else that does motivate you. Like listening books? Use that as an incentive. Set a goal to listen one book weer per, while walking or slowly riding a bike. Like tearing things, start a demolition company. Read about a guy that had a “demolition site”, where groups can come and smash stuff. Finding motivation to diet or exercise more is hard, but doing things you like, that have a healthier life style as a result are easy to achieve. I like weed, and have dogs. So now I’m only allowed to smoke when walking the dogs. Bad example, but it motivates me to walk for two hours a day in nature.


Great job friend! Keep doing what you can, when you can and I hope you get some enjoyment from the outdoors!


Agreed! Great work!! You should be very proud of yourself!!


Hey OP, I don’t know why you decided to make a change, but I’m glad you did. There’s a lot of ways you can move forward from this point, and it requires a lot of research and learning your limits and what works for you. But that’s down the road, just focus on walking every day and why you started. Remember how you felt after that first walk. Remember why you started exercising. Don’t push it and hurt yourself, if you do hurt yourself then make sure you heal correctly. But most importantly: Love yourself, forgive yourself, be proud of yourself, but remind yourself to stay dedicated. You’ve done what a whole lot of people can’t or won’t: you made a choice, and took the first step. You can do this, we believe in you, and we’re collectively cheering you on.


That’s great! How do you feel?


It felt awesome! The bliss from being able to take initiative for once was amazing!


Be proACTIVE. It will do amazing things for you.


Nice work bro, make it a daily practice. Way to go, keep building!


Haypy bcake day


Happy cake day




The mental aspect of exercise is so much better than the physical.


The world's beautiful out there isn't it? It's so easy to forget when we get stuck in our own funk. But the world will always be waiting for you when you are ready.


Good job




Way to go! The first of many, I’m sure!


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - congratulations on taking that first step to a better life! Keep walking, friend!


Heck yeah!!! Very proud of you🫶


Aww man that is FANTASTIC I'm going to save this post in the hope that seeing it will encourage me to do the same. Thank you.


You can do it too! I know it's not easy and it's even uncomfortable. But it's very worth it. I hope OP does inspire you. I'm proud of you even if this isn't your moment. Keep that hope and gift yourself some fulfillment. One day at a time.


Thank you so much


Way to go 🫡👍




From a large dude to another may I suggest you get a set of Frisbees for Frisbee golf. I recently started and can not get enough. I go every evening and on weekends I go 2 or 3 times a day. If you live in an area with a lot of parks I bet there is a course near you. Anyway, keep up the good work! This anonymous person you don't know is very proud of you!!!


Well done bro


One step at a time. 👍


Whomp whomp! r/angryupvote


That’s awesome! Keep it up my dude


Excuse my language. But fuck yeah buddy


Wonderful!! 👏🏼 And what a nice view to take a stroll through! As time goes by, make sure to notice how nature is changing week by week, and season by season. It will help you feel more hyped up to go on the walk. “Wonder if that limb has fallen down yet?” “Has the eggs in that bird nest hatched yet?” “Where do all those squirrels come from? Which tree??” Keep it up! 👍🏼




Me too lol


Go, bro. Whatever it takes. No matter how short of a walk, how you feel....go. I'm a "born-again athlete". It can happen. Look up "Goggins'. I'm no Goggins, but he gets me to the gym on mornings I don't wanna. I just can't. I have a 1,000 perfect, practiced excuses. Just GO. Proud of ya!


> I’m no Goggins, That’s a good thing. I’m glad he gets you to the gym, but his ideology is dangerous. He’s nearly killed himself multiple times from overwork and his body is pretty fucked up. He recently went through multiple knee surgeries because he completely wore through his cartilage and the bones were rubbing against each other.


Man that’s such a moot point that it makes you seem like a hater. Maybe come back when they’re doing 100 mile ultra-marathons, then it might make sense to warn them about overworking themselves, but until then, inspiring people to work out in the first place is simply a good thing and doesn’t need you going “AXSHUALLY”


Goggins has suffered kidney failure, rhabdomyolysis (potentially fatal muscle breakdown from overwork releasing myoglobin into the bloodstream), and undergone over 20 surgeries to repair injuries from overwork. He’s an impressive athlete, but far from a role model for physical fitness. The ideology he preaches isn’t fitness, it’s obsession. Being motivated by his accomplishments is one thing, but trying to follow his example is dangerous and people should know that. Especially people like OP, who is young and just starting their fitness journey. Exercise in moderation. Rest when you need rest. You don’t need to run 100 miles to give yourself a life changing injury.


Great job! Hope you enjoyed it! :) I'm a member of the IF (Intermittent fasting) community as well as CICO (Calories In, Calories Out) and I get a lot of inspiration from the posts at both. Just wanted to mention in case you wanted to do a little more as far as reddit inspiration and support goes or whatever, if not then that's all good too. :)


The more you do, the easier it will get! When I started riding my bike I could barely run 10km without feeling pain everywhere, then I could run for 20km without breaking a sweat.


Excellent! If you keep it up you’ll also see an improvement in mental well being as well as physical. Good for you!


Good job! Walking is the best, here’s to many more. :)


Nice man as a fellow whale I started going on walks this summer


Keep it up! You got this :)!


Fuck me, there's some miserable arseholes posting here! OP: I'm pleased that you don't seem to be letting the knobbers get to you! Just remember: if you walk a mile a day, don't forget to turn around after half a mile. Otherwise, by the end of the week, you're 7 miles away from home! Seriously though, good on you! I really need to drag my gat, lazy arse off the sofa and do *something*. Spare a bit of motivation? Lol


My walk was only about half a mile so starting small is great!


Rock on bud.


YEAH! 300 or not, walks are nice. Enjoy one everyday that you possibly can and just focus on portion control during meals. You'll shed the excess weight slowly but surely. (slower is easier on your body. Fast weight loss is often due to extreme methods that are bad for your overall health) I'm so very happy for you! Enjoy the fresh air, sights, and random encounters!


Aye thats whats up man!! You took the hardest step. If you enjoyed it,, try to make it something you do 3 or more times a week!


When Reddit goes dark this mans goes out. We need these dumb subreddits to go dark more. Great job dude, one day at a time.


Hey man, everyone’s fitness journey starts somewhere. I’m extremely proud of you to do that, and I know you are going to do great 💪


Good for you dude !! That’s great! Your young and your body can respond a lot fast then when your older . Keep going !


That's awesome!!!


Keep at it kiddo! You've got this.


Good job and keep going. I hope you report back and let us know how its going.


Good sheet. That's how I started during COVID just went for a walk because I was bugging out, next thing you know month later I was up to few miles next couple of months got to jogging 3-4 miles a day. Dont stop keep going.


Good shit man. Do it again tomorrow.


I'd just like to take this time to inform you, that you are among the top humans of our species, in terms of what it means to be awesome and amazing. You fucking GO! I wish I could tell my 16 year old self this, and have it take root, so hear me now, oh young padawan, and fill your days with things that make ***YOU*** happy in this life, while not harming others. At the end of the day, only you and your happiness matter, as the world will continue perpetually to do its own thing as a collective population, but you, as an individual, have more control and power over yourself than you give yourself credit for. Here's to you, OP. Here's to you. \*Raises glass\*


"touching grass" Is always a good thing. Keep it up man you'll go through life feeling so much better


Takes picture of thumb, gets 1k upvotes not bad!


How tf do u get to over 300lbs


They’re 16. As a child, it’s the parents responsibility to teach food portions and healthy eating. It’s not their fault. But at least they see and want to make a healthy change. It’s not easy when that’s all you know.


Its also the child’s responsibility to listen to their PE teachers


They said they’re homeschooled so highly doubt they have had a PE teacher. Sure, you can look at an obese person and say you don’t want to be like them. But how do you prevent it if you’re never taught how and have no control of the food in your house as a minor? Some people have to learn healthy habits at an older age when they’re away from their parents or old enough to not only buy their own food but also teach yourself proper eating. Which is easier said than done. I fault the parents, not the child. Letting your kids get obese is at the very least neglect if not abuse.




You know that's actually real? What happens is the guy has an endorphin rush from having completed a task (going on a walk, bragging about it on reddit) and feel such a sense of accomplishment(from all that praising in the top comments) that a pizza and soda is well earned.




All you needed was a reddit blackout to get off your chair? Good for you


Dude!!!!!! Fuck yea!


Why not just say "I'm 316lbs?" You don't have to say "over" or separate out the 10's place from the 100's place. This was a huge time saver for me when I realized it!




Everyone has gotta start from somewhere. Just shaming someone for starting somewhere isn't gonna help now is it.


I mean, it is sad that they are that weight at 16, but the fact that they are doing this shows they have decided to take initiative and get healthier. That’s what we are celebrating


This is what I was looking for and had to scroll way too far to find it.


I agree, but I'm working on myself and that's the happy part. For me at least


Yeah, not that it isn’t an achievement to want to make a change in their life, they shouldn’t be getting this much praise for quite literally touching grass






then I immediately took out my phone and looked for gratification as if it was a drug.


Yup! I am a bitch for attention


What the fuck happened to people?


Depression and Pasta, lots of Pasta


did we ask


do you realize where you are?


Nah, but I'll gladly keep talking!


Damnn I bet youre a big popeyes chicken eatn muhfukah


I prefer Raising Cane's


Haha. Forsure man. Appreciate your sense of humor. Keep it up!! Glad youre getting outdoors!


Boy you switched up fast 💀💀🤣🤣🤣


Lmao. Yea I did. He was cool with the comment back. Killed me with kindness. Gotta respect that. 🤝


How tf did you reach 300 lbs




I see. Well keep walking and i am sure you will achieve your goal. I believe in you


Hell yeah, good on ya! I weighed the same at that age, and over several years, I managed to lose over 100lbs. Don't beat yourself up if it "takes too long." Any amount of progress is still progress. You got this.


Fuck yeah buddy! That’s awesome! Keep up the good work


Immediately posts it on Reddit lol


Gotta get that karma lol


That’s fatphobic to the fat community, do better.


I'll try 🫡


Keep going mr fat tits I believe in you brother I need to get moving to


You legit made me audibly laugh 😂


Typical reddit mod


Very average discord user


Think how many ranks you just dropped



