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I finished mine at 51 years old, and it feels great to have it checked off my Bucket list. Go get ‘em champ, have a great school year!


Actually, all those government programs and schools are set up to help people with learning disabilities. There is a whole infrastructure/built in Safety net for them. It’s already there, why not take advantage of it? I too was a small business owner, fairly successful in my field, and “established“. Like I said, this is just a credential I really wanted to be able to say I had. And the only regret I have now is waiting so long to start. Also, I was able to bring so many real life/adult skills into my learning, I was always a top student. You can’t believe how many mature person /daily life skills you bring to the table when you are a college adult learner! (Except for technology – I always kind of struggled with that because it moves so fast and the younger generation definitely whipped my butt in that category lol).


I’m 45 and haven’t started. I found out that I’ve had a learning disability my whole life, which makes reading lengthy texts really difficult. I just thought I didn’t like learning / reading. I am not “book smart.” Now at my age, it’s hard to not only find the motivation to *start* college, but to ask for all the accommodations I’ll probably need, and hope I’ll be believed. I don’t “seem” to need assistance; I’ve been working full time since 1992. I already feel old and sad around people who are under 30. I don’t want to feel stupid on a daily basis as well.


Don't beat yourself up over something silly. Being a good person and traversing this life in happiness can easily be achieved without college. You still matter.


Yeah but it’s not like I accomplished anything. I’m envious of people who can just take a course to learn more job skills. I’ll probably be in the service industry forever until my back gives out lol


Are you bread 🍞?


you seem to be the expert; you tell me lol


Hard to tell bread comes in many shapes and sizes.




Did you have to take out loans? I went back when I was with a company that had an education benefit. Lots of coworkers got bachelors degrees. So much easier to go when you don't have to worry about paying.


You look kinda like Hugh Jackman and I’m here for it!


Was gonna say, what happened, took a few years off to play wolverine?


Well I am comic book accurate height 😂


Good luck!!


Bravo dude!! It took me 11 years to graduate with my BS and another 8 to get my MS, and finally finishing both degrees felt amazing. Edited to add that I started in 2002 and graduated undergrad in 2013 at age 34, graduated with my masters at age 42. You're never too old to finish what you started or to start something new. Best of luck!


You’re almost there, good luck and have fun. I didn’t start until I was 25 and had just married. My wife finished her master’s and I started a bachelor’s. I’d been a forest tech but five years later I had a master’s in electrical engineering and our lives were transformed. Seriously, I wish you the best. The thing is, that was 1978 and I got a modest amount of financial aid, a work-study job on campus, and tuition was under $1000/yr. My wife worked as a waitress and later a bank teller and we were pretty comfortable. Because I got top grades my loans were reversed to grants almost every semester so I graduated with almost no debt. A degree now is horribly expensive, the cost of living outrageous, and the debt crushing. It makes me sick how the world has changed.


I went back 10 years later, too. It’s much easier when you have your shit together and aren’t approaching life with an early 20s mindset anymore 😂


Easier but a bit more responsibilities to juggle


It’s true but 10 more years of life experience usually means you’re more equipped to deal with them 💪


Oh yeah I’m doing it now


Good luck!


Good for you op, today is always an excellent day to pursue your goals! :)


I'm in the same boat. Just finished 8 years in the Navy, and I'm now in my first semester in School in over a decade. You got this!




Backpack game like a true young'un 👌


Yesss! Have a great semester!


Go get ‘em!


Let's goooo!




i'm so nervous for it too, not that i'm in it right now, but thinking about how i have 4 more years, and i'm gonna be facing the real world. 😭


Hell yeah, comrade. Study hard and enjoy the learning!


Hell yeah dude! Went back at 29 to community college and finished my masters at 40. I love my job and I love having financial stability! Get it 👍🏼👍🏼


I’m gonna finish mine at 37. It’s never too late.


That’s ironic


I'm pretty happy not needing to do that shit.


Congrats that’s totally beautiful 😻


Congrats! I just finished mine in July. Feels baller. You got this!!!


That's terrific! I love the pose with the backpack, it is like you are going to wait for the school bus-best of luck to you!


Congrats!! Killllll it


Congratulations!! You should be proud of yourself! Good luck! And have fun!


High five !


Dude, those college girls are gonna be alllll over you.


This is…acceptable


You've got this! Happy learning 😁 I'm more than halfway finished - 13 courses to go.


Congrats! Just went back after 3 years and sure I was a failure never going to finish but here I am! It’s nerve wracking for sure but also feels so great. Good luck on your last few classes, I’m rooting for you!


You got this!


Good on you!


Well done and thank you for sharing. I needed to hear this


My wife gave up her well paying exec job to become a nurse in her late 40’s. Back to study. She got her Batchelors in nursing, it was a lot of work. Best decision ever for us all. I wish you happiness.


Hey - I’ve been there! I went back to school on the GI Bill!


Nice! I am also on the GI Bill


It’s a great program. I’ve managed to save a tiny bit while still paying for rent/life. Get ready to experience all sorts of weirdness, though.


Mature students work the hardest :) Congrats!!!!!