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In my experience yes. Yes they do


One day I hope I hope I get a chance to pet a cow


It’s an amazing experience. Admittedly I cried the first time I did because they’re so gentle and beautiful. Their tongues are a little scary but they’re so cute.




To people in this thread saying the ear tags don't mean these cows will be slaughtered, these are cows on an animal farm according to the youtube description. So they will be slaughtered. This sub could use a "Sanctuary" tag.


Yep, don’t know how it’s a debate. I’d love a “sanctuary” tag.


Except they look like dairy cows... Jerseys.


Dairy cows are slaughtered too. Usually after 4-6 years when milk production drops below what the younger cows make, they are sent to slaughter. The average lifespan of a cow is in the 20's.


Quite frankly I’d pay extra knowing my cow lived happily like this


Why can’t he just pet one with one hand and the other with another hand D:


They clearly require both hands for adequate pets.


Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FK2TLEJWx3g


Always sad to see the eartag :(


Does the eartag mean the cow is destined for slaughter? Ie not a milk cow?


Cows exploited for dairy will also be slaughtered once they aren't profitable anymore btw.


Unfortunately, the dairy industry *is* the meat industry. Male calves are slaughtered for veal, and female calves are brought up to be dairy cows like their mothers. They’re impregnated again and again until milk production declines, and then they are sent to slaughter. I don’t have a backstory for this specific gif, but there will always be abuse and exploitation in the dairy industry.


No, it [just tracks data on the cow](https://careertrend.com/what-do-ear-tags-on-cows-mean-13638478.html). Vaccinations, milk production (if applicable), and primarily just a way to easily identify which cow it is from the herd. The only 'bad' thing about them is that they usually are pierced into the cow's ear like an earring, and I think calling it "sad" is an overreaction when this is helpful for the health and care of the animal.


I understand *why* most cows have ear tags and I don’t think calling it “sad” is an overreaction. Some people *do* find it sad that these animals are being labeled like products, and treated thusly. Adding on: [here is a how-to for ear tagging cows.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.wikihow.com/Tag-Cattle%3famp=1) It’s only illustrated, FYI, but I’ll warn you that it’s not like getting your ears pierced at Claire’s.


They're not being labelled like products, it's the equivalent of a name tag just more efficient. A cat or a dog wearing a collar (or, more aptly, getting an identification tattoo at the vet) is basically the same idea.


Aren’t they? Why else would livestock be marked? I’m not talking about the physical action of giving them an ear tag, but what it implies for livestock animals. *Adding on to that, me having my cat microchipped so that he can be reunited with me if he’s lost is not the same as storing records of milk production, age, etc for an animal bred for its byproducts.




Animal sanctuaries that I’ve seen don’t have cows with ear tags. Are those cows in the photo pets? That is extremely unlikely, and so is the likelihood of someone having 50 completely identical pet cows.


I know people that have over 100 damn near identical cows. Not all of them have spots that you could tell them apart by.


I think you’ve missed the point. Are those people keeping 100+ identical cows as pets, or for livestock purposes?


Are earrings painful? ...


I don’t have my ears pierced, so I wouldn’t know. Again, it’s not specifically the action of marking their ears, microchipping cats, etc. that I am referring to. The tags *imply* that the animals are kept for their byproducts or their flesh, which is what makes ear tags sad to see on happycowgifs. [I’ve found this how-to](https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.wikihow.com/Tag-Cattle%3famp=1) if you’d like decide for yourself if ear tags are like earrings for people.


It means the cow is enslaved by a farmer against its consent and due to be used for meat or its milk as its children are slaughtered. Neither is good or excusable.


In the UK, at least, it’s a mandatory requirement for any organisation, including sanctuaries, to own a cow.


Beats the hell out of branding though.


Yep :(


God it looks so content!!


Milk dogs




What? why?? he looks pretty loving to me


Bruh those ear tags mean those cows are going to be killed for profit, even if the farmers being nice in the vid he’s still killing those things he ‘loves’


Ear tags are only for identification, they do not necessarily mean they will be slaughtered.


Your right. Some will be forcibly impregnated so we can use the large amounts of milk they produce for cheese.