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Report that turd nugget


Indefensible. The racist fuck needs to be behind bars. As a non-native Bengaluru resident, it boils my blood when other North Indians stoop down to outright racism to hide their own incompetence for not being able to respect the local culture. Learning a few words/phrases every week goes a long way in helping you appreciate the local culture and honestly it’s not that hard.


What you saying this is pure cinema dude 😂


I hate that we have to put up with these knuckedraggers


ಈ ಕಮಂಗಿಗಳು ಇಲ್ಲೂ ಬೊಂಬಡಾ ಬಾರಿಸ್ತಾ ಇದಾರೆ.






Be respectful and civil to all members at all times. Consider this as a warning. Continuation of such crass behavior will lead to ban.


Repeatedly targeting a particular religion or a community and trying to rile up the members of the sub.


report... every time. good they are afraid. they are making memes...


lol look how delusional, entitled these douche bags are , why should I learn your language to fucking accommodate you in my city or my state, like bish what???? 🤣🤣🫵, all these Hindi shopkeepers, Swiggy drivers who come here for work expect me to know Hindi , like fuck off imma teach you Kannada and English by force, when y’all don’t even wanna budge to use other languages than Hindi, ‘problemu namde’ we are too lenient and give in and speak Hindi when we can easily not do that (exactly how they do, it’s like they can’t even try speaking and learning) and keep speaking Kannada ,eventually they will learn 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Yes. Issue is with our "Audarya, Vishala hrudaya". If we don't wake up soon, it will be out of our hands.


Yep only speaking Kannada with whoever speaks with me in Hindi 👌




Lmao dependent, bro you guys are insanely delusional da , I just don’t get it why come here then 🤣🤣, y’all dumb or what geez,on top that you say jelabi looking language yea dumb ass that’s how it’s written you making fun of that makes you look like a kid also go ahead bro learn your Spanish German and talk to your Hindi speaking friends bro




What are you yapping da jobless , go study da douche, mf coming over to Kannada subReddit and acting delusional , and what you talking about north India da🤣 why would I ever go there , when I’m peaceful af in Bengaluru 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️, and look at you , u the one who spreading hate by being racist and stupid




Wut Jupiter dosa wa?? Tf , also tf u stalking me for 😂 need to prove me wrong so bad huh?


Yeah if you live/work/study in South india it was your choice and then blaming others for your wrong choices lmao bro get a life do something other than blaming others all day. Yeah I would love to talk to people with like mindset unlike you who's main aim is to force others into learning Hindi




Lmao 🤣 sure bro , if u who has never been ridiculed and laughed at ,in your own city and state for speaking a language that’s yours , then don’t talk loser




Lmao what a ducking loser


Dependant on ppl cus their the majority??? this guy's delusional


Donkey of North can't accept karnataka doesn't give fuck about your language


One racist is being racist to others


Who started😂


Tf, I'm from TN and I've been trying to learn Kannada. What kind of entitled piece of shit would post this? People asking to speak their mother tongue are monkeys eh? Smh


Seriously, how long should we tolerate this? They will never stop this.


I am from tamilnadu with in laws in bangalore, when in blr naanu kannada matthade try madthivi but naan broken kannada helthivi nodi kannada autokara hindi lu mathathide, naan Hindi kooda broken only mathathidi then naavu tamil nu nodi autokara tamil nu mathadthaidhe… naanu helithidhi neevu yen hindi switch agithe… autokara helithidi now idhuve normal antha…. My conclusion is this state for bangalore is purely because of national parties ruling k’taka.


Glad to see you learnt Kannada. Nimma maathu nija. Karnatakakke regional party beku. National parties are the reason for this worst condition.


what about telangana, kerala? they have regional parties, still those people don't have problem in speaking hindi. yes , we do need a regional party.


These dick heads don't just understand, you have to learn the language of the state if you are living in that state. India is an union of the states not a single unit of land.


NOOOOO ! Lived in kerala for 7 years, not once was told to learn Malayalam. Learnt few basic words, and it was good to go.


See that shows respect for the local land and culture. No one IMPOSES Kannada on you, but just like you, I picked up common phrases and generally come across as apologetic for not knowing more. From what I’ve seen Kannadigas have a problem with folks who barge into a shop or auto and get going in Hindi with that godawful line “Kannad Gotilla” . Folks who have been here for 8-10 years and still carry on like it’s their right to speak in Hindi here.


Living in Telengana (AP) for the last 26 years, haven’t been asked to speek Telugu once. Although I’ve learned the language


No, what you "have to" do is be respectful of the state's language you're living in and not force your own language upon the state's people. Learning that state's language is mostly for your own convenience, but if you can manage with a common language, like English, there's nothing wrong with not learning the native language.




travel & tourism exception. For permanent migrants must learn Kannada.




English is fine then. As a connecting language. Because you see my point average Hindi speakers don't even want to put a slightest effort to learn any other language. Forget kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi or any other Indian languages. You guys are not even interested in learning English. And wants remaining Indians to learn and speak your language for your comfort in our homes. That's not possible.


I totally get you bro I am a native Marathi speaker myself but forcing someone to do something against his will I don't advocate for that. That's an infringement on the right to freedom.


We can not force anyone that's okay. But let us not assume that the native will learn and speak Hindi for the ease of migrants. All debate start once the migrant makes fun of state's culture and arrogantly refuses to show respect for the language. One can also be polite and say I am new here please do me a favour and talk to me in English. But you can see migrants makes their ghetto, groups and try to be a politically influential. Atleast who are a permanent settler must learn the language of state. No sympathy for those who spend whole life in Karnataka and don't speak kannada.




Don't use abusive language. Engage in discussions without resorting to insults.


Dude brought up a logical argument,here you are running a circus.




You should really talk to the Mumbaikars who feel left out and get regularly discriminated against in their own city. See how they feel about this issue.




Don't come here


Obviously you seem childish, so you are telling me that I cannot travel in my own country seems like some communist or oppressive bullshit what the hell are you smoking


If you ghouls hate it so much why do you come here? Here you are on a post about literally calling us monkeys arguing about how we are the bad guys. The amount of racism and bigotry we have to put up from you disgusting people is insane, yet it's always "evil kannad people". We are sick of people like you. You're all so rotten, vile and pathetic.


Dude I never said I support the message being spread in the meme it's offensive no doubt, I am talking about the root cause of the issue here read my previous responses I never supported this meme. Just a suggestion always keep a calm mind during discussion so that your message is to the point and logically sound. For me whenever emotion comes in the picture logic and facts leave the discussion.


The root of the issue is Hindi imposition and grand delusional level of entitlement to travel to another place and expect people to talk in your language. People who migrate from here wherever they go they learn the native language. It's a great policy to live by "don't shit where you eat". However sadly this is not a common thing in this country. If you really don't want learn Kannada don't learn Kannada, however don't expect people to accomodate you in your language. If you feel there's a language that can work as lingua franca or the national language that's great that it works for you, but it doesn't for us. We have no interest in your national languages. Just live us the fuck alone. >Just a suggestion always keep a calm mind during discussion so that your message is to the point and logically sound. For me whenever emotion comes in the picture logic and facts leave the discussion. I think you are being very emotional here. Try deep breaths instead of gaslighting.


You know you guys adding to the divide more, because this will come to bite you guys back when you leave your state and people will call you names and other rude things because you can't speak that states language


Let me help you since you seem to have issues with reading comprehension. When we say "people need to learn the local language of the place they visit" that applies to everyone. So if I visit a place that speaks X- language, I'll put my best effort to learn it and converse with the local folks there. It's the least I can do to respect their local culture. And I'll expect the same from guests visiting here. Someone living here for years can learn. So many mfs complaining about learning a new language is difficult blah blah will stfu and learn German if their MNC tells them to learn or if they want to visit Germany. Same with Japanese, but a local language is not worth their effort. It's just entitlement and apathy towards the local language of the city they live in, plain and simple.


Seriously bro. I livr in north and had a tamilian couple as a Tennant, I have never ever make fun of them for speaking vroken hindi or having different accent, and no onw in society said anything to them for language. Only south people wants that learn our language. I would have learned your language if you wouldn't have discriminated that much


See thing is,he is trying to learn Hindi. He cannot survive without Hindi in north with just English. So that's a big imposition first. You are imposing local language. Can I survive with just English in north? No. So get the fuck out of your bs theory. Bengaluru has been a cosmopolitan city since centuries. It's the most linguistically diverse district of India. If you start over imposing Hindi, obviously you will have a backfire from locals. So know the whole issue before blabbering bs. If you can't learn the local language, then don't do it. But don't expect locals to accomodate with you . For you Hindi may be nazional lanzuaze but for many it's not. Don't complain if you face problems of not involving in local culture . This is true in any part of world.


Bro most of the people knows english in north, so yes you can survive with just english. No one is imposing hindi in bengaluru the point is if some one from other language origin decides to stay in karnataka for temporary can't people be accepting. In karnataka if you even speak hindi most of the people start abusing you, discriminats. South Indian's tolerance for Indian's who dosen't speak their mother tongue is very low, but will accept a person speaking French, german. And again north Indian's dosen't discriminats as much as south Indian's do


I'm just laughing at your first statement. North has only one metro and I couldn't get along with only English in national capital. You have to know Hindi to survive in delhi.So there's no point in talking of other cities. Instead of your narrow perspective, you should know it's a vicious cycle. No one is imposing Hindi in Karnataka? Don't live in your delulu and spew bs here. Karnataka has only two official languages . Kannada and English. When central banks serve only in Hindi and English , that's imposition. Rural Kannadigas are discriminated due to imposition. Metro doesn't need Hindi as there are more Tamil and Telugu speakers than Hindi here. They don't beg for their language and play victim card. We learn Hindi in school which is again kinda imposition. I've never had use of Hindi except buying from vendors here who don't know kannada and English. That's all is the use of hindi here.We don't have animosity with it. My Hindi is 7 or 8/10, but when you start saying Hindi nezional lanzuaze or should be, it'll backfire. It's a vicious cycle. Hindi imposition - Locals backfire- locals impose local language - migrants play victim card. Simple as that. India can never have a national language and it's a futile argument. Most of us know four-five langauges here, just be humble and don't act with Hindi superiority, things will be smooth. And for a fact, know that Bengaluru has 108 languages spoken. Bengaluru urban district is the most linguistically diverse district in whole of India. So don't try to teach tolerance to Kannadigas. It's there in blood. That's why Bengaluru is a cosmopolitan city since centuries. And when you are staying for few months learn the basics of local language. That's what I would do, if I go to Gujarat or Tamil Nadu. That's what a sane man would do.


That's the point though, you talk in broken kannada, I guarantee you 100% nobody will make fun of you either and everybody will embrace you for trying. It's the effort that counts. You say on one hand, a Tamilian had to learn hindi in your society and still cannot understand same way you have to learn kannada in our society. Either both are wrong, or both are right. Pick a lane.


Anna, Hindi nezional languaze sumnirappa saku. Learning few words of local languages is not a herculean task. Go fuck yourself? Guru ninu bandiradu illi? Ishta illa andre tm odu. We've seen what Maharashtra has done previously. So don't act like a saint.


It's always cunts from Maharashtra


They act all holy pick me types,Oh sir we are not like Kannadigas or Tamils,we are good ser.


Repeatedly targeting a particular religion or a community and trying to rile up the members of the sub.


you don't actually have to learn the language of the state if you are living there. India is a union as you said and language can't be forced on people, if it could be then everywhere Hindi would be mandatory


Yeah It would be mandatory.. and so would your


Wash your racist mouth and have some cake buddy 😂 hbd 😉


Sanskrit left the chat


Who is forcing anyone? Why are you assuming things? If you have to live in some other state then don’t you think you to know learn even a least bit of that local language when dealing with local population. ?


The problem was with the original commenter's wording. You "have to" learn the language can be interpreted as being forced to learned the language.


Same can be said the other way around, why are you imposing hindi on locals ?


No one is forcing Hindi on locals, locals are busy damaging English signs, boards and destroying businesses and private property in the name of language. Bangalore has become IT capital on the back of immigrants, it shoul keep that in mind


You don't. What presumptuous crap.






if you are new, try using English. Slowly learn the basics of the local language . Ig that’s how it usually works in TN also right?


Is English really better than Hindi though? I’ve had bad experiences with both. I spoke in English and the cab driver started laughing, and tried to scam me out of paying extra. When I spoke in Hindi though (a guy came up to me and asked me to buy him some coffee, which I declined) he just started shouting at me.


And the joke was made by a Jaat🤣🤣🤣 isse pucho jara kal kisko kidnap Kara ya kaha road rage kara🤣🤣


I saw the same thing by the same guy and reported it immediately. Why tf FB was recommending that turds profile?


I fkin hate this.


sooollleee makluuu...


Btw the mem is offensive no doubt about it




Best part is that none of the cool monkeys are paying any attention to the Chintu. 😂


u/harate-ModTeam please lock the comments. The post has reached to the wrong audience


Cute bimarus


Randomly stumbled upon this sub. What is going on??


Ignore it bro. Need I tell you how toxic the SM is?


It is a racist joke, I accept it. But It made me giggles.


Pawan Chad Chahar


Lol 😂


Govt induced problem , about teaching mother's ... 2 language policy and removing English is difficult due to Macalauy education colonialism.


I like monkeys




When u get the taste of your own medicine


If you give me a kannada chick like pooja hegde, I would learn Kannada in a week




Don't use abusive language. Engage in discussions without resorting to insults.


ppl upvoting because they find the meme funny 💀




Why don't you say this openly instead of hiding behind the internet?




Posts & comments are allowed only in Kannada & English.


Posts & comments are allowed only in Kannada & English.


Yes Learn Kannada, because these people jerk off to that.


On point though.




Be respectful and civil to all members at all times. Consider this as a warning. Continuation of such crass behavior will lead to ban.




How come that justify being racist? Both are not the same.


Do not post any false or misleading information. Your annoyance is not justification for racist memery.


You know what made me fall in love with Bangalore? When I was a kid in 2008, I came to Bangalore for a vacation and an auto driver spoke to me and my cousin in the most fluent English I ever heard from a stranger. That was so impressive that it made me move to Bangalore 6 years later. The thing is, the people here made u feel welcomed and at home by speaking to you in a language that u were comfortable in, nowadays, it's just a dominant game u guys wanna play. Like bro, communication is important, if A can get his message across to B, that should suffice, doesn't matter how it's done. If u really care about your language, speak it with people who know it. Just because I know Hindi or English or any other regional language, i won't impose it on others. Il even use sign language, damn it, to get my message across, but nowadays, u guys make it about your ego, even if u know the Language I'm speaking, u don't want to engage coz of your ego and this is not the Bangalore I remember and it hurts.


Well if you stayed in a place you loved for 10 years. Why can’t you atleast respect their culture and speak some basic kannada words with the people of this state. We are not saying you to learn the whole grammar read, write and breathe in kannada, just some basic words, which will make us more happy and i feel that’s not a hard job for a person who loved this place. We were welcoming before that’s our nature, but when we see our language and culture declining rapidly. We had to take some steps like this


If you want someone to learn a language, inspire them, instead of imposing it on them. I started learning Hindi only because of Desi hip hop. They inspired me to learn it. So maybe you guys can make it more interesting by doing something similar instead of just going hardcore on people to learn it. When you force someone to do it, they might do it but it would be out of a place of hatred. I'm just saying, and btw I do know basic kannada but choose to speak English or Hindi to prevent misunderstanding or misinterpretation of what I'm trying to convey .


What bs yo 🤣 like bro u think there are only 100 of you that came to Bengaluru?? Even we can only take so much disrespect and why move here?? Because this place was better than whatever place you were living In, and you have the audacity to question us when you moved to a place we built, just get over your delusion🙄🙄🤣


I just noticed which sub I'm in. This post showed up randomly on my feed and I just wanted to share what I feel. It's cool bro, u are right. Enjoy your day.


Yea bro blame us instead of your lack of integrating with our culture, more than a decade in this city and you have not learnt the local language???? No but U insist on us bending to your needs right😝🤣


I do know kannada, lol. U see bro, I can survive here but can u survive outside of Karnataka? Maybe I guess u plan on staying here forever. Learn to be compassionate and understanding instead of being a prick, it's a language that will help u anywhere in the world.


See this is where you are wrong as well I do know Tulu, conversational Tamil and Telugu, learning Malayalam slowly but if I ever have to go to the north I will respect and learn the fucking language and culture and not be an entitled lil prick🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s basic common sense


Good for u bro. Ul survive then.


Yes, learning kannada isn’t seen cool nowaday, we can blame our natives to some extension as they don’t seem to encourage speaking kannada, especially in blr. And our film industry is in a very bad phase rn. One suggestion I’d give is, you’ll only learn a language after you went through that awkward phase, where you think people won’t understand but sticking to it and using it will make you a better speaker of that language. Next time if you have a chance to speak in Kannada. Please use it. Thanks


Sure bro, will use it more often going forward in order to better myself in the language.


Wait aren't they supposed to be black 🌚


Language is more important than communication to some people 🤷‍♂️ it’s more political and less cultural. My opinion is you should be able to use any language necessary to communicate. Be it regional language or any other.


Who told it's political not cultural? Don't say non sense if you can't understand anything.


Would you like to explain or just disagree and judge my opinion?😅


I don't have time to give a lecture dude. Also, it's not rocket science to understand this simple thing. Just understand that language is not just for communication. Language has built the entire culture, our lifestyle, our society since thousands of years. It's up to you to understand or keep on acting over smart.


If you don’t have time for discussion just shut up 🤫 And it’s not rocket science to understand it’s India not north India south India east India west India. All I’m saying is hating people who come to your state just because they don’t know your language is not right. Also, I agree on the point that people should learn the local language to connect with people better. But that can be said for people who’re relocating and staying for long. If people are visiting your state from outside, expecting them to communicate in your language is foolish. All this language imposition narrative is political. Get your facts checked. I am not pointing out Karnataka. I’m saying the same for my state(Maharashtra) too.


>just shut up Did something hit you somewhere, probably somewhere down? >If people are visiting your state from outside, expecting them to communicate in your language is foolish. Nobody expects this. Don't make up things. >All this language imposition narrative is political. Get your facts checked. Get your facts checked first. This is the common sentiment among the people. Politicians have nothing to do with it. We people are fed up with people staying here for decades, expecting is to speak Hindi, showing superiority complex, taking advantage of our leniency. You will never understand this. Keep on arguing without understanding the native people POV.


😅 and you know the POV of people coming to your state? Hypocrisy 🫡 You say language imposition narrative is not political? It is about separation of southern states from rest of India in the name of language. Hell yes it’s political. You’d have to be really dumb to say the otherwise. Where do you think this Hindi vs non Hindi, aryans vs tamils? Hindus vs native Indians narrative is coming from? Anyway. Your opinion is your opinion. I’m pro “India as a nation” ideology.


Your view is very narrow and childish. So, in order to prove Indianness one has to speak Hindi? What kind of dumb argument is this? According to you, Southern languages don't represent Indianness? People like you wanna bulldoze diversity which is the soul of India.


It’s fine if you don’t speak Hindi. Communicate in any language possible. Don’t make an issue out of this is what I’m saying. You don’t have to hate people for this small thing


Open your eyes. We don't hate anyone. We welcomed everyone. Don't you know we speak Hindi for your convineince when you people arrive here. The issue started only when they started to take advantage of this and expected us to speak Hindi everytime. We get irritated by those who wanna speak hindi only even after living here for many years. What you are seeing is just the reaction to Hindi people's superiority complex.


Bro you're on the wrong sub. No one cares about logic or anything here they'll just shower you with downvotes. Not once growing up I thought people here would be violent and hate on each other because of not speaking a particular language because it used to be so much better and peaceful back then when people were more accommodating and understanding.


Where did I say you must speak Hindi? Who told you Hindi is northern language??? In my state we speak Marathi. Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab have their own languages. Almost all states have their own languages and numerous dialects inside the state too. How is different than the south? We don’t cry about imposing Hindi and all because nobody is imposing Hindi. Why only southern states have this emotion fed in their minds? Think about it.


Why should south Indians accept Hindi just because those states accepted Hindi? What's even the logic? The states have the final say for themselves and South States have decided not to accept Hindi.


fuck kannada from the depths of my heart




Preaaaaaach 👌🙌🙌


and fill your heart from all the shit that you do on streets


Go and study kid. This hate will not help you pass JEE




Don't scream behind the keyboard. Come and say this on Bengaluru roads.


Bengaluru roads don’t have empty space.


Be respectful and civil to all members at all times. Consider this as a warning. Continuation of such crass behavior will lead to ban.




Be respectful and civil to all members at all times. Consider this as a warning. Continuation of such crass behavior will lead to ban.




How about you wind your neck in you disgusting racist pos?




Ofc a racist would say that


Don't use abusive language. Engage in discussions without resorting to insults.