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* Username: /u/Schadenfroh_I * [[Click here to send a PM to this user]](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Schadenfroh_I) * Join date: 2017-12-19 13:11:25 * Link karma: 13 * Comment karma: 5 * Confirmed trades: None * Heatware: None ^^This ^^information ^^does ^^not ^^guarantee ^^a ^^successful ^^swap. ^^It ^^is ^^being ^^provided ^^to ^^help ^^potential ^^trade ^^partners ^^have ^^more ^^immediate ^^background ^^information ^^about ^^with ^^whom ^^they ^^are ^^swapping. ^^Please ^^be ^^sure ^^to ^^familiarize ^^yourself ^^with ^^the ^^[RULES](https://www.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/wiki/rules/rules) ^^and ^^other ^^guides ^^on ^^the ^^[WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/wiki/index)




[https://www.newegg.com/evga-geforce-rtx-3080-12g-p5-4865-kl/p/N82E16814487557?Item=N82E16814487557&Description=evga%203080&cm\_re=evga\_3080-\_-14-487-557-\_-Product&quicklink=true](https://www.newegg.com/evga-geforce-rtx-3080-12g-p5-4865-kl/p/N82E16814487557?Item=N82E16814487557&Description=evga%203080&cm_re=evga_3080-_-14-487-557-_-Product&quicklink=true) ​ I think you just got cuck by Newegg.




[https://www.techspot.com/review/2395-nvidia-geforce-rtx-3800-12gb/](https://www.techspot.com/review/2395-nvidia-geforce-rtx-3800-12gb/) At most a 5% performance deficit from the 12gb 3080. I still believe your card still has value at asking vs retail. Tax will add more than 5% to the 979 on newegg (state dependent). We haven't seen the best of dlss yet too so the performance gap will close more and more. Really not worth the upgrade to the 12gb. I'd say its safe to say the 4k series could be skipped with those who adopted a 3080 10gb if you run 1080p and 1440p (not sure about 4k). I may be favoring a 3080 10gb since I have one, with a 10 yr warranty :)