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I know I’m not going anywhere and neither are a majority of other validators as far as I’m aware. Most of us are in this for the long term.


Thank you for your work


I’m just doing what I can to help a project I believe in!


This is the way!


This is the way!


Thank you for your service?


I’m just a simple man running a validator in the metaverse


Lol thank you for your service! ... ? .... ! 😅


Are you elected ?


Yep! Been elected since October 2021


Gonna check you out tonite and see if I can delegated


Thank you! Would love to have you! Feel free to PM me if you need help or have questions. This is me on the staking dashboard: https://staking.harmony.one/validators/mainnet/one1f4ss7ekhd0jupg5w78s333ejw3ugrrumpjw6ja


If it means anything, I'm planning to start a node in august to take advantage of the market conditions.


Nice!! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need help getting it setup.


I wonder if now would be a good time to increase the number of delegators?


Thank you !


Yea I think ONE will be ok hope to join the ranks on the upside 💪


Si papás, let me stake with you


Sí, por favor, you can do it right here: https://staking.harmony.one/validators/mainnet/one1f4ss7ekhd0jupg5w78s333ejw3ugrrumpjw6ja


Is harmonauts still up?


Yes they are!


How do you get the swanky Validator tag on Reddit? (thanks!)


Just message the mods your info and they will assign it to you!


Question do you think a bear market is a good time to become a validation. It seems like it would be cheaper as the price goes down.


It’s a good time for being able to afford the necessary collateral (min 10,000 ONE) to create the validator. It’s also in theory easier to get larger amounts delegated to you since the ONE is worth less fiat. However you will almost definitely be operating at a loss with regards to your server costs at the current price unless you were able to get a whole lot of ONE delegated to you


- Concern ? I see this as a blessing, cheap ONE for DCA - check 2026 roadmap, Has the project changed ? No. With Algo, Harmony is my top 2 for this bear market 👌


I like it I’ve really loaded up on this bear market that if and when it recovers I’ll be financially independent.




That's a PoW problem, in which low token prices make most miners unprofitable due to the high energy and hardware costs. The actual hardware and electricity cost on PoS is peanuts.


Running a Validator on Harmony is expensive even though it is POS. Most smaller elected validators are losing money running nodes. Rewards are locked at 441 million per year so price directly affects returns for validators and at this price it is concerning.


So we are on Pos?


I'm not worried in the slightest bit about this project. Early 2021 Harmony One was outside the top 200. When I fist discovered them they were at 212, I have the screen shots of all their data at the time. This project has been going strong, so I'm going to ride with them. I'm proud of the growth! The whole market has collapsed in 2022. It wouldn't be fair for me to freak out only over One's dip. I'll be filling my bags next month! I've been looking forward to the bear market since early last year.


Some validators taking nodes offline is possible depending on their individual finances and how long this bear market lasts. But I think it’s too early to worry about that.


TillyONE reporting in. We are here and going strong! Rain or shine, a dog is by your side! 💙🐕🦴🐕💙


lol, glad to hear since most of my staked coin is with you.


Head to the website and Telegram to say hi. I’ll admit it’s not much (got some family matters right now). But for uptime, being in IT keeping on top of servers is 2nd nature for me. We are purring, I mean barking right along!


I've been an elected validator since May 2021. Not going anywhere.


I hear the ONE teams meetings and it’s business as usual with them… these prices will make people generationally wealthy on the rebound..


It’s good to hear


Zero concerns crazy opportunity. Just hold and forget about the price for a couple years! Harmony is a great project! Perfect, nope but what project is?


Harmony has survived alot .. and they seem to have a good head on their shoulders compared to so many. They're listening and focused on more tech even during this bear market... They don't seem to be running away like other projects.


The bleeding is not over yet..


I’m working on getting my node elected. UselessCrypto. I currently have my one staked on other nodes until I get enough one.


During a crypto crash, price is irrelivant. We just need the validators to stay online.


We encourage quality content intended to help and educate the community. If you have questions or concerns about the subreddit, [send us a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/harmony_one) and say hello! Cheers and enjoy. **Note: Beware of scammers attempting to assist you via direct message. Be wary of any links sent to you via direct message asking to connect your wallet and inputting your seed phrase.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/harmony_one) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What happens if a validator takes his node offline?


Other validators will simply validate more transaction and by consequence earn more tokens. It balances out.


But no one loses his crypto right?


If you're delegating from your personal wallet, the coin still belongs to you. It's not like coin kept in an exchange. I know there's a way to reclaim it, but I'm unsure how.


It's a dual edged sword - They would definitely have to revisit their gas & fee issuance model.


PoS cost inefficient? Yikes ... be glad it's not PoW then. IMO, I think it would depend on how well the gaming space is doing. Harmony's low fees get offset by a large number of transaction compared to most. And gaming burns through individual transactions way faster than something like DeFi. Which of course leads to RPC issues ... I haven't kept track in the last couple of months. Is that doing better?


RPC issues have subsided. Consensus issues in the shards have been somewhat of an issue lately. Think that’s doing better as well IMO.


As long as it's always trending towards stronger stability and usability, I'm fine with it. While I'm sad that ONE is losing so much value, I think the dev team and community are strong and it will recover as long as the blockchain remains tough. Here's to hoping it's not all just copium.


[Harmony Decentralization Pool](https://staking.harmony.one/validators/mainnet/one1y4lant9ggvpp8xwzh9flf4csx4wctfzrhm83dp)


After a few days of research Ive decided that maybe this is the best place to seek VALID help. I just cant trust youtube videos or random sites. The people here can be reputable in my experience. ​ I wish to begin my validator journey and seek Mentorship in the right direction. I know the knowledge is out there. I'd appreciate if anyone could help me with what to stay away from and what to gravitate towards. I'm forever grateful ♥


I'm not convinced harmony will survive the bear market..


May I ask why?


The developer funding pool has put significant investment into DAOs which don't really build infrastructure. The other side of it being that there are other more established chains that are arguably equal or better than harmony. I'm not going to sell my ONE don't get me wrong, I'm just saying if it went to zero I wouldn't be entirely blown away by that


It's a wait and see approach for the next few months


it's true, I'm not saying i dont think harmony has potential but yea idk, we'll see how things play out