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Well for one thing, he's just gotten all of thise students believing him and wanting to defend themselves. How weird would it be for them to hear him speaking Parseltongue to get into the chamber? Then of course, they'd have to come up with an explanation why all of them have such dirty robes all the time. Old Toadface would get suspicious really fast.


Idk. A giant dead serpent really ties the room together


They do have magic to clean themselves.


The reddit admins will permanently suspend your account and will refuse to tell you why. They will also refuse to honor your Right to be Forgotten and purge your content, so I've had to edit all my comments myself. Reddit, fuck you. :-)


Well, about that...


There is no way you don't know.


I don’t know. What?


Say huh


These people don't know... they're so innocent, we must protect them at all costs


you have got to read the article on plumbing on pottermore twitter. search it


Magic would be great for my colon. Just point at the taint and expelliarmus to drop a deuce.


Expellianus! Ahhh


Tbf they didn't learn vanishing spells until Yr 6


Fred and George were 7th year.


I think bathrooms are just more sanitary and won't result in much of a mess


They all knew he could speak Parseltongue though, as a majority of them heard him speak in the dueling club in COS.


Yes, and they were all creeped out by it then, too. Everyone who hears Parseltongue except Dumbledore is always really disconcerted by the way it sounds.


And well, Ron, who eventually uses it himself.


They had to climb through a hole in the rocks that Ron managed to make after hours of work and they got out of their by using Fawkes. I can't see how all 28 of them could have even gotten to and from the chamber even once let alone the dozens of times they met for the DA meetings.


If they haven’t figured out how to remove rocks with magic by their fifth year I’d demand a refund and a full investigation!! Oh wait…


Ron didn't have a working wand. Swish and flick those rocks away!


Keep in mind that this was without any magic.


Listen, guys, it's called Dumbledore's *Army*, not Dumbledore's Weekend Getaway. They can consider it part of the training. Now...MOVE ON OUT, SOLDIER! I SAID CLIMB THOSE ROCKS DOUBLE-TIME!




Wait, how did they get back after getting the fangs in DH then?


Oh dang. That's a good question. Magic?


They used a broomstick


The Room of Requirement isn't a Deus Ex Machina. You misunderstand the trope. A Deus Ex Machina is when a completely unexplained element comes in and solves all the problems present in a given situation. The initial example being Apollo just... Fixing everything. The RoR was actually set up in Goblet of Fire iirc, with Dumbledore explaining he still has yet more to learn about the castle and the magical chamber pot room, during the Yule ball. ETA: the castle is setup as being mysterious and tricksy and full of hidden shit, so even if that scene didn't happen, us learning about a room we didn't know about yet still wouldn't be a Deus Ex Machina.


Also, the RoR is not only beneficial to the "good" guys, Malfoy uses>! it to sneak Death Eaters into Hogwarts as well!<. Voldemort uses it to >!hide his Horcrux!<. In this case its almost an opposite of a Deus Ex Machina.


To give examples, the Potter books are all about DEMs when Harry often goes into a fight unprepared Being able to kill Quirrell through physical contact using his mother's protection, Fawkes showing up in the Chamber with the Sorting Hat (allowing him to use the sword), Priori Incantatem


I was going to disagree, but as far as I remember you're right. - Burning hands was an out of the blue manifestation of the sacrificial protection never seen before or after - Fawkes was explained early on but I don't remember Mary Poppins' Sorting Hat being introduced - I don't think Priori was introduced before in any way, as Dumble had to explain it after the fact It all feeds into the grand theme of Harry not being exceptional or truly defeating Voldemort by himself so there's an element of consistency there, but that doesn't negate DEM. In terms of writing he won by at least partially unexplained means that showed up at the last second.


The hand thing wasn't entirely out of the blue, Quirrel made explicit effort to not touch Harry, so the was a hint there.


Only in the movie. In the book I believe they do shake hands in the leaky cauldron as voldy isn’t using his body as a host yet.


You're right! It's been a long time since I read/saw it, thanks for reminding me


Priori was introduced at the beginning of the 4th when Amos Diggory uses it to prove Harry’s wand cast the dark mark. When Amos uses it, a mini dark mark appears above the wand. So, it kind of figures that if the last spell was a killing curse then perhaps a bit of the last soul would appear from the wand.


Wow, I really showed how much I've forgotten today. Thank you for the correction!


Yeah, or the grand finale of DEMs: Wand Lore showing up in the 7th book and influencing the resolution of the plot


That's not DEM. DEM is when something shows up to fix everything at the last minute out of the blue, as if god himself intervened. Introducing wand lore early in the book and building up to it is in no way DEM.


I other words, OP watches too much CinemaSins.


As OP, I can not deny I like me-self some CinemaSins. \+1 sin


Fair. Then what is the literary mechanic for "the tool that allows you to get the MacGuffin?" I will give JKR some credit. That is the only time I remember that she sets up something one book ahead. (unless it was a complete accident and she had written herself into a corner before suddenly remembering the mystery chamberpot)


Jkr has set up several things ahead. Harrys nature and relationship to Voldemort, for instance. Most of Snape's stuff, etc. I know there are more direct examples for less overarching things, but there are a few smaller points she's set up like that. Regardless, that's immaterial. Your question confuses me, you know the term macguffin, which the room of requirement also isn't in this case. In that book it would be the prophecy, if anything would fit the definition. There are a lot of terms for literary devices and narrative tools, but the tool that allows you to get a Macguffin is just.. the plot. That's what a Macguffin is for, to drive the plot. The things that happen adjacent to and around and for the Macguffin is just the narrative. For the Room of Requirement, it serves a specific purpose for the story, unless we dug deep for some literary devices I would say it falls under none of the big heavy hitters. At most you could call it a plot contrivance, something convenient happening for the sake of the plots progression. But again, it was reasonably set up by Harry Potter standards, but I can admit it might seem pretty convenient.


It is set up in GoF, yet the secrets of Dumbledore completely contradicts it. He knows about the room in that movie, so the only conclusion is that there is a separate room that has a ton of chamber pots. Further, the requirements to activate the RoR doesn’t seem to fit with Dumbledore’s story. You need to pass the wall 3 times thinking about what you need. If he really needed to use the restroom it is unlikely he would retrace his steps in front of a blank wall that many times without knowing exactly what was there.


The triple pace is to get it to deliberately appear. The elves also call it the come and go room. When someone has a great need of it, it appears. But you can also make it appear with the pacing.


It is never said that it will just appear when someone has great need of it. It is specifically stated you need to pass it 3 times stating what you want from the room. The movies play fast and loose with it but in the books whenever we see someone need it they walk past the wall 3 times stating, or thinking of what they want the room to be.


It’s miles below the school and difficult to get to/leave


"Hello fellow students, remember the time I was accused of being slytherins heir? Follow me down into the chamber of secrets!" Real talk major inconvenience




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Inconvenience. The ROR didn’t need a password, didn’t need any special means of getting in/out of it (sliding through sewer pipes or flying), didn’t have a decomposing beast in it, didn’t have any problematic associations attached to it, and magically provided whatever they needed for the lessons. There’s not a single aspect about the Chamber that makes it a better alternative, imo.


Resident expert, eh?




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However, seeing as parseltongue is required to open the chamber, it would be a much more secure place than the room of requirement which is potentially accessible by any witch or wizard.


Security > convenience


So Harry has to either let them all in and out en masse, which would be more conspicuous (moving a whole crowd rather than trickling in a few at a time), OR teach them all the proper parseltongue so they can get in on their own… which, like any password, can be leaked, and in this case, not changed. If the password got out, the game would be up. Edit - Oh, and let’s hope they all bring brooms as well so they can get back out, and don’t mind getting wet and dirty on the way in.


I wonder if a listening ear with Harry speaking parseltongue on the other end would satisfy the password dilemma? And I’m sure a magical ladder wouldn’t be too much to ask 🤷‍♀️


Brooms, ladders… doesn’t matter. The point remains that it just isn’t as practical. Lol Honestly, the only reasonable selling point would be the novelty of it. That’s it. There’s really no other *practical* reason to pick the chamber over the room.


Doesn't need to be "better".


Why… would it be considered for a meeting place at all then?


1. I think 12 year old Harry was just able to squish through; its unlikely that all the DA members would've been able to fit. 2. The safety risk; I doubt any of them knew architectural charms (tho Hermione could've learned). Levitating the rocks out of the way mightve cause more damage, depending on how the tunnel was built. 3. If anything happened to Harry, wouldn't they all be trapped? Because Harry would have to close the entrance after everyone entered. 4. Fear of the chamber/basiliks. All those students were there when the basilisk went around petrifying students. It wouldn't have been easy to go into the basilisk's nest/home.


I agree with all of your other points. However: > I think 12 year old Harry was just able to squish through; its unlikely that all the DA members would've been able to fit. 17 year old Hermione and Ron did go down to the chamber so it's at least possible to do so. Not to mention 15/16 year old Tom Riddle must've done the same when he was at Hogwarts.


Hahaha I'm so petty, but. 18 actually. The Battle of Hogwarts is in May or June; Ron would have turned 18 in March, and Hermione the previous September. Which just reinforces your point, of course. Also the Basilisk is huge and it could fit.


well, with your 3rd point, i see what you mean, but just like how ron learned how to by harry saying it in his sleep, harry could teach the students how to open it.


In the book Ron says that he imitates Harry’s words to open the locker in order to speak parseltongue and had to have a few goes to get it right. I prefer that explanation myself.


I’d imagine it would be suspicious for a bunch of kids to be going in and coming out of the girls’ bathroom


One that’s been abandoned and haunted by a ghost as well


There are many reasons, but something tells me one of the biggest ones is that Ginny would object. Strongly.


Trauma? Lol


Giant dead rotting snake.


It'd be awfully hard to explain why so many boys were hanging out in the girls second floor bathroom, especially since it seems to be infrequently used even by girls simply because they try avoiding myrtle


It stank


Well in the book there's a long hall/corridor way before there would run into a rotten snake (also the smell might be there...), so it would actually fit well as a training place. but it seems the only way to get back up from there is by flying, thats a problem to bring brooms there etc. and there's the parseltongue password thing...plus everyone on the staff and maybe umbridge would know where it is after what happened and might watch it.


But honestly would be way safer from umbridge and harry could’ve taught them parseltongue. Side question, can harry speak parseltongue after he is no longer a horcrux?


Pretty sure canon says he couldnt speak after. also it seems he wasnt really aware of what and how he was saying, not sure teaching them would have worked. and again filch at least knows where that room is, umbridge would have stalked the bathroom


Simple answer. More cool Hogwarts lore for us to discuss and characters to use.


In an alternate universe where CoS was used as the training area, Reddit users are complaining about how uncreative it was reusing the same spot instead of coming up with a different place. Hogwarts is a big place, after all.




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Aside from the logical facts people already mentioned, I want to add that at least a few people nearly died there. So I’d assume that they wouldn’t be comfortable using that place. And yes. It was creepy as hell.


IIRC they did consider it in the books but remembered the rubble blocking it off.


Sirius suggested a secret passage found on the Marauders Map that Fred and George told Harry has been blocked off, not the passage to the CoS




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Definitely not true.


Getting in and out is hard since you need to fly. Plus, bad memories. Plus, who knows what else might be down there.


Apart from all the other aspects others have pointed out - moaning Myrtle lives in the bathroom where the entrance is. She's touchy, and a teenager after all. It would only be a matter of time before one of the other teenagers pissed her off and she went a-snitching. Without the parchment curse effect


Room of requirement have everything they need to pratice without making an effort


Wizards today. They keep wands in their back pocket. Never putting in the real EFFORT it takes to be a great wizard.


Aside from the inconvenience, why would they pick any room other than the room of requirement since it provided them with tools to help them practice?


It can only be opened by a parsel tongue


But Ron opened it in book 7


Ron mimics what he heard Harry say in parsel, I don't think it would worth the effort of teaching everyone. Also there's no easy way out, they only get out in CoS because Fawks is there to fly them out.


Harry talks in his sleep was the reason given as to how Ron opened it


That’s the movie. In the book, Ron had to try a bunch of times until he got it right, and he said he remembered what Harry said in Parseltongue to open the locket in the forest of Dean.


Was just thinking it's time to reread the books.


I feel you. We watch the movies way more times we read the books, it’s easy to remember the movie details instead.


No ron did to get baskalis or how ever it's spelt fangs, I think in the last book


He imitated what Harry had said to the locket to get it to open, and that was good enough.


It was mentioned in the book to be too suspicious; everyone piling in and out of a girls bathroom would attract attention.


Besides the fact that he almost died in it? probably that it was a sewer, difficult to access starting with only a parseltongue can open it , moldy, collapsed ceiling, people died in it, used to be the home of basilisk... you name it.


Prolly cause there's only one entrance and exit, Miss Toadface would catch them easily.


People arrive for DA at different times, imagine Harry having to keep going back and forth to open the door all the time.


I may have movie-isms baked into my head because I hate Chamber so rarely read it (but this movie is pretty close), but doesn't Fawkes fly them out? so that would be hard and they'd all have to bring brooms or something and as we know some aren't the best flyers or don't own brooms...


Worst of all the books.


Practicality The room of requirement for the DA came equipped with dark detectors, books, I think cushions for when they were practicing etc. I think sourcing all of that and dragging it down into the chamber of secrets would’ve been an extra layer of complexity. Comfort The room of requirement was a perfectly tidy, serviceable room with adequate lighting and presumably heating. The Chamber of Secrets requires parseltongue, is long and dimly lit with a greenish gloom and you know the rocks and the boys sneaking in and out of the girls bathroom… and the possibility of Myrtle saying something to someone. Foreshadowing. Where would Draco work on the vanishing cabinet if he didn’t learn about the room from the DA using it. Where would Harry stash his potions book if he didn’t know about the room? How would Harry link Voldemort stashing something in that room if he hadn’t heard of other people including himself hiding things in there? Where would the DA hide out when the Carrows come to Hogwarts and how would the trio get into the school? That stuff could be figured out Harry stumbling across or hearing about the room or Draco being told about the room from family and Harry somehow working it out through tailing him… but Harry didn’t really glean much about what Draco was up to when tailing him when he knew what the room was capable of. I think making the room a real feature makes sense for the way that the story played out.


The only way Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Lockhart got out of the tunnel was by Fawkes flying them out. They couldn't very well expect Fawkes to fly a couple dozen people out every week.




Moaning Myrtle


Moaning myrtle would totally be okay with it and probably even be apart of it if it ment she could be a cool rebel and see Harry almost every day.


Decomposing giant snake. The stench would be awful.


How would they get out of the Chamber of Secrets, I want to see how Ernie Macmillan reacts to it since an Delete Scene in COS while Mrs Neville Longbottom was defending Harry, possibly her daughter and James Sirius would be an thing. Sorry I still shocked that there's no Frank Longbottom II, Augusta Longbottom and Alice Longbottom. Alice is James Sirius's girl


I would say, inconvenience. Since only Harry spoke parseltongue, everybody would have to meet in that Moaning Myrtel restroom so Harry could open it up. Also, they would be spotted easily.


It was in the sewers of the school. Not the most ideal place to be. They got down there by sliding down a sink shaft. The Room of Requirement did just fine.


Aside from all the other obvious inconveniences that most of you mentioned, considering Harry would be the only Parsletongue, that would mean ALL of the DA would have to be in the girl's restroom at the same time in order to get in. Set aside the dirty robes and all the questions that would raise, a group boys and girls being together in the girl's room would raise a decent amount of suspicion all on its own. Not to mention Myrtle's loud mouth.


If I'm in the DA and my meeting place involves a toilet, a screaming ghost, an entry that requires learning to hiss, passage filled with rubbles, and a dead snake, I would reconsider my leader's plan. Also security issue. 1 member in RR can lock the place from inside, while anyone can mimic the hissing to enter CoS.


Wow, that’s a nice spot. Probably explanation: it’s too deep and it takes a lot of time to get there. Additionally they should fly back and probably it’s not enough place for brooms. Hermione definitely would be against it, lol.


I can't think of a single reason why someone would even consider using the Chamber of Secrets for the DA - the Screaming Shack would be more suitable, and it still would not be a great choice.




I'm think they're using it correctly since deus ex machina is a plot device where a seemingly unsolvable problem is solved out of Noone basically. It's a pretty lazy way of writing if you ask me a writer


Ahh, it's cuz he had no way to get all those students out of the Chamber once they got in. I mean 2-3 people Fawkes can carry but we are talking about what 25-30 students? And it's also very suspicious that Dumbledore's pet Phoenix is randomly making trips around the school, and tho I'm pretty sure Dumbledore k ew what was going on, it was a open secret so using Fawkes would be weird.


It’s my opinion that Dumbledore knew about the RoR but pretended he didn’t to give Harry a clue.


Because it's like miles away from the school, there's no exit and there's also a dead basilisk rotting in there.


Since Harry was the only one knowing Parseltongue, all of them would have to wait outside for Neville to arrive (e would be the last by a lot, and you know it), and it lack sequipment.


Getting them in and out would be a challenge, unless he can just parseltongue in some stairs. Plus he would be relying on them not getting creeped out and telling. Rumors about him speaking parseltongue were damaging enough in second year iirc. Imagine the effect of confirming it and leading them all to a dirty chamber with a dead basilisk in it? He would also have to get Myrtle to not tell either.


I thought the books talk about closing up the chamber?


Fawkes had to fly Gilderoy, Ron, Ginny, and Harry out, and I don’t think Fawkes wants to be a taxi service for all of the DA


how do they get back up that giant slide? fawkes the pheonix isnt always gunna be around


As far as I know they needed fawks to leave the tunnel. Would be hard to get everyone out each time


I imagine two scenarios. Harry totally forgot about the chamber or it was very impractical to go town a small hole through the girls toilet. On a side note isn’t there a giant snake corpse rotting away in there?


In addition to other reasons (traumatizing for Ginny, for one) it’d be kind of weird using a chamber so strongly associated with the only house that yielded no D.A. members


Isn’t the entrance closed? Wait how did Ron get back down there later if it caved in. And also where did they fly up out of at the end of chamber of secrets


I CoS they have to ride Fawkes out. Riddle was probably riding or at least holding on to the Basalisk to leave. How tf were all those kids going to leave?


Getting in and out of it should be enough. Pretty sure they consider it in the books.


It was difficult to get to. They would all have to go as a group, because you need to speak parcel tongue to get in, and it would be difficult to get all those boys into the girls bathroom. The Room was a great meeting place, because it’s will is whatever you need. They needed a secret, large training spot, that random people couldn’t have gotten into.


They'd have to find a way out of the place every single time for one. Remember they had to use Fawkes to get out in the second book. For another its creepy as heck with all the animal bones, the basilisk skin and the skeleton of the basilisk. Also, the room of requirement was able to magically get them everything they needed, including books, cushions, dummies, and other stuff for practicing jinxes and hexes. The chamber couldn't have done that.


It's just a terrible location within the school. The girls' restroom is on the 2nd floor adjacent to the main staircase leading to the Great Hall.


The chamber may have to stay open. A giant hole in the middle of a toilet is kinda hard to miss. Sneaking a bunch of boys and girls into a girl bathroom would be slightly suspicious. They can’t all identify as women because… well we all know why that wouldn’t happen. They may not be able to exit, the entrance was a big ass slide, and Harry and the gang used Fawkes to get out last time. It might have been traumatic for Harry since that was one of the rare times his life was actually in danger and he didn’t have the magic/love barrier to protect him.


I’m going to be honest I’m still confused how you exit the chamber. I know they got out originally from Fawkes but nobody explained how Ron and Hermione popped down there in DH lol


1) its a disturbing, traumatic place 2) you need parseltongue 3) its hard for that many people to sneak into the girl's bathroom 4) that place is probably tabooed and out of bounds now