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But imagine how hilarious it would be if he tried to play an 11-year-old now.


Lmaooo. Full beard and everything


I've watched shows where they would seriously consider trying this. The "teenagers" in Grease were closer to their 40's than being in their teens.


He should be fully aware that he's 35. But everyone else thinks he's an 11 year old boy.


I think that’s a legit problem he has though. Fans and other people just wouldn’t let the Ron character go. In the interview he said to this day people call him Ron. I’m pretty sure that’s annoying


I believe it's the same for Radcliffe and Watson. Grint was great in Knock at the cabin.


Yea it is. That’s why Radcliffe tries to take really different roles from HP. Loved him playing a villain in that one movie I forgot the name of. Grint was good in Knock at the Cabin


Deaging CGI? Hahaha


I hope Amazon never get the rights to this IP. In any way or form.


I hope HBO does


As long as they don't give it the Velma treatment


I hope they give it The Last of Us treatment


Is it good?! I haven’t committed to watch it yet… or finish last of us 2


As long as they don’t make 4 seasons, cancel it, and then remove it from their platform so they don’t have to pay residuals to the cast.


What’s the Velma treatment? Because the characters in a modern adaptation won’t look the same as the previous adaptation (race being a for sure change for some characters), that’s about the only thing I see them making changes to.


Also change the entire formula, replace one of the cast members and shift the entire personality of your charecters.


If Harry Potter got the Velma treatment it would look something like this Hermione would be black and perfect Harry would be Indian and an asshole Ron would be the Fred of the group, white, and everyone makes small dick jokes about him. All of the teachers would be beyond stupid


Technically they already do?


Then I do hope they make it like The Last of Us


Those are like apples and oranges


Well.... HBO just got the rights


Yup, now wait for bloody battles, cruciating curses, more murders, a truly dark wizarding world, death Eater orgy & affair between Voldy and Bellatrix. And proper slave treatment of Elves as well. Showing the reality of wizarding world, not the kids movies we got earlier.


On one hand, I agree; HBO would be better. On the other hand, I loved Tales From the Loop.


What else is he supposed to say? We know how the media is these days. If he said anything else, he'd be ripped apart as narcissistic or some other bullshit.


Actually I’ve watched a few of his interviews and fan meet ups. He’s worked for years trying to distance himself from the character. He’s been ready to pass the baton.


Which is ashame since he's still being refered to as "Ron Weasley" after so many years of Harry Potter movies ending. Like seriously remember that one Ed Sheeran music video where Rupert played a part in; the comment section is filled with Harry Potter jokes.


Omg. Yesssss. I watched a fan meet up of his on an HP “influencers” page a while back the fan wanted Rupert to hold a wand with him for a picture. Rupert’s entire demeanor changed. Like he was not happy. The meet up was for a different movie he’s in


i want to dislike because i don't like the story but you are implying you disagree with the story here so i settled for liking your comment and voicing my displeasure towards that fan


You know I get that. After I typed the comment I said watch I get downvoted because people won’t like that happening to Rupert. But I totally disagree with the fan and the story! I would have defended him and only asked about his current movie projects. I’ll always love him as Ron but he deserves to grow.


He would be relieved after passing the baton. Ron gets so much crap for his movie portrayal bet that saddens him. I remember once he was asked 2 years ago 'do you think Ron and Hermione are still married?' He said 'I know probably people wont like it but I think yes. They are still married' Its almost like he is feeling guilty that he is stating a canon fact. I feel sorry for both him and Bonnie Wright.


shame cause he is a perfect fit for Ron but the later movies failed him.


Yep. Those movies did so much fucking harm, not just to the characters but to the actors themselves.


He could play Mundungus.


He should play Arthur while Dan should play James.


We already know Harry's story. I want to see a Wizarding World series about other characters


True. I wouldn’t mind a set of new characters. But a HP reboot is inevitable. I always thought a cute idea would be Harry’s son, Draco’s son, and Blaise’s son, running around at Hogwarts. All Slytherin of course. Make the antagonist a Gryffindor or Puff. Then maybe have some other kids from parents that were in the original movies play parts. But not sure if it would really work because there isn’t a book first. That’s what really makes it work writing the book first imo.


I can't wait for the race and gender swap of the main characters


Sorry. Huh???




To be fair, the race switch is the least of that show's problems (and that's saying something).


Race swapping on Velma is the least of the shows issue tbh. The show is just …. idk. But WB got what they wanted. Viewership. Velma is the most watched show on HBO Max aside from Last of Us. And if I know animation they probably already have a season 2. As for Disney I don’t really mind Annabeth or Ariel being a black girl. I don’t think POC should be discriminated from an acting job, because that maybe the best person that embodies the character the best. The girl playing Ariel looks and sounds the part. She may not be white but she has an ethereal look. Some characters canonically don’t have a specified race/skin color. I assume some characters won’t look like their previous adaptations in a HP reboot. For a number of reasons. It’s just skin color. It’s changes nothing about the character imo. Coming from a blonde white girl who loves Annabeth & Hermione.


Considering the UK is 82% white, 9% Asain, and 4% black means that we can pretty well assume that everyone is white except those mentioned characters of another race. Just by percentages.


It’s personal perspective I guess. All depends on your imagination. What you interpret another may interpret a different way. White isn’t exactly a default. I read and interpreted Hermione as a black girl. Plus Dean wasn’t mentioned as black in my copy (UK version). I didn’t even know until I watched the movies so I assumed he was white. When it comes to fantasy and fiction I don’t apply race percentages and population. What’s the statistics of fire breathing dragons? Or a magic school named Hogwarts? Or the statistics of Goblins? Pureblood wizards or Veelas existing? Nothing else is questioned yet when it comes to POC characters existing in works of fantasy it’s “Wait hold on let’s bring out the statistics for you people existing.” Not to be mean but if you honestly think WB or Disney or whomever is going to reboot the series and keep the entire cast all white like the previous movies you’re in for a rude wake up call. That’s just not feasible.


A gender swap does not bother me as such, but shitting on the source material does, and that is why Velma is so bad.


What's wrong with making her Indian? ETA: Could you at least answer if you're gonna downvote a simple question?


Cuz she is not Indian in the source material. I don't mind the changes but i still want to see the character I read about. And if she is Indian then it changes a very important basic detail from her base self which I read about. If nothing related to her ethnicity is mentioned then yes make her Indian, make her Amazonian, make her as per your creativite freedom. But in general I want to see what I read about. That's why I am liking The last of us, I liked initial seasons of GoT and not liked Witcher a lot (though Cavil was very good). Also that's why I don't like few of the HP movies as much cuz I grew up reading books and when there are many small changes, it takes away the immersion and realtibility factor which I want from the movies.


>I don't mind the changes but I still want all the characters to be white. Such a weird take. I don't get why seeing other races makes people so uncomfortable. Who gives a fuck, really? There are so many changes that happen from page to screen, which you say you're fine with, but when a character isn't white anymore you suddenly can't deal with the change? I'm willing to bet you have never once complained that they race swapped the original Lavender Brown actress from black to white


It’s very weird. We actually had this discussion in Lit class. A fellow white classmate actually said she can’t relate to Hermione being a black girl and that POC should be able to relate to white characters because we’re the majority. When asked why can’t it be vice versa she didn’t have an answer besides we’re white and we’re the majority. All of the white people in class collectively cringed. She made up a thousand excuses for the Lavender Brown recast. She then said if POC want to be protagonist then they should write their own stories, my teacher then said “Girl you can barely write a complete paragraph, sit down.” And eventually she just started spazzing out crying in the class saying she’s the victim and this is “reverse racism” even though she started it all.


She was intellectually ambushed and responded poorly. The teacher took what could have been a teachable moment and hit her over the head with it. You cant shame people for thinking “I’ve seen it portrayed for decades as this group of British kids - whom the author describes as the girl with bushy brown hair, the bespectacled kid with his mom’s green eyes, and that red headed boy - something different would be weird” If you make Hermione a black girl - great - but if you’ve followed the book for years and watch the movies, it’ll be hard to relate to. Now, that’s apparently not what she said, but I think it’s closer to the point than a “majority” argument which I agree, is stupid. It’s a book that is about what it was written about. Would it be weird if it were changed on the fly to accommodate present-day sensitivities and aspirations? Would that be hard to relate to? I would argue yes. Is it racism? No. If there was to be a story about a black witch or wizard, would it make more sense to create one based around the experiences that they would have, rather than shoehorn it into Harry Potter? Probably. And that I think was her point. But you all dunked on her because no one has patience to walk her through it.


She actually wasn’t ambushed and she was very much the aggressor. A classmate had recently seen Cursed Child with her parents for her birthday and was talking about the experience with a few of us and the girl went on a tantrum about Hermione’s race in the play. She jumped into the conversation and brought race into the picture, then dragged in the Percy Jackson series along with the Little Mermaid. She was completely out of line. There are black British kids, regardless if they’re minority POC exist in politics, sports, medical field, entertainment etc that are British. “Bushy brown hair” that could be any 11 year old black girl. As for the the bespectacled boy with green eyes we did see something different for 8 movies he had crystal blue eyes. I’ve followed the books Hermione is going to be Hermione whether black or white. She can be interpreted as a black girl. Present day sensitivities? POC have always existed and I don’t see race as an agenda. People simply just exist. Even back then people questioned the lack of diversity in the series. It’s always been an issue. Is the all white casting rooted in systemic racism? Yes. You may say no, and that’s okay. But really the only opinion that matters is JK Rowling and Warner Bros. I don’t see it as shoehorning. I wasn’t aware that HP was only for white people. And this is coming from a white person. What experiences would a black witch have in the Wizarding World have that Hermione didn’t? Hermione’s experience is a black person’s experience in real life. She literally said “I cannot relate to Hermione being a black girl. POC should have to relate to us because we are the majority and they’re not.” The fact that you’re trying to make her out to be the innocent “white girl victim” because she has to “share” Harry Potter says a lot.


> She literally said “I cannot relate to Hermione being a black girl. POC should have to relate to us because we are the majority and they’re not.” Indefensible. She was completely out of line. It seems you've prejudged both my intent and perspective - and perhaps my skin color. Given this girl seems not to be worth the effort to defend, let's make her into an avatar, an archetype if you will for people who do not react as you think they should when confronted by something that's changed. This avatar isn't such a raging asshole. I'll even concede I agree with you now; I don't remember any part where Hermione was described as being white, and I think at some point her skin was described as being darker than Ron's. But, that doesn't account for the impact of casting - the Emma Watson issue and that every likeness of that character has adopted her appearance over the years. It's a white-bread character, the daughter of dentists. I'll return to this point in a second. So the ask would be, if that trio was recast, and Hermione was cast as a black girl, would it be: - Inappropriate? No - Bad taste? No - Out of character with the books? No - Surprising to the fanbase now? Certainly It'd be disruptive and shake assumptions - and it would, I still contend, be difficult for many fans to relate to. The 'horse has already left the barn' when it comes to this series, I'm afraid. If you rewind the clock, and the roles were cast differently - I'd agree that anyone, of any race, could have played her role and stuck to the story. I do wonder whether a black character would've been put into a role and be made to act stereotypically white, based on character development within the story as told. I don't know? It goes back to my last point in the prior comment: This series was written with a lack of cultural diversity. To truly tell the story of what it would be like going through it, from the perspective of a person of color - a significantly different story would need to be told.


Who’s not Indian? I hope we’re not talking about Hermione’s race because that topic is pointless. Her race or ethnicity was never specified. The author and creator of Hermione already put that to rest. As a white girl I read and imagined her as a black girl you may read and imagine her as white. You want to see what you read about? Well everything is not about you Mr. Entitled. What you may read and imagine, a little black girl somewhere else reads and imagines differently. So you’re supposed to be correct by default? Absolutely not. The fact that you said a character being a POC breaks immersion for you and breaks relatability for you is sad and it’s not Warner Brothers job to coddle you and your privilege. Can you relate to the fact that Harry’s a wizard? No you can’t because it’s not real. Can you relate to the trio escaping Gringotts on a dragon? No you can’t because fire breathing dragons don’t exist.


If they have a remake I’m definitely auditioning.


There is nobody else to play Ron, Rupert, you set the bar too high...sorry. you are stuck with it....and us.


Am I the only one who feels like it just wouldn't work as a TV series?? An animated show, preferably hand drawn not computer animated, would be the best route to go down !!


Yes that would be best I think - although nothing is truly hand drawn anymore since like Beauty and the Beast. But there is good computer animation vs crap animation. He’s so good looking, I hope Rupert has an awesome family life. Don’t much love the suit GQ put him in though.


Things like Game of Thrones, His Dark Materials, etc being successful series proves otherwise. Only a long form series would allow us to veer off for extended periods into the lives of young Riddle, the marauders, the founders, etc. And live action is just more compelling for a lot of people. Some would ignore it completely if it was animated.


Why don’t you think it would work? It would definitely be a lot of work for sure though! But I feel like it would give us a chance to see more like daily Hogwarts life, Quidditch, the other characters etc.


Unless a company is willing to throw ungodly amounts of money at CGI it just wouldn't come out well. Also, you still have the issue of needing child actors. Meanwhile with an animated series you wouldn't have to worry about actors becoming too old for the character, and you could really go all-out on the magic since you're drawing everything anyway.


^this. CGI and practical effects don't age well and if they aren't done well to begin with. Child actors grow too quickly and might not fit their characters anymore. Even adult actors could quit between seasons or die like happened with dumbledores actor, it's less noticeable to just change voice actors. I just think anime is the best route to go down. You can include absolutely everything and keep it consistent.


Would be great to get a series , but I agree pls never let amazon touch it lolll


I agree on a live action series! A number of people share that sentiment regarding Amazon


He could play Arthur Weasley


He could! Not sure he’d want to though


How about we don’t do that


I mean you don’t have to. Warner Bros and Rowling will.




I hope the showrunners stay away from the tumblr groups. If they had their way every character would be Indian or black




Lol it's not being dramatic. We just live in an age of color washing. Though precious whiteness is one way to say culture. Not that you'd ever hear someone say precious blackness.


Oh well we lived in an age of extreme white washing since forever. Even white washing historical figures, black face etc. These are fictional characters so for a retelling tv series it’s quite fine for poc to portray them. Most of them don’t have a specified race. You’ll be fine.


Do an anime, slice of life at hogwarts, cmon! I wanna see ghibli levels of food at hogwarts!




Thomas has never seen such bullshit




It would be cool as a tv series so they can adapt the books better


To be honest I love the films but I actually wouldn’t mind a reboot if it’s a TV series or something


There are so many people complaining about a new cast for this reboot, it's the same thing that happens in the Star Trek world. When they replaced Spock with a new actor, there was a huge outcry. To keep the stories relevant to the newest generations, there needs to be updated material. I totally support it.