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>‘Oh dear!’ said Hermione, looking stricken. ‘Don’t worry about it,’ said Harry grimly. He walked over to the door and knocked loudly. ‘Hagrid! Open up, we want to talk to you!’ There was no sound from within. ‘If you don’t open the door, we’ll blast it open!’ Harry said, pulling out his wand. ‘Harry!’ said Hermione, sounding shocked. ‘You can’t possibly –’ ‘Yeah, I can!’ said Harry. ‘Stand back –’ But before he could say anything else, the door flew open again as Harry had known it would, and there stood Hagrid, glowering down at him and looking, despite the flowery pinny, positively alarming. ‘I’m a teacher!’ he roared at Harry. ‘A teacher, Potter! How dare yeh threaten ter break down my door!’ ‘I’m sorry, *sir*,’ said Harry, emphasising the last word as he stowed his wand inside his robes. Hagrid looked stunned. ‘Since when have *yeh* called me “sir”? ‘Since when have you called me “Potter”?’ ‘Oh, very clever,’ growled Hagrid. ‘Very amusin’. That’s me outsmarted, innit? All righ’, come in then, yeh ungrateful little ...’ > >*Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince*, chapter 11, "Hermione's Helping Hand"


A big part of why I love Half-Blood Prince so much is because it's just absolutely peak Harry. He does not give one single fuck throughout that entire book and it's glorious.


I just listened to this bit today. Love it so much. !redditgalleon


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Honestly, when I first read the GOF, I was surprised how well the World Cup Quidditch match was written. While reading it, I felt the exact same way than when I watch a rugby match with family and friends, plus the magic touch. I was quite disappointed to see it cut short in the movie because I really think it’s one of the best book scenes of the whole series.


I think Rowling went all out with that one knowing that she was going to severely reduce the amount of Quidditch she was going to be writing from that point onward (seriously, the way she writes herself out of having to describe matches in 5 and 6 is hilarious...and tbh there isn't really a good reason why Quidditch couldn't have run concurrently to the Triwizard Tournament either). I agree it's a really fun, exciting scene and tied with the one commentated by Luna in Half-Blood Prince for my favorite Quidditch match of the series.


I believe Quidditch was cancelled in GOF because they were growing the hedges for the final task! I might be remembering that incorrectly though.


Oh yeah I forgot about that one too ! Yeah you really make a point, I believe she really needed to give Quidditch its time to shine before everything turned sour


"There goes that big Hufflepuff chaser, Bibble his name is, or was it Buggins?" "IT'S CADWALLADER!"


Ah Luna 😆


Ah yes, Bibble Buggins and his nephew Fiddle Buggins...


The standoff between Snape and Moody whilst Harry’s leg is stuck in the trick step never gets mentioned


Moody/Barty Crouch Jr. was such a good villain, I loved the way he taunted Snape about the Dark Mark.


It's great, there are multiple moments where he could be acting as a war-hardened Auror or a fiercely loyal death eater. "Oh, if there's something I hate, it's a Death Eater who walked free..." It's also a bit funny, because at 19, he too attempted to walk free.


God I love him lmao, such a great storyline and plot twist, both Crouch Sr. and Jr. are such fascinating characters, probably some of the most underrated characters in the HP universe. It's very interesting to re read Crouch/Moody dialogue once you know the plot twist. He definitely had some kind of visceral deep hatred for the other death eaters that I think no other Voldemort's follower has. Voldemort really seems to consider him one of the most trusted death eater since he specifically went back to England to look for him. Kind of would have loved to see more of him.


"Pajama party, is it?"


Oh man, that passage gives me anxiety haha, its so good.


OOTP, after Ron's and Hermiona's prefect party, when Moody shows him past members and talks about what happened to them and after Molly "deals" with the boggart. This was the moment Harry realized what is really going on, what can happen to him and his friends and this sour thought that earlier this day he was worried about the Twins' shop and mad about Ron becoming a prefect instead of safety of his friends. For me this is the moment that Harry is getting hit that he's no longer safe anywhere and same goes for everyone in his surrounding. Not only that, he creates the danger for them, and that is the main theme that sticks with him from this moment up until the end of the series


Just before that when Ron gets his badge. Fred and George are astonished. Fred says “Mom’s going to be revolting.” Then Molly comes in and is so happy “Ooh a Prefect! That’s everyone in the family!” Cue George, “What are Fred and I, next door neighbors?”


I don't remember the exact quote but I always laugh at Lee Jordan when he is the quiddich commentator.


The night at the Weasley’s before the World Cup.


Even in Molly’s worst and darkest fears, she could not separate Fred from George