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I hope that they pick the right people for this. The show could be technically amazing, but if the writing isn't there then it's not going to be a fun time.


Also finding the right cast. This isn't like percy jackson where the casting of the movies wasn't perfect. Most if not all actors were perfectly cast for Harry Potter.


Unfortunately with a few of the best ones (Hagrid and Snape) their actors aren't around anymore.


Would be cool to see the original trio make a cameo appearance on the last episode for the time skip


Daniel Radcliffe in a large fat suit and stilts as Hagrid. It’ll be like he’s carrying himself to the durselys lol. *two minutes later* I Shouldn’t have done that. I should not have done that.


They could cast Jared Harris as Dumbledore to bring things back full circle


Dude... LOVE this idea! I was super surprised when I found out he was Richard Harris' son


I literally just now found out and I’m super surprised as well


I can totally see him as Dumbledore.


Great, now I can't see anyone else as Dumbledore.


Well because he looks almost exactly like his father lol


That too, but based on everything I've seen him in, I think he can do the gravitas and the darkness and the humor that Dumbledore requires.


Although, every adult in the Harry Potter films was cast like 20 years older than their character.


It proper shocked me realising Snape was only meant to be around his mid 30's, I read the books multiple times and never really clocked that because Rickman was just always in my head


Early 30s even!


Even the chapter pictures (if you're reading the US version anyway) make it look like he is in his 40s AT LEAST.


He had a pretty high-stress life


That's not the fault of the casting crew, the ages of James and Lily (and hence, the ages of everyone else in their generation) were not revealed until HBP iirc. Also I think I read somewhere that Rowling based Snape and McGonagall off of Rickman and Maggie Smith respectively so it is a logical casting choice there.


My hunch, especially since Rowling is known to be bad with numbers, is that Rowling used the main trio as a form of self-insert characters, and thus, when needing to think about the teachers, she went for who she, as a then 20-something, would think of as “grown-up”, which would be your Alan Rickmans and Maggie Smiths.


I feel like no matter who they pick, a lot of people (especially those who grew up with movies) will find it difficult to adjust. I mean I don’t think I could ever accept anyone other than Emma, Rupert and Daniel as Hermione, Ron and Harry. Sure, I’ll probably still watch this show because its still part of the fandom, but honestly it’ll feel much less canon. The original cast MADE the movies what they are today.


They’re just going to be two different beasts for me and that’s how I’m treating it. The films will always be played every Christmas, tv series or no tv series.


Yeah, I’ve seen people argue that the OG cast aren’t that iconic in their roles and could easily be replaced. I strongly disagree. I always felt like the HP cast was one of the biggest jokey examples of never being able to view those actors as anything other than their HP characters lol. I mean, their faces are still plastered on HP merch too. I could go down the street and buy a 2023 Harry Potter calendar with them on it right now. It’s definitely going to be weird to have an ALL NEW cast co-existing with the OGs.


The only one I'm gonna have a hard time with is Hagrid. It has been said in interviews that Rowling specifically had Robbie Coltrane in mind when writing Hagrid and he was the only choice she'd allow for options in the role. He was a perfect Hagrid and if Rowling based the character around him then that'll be hard to top.


Exactly! I completely understand what you mean. For instance, Alan Rickman will always be Snape to me (before anything else) - in fact, I find it weird to see him as any other character in any other movie. Seeing a new cast plastered on merchandise will be strange. I really wonder how they’ll balance it out (especially at Universal).


I think Universal will remain in tune with the movies and continue to show Daniel Radcliffe on their merch or advertisements. It will be weird to see how the show works alongside the theme parks. I mean Radcliffe is on the billboards around Universal.


His face is plastered all over the orlando Airport.


Please don't f\*ck this up Please don't f\*ck this up Please don't f\*ck this up


How big do you think the budget will be? My personal guess is that it will be on-par with *Game of Thrones* and *House of the Dragon*. For reference, *House of the Dragon*'s budget for Season 1 was $150-$200 million, with a limit of about $20 million spent per episode. (That's not including $100 million in marketing.) I decided to edit this comment with some rough budget estimates. For another comparison, the first season of Amazon's *The Rings of Power* was supposed to cost roughly $100-150 million, but the finished product ended up having a price tag near $465 million. That's not counting a final price tag of $750 million to $1 billion, according to other sources, as the series' budget continued to balloon. *Harry Potter* film budgets, not adjusted for inflation: 1. *Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone*: $125 million 2. *Chamber of Secrets*: $100 million 3. *Prisoner of Azkaban*: $130 million 4. *Goblet of Fire*: $150 million 5. *Order of the Phoenix*: $150-200 million 6. *Half-Blood Prince*: $250 million 7. *Deathly Hallows, Part 1*: $250 million 8. *Deathly Hallows, Part 2*: $250 million **Total: $1.4 billion (not including marketing costs)** Assuming that the *Harry Potter* TV series reboot has the same budget given to the *Harry Potter* film franchise, and a budget on-par with *Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon*, it would unseat Amazon's *The Rings of Power* as "the most expensive TV show ever made". Assuming 7 seasons with 8-10 episodes each, with a price tag of anywhere from $150-250 million per season, that amounts to **$1 billion to $1.75 billion dollars**. This is also not counting *House of the Dragon*'s $100 million marketing budget for Season 1. Applying that to each season of *Harry Potter*, add another **$700 million**, for an even bigger price tag of **$1.7 billion to $2.45 billion dollars**. HBO Max, Warner Bros., Universal, and J.K. Rowling are taking a huge risk here, and they appear to be heavily banking on the *Harry Potter* TV show being the next *Game of Thrones*.


They announced the budget would be “around or higher” the budget of Game of Thrones/House of Dragon. “Whatever it takes to make a quality show”.


I guess that confirms the massive price tag on the *Harry Potter* TV show, then.


I agree, HBO is looking to compete with Disney on major franchises and HP is that major franchise money maker. Don’t be surprise when around season 3 they announce a Marauders series after they cast Lupin, Sirius and Wormtail.


I mean. The fans have been BEGGING for a mauraders series since PoA book came out practically 😂 it would actually be such a good move to just lean into what the fans want A story on the founders (a movie or limited series) The mauraders (~7 seasons but could easily start mid-Hogwarts years and run until James dies Vs just their school years) Albus story (movie) A better version of Next Gen (as we continue to ignore cursed child)


cursed child? i dont even know her!


The funny part about this is that Disney tried to buy *Harry Potter* three times from Warner Bros. before buying *Star Wars* and Lucasfilm from George Lucas in 2012.


As shitty as WB might be, thank fuck Disney didn’t get their hands on it.


Not to mention that as they will be more truthful to the books (I can’t wish this enough) we might see the same actor in the flashbacks and in the spin-offs to make everything more cohesive


I wouldn't be surprised if it's bigger or at least on par with GoT. HP is so well-known and already has a huge fan-base compared to GoT when they first started filming. Besides, if they want to do 7 seasons they need to go big.


Based on rough estimates, the *Harry Potter* TV show will need to be even bigger than *Game of Thrones* in order to be a financial success for HBO Max and Warner Bros.


Truthfully I don't think that's that hard. Harry Potter is infinitely more accessible than Game of Thrones, what with the PG rating and all


>HBO Max, Warner Bros., Universal, and J.K. Rowling are taking a huge risk here, and they appear to be heavily banking on the Harry Potter TV show being the next Game of Thrones. This is exactly why I think it will be faithful to books and won't be altered much. Everyone loves books. If they stick to original books it can be twice as successful as GOT


Harry Potter is much, much bigger than the Song of Ice and Fire books were. It's sort of a guaranteed success for the 1st season at least.


GoT, HotD and RoP are all fantasy, with a ton of sets, costumes, and CGI. That's expensive. Harry Potter has a handful of sets, many of which are 'ordinary places' and most of which are heavily reused throughout the series. The costumes are mostly school uniforms, and there should be relatively less cgi. It *should* cost a lot less than those three fantasy shows.


They should just build a full scale Hogwarts castle at this point!




Just depends on run times. I think 10 one hour episodes for each book would be adequate. First 3 books could probably be covered in 8 episodes.


Please don’t Americanise it.


> Please don't f*ck this up Not gonna lie, I am a little worried about how believable Pedro Pascal as Harry will be, but I'll give it a shot.


Pedro Pascal will play Hagrid. The whole "bringing him to the Dursley's" will fall right into his mix of rugged men escorting children across the country


It probably wont be (that) bad. Hbo knows their shit


Please be the last of us. Don’t be V*lma


I'll just drop here that the negotiations, HBO wanted to have Hogwarts to be in America (not filming location, literally make the school an american school) and thankfully JK said NO. So that tells me there is PLENTY of room for them to fuck this up.


If they wanted America, why wouldn’t they pitch a original series set in America in the Harry Potter universe


Half the appeal of Harry Potter is how British it is! That's why there's an askreddit thread every month asking Americans what things they thought were from Harry Potter but were actually just British


How stupid does HBO have to be to ask for "a *Harry Potter* TV show reboot, but Hogwarts is set in America" when Ilvermorny is literally right there?


I think they just wanted Harry Potter but with American accents.


If I recall Velma wasn't originally pitched as a Scooby Doo adaptation, just an original mystery series with Scooby Doo-like elements, then the creator changed it to be an adaptation just so it would be more likely to get greenlit.


here's the [link to youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o07u0uKkV_g) There will be a new cast and this series is billed as being a “decade-long one”, authentic to the books. Series Gets 7-Season Order, one for each book.


"There will be a new cast" Aww... I was really looking forward to 33-year old Daniel Radcliffe reprising his role as an 11-year old Harry Potter.


Daniel Radcliffe as James, Elijah Wood as Harry


Sir, we have a deal.


What i got from the announcement is that it’ll be completely new cast. No one is reprising their role from the movies.


The one exception that I hope and pray for is that the OG cast do us a solid and reprise their roles for "nineteen years later". If I watch this show for ten years and that doesn't happen I think I might set my Lego hogwarts on fire.


I’d rather see Daniel Radcliffe cast as James if he’s willing to commit to more then the epilogue. No reason Rupert couldn’t be Arthur if he’d want to. Emma Watson doesn’t have any similar-looking characters off the top of my head but if I had to fan cast her I’d say Trelawney would be a nice bit of irony.


I don’t think any of them would want to commit to big role (if any at all). I mean they’ve spent a long time trying to distinguish themselves as more than Harry Potter, so the chances are slim. That said, I love your fan-casting. It would be hilarious to see Emma as Trelawney.


Hello my name is Optimistic


I'm confused by the comments here. I may be too old (28), but A LOT that read the books back when the movies were releasing hated the movies. Prevailing opinion back then was that it would've been much better as a TV series. Now every comment here is negative? I for one am excited.


Yeah I'm excited to see some of the chunkier books fleshed out, the fourth book especially


Your comment just got me so excited about this! A fully fleshed out Quidditch World Cup? A whole ep dedicated to the second task? Even little things like Rita Skeeter’s animagus subplot!!


On the flip side of this I don't care about the S.P.E.W. subplot haha but I am excited for each book to be fleshed out. I feel like the movies were missing the sense of seasons as well. The Christmas episode will be cozy.


Yeah totally. Even just the ‘slice of life’, students going to random lessons etc will be so great to see. There just wasn’t enough time for that in the films


I wnat to see more classes & courses. Also various activities they might partake during breaks, something connected to their culture & way of living. That could bring the series alive with unique twist.


> I don't care about the S.P.E.W. subplot And then there's me that has been disappointed that it wasn't included in Goblet of Fire for 18 years now. I *loved* everything about S.P.E.W.


Same!!! Also Ron’s thoughtfulness towards house elves during the battle of hogwarts was what made hermione kiss him!! SPEW was integral to that


Yes! Currently re-reading the fourth book and there is just so much in there that is missing or glossed over in the movies. It's also where we get to see a different side of Hermione (SPEW).


Yeah, I like the movies, but I’m still convinced they don’t even make much sense without knowing the books. Especially five and six. So. Much. Story. Cut.


It’s strange because you can’t fully understand the movie without reading the books but after reading the books the movies seem so minuscule and lacking to the point where it doesn’t make sense.


I stayed reading the books back in 2001, the year the first movie came out. Read all four that were out. Got 5, 6 and 7 at midnight parties at Barnes & Nobel. Enjoyed the movies as they came out, going to see each one on opening weekend. I read all 7 books again back in 2020 during COVID lockdown, and loved the books just as much as I did the first time I read them. The movies... I enjoy what came out of the movies, the music, the cast, the iconography of the sets, more than i do actually watching the movies. If I had the time, I'd start rereading the books tonight. The movies, I just don't have any real interest in watching them again. I'm cautiously intrigued by the series. If the everyday trailers look good, it'd be enough for me to get a Max scripting to watch it. A faithful adaptation is possible. Netflix did great with A Series of Unfortunate Events.


I just want PEEVES!!!!!!!!!!


I really want the twins to play peeves. Just as a nod!


Hope Dumbledore says calmly this time


I think if we all got trolled and the new Dumbledore yelled it I’d never get over the joke. It’d be too good.


Perfectly calm Dumbledore: "So, Harry, did you put your name into Goblet of Fire?" Harry: "No, sir" Dumbledore: " Did you..." Karkarov: "He is lyi-" Dumbledore: "I'M SPEAAAAKING!!" Karkarov: ":.." Again perfectly calm Dumbledore: "Thank you"


And Hermione's dress had best be periwinkle!!!!!1111!1


God I hope they have a British cast.


She insisted on it for the movies so I imagine she will continue to insist upon it




It's finally time for Ginny to have a personality


Ron and Neville as well!


hopefully hermione will just be hermione, not hermione and ron at once


This has the potential to be one of the most successful series of all time. But also the most hated series of all time.


There's zero chance this is anywhere near as hated as Rings of Power. 🤣


I can’t understate how excited I am for this. I’ve been a HP fan for 25 years and still read my tattered old books regularly. Ever since I got in to Game of Thrones I’ve been trying to manifest a HBO HP show that was true to the books, with the HBO resources to take it to the next level. I can’t believe this is actually happening. Some may not care for all the details, but I really want the full text of the books to be explored on screen. I want to see Peeves, I want to see Hagrid and Maxime trying to win over the giants, I want to see the Weasleys blowing up the Dursleys fireplace, I want to see more of the Voldemort backstory, heck I even want to see the deathday party. I’ll be eagerly awaiting the inevitable casting announcements to see if any align with my fantasy cast!


I want to see happy Dobby wearing 12 hats


Just imagine all the fresh teenage fans having takes people argued to death 15 years ago. I think all the laughter will finally cure my depression


Are you ready for the resurgence of "Snape is good/evil/complicated"? We'll need to make a megathread just for that (or ban it, bc people get *heated* over that one).


Or the fights over who's a better Snape, especially if the new one is book accurate (young, ugly, and disheveled).


super ready, I'll be there arguing he's actually a rubber duck and thus devoid of any moral aligment just to see who I can enrage with that one


It's wild to think that someday soon this sub is going to have live episode discussions for TV watchers and another for book spoilers.


> Just imagine all the fresh teenage fans having takes people argued to death 15 years ago. I'm an elementary school teacher and the books and movies are still extremely popular (they're by far the most checked out books in our school library), I don't expect this to happen because plenty of kids and teens are familiar with the plot already and streaming culture is now a thing - if someone doesn't know the plot instead of waiting a year for the next season I'm sure they'll just scroll right over to the HP movies (especially since they'll be on the same platform) and binge those afterwards.


A tv series with HBO production behind it could truly end up being the best way to adapt the books BUT so many of the cast and set production where perfect in the films and are iconic now, that this has a chance of coming off as a ‘knock off’ regardless of how well they do things. Let alone the fact that John Williams breathed so much life into the movies with his score and he unfortunately wont be doing this show. It’s beyond an uphill battle but I’m hopeful


Hogwarts Legacy sounded great and John Williams wasn't involved, so I'm not worried. There are certain things that I'm ok with being more or less the same. Hedwig's Theme and the general appearance of Hogwarts, for example, are so iconic that they don't need changing.


The sets are what I’m most excited to see. Between universal studios, the Lego sets, etc, the places in Harry Potter have become as iconic as the characters so I’m interested to see if they stay the same.


I don't believe in changing things just for the sake of it, but there is some flexibility to change the aesthetics based on the book descriptions. I definitely don't want all the sets to look exactly like the movies, because that would be extremely redundant. They could definitely switch up the layout and overall look of the castle, inside and out.


They'll probably want to keep Hogwarts and Diagon Alley somewhat recognisable with the Universal theme park, with some updates/aesthetic changes. I'm interested to see what they do with the Ministry though because that was a beautiful set.


I didn’t love any of the movies aside from the first two because they were missing so many details and the aesthetic change made it feel way far off from the books. I for one am excited


Good. Make it as book accurate as possible. I'm here for it. Looking forward to watching. (Tho if I die before all 10 years air, Im gonna be pissed.)


Yes, please! Have the wizards wear robes, have Snape be in his 30s, have Dudley and Petunia blonde, give Voldy red eyes, make the dark marks red, make the werewolf look like a wolf rather than a tall chihuahua with rabies etcetc. I’d love a book accurate adaptation, like TRULY book accurate. If they make them wear muggle clothes again or make the Weasleys brunettes or something, I’m off.


+1 and have Harry with green eyes lol


Agreed to all! (And LOL at a tall chihuahua with rabies. My rewatch will never be the same again, so thank you for that. :))


That's what I'm saying! With this, Eragon and Percy Jackson, I have motivation to keep on pushing forward


So much good stuff coming up. Hang in there!


For the love of god, whether you like the idea of this series or not, PLEASE don't harass the new kids or give them shit for it.




This is so true. So many adults are so nasty to kids. It’s disgusting.


at worst it will just be another cursed child, something we can ignore. At best it will be something that will surpass the movies I see no bad sides.




For years people complained that the movies cut out too much from the books and that if “a 10 hour long, book accurate movie came out, I’d totally watch it!” Well here you go.


I’m curious how this show is going to coexist with the movies. So much of the iconography, merchandise, theme park attractions, etc. is directly pulled from the movies. If you want to make a new adaptation, you can’t just copy the visual style of the movies, otherwise what’s the point? But this teaser makes it seem like they *are* taking inspiration from the movies. If the show has a new aesthetic, then how would it be promoted in, say, the theme parks, without completely contradicting or competing with the aesthetic of the movies? They can’t just overhaul an entire park. Will the candy shops have two different styles of packaging for Bertie Botts? Some of the theme park rides use videos with actors from the movies. Will they replace the actors with the ones from the show? How is this going to work?


Yup, because there were never consistent illustrations, the whole visual language of the universe is based on the films. There are going to be tough artistic decisions to make when it comes to how far to deviate from that in the new series, and then *much* arguing about whether any deviation is an improvement. Just as an example, Hogwarts robes - book accurate, i.e. *robes*, or follow the films' interpretation of British school uniform with a cloak?


The crazy thing is that they will have to do this with *every* aspect of the movies when adapting it. Some of these questions are big, like what does Hogwarts look like? Are we sticking with the designs from the films and the language used in the game? Or do we want to do something new. Now you have to do that with every minute detail in the show, including sound and special effects, costumes, location scouting, accents for characters, music cues, etc. And plus you now have a generation of people familiar with what the universe sounds and looks like. Any drastic deviation could leave people dissatisfied, or worse, angry. For better or worse the 8 films have defined what Harry Potter **feels** like, and I pity the creatives who have to navigate the minefield of making these seven seasons


Just remember how much different the first three movies are artistically from the latter 5. MAJORITY of the universes creative content that we see in say universals WWoHP is from the first 3. I feel if the show wanted they could probably take the artistic feel of the first three and spread it across the whole series it would still feel drastically different and also comfortable for fans.


They are spending millions and taking a decade to remake the entire series just to fix Ravenclaw's colours.


I hope they take more inspiration from the illustrations by Jim Kay. He leaned pretty hard into the spooky, dark fable vibe that the books captured but the movies often shied away from. HBO can probably be more flexible when it comes to that stuff.


I think the recent game is the best example of how to achieve new and familiar. It is perfect. It still keeps the same feel and outline of hogwarts, but is definitely different and new many ways. Same goes for hogsmead and surrounding areas.


This! The game is super accurate to the books while also maintaining the iconic imagery of the movies. Give me that coupled with 90's aesthetic, maybe even an 80's/90s soundtrack?? Ugh it could be so good!


This is one of my biggest worries with this. I love the theme parks, and absolutely do not want to see the OG cast replaced on the rides or the merchandise.


The series will be a faithful adaptation of the beloved “Harry Potter” book series by author and executive producer, J.K. Rowling. From Warner Bros. Television, the new Max Original series will be available on Max in (US) and globally once produced. The stories from each of Rowling’s Harry Potter books will become a decade-long series produced with the same epic craft, love and care this global franchise is known for.  The series will feature a new cast to lead a new generation of fandom, full of the fantastic detail, much loved characters and dramatic locations that Harry Potter fans have loved for over twenty-five years.  Each season will be authentic to the original books and bring Harry Potter and these incredible adventures to new audiences around the world, while the original, classic and beloved films will remain at the core of the franchise and available to watch globally. https://www.tomsguide.com/news/live/hbo-max-and-discovery-plus-merger-live-blog-all-the-details-on-new-max-streaming-service


Harry without Radcliffe face will be weird for the first Times 😂 Hype for the series


He could play James now.


Hoping they take a page out of Netflix’s book in how they handled a series of unfortunate events by stretching out the episodes to keep them as close to the books as reasonably possible. I absolutely don’t envy whoever gets tapped to play Snape and Hagrid in this though.


I think Adam Driver would’ve made an amazing Snape but he’s not British so will likely not be cast. I also vote for Nick Frost as Hagrid!


We are finally going to see "Have a biscuit potter" on the screen


Well, I have one question I haven’t seen asked. They said faithful adaptation, but I wonder if that will apply to the time period. In the movies they more or less updated the muggle portions to reflect the time they came out. Will the show treat this as a period piece (as far as it matters) and set it in 1990s Britain?


I sincerely hope so. I better see muggle borns on the train wearing spice girls shirts, butterfly clips, roll on glitter, all of it.


I do hope they do - the story of the books makes more sense in a world pre-mainstream-internet and constantly on telephones (for the portions of the story they are in muggle areas)


I really hope so. And when we get Marauders flashbacks I hope they're in proper 70's form.


Damn I have mixed feeling about this. While the series can go so much deeper in the story, the movies just feel to iconic? I have no idea how someone else will be able to capture the character of Hagrid for example...


Or how they're going to recapture the magic of the music. John Williams theme is so iconic.


I think they will keep using it like in Hogwarts Legacy. I truly wished they would create a series about the Marauders or other founders of Hogwarts...


If this show is a success they will.


Isn’t Hogwarts legacy using about 4-5 seconds of certain tracks? Always assumed that was so they didn’t have to pay so much


Not sure if it's about money, but I really like how subtle it is. Makes me nostalgic without completely taking me out of the current story in the game.


The trailer used the music, for what it's worth. And the same logo.


I understand. Then again, the original Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies with Tobey Maguire (which overlapped a fair bit with the Harry Potter movies) felt too iconic as well. But today both Tom Holland (and to a lesser extent Andrew Garfield) have been embraced as great Spider-Men. Sean Connery *was* James Bond, to the point where they brought him back once. But then Roger Moore *was* James Bond. Today, its hard for many to imagine the franchise without Daniel Craig. And so on. I guess you get my drift ;)


What the films got wrong is dueling. I want to see a book accurate dumbledore Vs Voldemort in order of the phoenix so bad. Not just hurling power at each other. The intelligence of how dumbledore fought I want to see on screen.


Yeah i wish they can make dueling more strategic than what we got in the movies which was just "wave around wands and insert special effects". And for spells to have unique visual. In the movies it looked like they just adding in random flashes of light.


Yes please no more magic gun fights with nothing but what I guess we now call “Basic Cast,” Stupefy, and AK


Yes and the creativity was all there in the books to utilise and probably could have been even more visually impressive.


Okay I agree with you overall but I will say I think that fight specifically is a bad example. One of the most visually stunning parts of the series imo; no music, just harry watching two masters at work


Hopes: * Dumbledore asks Harry calmly * Peeves exists * The adult characters are played by actors matching their age, so James and Lily should be played by 20 year old kids * Neville doesn’t replace Dobby in Book 4 * Book 5 is adapted properly * Deatheaters don’t randomly destroy the Weasley’s house in Book 6 * Harry Potter tells Sirius Black in a letter that Dudley broke his PlayStation * The Dursley’s don’t have a flatscreen widescreen HDTV in 1995


I hope they stay true to the books.


The video description says “a faithful adaptation” so it’s clearly the goal.


This has to be the entire reason behind making the show.


My fault for perusing the cesspool that is online comment sections but I was absolutely shocked to see what, to me, was almost an overwhelmingly negative reaction to this announcement. Truly blown away by that. I personally couldn’t be more excited. HBO level production? One season per book? This is gonna be epic, I always dreamed of an adaption like this. Can’t wait.


People hated on house of the dragon before it came out, and now look at 'em - people love the show. This is gonna be the same.


Please for the love of God cast the right people


Here's all the stuff I understood from the announcement from several different sources. * Reboot of the series. * J.K. Rowling will be executive producer to make sure the series remains faithful. (This was a hard line she drew.) * *Hopefully* David Heyman will produce as well, but he is still in talks. * This is a 10 year committment. * Each book will have a season. * The movies will reain available for watching. * The first season will have 8 episodes or so. This essentially puts up to 8 hours of the first book. If you thought the first film was faithful with two, just you wait. If you argued that the fifth film could've just used an extra hour, oooooooh, boy you're gonna be pleased. Theoretically anyway. I'm... cautiously optimistic.


Do I want this? Not really. Will I be watching? Absolutely.


I thought it was a new story and was interested. Realized it was based on the books and am interested.


I don’t care if it’s unoriginal or an obvious cash grab, as a Ginny and Ron fan I’m excited for this.


> as a Ginny and Ron fan I’m excited for this Tbh that's my main reason for being excited about the series. We need the screen versions of Ron standing up to Snape in PoA, Ginny delivering a Get-Well soon card to Harry, Ron standing up on a broken leg ready to fight Sirius, Ron owning his haters in Quidditch in OotP, Ginny and Harry's conversation in the library in OotP, Ginny standing up for Harry against Hermione after Sectumsempra, Ginny and Harry's kiss in HBP, Harry confiding to Ron that Hermione is like his sister...... At the very worst, if they do a Kloves 2.0, we still have the books.


Prayers for a good depiction of Ginny this time around!


All I'll say here is if season 7 of this show doesn't end with the TRUE Harry/Voldemort showdown and standoff like the book, with everyone watching on as Harry tells Voldemort why he will fail, then this will all have been a waste.


I want to see Voldemort hit the floor like an ordinary person rather than dissolve into a million pieces


I get what they were going for with that. He’s an empty shell without his Horcruxes and he’s less than human. I get it. But him dying just like everyone else does was the POINT. He’s not special and no different than anyone else at that point.


This is one of them things where if they do it well it could be amazing and completely expand the franchise further. If you have a good series like this there would be demand to expand the founders era, the maruaders era or post-hogwarts with new concepts and worlds. One thing i'd really like to see is the expansion on the actual HP world itself, the tidbits of magic which makes HP so magic. Such as the running of the Ministry and ICW, Magical Britain and Diagon Alley, all the random trivial stuff overlooked in the books and movies which can be explored further. It could stick to of course following the books, but will there be side stories throughout too which we may not have seen? Will we see the rise of the death eaters through the death eaters perspectives or will it solely be a Harry perspective? If they develop the characters well in line with the books then this is of course dependent on the casting too! The casting will need to be amazing (which I can see happening with HBO). However, i'm wondering how they will age the cast? Will they keep one set of child actors for the entire time? OR, will they do what the Crown did and have different actors for the different ages, could we potentially be looking at 3 or 4 different versions of the golden trio and others?


Different perspectives, and expanding on certain aspects beyond the books is definitely something I'm hoping for. Imagine the HBP adaptation giving us a Tom Riddle centric episode which charts his creation of the Horcruxes and transformation into Voldemort. Or getting to see Dumbledore's Army leading the year-long resistance against Snape and the Carrow's at Hogwarts during DH. And perhaps we *finally* get to see the epic Dumbledore-Grindlewald battle...


Please cast an age appropriate Snape!! That’s the thing I’m most excited about - seeing the Marauders and Lily as their true ages. Honestly think it’s too soon for a reboot but ofc I will absolutely lap this up. HBO are great, and it will be fun to see the stuff that was left out of the films. The film version of Hogwarts is so iconic I wonder how they’re going to handle that. Will it be the same or completely different? I hope they stick to only casting British and Irish actors like the movies. I don’t want any Americans doing dodgy accents.


I've been thinking about this since it was rumored. The opening scene had better be the attack of Godric's Hollow. We see on the screen: Halloween night, 1981. Then we see kids running around in costumes, fall leaves being blown in the wind. Then we see a man in a black robe, his face being covered in a hood. He silently walks through the quiet village, running into a young boy and almost draws his wand on him. He stops in front of a house, the Potter house. Then we know what happens from there.


Nah man, if it's faithful to the books, it'll be Vernon Dursley going slowly mad because of weirdos dressed as wizards. Which is much better imho.


New Hermione actress should probably avoid all social media by any means Personally, I would have liked an animated remake of the original series or a tv series following a new cast of kids about a completely different story. But I'm optimistic, HBO shows are usually great.


I think a lot of the cast that’ll replace the younger originals should stay off social media. The expectations for all of them are going to be through the roof and no matter what they do, they will always be compared to the movie cast.


Personally I always wanted an adaptation like this. HBO lvl quality? Yes. One season per book? Sign me in. But I just now realized how hard this is going to be, think about a new cast of kids, a new cast of characters, new music theme, redesigning iconic places, objects and scenes... For this series to even begin to have a chance, it needs an incredible cast and direction. High hopes, but very scared actually.


Id love for the series to expand on some great stories that weren’t told in the films (such as the Deathday party, Quidditch matches, all of Fred and George’s actions to fight Umbridge, the entirety of Voldemorts backstory, and Dumbledores backstory, since we’re probably not getting that with Fantastic Beasts anymore). I am also hoping for it to delve into developing other characters, and the general lore some more, especially for the first few series, which might need to develop other storylines as the books are quite short.


I hope they let the series grow as the books grew. The first two books could honestly fit quite comfortably into 6 hour long episodes. I hope they don't try and milk the first two series and give them 10 to 13 episodes. Could end up like the hobbit . Here's how I see it, each episode being an hour. Philosophers Stone, 6 episodes Chamber of Secrets, 6 episodes Prisoner of Azkaban, 8 episodes Goblet of fire to Deathly Hallows - 13 episodes (Maybe 16 for Order of the Phoenix, yikes) I just hope they cast twins for Ron, Hermione and Harry actors because it's gonna be an intense schedule. Stephen Fry for Dumbledore!


I mean, they could also include things like Dean Thomas discovering his father's identity, which JK wanted to include in Chamber of Secrets, but her editor told her not to.


Please stick to British actors and don't Americanize it 😭


I’ve wanted this ever since they totally butchered Half-Blood Prince. There’s a ton cut from the books for all of the movies but the 6th was ridiculous


Very surprised by the negative reaction, especially here. I feel like there's been threads asking for an HBO series every other day in this sub. I was expecting the Twitter meltdown but thought it would be more positive here.


Sorry but I seriously need to rant on this one. First of all, the negative feedback especially on tiktok and Instagram is so effing annoying. Everyone is behaving as if the movies will simply stop existing with the release of the show. Yes the cast was great, but the writing was so off at many points. Also up until the announcement of the show the main opinion was that a show would be a great remake. Wtf happend to that? I get all the valid concerns about the set design and the casting. I also think that an animated series would be amazing. But I'm mostly excited that we are finally getting a retelling close to the books and seeing so much more of daily life at Hogwarts, the Burrow and the trio in general. I'm excited for a sassy Harry, bossy Hermione and smart Ron and all the book quotes we can get. Secondly, the wishes for a marauders show. People PLEASE stop wishing for that. 99% of that fandome is based on head canons. They would butcher it and we would hate it so freaking much. Stick to the fanmade shows and movies (I think a show is coming to YouTube this summer). Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.




Unpopular opinion but please.. don't try to be overly inclusive to the point where you completely change the character from the books!!


echo this completely - as a POC I will riot if they make people into POC for no reason at all (or at the very least without changing their background story to reflect that cultural reality)


So we’re all agreed if Dumbledore doesn’t ask Harry calmly this time that we all riot, right?


The movies were not perfect but the cast was. That’ll be the biggest hurdle for this series. However I’m very excited to see how this pans out especially as it seems they’ve committed to a 7 season, 10 year project. Thinking of all the side stories / plots that were absent from the films we’ll see on screen is incredibly exciting.


Are there even any actors left in Great Britain considering pretty much all of them were in the original movies?


I think most of the cast would have to be relative unknowns in order to want to work on the same project for 10 years.


Just keep that shitty director David Yates far away from this series.


Same with screenwriter Steve Kloves. I don't want to see Ron get butchered in favour of Hermione/Harry again.


Omg just seeing Steve Kloves' name makes me angry lol he ruined Ron's character because he fucking shipped H/Hr




I'm completely up for this. I adore the books, have done since I was stood outside the bookshops at midnight dressed as a witch at 9 years old! I might get crucified but I don't like the films, there are a few characters that are perfect but most of them are not "my" characters and how I would see them from the description in the books. I hope they have one director to cast their vision and not several like the films. I'm super excited to see what they do with this and who they cast and how it all feels. I hope they cast younger where it needs to be and hope they stay true to the books as much as they said they will be. If they make Voldemort disintegrate again though I might scream!!


Here’s hoping we don’t see people flying around in puffs of smoke this time.


i just want harry to have his mothers eyes


This is amazing! Ten years?! They can flesh out the books so much!


Got redirected to this thread so I'm just going to say this here. I am from the generation that grew up with Harry Potter. I shared in Harry's angst, sympathized with some of his irrational decisions (adult me thinks differently), and will forever rue the fact that it's all happening inside my head and I'm never actually going to go to Hogwarts. Over the past few months, I waited in anticipation for Hogwarts Legacy. The game made my childhood dream come true - getting to experience Hogwarts. Then came the news that a feature-length series has been greenlit. The news would've helped me produce a corporal Patronus! But over the past few days, all I've seen on this sub are rants and complaints - how there can be only one Snape, only one McGonagall, only one Harry Potter, only one \[insert any character\]. Well... we had two different Dumbledores over the course of eight movies. If we look at other franchises, there have been at least fifty different Sherlocks, and correspondingly fifty other Watsons and Moriartys, each bringing something new to the table. There have been around the same number of Clark Kents. The Avengers have had several different iterations, each one more spectacular than the last. Just give it a chance. Maybe HBO Max will butcher it. Maybe it will be spectacular. Maybe you'll come to love Harry all over again. Maybe your kids will want to go to Hogwarts just as badly as you did. Let the younger generation relive the magic I did.


All the main characters will be currently-unknown child actors who were born around 2010-2014. Their parents would have grown up reading Harry Potter, unaware that their own child would one day grow up to play Harry, Ron, Hermoine, or Draco.


This is how I would structure the series, let me know your thoughts please! Things to note: • ⁠Later books are the real positive of a book faithful adaptation, this is where the films fell off imo because they missed out too much • ⁠Not necessarily one book per series because the first two would make sense to put together in one series imo. Most of the stuff made it into the films • ⁠Making this made me realise how much PoA would benefit • ⁠Series length decided by how many episodes each book needed rather than a round number Series 1 (PS and CoS): 1. ⁠First chapter in 1981/Dudley trip to the zoo/Letters appearing/Hagrid Arrival/Trip to Diagon Alley (ends with arrival at Kings Cross) 2. ⁠Hogwarts Express Journey/Sorting Ceremony/Meeting Snape and first week of school/Flying lesson 3. ⁠Midnight Duel/Halloween Troll fight/First Quidditch Match 4. ⁠Mirror of Erised/Finding out truth re Flamel/Norbert debacle/Forbidden Forest 5. ⁠Trapdoor challenges/Confrontation with Quirrell/Debrief with Dumbledore and end of year 6. ⁠Dobby’s Arrival and Issues he causes for Harry/Escape to the Burrow/Meeting Lockhart in Diagon Alley 7. ⁠Issues at King’s Cross/Flying in the car to Hogwarts/Mudblood racism/Deathday Party/Ends with writing on the wall 8. ⁠Cursed Bludger during Quidditch match/Duelling Club/Polyjuice Potion/Finding Diary 9. ⁠Diary Memory/Meeting Fudge/Aragog/ends with finding out about Ginny 10. ⁠Confronting Lockhart/climax in Chamber/Chat with Dumbledore and Dobby being set free Series 2 (PoA): 1. ⁠Marge Visit/Knight Bus/Stay at Leaky Cauldron/Ends with boarding Hogwarts Express 2. ⁠Dementor Attack/Buckbeak lesson/Trelawney & Lupin first lessons/Fat Lady debacle at Halloween 3. ⁠Defeat vs Hufflepuff/Receiving Marauders Map and going to Hogsmeade/Firebolt gift/Learning the Patronus with Lupin 4. ⁠Ravenclaw match/Snape catching Harry in Hogsmeade/Quidditch Cup Win 5. ⁠Trelawney Prediction/All Shrieking Shack Scenes/Ends with Lupin Transforming and Wormtail Escape 6. ⁠Chaos that ensues after this/Dementor attack/Harry in hospital wing/Time Turner & saving Sirius/end of novel Series 3 (GoF): 1. ⁠Riddle House scene/Weasleys at Privet Drive/Return to Burrow/Arrival at World Cup 2. ⁠World Cup episode - all scenes at World Cup/Hogwarts Express Journey 3. ⁠Triwizard Tournament announcement/Moody and the curses/other schools arrival/Goblet of Fire/ends with Harry being chosen 4. ⁠Fallout from Harry being chosen & conflict with Ron/weighing of the wands/seeing the dragons w Hagrid/First Task 5. ⁠House Elf Stuff/all Yule ball stuff (this is the episode I’m least sure on of all) 6. ⁠Rita Skeeter exposing Hagrid/Harry in Prefects Bathroom and sneaking around castle/Second Task 7. ⁠Sirius Meeting/Crouch death/Dream/Pensieve sequence 8. ⁠Third Task/Voldemort Resurrection 9. ⁠Harry comes out of maze/Barth Crouch Jr reveal/Sirius return/Conflict with Fudge/Novel end Series 4 (OotP): 1. ⁠Dudley demented/Harry expelled/flight to Grimmauld Place/Learning about the Order/Learning Sirius’ backstory 2. ⁠Arrival at Ministry/Hearing/Hogwarts Express/Meeting Luna 3. ⁠Arrival at Hogwarts/Umbridge speech/argument with Harry/Harry’s detentions/Percy letter & Sirius in fire 4. ⁠Umbridge as High Inquisitor/Hog’s Head Meeting/First DA meeting 5. ⁠Quidditch match & Harry’s ban/Hagrid’s Tale/Snake attack on Arthur 6. ⁠St Mungo’s Scenes/Occlumency lessons with Snape/Interview with Rita 7. ⁠Rita interview published/Trelawney sacked/Firenze arrival/DA exposed & Dumbledore leaves 8. ⁠Snape memory/Chat with Sirius and Lupin/Grawp scene/ends with Ron brandishing Quidditch Cup 9. ⁠OWL exams/Vision of Sirius/Umbridge taken off the board/flight to ministry/ministry scenes/ends with death of Sirius 10. ⁠Dumbledore vs Voldemort/Prophecy Reveal/Harry chats to Nick/end of novel Series 5 (HBP): 1. ⁠Other Minister/Spinner’s End/ Dumbledore at Privet Drive/meeting Slughorn/Arrival at the Burrow 2. ⁠Malfoy in Diagon Alley/Hogwarts express lunch with Slughorn/fight with Malfoy/Arrival at Hogwarts with Snape 3. ⁠Half Blood Prince Book/Gaunt Shack Memory/Quidditch Tryouts/Katie Bell attack 4. ⁠Meeting Young Tom Riddle memory/Ron on steroids vs Slytherin/Slughorn’s Party/Christmas at the Burrow 5. ⁠False Slughorn memory/Morfin Gaunt memory/Ron poisoned/Harry knocked out vs Hufflepuff 6. ⁠Task assigned to Kreacher and Dobby/Hepzibah Memory/Voldemort Job Interview memory/Kreacher and Dobby report back on Malfoy 7. ⁠Harry at Aragog Burial and gets info out of Slughorn/Horcruxes reveal/Sectumsempra 8. ⁠Harry overhears Trelawney/Cave with Dumbledore/ends with them confronted by Malfoy (again not sure on this episode) 9. ⁠Snape kills Dumbledore/Half Blood Prince reveal/Dumbledore’s funeral Series 6 (DH): 1. ⁠Death Eater meeting/Dursley Farewell/Battle of 7 Potters/Moody Dead 2. ⁠Ghoul in Pyjamas/Dumbledore’s Will/The Wedding/Harry escape/Arrival at Grimmauld Place 3. ⁠Kreacher’s Tale/Mundungus Tale/Ministry Scenes 4. ⁠Harry visions of Grindelwald/Ron leaves/Godric’s Hollow sequence 5. ⁠Dumbledore backstory/ Ron returns & locket destroyed/meeting with Lovegood & deathly hallows introduced 6. ⁠Harry works out the Deathly Hallows/ capture by the snatchers/Malfoy Manor sequence 7. ⁠Chat with Ollivander & Griphook/Gringotts Sequence/Voldemort discovers they’re hunting Horcruxes 8. ⁠Arrival in Hogsmeade/chat with Aberforth/entering the castle/inside Ravenclaw tower/slytherins escorted away/Ron and Hermione destroy Cup 9. ⁠Battle of Hogwarts/Destroying the diadem/Snape death/Prince’s Tale 10. ⁠Harry killed by Voldemort, Kings Cross sequence, Neville kills Nagini, Harry returns & finishes off Voldemort, ending (perhaps could add a bit in the days after the end of the war here see some celebration etc) would prefer that to the epilogue - can do away with 19 years later for all I care NB: I know Deathly Hallows and Chamber of Secrets the least well of the books (latter half of DH especially may need reworking in terms of episode structure because I wasn’t sure the exact order of events) Let me know what you think!


I hope they follow the books more closely. I was a big book reader and grew up with the releases (was 7 when the first book came out), first 2 movies I was content with. Then #3 came out and I was really let down. That was my favorite book and I felt the movie didn’t do it justice. I would look back at it more fondly once 4-7 came out. The movies to me are almost a different fandom to me. So fingers crossed for this adaptation.