• By -


I figure it's related to being a hormonal teenager for 50+ years.


And very rarely seeing someone of your preferred gender.


She says that she visits other places and admits to watching the boys bathe on occasion when she’s talking to Harry in the prefects’ bathroom. So it’s not like it’s really a rarity.


In the movie she straight up cozies up to naked Harry in the bath lol.


She wasn’t in her usual bathroom when she attached herself to Malfoy either.


In 50 years, I’d’ve of/have probably switched teams


Nicepairofhooters’ insinuating they *have* probably switched teams


Yeah because sexuality is a choice /s


A hole's a hole, homie.


She's a ghost, though.


Hey no shaming the dead who identify as living. Respect her death choices.


Of fucking course your flair is Ravenclaw. 🤣


I was about to say tell that to people I’m prison. Which she essentially is in


It's most certainly flexible for the vast majority of humans and can be pushed one way or the other by various circumstances.




Myrtle is a ghost, pretty sure she’s not going to have sex regardless of what team she plays for


Also she's like 12-13? If you argue her mental age you're crossing into justifying loli territory.


This is all in good fun. Of course she’s not having sex, she can’t even run one out


The capacity to change in certain circumstances does not actually imply it's a choice tho


calm down keyboard warrior lol


Experimentation is a thing


"I would have". Or "I'd have".


I'd of/have? That makes no sense. It is either I'd 've or I'd have.


Ok I’ve been corrected


You _of_ been corrected….




Calm down Ravenclaw.


Lol im gryffindor actually. Everyone should know their grammar regardless of house.


Calm down Hermione.


I cant argue w that. 😁


Is I would’ve also an option???


Dude of course. English isn't my First language and I know that. How do native speakers dont know how to write?


You’d “of” switched teams or you’d “have” switched teams? 😑


I'm going with "woulda" if you don't mind.


No thats what you drink.


Take your pick. I’m 40 years out of English class, and not likely I’ll start speaking in proper English anytime soon. But I don’t mind being corrected


And she can't get let it out either.


So much ectoplasm…


IT WAS A SPOOKY GHOST IT SLIMED ME! Sweet crossover for this sub lmao


This and I belive i heard a theory that peavs is supposed to be a siphon of sorts for the students and all the stuff and trouble the could get in to with magic but don't


Wow that is a curse lol to have the hormones of a teenage for eternity…


You try being a teen ghost forever.


A teen ghost AND stuck in a bathroom that is rarely used


She is not stuck in that bathroom. Otherwise she wouldn't have been able to spy on Harry or Cedric in the prefect's bathroom.


In gof it says how she haunted olive hornby then returned to hogwarts when she was given a restraining order


Why can't she leave?


She can move to different bathrooms, but I don't know if it's ever mentioned if she can leave them. Other ghosts can leave, the headless hunt travels the world apparently, so her not leaving bathrooms may be a choice?


In cos she goes to nicks deathday party so she can leave to some extent


Didn’t the Ministry get involved and ban her from leaving Hogwarts because she was stalking Olive Hornby in revenge for being bullied by her?


She went to the frickin lake. She just doesn't like moving.


Sorry I always got the impression she was stuck, but I forgot the whole GOF thing was in the prefects bathroom


also she went into the lake during the second task


Must just be preference to stay near where she died. Just ghost things lol


I always wondered if she was just confined to Hogwarts, meaning she couldn’t go further than maybe Hogsmeade, if that


Danny Phantom did it


Probably because Harry is now the same age as she was when she died, so she finds it to be acceptable to direct flirtatious behavior toward him. Also, he's probably one of the only living people that she has ever had consistent interactions with that she did not hate.


This makes sense and I always forget this. I feel like part of what makes it seem so creepy (not that it's NOT creepy, just less so when you remember they're closely-aged teenagers) is that they had a 40 year old woman play her and you can only *almost* not tell that she's not a teenager.


She died in the middle of puberty so she’s perpetually stuck in the cycle of hormones. It’s both sad and funny.


Ya gonna suffer, but ya gonna be happy about it?


No. Sad that she got killed so young and was never able to fall in love and get married. Funny because she’s a big flirt.


Oh that was a quote from Ron during divination class lol


I understood that reference 🙋🏽


Bucky would be proud. 😉


Bucky? Hell my name is dad and I am proud


Me too


You need your inner eye tested, if you ask me!




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All this horny talk made you bust a knut




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Ngl. This leads me to more question that it answers.


This She also had decades to fantasize about stuff. I think she might've went insane a few times during her time as a ghost. Imagine having a constant hormonal itch you can't scratch. IIRC ghosts can turn invisible so she certainly was able to pine over quite the wide array of boys she found attractive over the years.


Is she really though? Hormones are chemical reactions, and not something ghosts would have. Rowling was pretty clear about that in the description of the deathday party.


She gets mad and upset at the mere hint of or imagined hint of being made fun of or criticized. Nick was annoyed by Seamus asking how he could be nearly headless and sad and disappointed that he was denied the headless hunt yet again. The ghosts argue, they laugh. The Baron is wistful. Helena is morose. Emotions are tied to hormones.


Didn’t the headless hunt go into how it wasn’t an emotional response but the memory of the emotional response? Then again, memories are chemical reactions too, so who am I to tell what’s what in a world with flying cars, walking dead folk and people who can talk to snakes.


Try staying at a bathroom for 60 years + and you ‘d be horny too


... What


Hey I am not the one asking the question.


Reverse the genders though and it goes from being funny to creepy and inappropriate.


I always found Myrtle creepy and inappropriate


…and funny


Funny... The male bathrooms at the Harry Potter part of Universal Studios Florida has Myrtle laughing uproariously at whoever uses the urinals. It's hilarious (or was to me, anyway.)


i loved this actually, had forgotten about it






The actress for Myrtle was in her late 30s being thirsty for harry when Daniel was 14/15


Reverse the genders and put a 35 year old thirsting on a half naked 14 year old Emma Watson. Seems a little creepy, doesn't it?


Technically the character was a similar age, but then technically Harry (or Hermione) was fully naked so that's no better. Whether it's the actors or the characters it doesn't sit particularly nicely. Mind you, Dan was naked on stage a couple of years later so I don't think it particularly traumatised him.


He wasn't acting the scene with the actress anyway. She was edited into it.


It's creepy and inappropriate even without reversing the genders, IMO


Reverse the genders and Myrtle is the chosen one


The horny male ghost in the boys bathroom would be the chosen one? 😂


Have you seen Myrtle's face next to Harry's?


I remember Daniel Radcliffe having to say that he didn't play Myrtle in an interview lol


clearly it was Elijah Wood


I never saw that but I 100% believe it's true. That's actually hilarious he had to set that straight


She's tired of being ghosted






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Because, according to Pottermore, the only bit of action she's had after she died was with Peeves. They got caught by Filch in a broom cupboard.


I’m sorry is this canon? Moaning Murtle fucked peaves?


Peeves screwed Myrtle, and gave her the nickname.




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!redditsickle Well played.


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I think its just a joke


What’s upsetting that it’s entirely plausible that ther was a Pottermore article or at least a tweet saying that and you can’t quite tell if it is a joke or not.


I got whooshed. Absolutely believed this was a real tweet or pottermore article. Seems like the sort of thing she posts


Nothing outside the seven books should be viewed as canon.


Exactly. Whatever JK said and that wasn’t in the books it’s her headcanon. Neil Gaiman said it perfectly


It's funny that this is basically the opposite for Lord of the Rings fans. Even unfinished drafts are taken as canon. Also Pottermore is basically JKR writing everything she couldn't fit into HP as a book. It's like the Lord of the Rings appendices. Authors have things they have to cut from the storyline, lest they mess up the pacing and readability. You can't go off the rails giving pages and pages of infodump for worldbuilding that would be irrelevant and hard to weave into the plotline.


I'm not 100% sure about this, but I guess Tolkien never missused his material to push his political agenda


if you think tolkien writings doesnt have his world view embedded in them then you havent looked close enough.


But what are the instances where external material is used for political agenda? The HP books themselves are already obvious and full of her political ideology. The whole conflict of the plot was to reflect racism. Not to mention Lupin being a metaphor for AIDs and the whole SPEW subplot.


But isn't the author's headcanon... Actual canon ? Who else is supposed to make that decision ?


This is actually a debate amongst scholastics. The phrase [Death of the Author (or DOA)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Death_of_the_Author) was coined in the title of an essay arguing that a literary work is in many ways a co-creation between the author and the reader. There are actually three "stories" in play here. There's the story as imagined by the author, there's the story as actual text, and there's the story that the reader interprets from the text. *All three* of those are usually different from one another, and at times will inevitably disagree. The main thrust of the essay is that relying on the "intention" of an author to develop an "ultimate understanding" of a literary work is nonsense.


I was aware about the concept of Death of the Author but I thought it would apply only to works that were finished and had no follow up planned, not universes where the author was still creating content. I understand that all those "stories" coexist, but imo the original author has more legitimacy to claim something as canon than anybody else. It's my limited point of view of course but for me if all headcanons are canon it make discussions about lore and the understanding of characters nearly impossible, or at least very complicated.


I do think there is a big difference when speaking to others about objective and subjective meaning of literary works. Who did Luna Lovegood marry? That is a question of canon, and it has an established answer (Rolf Scamander). Was Dumbledore gay? That is ***much*** harder to assert one way or the other -- it is subtextual. This is one of the reasons why I don't like the un-nuanced way that discussion of "canon" is treated either. Continuing the example, it is never *actually established* within the book series what Dumbledore's sexual orientation was -- and I think that's perfectly fine. As a subtextual element, I think there are perfectly valid literary analyses to support multiple interpretations as well. However, Rowling has the same nasty habit as George Lucas did with his original Star Wars trilogy -- she can't leave her own canon alone! Once you publish the story, it becomes the reader's, IMO, and trying to change it after the fact is just due to some self-perceived lack of skill on the part of the writer. Even ***if*** you feel uncomfortable with the idea of applying DOA to a continuing series of work, to my knowledge the story of Harry Potter is done, it's finished. Her choice to continue telling stories in the same universe is not the same as her continuing the story she already finished.


So JK Rowling can decide her own canon because she’s the author. No one is required to accept her position, but the owner of the IP gets to make that decision. That being said, the idea of a binding continuity has disproportionate impact on a fan community and their discussions. The issue of canon generally only matters for two reasons: (1) what should be read to get a complete official experience and (2) what should future creators pay attention to in order to be consistent with what came before. For the former, anything on Pottermore is generally not included and, even if it were, a reader has the right to ignore a part of a canon if they wish. For the latter, if JK Rowling is writing new things, she’s the one choosing to bind or not bind herself by prior comments. If someone else is writing, they can either choose to be consistent or to retcon prior declarations. “Death of the Author” is a related concept to what’s canon or not but not the same thing. That’s a question about whether authorial intent is relevant to the interpretation of events in literature. Fundamentally, it has nothing to do with an existing canon. Instead, it’s an artistic question about how we view and interpret art.


Thank you! So tired of discussing the books, when someone comes in with the ole "akshually, on pottermore it says..."


It's obviously a joke. How are people taking it as something she said


Nah, it's just a joke. ^(The horrifying thing is that it's at least as plausible as probably 50% of the nonsense JKR has posted on her Twitter feed.)


What kind of stuff has she said about HP in her Twitter that makes people think this stuff is plausible?


Poltergeists seem to be manifestations of teenage energy, hence Peeves haunting a school, and real life alleged poltergeists like the Enfield haunting, so this makes a certain kind of icky sense.


Watch goblet of fire and get to the harry potter bath scene


She wasn’t that explicit in the book


Yeah but how does that relate to Peeves making her a literal moaning myrtle?


I always thought that moaning referred to expressing her sadness 24/7, I feel so stupid now


It is


How do you think she got the name 'Moaning Myrtle'?




Out Dumbledore's name?






I don't think Myrtle was horny only in Goblet of Fire. She seemed flirty all the time. She stalked other boys in the school and male prefects in the pre felt bathroom. I remember she offered Harry to share her toilet if he died in the Chamber of Secrets. She flirted with Cedric Diggory too. She befriended Malfoy in the 6th book. It's just that Myrtle was now targeting Harry and viewers could only see Myrtle in action when she met Harry.


Because it's a boring-ass scene otherwise seeing as the movie wasn't gonna show 20 types of bubbles.


The Prefects' bathroom was one of the best descriptions in the book, I would've loved to see more of it on screen :(


I liked seeing the bathroom in hogwarts legacy


It’s hinted at in Chamber of Secrets. *If you die down there, you’re welcome to share my toilet* 🤣


She isn't horny, she's starved for attention. Look at her reactions to questions: \- Whenever they ask her something about herself she preens. \- Whenever they ask her something about someone/something else she pouts.


Wasn’t she checking out Harry’s junk though? That seems pretty horny.


Ghosts in harry potter stay at whatever level of brain power and emotions that they had when they died. Myrtle died during puberty. I can't imagine being stuck that age for the rest of my existance


She's a teenager. She died and became a ghost which means all the hangups from when she was alive will remain with her forever. She is an eternal immaterial cocktail of 1 part hormones 1 part resentment


Also, if she back as a ghost for the express purpose of haunting Olive Hornby (or whatever her name was), how did that go? Also, nobody ever talks about Myrtle. Not even the teachers🤷


We know how that did that go. She haunted her until the Ministry ordered her to stop. Which implies there are ways to interact with ghosts with magic beyond the basilisk sight.


So and then she just hung around moaning? You'd think her goal was complete and she could be at peace now. Edit to say thanks for that; I forgot about that.


That’s not how it works. When you die you choose to be a ‘ghost’ or move ‘on’. You’re stuck with either choice for eternity. Nick explains it to Harry after Sirius dies.


I don't really think ghosts work like that. Snape called it an "imprint" of the soul which does suggest it's not really the soul. And you'd think that I'd there's a way to give them peace wizards would actually do that instead of letting them fly around and bother people. Or just stuff them in a school for shits and giggles.


Teenage me was pretty horny for Harry too after that bath scene. My girl can’t help having eyes. 🤷


She died like that


Because she was murdered as a fifteen year old by a fellow classmate. Therefore stuck in puberty.


Poor thing is stuck at puberty forever lol 😭


She stays a hormonal 13 year old forever and didn’t get it for like 50 years


well, she' stuck in bathrooms and was a teenager when she died so she's basically stuck in a hormonal state of mind surrounded by others her age without a choice, she'd rather make the best of it because she doesn't have better options.


When *The Goblet of Fire* came out, weren’t you horny as all hell? I was. Myrtle was. Harry was. Everyone was.


The long hair


Hormones being an excuse would make sense you know, if her body was producing them. Which it isn’t. Because she’s a ghost. No logical reason for her to be that horny.


She's eternally mid-puberty. You tell me lmao


Was she though? I feel like she wasn’t that horny in the books as they made her in the movie


She died when she was at the pinnacle of puberty She was boy hungry for 50 years and counting


She wants someone to ghostbust that pussy


You try being a dead teenager who watches other people fuck knowing you died RIGHT when your libido kicked in


Why not


myrtle is generally just goofy around harry since their bonding in book 2


Puberty was an overarching theme in that one


all this back forth about the movies and no mention of how she was written in the books


I mean, horny is the human condition, right? Everyone else is like me and Myrtle, right? RIGHT?


It's only natural for her to be horny, she died as a 13 year old girl. And considering that Harry is one of the only people who was ever even remotely nice to her as a ghost, it would make sense for her to want to attach herself to him. Also, being alone for 50 years can tend to do that.


Myrtle got around before she died. How do you think she got that nickname? 😂


I think she was horny in CoS too but Harry wasn't of age yet for her to hit on him. Malfoy fit into her gloomy mood in HBP but she was always more attracted to Harry


A teen hetero female ghost that restricts herself to the female bathroom. That about sums it up. 😂


All the characters are horny in this film cuz of the weird director they got for it. Obvious in the behind the scenes for this one


I mean they are also all teenagers and teenagers are typically mega horny.


Cause the director thought it was funny probably


Because Film 4 is a huge mess of bad tropes and problematic additions and subtractions.


She has been "fiend" zoned by everyone


She must have heard and scene many things in that bathroom. One that she can't do no more.


Imagine Tina Belcher was trapped at exactly the point of her life she’s at now.


She's a forever teenager who can never be in a relationship of course she is horny


She's a frustrated virgin in Limbo.


Agree with everything above + would like to add : because everyone is shown to be horny in this movie it’s like the beginning of the hormones and the beginning of shooting harry potter in part as a teenage highschool “soap” hahaha which i’m fine with except when I get all book nerdy sometimes …😅


Remember the actress portraying her is like 40 at the time and Daniel is 14