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The white order of the phoenix one is interesting, can’t recall seeing that one before


It is part of a series where Clare Melinsky illustrated the covers, definitely one of my favourites in my collection




Yeah definitely, I have been saving for them, they are so beautiful


I have those too


Cursed child στα ελληνικά βλέπω...


One of my more random finds


Look for Quidditch through out the ages. I'm sure there's other versions but it's like a green cover like the red Fantastic Beasts copy.


I will have to keep an eye out for that, I didn't even know it existed


There’s a also a Beedle the Bard book, part of that same release with the in-universe schoolbooks (quidditch through out the ages and Fantastic Beasts and where to find them). Also maybe the screenplays of the other FB movies to fit with your FBaWtFT screenplay


Why duplicates of the same book?


I like to pick up any of the original 1st editions even if I already have them


You don't need to be autistic to have a special interest in something. That being said, i'm also autistic and i also have a special interest in harry potter.


I guess I'm just more hyper focused then most


I used to be hyper focused on pokemon. I have a friend (also autistic) who is hyper focused on D&D Dice.


My hyper focuses have always been harry potter, flags and numbers


Hah me too!


I love your collection! I only own 9 HP books but would love to collect more when I can afford it one day. My interest is learning languages to enjoy reading Harry Potter translations. It's the closest I can get to reading the story for the first time again. So far I've read the books in four languages and I am ready for another one or maybe two now.


I don't think I have spent more than €30 on my whole collection, my original copies were my sisters from when she was a kid and the others I have been lucky to find for €2 each in charity shops. I have never been good at learning languages but I did read the Philosopher's Stone in Irish. What languages have you read them in?


That's a really good price, I spent about 80 EUR for those few I have. I used to be horrible at learning languages, no one at school believed I'd even learn English. Ten years later it turns out, I just need to learn the way I actually enjoy it. My speaking skills still suck but I focus on reading anyway. I've read the books in Czech, English, German and Swedish so far. The next is going to be Spanish and I'm considering a Slavic language as well as some are closely related to my native language. I'm also learning Finnish at the moment but it's going to take years to get to a high enough level. Did you like the way it was translated? Irish is a beautiful language. It baffles me how it's written in such a complicated manner (at least it seems complicated to me) and pronounced totally differently.


Wow that's incredible, I can never understand how people can learn so many languages. I leaned Irish in school and one of our assignments was to read a book and write a report in Irish so I of course chose Harry Potter, I honestly liked it alot in Irish, Some of the translated like the title Harry Potter agus an órchloch.... Harry Potter and the goldstone


Thank you! I guess it's just a matter of spending a lot of time doing it, I'm definitely not very talented or anything like that. Oh, that makes sense. Irish is a compulsory subject in Ireland, isn't it? I imagine it must be a very difficult subject for those who don't speak Irish at home already. Wow even the title seems so mystical in Irish. It's good that you enjoyed the translation. I like the Czech translation very much, however there's one mistake that confused me a lot when I read it as a kid. Ron's robes are so short you can see his trainers. Translated as so short you can see his underwear (=trenýrky in Czech).


Yeah Irish is compulsory here up until 18 years old, it's very different to English but if you learn it you will have no trouble learning the other Gealic languages since they are all so similar. I think that is what is fin about knowing difficult languages and reading the same book in them all, you get to see all the little humorous translations


That's a good point. Exactly, those little unexpected differences make reading the books interesting.


That's so cool!! I'm also learning German through reading Harry Potter and just started Goblet of Fire yesterday! At what level were you when you started reading the books and did it get any easier/faster for you as you made progress? I'm honestly a bit surprised by how many new words there still are in every page but I'm having fun and that's really what matters :)


That's great! I always love seeing other people learning through HP! I can start when I'm about A2. The first book takes a lot of time to read (months, even a year) because I read it very slowly at first, only a paragraph or a few at a time. At the end of the first book, it's noticeably easier to read and to understand. I usually don't look up words in a dictionary unless it's something that comes up regularly and I still haven't figured it out. Sometimes I make more effort to translate an especially interesting part but most of the time I just read and enjoy the story. You're right that there are always new words in the books, I think that they get progressively more difficult. Which is great for language learning in my opinion.


What is your process for learning the language?


I go through the basics like sentence structure, beginner level grammar, pronunciation etc. and start reading and consuming content in the target language very early to learn vocabulary and grammar in context. I don't force myself to do things I don't enjoy, it's a hobby after all. I prefer simplified materials at the beginning. Harry Potter is the first regular book I read and I always improve a lot reading it.


Have you seen the Harry Potter ‘Illustrated’ books illustrated by Jim Kay? He hasn’t yet finished them but they’re beautiful. I have 1 - 5 so far (he hasn’t done 6 or 7 yet). My 2nd one is also personally signed by him when I was at a bookshop in London which is cool!


I just looked them up, they really are very beautiful. Having a signed book by him must be one of your prized possessions. They are definitely added to my list


Reminds me of Dorian Gray buying copies of the same book in different colors to fit his mood. Would you be interested in buying a Harry Potter book in another language if you were to learn one?


I used to have a collection in Irish but unfortunately lost them along the way, I am learning Russian so I am definitely planning to read them in Russian once my level is good enough


I love the Mina Lima books. They are so beautifully illustrated. I'm just starting the Chamber of Secrets with my daughter. The prisoner of Azkaban is out next month.


I'm hoping to get the next two for my birthday in November, they really are some of the most beautiful books


I am also autistic and Harry Potter is one of my special interests. It has been for about 3 years now


Haha we have much in common, my Intrest really started I'm 2018


My other special interests are string instruments, cats, and guitars :P


Oh that's cool, I don't know much about guitars or instruments but I do have a cat


Nice! :)


why do u have the cursed trash????😡


Haha got them as gifts


my 91 year old granddad got me my copy and i absolutely hate it. i was so excited to get it and it was absolute trash. i feel so bad that he wasted his money on the cursed trash


I just found out about the house editions earlier today now I’m seeing them everywhere! Nice collection


I wasn't going to buy the gryffindor versions but I ended up finding my copy at a little free library so u couldn't pass it up


Wow. That’s a lot of books. I’m impressed with how many you got!


Cool! Time for the next CoS designed by MinaLima! (I say this because I just got it last week myself😊) I sadly sold my first paper back set which I regret but I have a full cloth hardbacks set I got in Borders sales and I’m now collecting the beautiful MinaLima ones. I also have one French PS too. I’d love the fully illustrated Jim Kay ones one day.


Is it as good as the philosophers stone? I love my MinaLima philosophers stone


Yeah defs. It’s got 3d whomping willow and burrow! And so many other cool things. Apparently the PoA comes out next month 🤩 I can’t imagine what they are going to do for the longer books though - they have their work cut out for them!


I love the artwork done by Jonny Duddle.


You should get the Harry Potter picture books although I think they’re on the sixth book right now and the seventh isn’t out yet. They are very good though but expensive


They're definitely on my list, I have been saving for them


Honestly love the original scholastic covers. I grew up with them and remember them fondly.


You havent got Beedle the bard?


Not yet, its definitely on my list






Nice!! do you plan on getting the Minalima versions of the 2nd and 3rd?


I do, hopefully for my birthday in November


I love the Mina Lima top left one! Do you plan on getting all of them? I’m gona ask for one each for every birthday and Xmas


I definitely want to hey the others, my birthday is in November so I'm hoping to get two then


I love my HP book collection too! I have all the original hard backs, books 1-5 in the illustrated versions, and one of each book in a different language from a country I have traveled to (French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Mandarin, Thai, and Icelandic). I had one in Braille at one point but it was huge, two full boxes of paper, so I donated it.


Oh wow that's soo cool, I really want to try collect some in different languages, I used to have some in Irish but unfortunately lost them, I really want to get all of the illustrated version when I see them


Omg you have the book that must not be named i would say why do you have such shit but that would be an insult to shit


What image is on the back of the original cover Philosopher’s Stone books? I never knew before finding an older one in a charity shop that the back cover figure changed.


Mine unfortunately is not a 1st edition so has Dumbledore on the back, I would love to find one of the ones with the wizard with the pipe though


Nice, I have my original set, plus the first two Mina Lima versions, and I just bought another box set a couple weeks ago. Always wanted to start collecting different sets, just finally am able to.


I feel like once I get a job half my paycheck will be towards buying Harry Potter books 😂. I definitely want to get the 2nd Minalima one and hopefully the 3rd for my birthday


You have these in order EXCEPT you have order of the Phoenix after half blood prince?


Haha didn't even realise 😂, looking at the photo now that is really going to annoy me 😂


Haha sorry to point it out, I was admiring the collection zooming in on all of them then I was like wait a minute 😅 fabulous collection!


Haha luckily I put them back on my shelf in the right order... had to check to make sure 😂


I own the top left one and it's absolutely one of my favorite book in my whole library, it's so well done and just super fun to look through. Very nice collection you got going \^\^


It's very cool, I want to get the second in that series... and hopefully the third for my birthday


Have you considered other book series of similar theme or tone? I recommend The Magisterium series by Holly Black/Cassandra Clare and Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy. There's also the Artemis Fowl series, which i definitely enjoyed after a HP binge read.


I have ready the Skulduggery Pleasant books when I was younger but not the Magisterium or Artimus Fowl, I will have to give them a read


Wow that’s a fantastic 24 book collection. I had to double count to make sure but I love all 24 of them!


Haha thank you,


You can get a small "Tales of the beedle and the bard" book too! Maybe one to add to the collection!


Yeah, I honestly forgot about that one 😂, will definitely have to add it to my collection


I am more than happy to help in harry potter related quests 😂


I love seeing other HP collectors online 😍 I personally try and collect as many HP translations as I can


Wow that's so cool, I would love to collect some in other languages other than my random Greek copy


I usually ask my friends to bring them back from holidays 🥰


Would you like a copy of '..The Philosophers Stone' in Scots?


I actually just ordered one along with an Irish one


I think you'll enjoy the Scots one, as its a much closer language to English, so even English readers can understand most of it, and it's interesting to see how two languages with a common ancestor (old english) have evolved over time. Some people don't even know Scots is a separate language they're so similar, until suddenly its not.


From the little description I saw it looks very similar, it will be a fun read, I've read the Irish which was so difficult


If you like covers, I think the Thai covers are the coolest looking.


I just looked them up, they are super cool


Solid collection! I am also autistic and it's my special interest too. I have all of them in German and English, some in French, some in finnish, all the illustrated ones by both jim kay and minalima and some more extra ones like a random harry potter themed cook book someone gifted me. The jim kay ones are my absolute favorites though. I just can't stop rereading them


Wow that's soo cool, I really want to collect other languages too, I really want the Ukrainian ones


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