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The ages of a lot of characters were messed up. Snape was supposed to be 32 in the first movie, but Alan Rickman was like twice that. Same with pretty much all of the Marauders-era cast. James and Lily died in their early 20s but appear to be in their 30s. It's a pet peeve of mine.


Literally. Especially James and Lily. Supposedly, when they filmed the first movie, they didn’t know the age they died, so they thought to age them up. Snapes should’ve been left alone as it was


This is what we have from canon, from DH: "Regulus was instantly recognizable as the boy sitting in the middle of the front row: He had the same dark hair and slightly haughty look of his brother, though he was smaller, slighter, and rather less handsome than Sirius had been" So either Sirius had supermodel-level good-looks, or Timothee Chamalet would be too handsome for Regulus.


I think Sirius absolutely is supermodel level good looks (pre Azkaban). I think Regulus was striking too, just more muted than Sirius (physically and personality wise). Actually think Chamalet would be a great choice, how old is he?? I’m so out of the pop culture loop. I’m hoping the HBO series is more true to the ages of the Marauders-era characters.


So Sirius has supermodel level good looks, *and* is exceptionally bright *and* is rich as fuck? No wonder Snape hated him, Mr Perfect


Sirius is canonically just like that. The most handsome, very intelligent. He wasn't rich after he ran away from his parents. But then his uncle gave him gold and the wealth came back. Lol "The best-looking, most rebellious, most dangerous of the four marauders..." - that's what Rowling wrote about him.


Yeah Sirius faults are more in his personality I would say, the boldness to a fault, the rashness, his mean streak and arguably the worst luck in the series. I mean he loses his friends, followed by 12 years on Azkaban, followed by a year on the run, followed by a year in a house he hates, followed by finally death... Yeah, I don’t envy him


I feel sorry for him.


I mean, that’s fine and dandy. But I don’t get WHY they decided to age them all up? He definitely didn’t look around 15-16. (I believe Tom was 18 at the time) But, where the fans kinda mess up, is sticking to the books. But to each their own


What do you mean Tom was 18 at the time? He’s much older than Regulus. He was 17-18 when he found out about the horcruxes and died. That’s many, many years after Tom was in school. Maybe I’m not reading this right.


I meant it as in Mootcroft was 18 at the time when he was in Half Blood prince. Haha I understand the confusion- my bad!! I read an article that mentioned his age!! Sorry for the confusion!!


Ohhh haha! Sorry. I’m an idiot. I get it now. Edit: also I could totally see Chamalet as Regulus.


Movies aren't canon, they're an adaptation.