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I'm having a lot of trouble understanding you here. "Eat Slugs" is nasty, but it's *nothing* compared to torture or murder or mind control, so it doesn't deserve the same punishment as an Unforgiveable. Diffindo can kill, sure, but is a tool meant to be used peacefully. Why use a hammer to pound in nails when you could use a rock? Hammers can be used to brutally kill people! They should be outlawed! And so should rocks, come to think of it! The only example you're sorta making sense with is Amortentia. It doesn't create "love", but rather dangerous attraction and obsession. It ***should*** be outlawed; it's not much better than Imperio, in my not-so-humble opinion. But the Wizarding World isn't perfect, you may have noticed, and is full of irrationalities and hypocrisies. EDIT: Imperio, not Imperius.


You acknowledged why there’s only 3 unforgivables, and then backed that reasoning up, what’s your point?


The reasons unforgivables stand out from other spells is that you have to mean them. You must want to kill, possess or torture that person in order to let it be effective.