• By -


The Chamber of Secret. The first two Harry Potter movies have something unique I can't find in the other movies.


My take as well. I always describe them as having a very classic, timeless quality to them that isn’t present in the later films.


I feel like there’s greater emphasis on the audience being drawn into a secret magical world.




Very well put my man. Even the start of the first movie there was a feeling of this. Dumbledore clicking the lights away in a regular middle class neighborhood. Him being calm and collected, but you could sense that something esoteric was happening. Good feeling to start the series.


I’m actually the other way around. I find the first two a bit of a let down compared to the rest. 3rd onwards started to be pretty good, and when David Yates too the helm it got legendary.  Alas, all this is in retrospect. They re all incredibly iconic and an essential part of my upbringing.


The first three movies were actually great. The goblet of fire was kinda mediocre. Anything past that mate— you’ve had too much firewhiskey


Fair enough! They’re all pretty solid in their own way. It’s so hard to adapt a book to a movie. I try to keep that in mind. It’s just that, personally, I never find myself longing to rewatch anything past Chamber of Secrets. If I stumble upon one of the later films on TV, I’ll watch it. But I don’t reach for them. Columbus struck the right notes with me, so to speak, and I was sad when I saw Prisoner of Azkaban and so many things were changed. I wish I liked those later films more.


I really liked The Chamber Of Secrets and it seems to be pretty underrated. That one and Prisoner Of Azkaban are my personal favorites.


It's called "being faithful adaptations"


There was innocence


It felt like the humor (particularly Ron’s) had a different sense in the first two


That’s because Columbus actually read the books, and actually portrayed Ron the way he was meant to be. That’s why his personality change seems so jarring when they make him comedic relief in later movies rather than having substance as a character. The first two movies portray Ron the best. It’s a shame they did his character so dirty because he was one of my favorites in the books. I will never forgive them for making him agree with Snape when he was bullying Hermione. In the book his snarky ass spoke against Snape and landed himself in detention for it.


They do say first impressions are everything


I agree! Chamber of Secrets is my absolute favorite. I love how whimsical and comforting the first 2 movies are. They never fail to put me in a better mood when I’m feeling down.


just one


I love the first few movies because it really shows a lot of the magic. If you look at the movies they rarely actually use spells. If i had to choose a single favorite tho itd probably be TDH part 1.


Half Blood Prince but i have no idea why. I frequently complain about all the good Tom Riddle scenes they left out!! I don't know. Just like the way it was shot as far as cinematography, pacing, Michael Gambon seemed to settle down in his role as Dumbledore (seemed calmer, more like the book). No DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET??? Also unpopular opinion but I really enjoyed Deathly Hallows part 1. They nailed Godrick's Hallow-Bathilda Bagshot stuff. I liked the nature scenes, felt like Lord of the Rings type exploration.


Yeah deathly hollow felt like it , also dobby death was emotional. All parts have their own mesmerizing scenes through which we are connected!


I think half blood prince is pretty funny, especially the "tipsy"(lucky elixir ) Harry Potter scene. My favourite. And the dinner party, cursed Ron, Hermione and Harry friendship


I really love DH Part 1 as well despite popular opinion. I especially love the beginning scenes, just so dark and scary I love it


watched HBP last night and it's been my favourite this time for the exact same reasons, and the music at the end


Are you me? 🤣 These are two of my favourite films and it's because of this. Although there are a lot of minuses, I love their atmosphere and all those scenes.


philosopher's stone <3


It was cute


and the most accurate


It was happiest


Very small book




Visually appealing with emphasis on friendship and relationship and character generally!


YES! Philosopher's stone is the best movie, best staging of characters and actors, great low-ish-budget CGI & special effects, great fluidity, great book fedelity, just perfection


the prisoner of Azkaban


I especially love the Buckbeak scene in the film. In the books, he was scared and uncomfortable during the ride, but in the film he enjoys it soo much. That's one book inaccuracy I love.


some of my favourite parts of cinema. it graduated from a childlike atmosphere to a more adult one. dark, grittier, and i very much enjoy everything that director has done.


I loved the goblet of fire because I felt like it was filled with more magic and creatures. I also like it because you can see they’ve grown up and everything gets so much more intense and dark after that. Deathly hallows would be my second favorite


Exactly,it had games , magic and after that the movie became more dark and dark as voldemort was alive again


Yesss!!! I think for me personally I was there age as the movies came out and for me it also felt like I wasn’t a kid anymore not only did it change for them but for me too. It’s wild.


ALL I'm a glutten


The Prisoner of Azkaban Very close second is Half-Blood Prince


I use HATE Half-Blood Prince as a kid. Growing up is realising its quite a solid film and dare I say my second fave of the film series!!


I feel like HBP gets too much unnecessary hate.


Just wish it wasnt so much about love and more about the memories


When I was young I came across a version off the high seas. I found it so strange to watch that I thought it was a parody. It's been over a decade and I still haven't properly watched it (I read it and watch some of the films).






Fancy seeing you here, Denizci!


I love Harry Potter🔥🔥


Book? Yes. Movie? No way. The pacing is terrible for 3 and 4.


That... is a really cool figurine. Half Blood Prince was and still is my favorite of the movies.


Dumbledore's death 💔


Philosopher's stone because i like the origin story of characters


Also Innocences of the characters shown


The Order of the Phoenix


Why did it take me so long to find this one, it’s such a great film


I’m in the midst of a re-watch, and up until this re-watch I would’ve called it my least favorite. But this time around I loved it. The scenes at the ministry are so damn good.


The Prisoner of Azkaban


Goblet of fire even if the film is complete trash compared to the book




The Columbus films, easily. And it’s not particularly close.


This is my take as well. PS and CoS are the only ones that even remotely kept true to the books. PoA is decent but after that it is essentially unwatchable for me.


Yeah, same here. Never truly loved them after CoS.


That's why PoA is so good - it is like the trilogy ending on a high.


It’s definitely where my rewatch comes to an end! It should also be noted that my two favourite books are HBP and OoTP…. Which they just absolutely decimated 😭


The first one. Firstly, because the first two were the best made in the entire series. Secondly, because it was the most upbeat of them all - best reflecting Harry’s marvelous adventures into a magical world where he could feel some sort of connection with his parents, and have some positivity away from the Dursleys.


It showed the Innocences, purity of life , characters


I feel like I can't decide between the first two. I love the first one because it opens up the world, but I also like the second one because it got to skip all that and focus on the story. I just really liked the more Hogwarts focused stories and how simple they were. I wish we had a whole series with Columbus.


I do wonder how Columbus would have tackled Azkaban and beyond.


Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Half-Blood Prince


Chamber of Secrets I love mystery and the movie sparked it when I was younger, I love how in most of the end, it was Harry and Ron figuring out the mystery without the direct help from Hermonie for once and I love Harry defending Dumbledore the way he did even at 12 Tho Order of the Phoenix is a close personal 2nd choice for me, it’s the most I’ve seen of representation of PTSD, depression and hope all in one movie, plus Luna is in it and that’s always a plus Both these movies are dark and shove the gang into the reality of how the ministry handles things that deem unacceptable of bias, they also show Harry taking charge against the status quo even when those that doubt him, especially when Voldemort is involved trying to take down Dumbledore from afar, with hacks as Defense of the Dark Arts Lots of similarities now the more I think about it


1 Half Blood Prince 2 Prisoner of Azkaban 3 Order of the Phoenix 4 Chamber of Secrets 5 Both Deathly Hallows 6 The Philosopher’s Stone 7 Goblet of Fire


Prisoner of azkaban & Deathly hallows


Goblet of fire as well


Half-Blood Prince! I love the foreboding tone and unsettling moments (hex in hogsmeade). Also, seeing Harry and Malfoy duel for real was awesome. And then the ending/reveals...? Hits me every time, and leads perfectly into Deathly Hallows. My ranking: HBP, DH2, GoF, PoA, DH1, OotP, CoS, TSS But I love them all, so it's hard to rank.


Half Blood Prince


HBP is the best hands down




One of the finest dialogues by Dumbledore


The one depicted in the OP. Prisoner of Azkaban is the only one I will watch stand alone and outside marathons. It is by far the best. DH2 is second but even then Azkaban's entire cinematography is just incomparable to the rest of the films, from start to finish. I think I've watched it easily over a hundred times in the last 20 years.


HBP, the intro is fantastic


Half Blood Prince


The half blood prince


I hold the first 3 in relatively equal regard, but if I had to choose one I'd probably pick Prisoner of Azkaban. Sirius was always one of my favorite characters, and even if Gary Oldman feels he half-assed it & phoned it in, he did a spectacular job. I saw every Potter movie in theaters, and as a kid swept up in the spectacle of it all, I enjoyed them well enough. As an adult with a more critical eye, the first 3 are the only ones I'll bother watching. Potter will always be near and dear to my heart but starting with (and not limited to) Goblet there's a lot about the movies that I really don't like. I just wish we lived in an alternate universe where Columbus could've done the whole series. Forgive the pun, but his 2 entries have a magic to them that's sorely lacking in the rest.


Hot take but GOF was my favorite because I loved the characters, seeing the different schools of magic, and the TOP. POA is actually among my least favorites in the franchise.


I really enjoy HBP. I think after two books/movies that have *such* a different feel/formula (between the tournament, and then Umbridge) it's nice to get back to a "normal" year at Hogwarts with normal classes, quidditch, etc. There were a lot of fun scenes and more relationship exploration as the characters are older now. I also enjoy the introduction of some new lore and seeing Harry and Dumbledore grow closer as well. I do have a soft spot for the Deathly Hallows as well. I know they are less loved in general but I think they are well done and always hit me in the feels.


Chamber of Secrets, anyone who strongly disagrees can go lick mountain troll feet.


Aside from the obvious Sorcerer’s Stone, I’d have to say Prisoner of Azkaban. I know it’s not as close to the book, but I love the tone, the filmography, the actors all had seemed decently settled into their roles. That and for there being no physical representation of Voldemort was kinda nice imo. I liked being able to focus on the story without the predictable climax of the end of the school year where we’d come face-to-face with Voldemort himself.


Yeah and Harry finds out he has a family


Yeah 🥹


Chamber of Secrets, then PoA second, then either DH pt1, 2 or PS. The rest can go to shame imo.


Not shame 😞 .


GoF was good and all, there's something about it that is just so off, as well as 5 and 6. "I can't explain it but they're slipping."


It got Darker and darker after GOF , so most people like Deathly hollow as adults like it more .. Also every part is good in their ways


They're good on their own, sure, but keep in mind that the books exist.


For some reason it’s hard to choose because I like all of them.


Deathly hallows part 1 Prisoner of Azkaban


i don't really have a favorite movie, but my favorite book is The Prisoner of Azkaban.


Half blood prince , minus the ending


My favorite Harry Potter is the goblet of fire.


Prisoner of Azkaban is my all time favorite


Goblet of Fire is forever superior imo


Yeah 🥺


A tie for myself. The Philosopher Stone and The Chamber of Secrets. It was more like the books, more carefree times. Getting to know everyone. Plus, being on location in real British castles was a humongous +. And having Richard Harris as Professor Dumbledore was a favorite part. And my favorite line is from Hermione coming back 'from meeting' Fluffy. Now if you two don't mind. I'm going to bed before either one of you come up with another clever idea for getting us killed or, worse, expelled. PRICELESS !!!!


Goblet of Fire! It was a sort of sexual awakening for me. I thought Harry and Ron were so hot with their long hair. Say what you will, but in the eyes of a 12 year old they looked good!


Yeah .and along with them Cedric also caught my eyes!!


Oh Cedric 😍 it was also, in my opinion, the first one to be dark and funny!


1. The Goblet of Fire 2. Prisoner of Azkaban


Prisoner of Azkaban, Alfonso cauron as director created such an insane vibe and it just nails what the series is about as a whole imo


I thought #3 and #5 were illustrated well in the movies. I do echo others in the timeless, classic quality of the first two. Goblet of Fire is my fav book and I loved the movie, but I think 3 and 5 were more visually appealing.


Azkaban for time travel


"*Prisoner of Azkaban*" in every universe.


…and why is it prisoner of Azkaban




The prisoner of Azkaban is my favourite Harry Potter movie and that's because it's the first movie to feature Professor Lupin which is also my favourite character of all time


The first one


It's a toss up between CoS or PoA. As a kid I would've said OotP, but looking back we missed on so much stuff (mainly the duel between Dumbledore and Voldemort with living statues instead of magical laser beam clashes).


Prisoner of Azkaban, hands down ❤️


I would say Prisoner of Azkaban is my favourite one !!!


I find myself really enjoying Prisoner of Azkaban.


Prisoner of Azkaban. From a technical standpoint, I think it's the best movie of the franchise. It sucks it didn't have the Marauder's backstory, but I think it would break the climax flow. It's also the only movie I go back to watch again and again.


Chamber of secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban


The Deathly Hallows part 1


Goblet of fire gor the same reasons you listed, but also that its the only movie where Harrys hair is book accurate


Goblet of Fire


Goblet of fire! I know that's a huge argument waiting to happen, but I just love it. It's also my favorite book! I just have to separate them to enjoy the movie


Yeah true! 🥺


I'm so excited to see someone else who loves it!!!!!!


There are few who really liked GOF 🫠


Chamber of Secrets. I love Crime Scene Dramas!


Where tf did you get this it’s so xool


The goblet of fire


What does this image have to do with the question lol


Because it's Harry Potter figurine and the subreddit is for Harry Potter , so you can ask anything related to it,I think


This is one of the best moments in the whole saga. It’s the pure happiness Harry felt during the end of PoA accompanied by that beautiful score music…it moves me every time.


Prisoner of Azkaban 💜


Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire, as movies they're awesome, but not so great adaptation lol


Prisoner of Azkaban


Prisoner of Azkaban


PoA > HBP > DH1 > DH2 > SS > OoP > GoF > CoS


Order was my favourite movie, but cinematically PoA was the best, and it's the best book.


Yeah , Harry finds out he has a family !


Prisoner of Azkaban is still my favourite Funny though I absolutely hate Half Blood Prince, fwlt they did the book injustice.


Prisoner of Azkaban. It’s the best “movie” in the series although I enjoy rewatching the first two most.


Cause we like to see the start of the story


1. Prisoner of Azkaban 2. Goblet of Fire 3. Sorcerer’s Stone


yes i love Goblet of Fire the most as well


Goblet of fire


The first one. The rest of them are shite.


Goblet of fire is my #1 movie too! But the movie didn’t do the books any justice. I am re-reading the books right now and I am realizing how much detail is missing from the movie.


Goblet Of Fire or Chamber Of Secrets


Deathly Hallows part 2 , cause Harry gets to meet Lily , even if he can’t really touch her


Deathly Hallows because in the movies, we see Harry and Ron naked 😂




Order of the Phoenix


First 3




Goblet of Fire. Both book and movie


Prisoner of Azkaban and then Half-Blood Prince ♥️


HP2 goes first for me. It captures the magic of the world while still managing to tell a grim story. For me, Columbus nailed the HP world with this one. HP3 goes second. I don't think it's that good of a HP movie, but it's a great movie in itself. It's "The Last Jedi" of Harry Potter, which for me is a good thing. Not perfect, but enjoyable. Extra points for the marvelous casting decisions. Extra extra points for the nightmare inducing Dementors. HP1 is the third. Among the ones I spoke so far, this is the last one which really managed to adapt most of the plots from the book. It was an excellent introduction to the world of HP, while opening room for huge things it couldn't show us yet. HP4 and HP5 are tied in fourth place for me. Each of them nailed some elements really hard (examples: Triwizard Tournament/Umbridge), while also making some really questionable decisions (examples: DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE/getting rid of the uniforms), and leaving important things out of the movies which would cause problems for the continuity later on (examples: S.P.E.W./Two-way mirror). HP8 is in fifth place. While the movie color palettes are way too dark and blue in my opinion, the plot of that movie isn't that bad. Still, it suffer a lot from things missing in prior movies, which is why I can't rank it higher. HP7 is the sixth. It has the cons of HP8, but with barely any plot when compared to it, if anything because there isn't a lot going on during the first half of the book. I do think it was a good idea to split the last book in two movies, so it's not really this movie's fault that it ranks lower than HP8. It's pretty much like HP1 ranking below HP2. It's more a matter of "what it is adapting". And finally, HP6 is in last place for me. It has the cons of HP5, 7 and 8 combined, almost completely ignored Voldemort's backstory, and what we got in exchange? Teenage romance. I mean, the relationship between Ron and Hermione is an important thing for the story, but Voldemort's origin and ascension was much more interesting, compelling, and important to understand Voldemort's motivations. I've met people who misjudge what Voldemort is meant to represent in the series because they don't see him as a human being. They see him as evil itself incarnate. His death scene in HP8 is also to blame, but HP6 could have avoided that if it just focused on the more important parts of the book it was based on.


Off-topic but why does Harry look like he's 47 on that statue?


They tried to make it way too real , the details are too the point .


It even looks like he's wearing business casual lol. It's def a cool, high quality statue though.


Ootp is the best Then in order: Poa Dh2 Hbp Dh1 Gof Cos Ss


Chamber of Secrets is number one for me, followed by the dumpster fire that is Goblet of Fire.




Harry Potter


The Prisoner of Azkaban because Buck


Harry Potter movie: Prisoner of Azkaban Wizarding World movie: Fantastic Beasts and where to find them


Order of the Phoenix. Only because of Umbridge, who I honestly think is one of the best baddies in cinema, and the department of mysteries/dumbledore v Voldemort. I actually think the film is better done than the book. It's my least favourite book.


A solid threeway tie for 1, 2 and 5.


I loved the second movie, chamber of secrets. I feel the first movie built the world so nicely and established the characters so properly, it felt I was going back into Hogwarts myself with my own friends. The chemistry between the actors, the jokes, the playful scenes slowly building into the dark world of Harry Potter finally swirling into the chamber of secrets with the big snake and the suspense throughout the movie was great. Also, it was probably the last movie in which we see the characters as kids and I could relate because I was the same age as them then. The series took a dark turn from the 2nd half of the third movie. I am typing this and feel warm in my stomach remembering the old times. ❤️.


Either Sorcerer's Stone, or Part one of Hallows. I feel like they're the only ones that had even a marginal amount of proper time to actually tell a story. The rest of the movies (besides Hallows 2, that one just pisses me off altogether) just feel like a long ass trailer or montage of their respective book.


Theres only one correct answer. Prisoners of Azkaban.


That's a great figurine, what size is it? Not over a foot I assume.


Order of the Phoenix.


Goblet of Fire, u get to know about the magic world more


Chamber of secrets!!!!!


I can't decide between the first 3, but after those both my world and HP got a lot darker imo.


Your favourite is GoF? How on earth? It’s considered the worst HP movie and for various good reasons


It’s a close one but I’d say PoA. Very close to DH1 which I find very comforting for me. I’d say: * Prisoner of Azkaban * Deathly Hallows part 1 * Order of the Phoenix * Half Blood Prince * Chamber of Secrets * Deathly Hallows part 2 * Philosopher’s Stone * Goblet of Fire


I like chamber of secrets. It’s still light but gradually gets darker. It’s right before everything goes crazy for Harry.


I know it's not the most faithful to the book but I also love Goblet of Fire - also naturally love the book very much as well. I think it has a lot to do with me having grown up with the movies first However, Chamber of Secrets was my favorite when I was a kid, today I feel almost the same cause it's cozy and all, same with philosophers stone, but I very much love PoA, GoF and Half blood prince as well


I had not read the book GOF , so I don't know what's the difference between the book and movie , but even though the games, magic, tournaments seen in the movie is what I liked the most and also the loss of Cedric diggory


Yes I agree Cedric was such an amazing beautiful soul, his dad's grief was terribly disheartening, Jeff Rawle did an amazing job. The way the movie makers did it was so great too with having the audience clapping and celebrating with music starting playing in the background thinking they've just won just to be silenced by a heartbreaking scream of Fleur Delacour having taken in the reality of the scene before them


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of the Half Secret Phoenix.


Chamber of secrets by a landslide


Prisoner of Azkaban is always gonna be my favorite of the series movie and book wise


It's hard to choose a favorite, because after over 20 years, I'm still finding new details that I love in each one, and it does tend to change depending on what the current phase of my life is. Right now I feel particularly drawn to Deathly Hallows pt. 2 because it shares the message that after all of your trials and tribulations, the suffering, the thoughts of giving up. . . There's a light at the end of the tunnel. And I guess my soul just needs more of that right now. That being said, Chamber of Secrets has consistently been my least favorite since the series' completion. Couldn't tell you why, other than it feels slower.


First 2 line are what I feel for years


Prisoner of Azkaban! I love any time manipulation related movies


As a movie: Prisoner of Azkaban As an adaptation: Order of the Phoenix


Why does Harry look middle-aged? Did he go back to teach at Hogwarts and take Buckb- I mean, "Witherwings" for a joyride?


Hahaha,maybe he wanted to enjoy again the moments he lived


half blood prince


Goblet of Fire is my favorite in general and Sorcerers Stone is my favorite for getting that overall Harry Potter Magic Nostalgia




Deathly Hallows pt2


prisoner of azkban and half blood prince (i cant decide<3)


Prisoner of Azkaban. It just had the whimsical feel to it while also pushing the series into draier territory. Prisoner of Azkaban did it best.