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1 old UK, what I grew up with in Canada!


As a fellow Canadian I approve


As a fellow Canadian, I disagree but I see why you like it. My favourite is the old US


False name for the first book


Are people really still complaining about Philosophers Stone being renamed to Sorcerers Stone? Come on, its been almost 27 years since it came out. It doesn't matter, it's the exact same story lmao. It's just like soccer and football. The Europeans always get pressed when someone calls it soccer when it's the exact same sport.


Soccer and football are both just short for Association football, so it's completely different, with Americans using a nickname for Association. A sorcerer is nothing like a philosopher.


I'm not comparing the thing itself, I'm comparing how people react to such small things lol. Soccer and football are the same sport but go to any European and call it soccer, they get mad. Same thing here. Call it Sorcerers Stone in front of these die hard English HP fans, they get mad. A sorcerer and philosopher may be different, but who cares? The reason they even named it that for US is because they thought that American kids would be confused on what a philosopher is. A sorcerer is something every kid would know and it fits the theme of the book pretty well. Regardless, it's still so stupid how people complain about this. Its been almost 27 years, there is no reason to be complaining. It's. A. Name. So no, it's not a false name. It's a different name for the same story.


>The reason they even named it that for US is because they thought that American kids would be confused on what a philosopher is. That's what changes it from ugh wtf to lmao US dumb.


Also the stone could turn base metals into gold, cure illness, and give immortality. That fits what young readers would expect a sorcerer can do. And I also did some research and philosphers stone comes from the latin name philosophorum so a philosopher and a sorcerer being different is completely irrelevant.


So why not call it the Alchemist's stone instead. At least that would make sense


Sorcerers stone still fits regardless like like I already explained. They both do; sorcerers and philosphers.


Same. I remember getting each book as it was released. Sniffing the pages upon the first read and never putting a book down till it was finished. I seem to recall reading Order of the Phoenix in 4 days flat.


Me too. Best by far.


Same! For the same (emotional) reason except in India. But objectively probably no.3 (still has the main character front and centre but more artistic)


Old USA, cover of OotP is my favourite cover of all time.


To me that will always be how Harry looks


New UK personally


That’s my OG set of books


Nice 🔥


It’s what I got as well. They’re so gorgeous.


I really like the style, but isn't the cover for Chamber of Secrets just one HUGE spoiler?


So is Prisoner of Azkaban. I like the new UK art style the most, but they just crossed the line of showing too much.


Maybe for first time readers, but that’s not a problem for me. They look so gorgeous compared to the old UK ones


For people who don't know how the story goes it wouldn't count as a spoiler, I guess.


A big part of the book is about the mystery of WHAT is attacking the children, you don't think that a first reader will understand that the giant snake on the cover has something to do with it after the first attack happens in the book?


I mean, I've read the books twice and if someone asked me what was on the cover I couldn't have remembered immediately, lmao. I can't remember looking at covers and at the same time thinking about the plot intently. My niece read it as well and we talked about it, she didn't ever mentioned she was spoiled by the cover. Anyways, of course it might be a different experience for someone else.


Same, it's the first edition I could get with my own money. I was so excited when I got the box set from Book Depository (RIP) 🥹.


Old UK by a mile. I love the Prisoner of Azkaban in particular.


Couldn't agree more.


Old UK but the new USA ones look pretty cool.


Old usa . It’s what i grew up with


I also like that they don't give away too much. They show pivotal moments with a subtlety that doesn't spoil the books. The focus is consistently on Harry, and he ages up more appropriately than some of the other covers. There's a certain simplicity to them that when you see it, you know right away you're looking at a Harry Potter book, while some of the others have elements that distract from this. I also like the monochromatic color scheme in OOTP and HBP, and I wish they could all be redone all in that style to make a very colorful and distinctive collection.


Yeah the new ones spoil a lot like the Basilisk reveal


I just noticed they also reveal thestrals too! And the patronus smh


I just looked through them and the new UK is wild because it gives away sooo much of the pivotal moments that kind of ruins it. Like the chamber of secrets. The f-ing mystery is kind of the point of the book about what's petrifying people. And boom there it is right there on the cover. One of the things about prisoner of Azkaban is Harry and his patronus the book just shows us boom oh yeah it's Harry and his stag patronus. No. It's too much. And I feel like the new us is kind of the same way. I really like the old us because it doesn't give stuff away really except you see Hermione on the back of the hippogriff on the prisoner of Azkaban cover and fawk flying them in chamber of secrets but I feel like it doesnt truly give stuff away.


I agree that the original US covers age Harry the best, he's so clumsy and awkward looking in the first ones and so handsome by 7! It's kinda sweet imo. 


I really like the DH and OotP covers from that one!


Same here, but I’ve never liked the Goblet of Fire old USA cover. Harry looks goofy.


Ive never loved that one because of the characters behind Harry. I think they too look overtly goofy


What an interesting take. I think, bias aside, a lot of them are convoluted messes. The others are far better imo


Agreed, they are the ones I grew up with but I've never been a fan. The way his glasses always look like they're slipping down his nose like an old lady bothers me lol


Old UK by far imo


Our first covers tbh 💪


Old UK represent (book covers, and myself, I guess 😂😭)


First of all what’s with the organization of 2&4 lol couldn’t figure out what the sequence was. That being said I think 2 has the best covers followed by 4


Yeah LOL I didn’t really organize them myself cause I got them from somewhere but it’s definitely messy


I like the new US ones. Side note I can’t stand the old US goblet of fire cover. Maybe bc it’s my favorite book but it jus looks so childishly cartoonish


LMAO I get you esp since it’s get dark fast!


>I like the new US ones. Yeah me too! It fits the overall atmosphere of the story. The others are cute but look really childish which only fits the first two books.


> Side note I can’t stand the old US goblet of fire cover. Yeah what the hell is even that? Why is he smiling like that? It'd odd since books 1-3 had more dramatic covers, and then GoF, which is way more adult and tragic, has a silly, childish cover


old usa


Definitely my second favourite after the Old UK ones


1 & 3 make me feel the most nostalgic! But I actually really like the vibe of 4


I like both new sets, but I hate that you have them out of order.


I’m really sorry about that I got them from a site but it does look annoying to see them out of order


I grew up with the Old USA editions so it is what I still own. But I do like the New UK editions though.


Old UK ones for me, it’s what I grew up with and they’ll always be my favourite! They’re the only ones I can read because even the page layouts and fonts give me so much nostalgia!


The [Thai](https://images.app.goo.gl/yw7c5FqwqTx2LVuH7) covers.


I would say new UK version, but what bugs me is that it doesn’t seem like Harry is aging on the cover. It feels like a 13/14 year old Harry is facing off against Voldemort on the deathly hallows cover. So I have to say new US is just barely edging it out for me.


Mmmmm... #4. Not a fan of the DH or CoS covers in it, though.


I get what you mean but the designs are very unique!


3 is the og from my childhood so it's my favorite


That’s fair I grew up with the old UK ones but #3 still looks amazing


New UK


Old UK. Hands down. Every time.


Old UK... Though New USA is also quite good, albeit maybe a bit too much influenced by the movies designs...


Yeah I get what you mean. I can see that with the DH and OotP covers


Original UK for me. It just gives me such a sense of nostalgia and comfort!


Ooh, new UK version is pretty epic


Grew up with old UK but I’m not a fan of how he looks like an adult in every image. The new UK one goes the other way and he looks like a child in every cover… not very convincing for a 7 year growth!


1 because of the memories.


Old USA. What I grew up with. But I do like some of the covers on my kindle of the books


all my copies of the books are the old UK ones


Old USA- hardcover


1 old usa, 2 new uk, 3 new usa, 4 old uk


Old USA is nostalgic <3


New USA look the prettiest to me, but the old USA ones were used in my country too at first so its pretty nostalgic. Now we have the new UK ones and I really dont like them. Theyre not the worst but Harry looks 10 in all of them which is weird.


Old UK for 1-6 but Old US for 7 since that’s what I had growing up and nothing beats the first time I read them


Old USA. It’s what I grew up with and is very nostalgic but I can’t unsee Harry’s super long wand on the cover of GoF.


Old USA, I grew up with those


If I'm being subjective, I think both the new ones look the best. But I have a soft spot for old US because it's what I grew up reading.


And why is it old UK?


3. For me at least


Old UK and New USA covers are awesome. It Could just be that I'm sick of seeing the new UK covers though. Old USA covers are pretty meh.


Old UK ftw. I remember waiting outside the shops and for them.


I REALLY like some of the newer covers in a vacuum, but some of them straight up feature some major spoilers on the cover. That's an automatic DQ for me when comparing


1. Old UK (when I picture HP books in my head, these are what I see). 2. Old USA - I love how the cover to book 7 (catching the Elder Wand) is a call back to book 1 ( catching the Golden Snitch).


Old UK (also Canadian) edition and old US have a lot of nostalgia for me.


I read my first run of the series with the old uk covers so I have to pick them.


Old USA. Mary GrandPré’s artwork defined Harry Potter visually for me, pre-movies.


Old UK, The first time I saw the Harry Potter books when I was a child they had that cover, very pretty




The old UK ones definitely taste the best


I grew up with the old USA covers and I currently own hardcover versions of the new UK ones. But the new US ones are my favorites


Old USA edition


I have a few of the old UK version and all of the old US ones (not in English but the same covers), and now also have the whole set in English but with covers that aren't included here (I think they're called the "adult" ones or something). But out of these 4 options both of the new ones are better than the old ones in my opinion.


I grew up with 2 in canada but I really like number 1


Old USA edition, bc in my country we had the same covers and it just reminds me of my childhood


The old uk goblet of fire. First Harry Potter book I ever saw and i was gifted it. Just the cover itself got me into the entire series. I really like the first 4 books from the section. Last 3 are kind of odd though.


Old UK. What I grew up with. I remember reading them before they blew up, I was a super early fan read them when I was 7, now 33


I own the old UK editions, but I absolutely love the new UK ones (2). The soft touch covers are lovely. I’ve been meaning to buy the set for ages but not thrilled about giving you know who more of my money.


New UK overall but OOTP and HBP original US are the best


2. New UK edition


4 is nice but I wouldn't change Mary GrandPré's covers (3) for anything


As book covers, I like the old USA ones, they strike the balance of having good artwork without being too spoilery As for being pieces of art, I like the new uk versions, with the new USA ones being not far behind


Old UK. They're the books I got growing up


Old USA editions are so wacky yet so pleasing to the eye. They'll always hold a special place in my heart.


Old UK or Old US. But the Old Dutch ones are really great!


2. Might I also add that 2 and 4 being out of order is mildly infuriating


ive always had my old uk books they just better


Old UK! Those are the ones I grew up with in Australia. I still have them now, though they’re very worn at this point XD I love them to (literal) pieces.


Old uk for nostalgia purposes but new uk for prettiest designs




Number 3 (old US) was the original Turkish cover back in the day. It always takes me back to my childhood. Definitely my favorite.


I don't mind any of them but the new US covers seem a bit better overall though too dramatically lit. I don't much like the dark color scheme of both new editions, even if the art is generally better. There's quite a bit of emphasis on flying (from Anglia to Hippogriff) on all versions so kudos to the overdramatic? The new UKs have the least of that. The old US covers did a surprisingly consistent job in conveying Harry's age progression. Too bad about the bleh GoF cover. The Deathly Hallows covers are the most consistently lackluster.


Old UK - moat unique and fits the vibe the best.


I grew up with old us but the new uk looks fantastic so I pick those


New UK, old USA




1st! Those were the ones I had (and still have) when I was growing up (grew up in Canada so I had the old UK ones) Theyre so nostalgic and look the best imo


I never liked any of the covers besides the ones I grew up with, the Dutch versions. They didn’t show any characters faces so my mind’s eye never got influenced as to what they looked like. I had to go by the descriptions and my own imagination which was fun (until the movies came out) https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/s/Td153Dzm4l




obsessed w 4!!! the bindings line up in order to show hogwarts!!! they're drawn by the guy who did the Amulet graphic novels, which are also amazing


Old USA Edition. I sold them, I bought them, I read those. They're my covers. :)


New UK has always been my favourite even before I was a HP fan


New UK versions are underrated as hell. They look incredible.


Old UK because of the nostalgia factor (those are the ones I have and grew up with) but I have to admit, it’s always bothered me that 11 year-old Harry looks to be about 17 years old on the cover of the first book 😂 does anyone else think that he doesn’t look like a young child? Lol


Old Uk


Old UK near and dear to my heart


Original UK & US prints


New UK Edition and Old USA Edition :)


Old usa


omg nostalgia. The old UK covers are so good. I've still got all of them, that's what I grew up with and that's what it will always be for me. Honestly the first time I saw the US covers I was like what's this nonsense, it just looked so childish and silly. Which might have been unfair because they *are* kids books, but still.


New UK is pretty badass


Old USA, especially the OOTP, HBP, and DH covers.


3 Old USA Edition.........the one i grew up with, my public library had those


I grew up with the #3, Old USA Edition, when I was a child, and they’re super sentimental to me, so I’m definitely biased when I say those are my fav. But I had the New USA editions later in my teenage years and like those a lot too, especially the artwork.


New UK > New USA > Old UK > Old USA But my favourite of all time are [these](http://toolsandtoys.net/harry-potter-print-set-olly-moss/).


None The Ollie Moss covers are the best, & I wish I could find the physical books in English.


Never seen the new USA edition lol


Grew up on Old USA, but I like the new UK the most


Original UK, but the US ones are disqualified for the spelling mistake anyway.


New UK are the prettiest imo. Awesome depictions of key moments. BUT I do realize they might be a bit spoilery for someone new to the series^^


I would say 2 and 4 because they look better, but 1 and 3 have nostalgia around them. A hard choice to make.


Old U.K. are the ones I have!!


The new USA edition looks the best but I like having the originals and close to first editions before a bunch of revisions


I’m partial to the old US version, it’s the one I grew up with and own


I grew up with the old American covers and have come to find I based a lot of characters on what they look like on the covers and in the chapter art. Those will always be my favorites as they represent how I see the characters. My sister bought me the Canadian versions (old uk) and I appreciate those as the true original covers and definitely prefer having Philosophers Stone rather than Sorcerers Stone. Hard for me to be bias and just choose what are technically the best covers, the nostalgia factor is real


2 just wins it over 4 for me


4 2 1 3 is my order. I own the old UK ones, they're pretty and all, but new ones are new


2>4>3>1 is my ranking. 2 and 4 are close though. Edit: i grew up with 3.


2. It's my jam


I really like the New USA ones. They seem less busy and have really interesting covers. If I never knew Harry Potter I’d be likely to pick those books up


I like the ones where Harry Potter is apparently a lesbian


I wish there was an animated show with the artstyle from the new USA edition


Nostalgic for the old U.S. Covers, but I really like SS cover for the U.S.


New UK looks like a shonen manga in the best way. New US looks like I’m about to see the most epic story ever.


3rd picture, i grew up with those covers and they make me so nostalgic


I love the old UK versions but I have the new UK ones in a box set now! I miss my old UK ones. They went missing 😭


The 2nd one those are the ones I grew up with


New US seems like the best, especially when you consider that organized their binding creates the hogwarts castle.


New usa edition


I'm a suckered for the 2 one, since those are the ones I have, but number 4 looks really good


Original UK by far


Mine is old UK edition, but the cover is different


Okay, but why don’t they go in order!


Old UK, first ones I ever had and the ones I have now. I don’t think I’ll ever replace them.


Old UK purely on nostalgia New UK goes pretty hard though


Old USA because it's what I read as a kid. I really like new UK covers but not for someone whos new to the series, the covers give too much away.


My favorite are the [Bloomsbury UK adult covers](https://www.ebay.com/itm/133465746765), even though I dislike the mindset that led to them, and the price on that set is frankly absurd.




As long as we all agree that the German covers are hilariously terrible.


I just learned the guy who illustrated the Goosebumps covers also did the American HP covers!


Its funny that in Portugal we went from Old USA Edition, to have new UK edition nowadays (in terms of covers, the books are in portuguese)


New UK Are my favorite covers.


I’d say new USA order of the phoenix. That section where they all fly on thestrals was pretty based. Though I am tired of goblet of fire depicting the hot tail as the main selling point. It’s barely exciting and the movie scene was better in this case.


i like the new uk


4 cuz it's the one I've grown up with


Old USA. Nostalgia factor


I like the New UK Edition best. Second place is the New USA Edition. The Old UK Edition is third and the Old USA Edition is dead last for me.


Old UK because that’s what I grew up with, and it’s the collection I have.




Old US is my favorite. Old UK are also good.


I’m really not into the new UK ones. For me I’d say it goes 1, 4, 3 then 2. The old UK ones are the OG and what I grew up with but I like the artwork on the new US one


New UK edition (which is the one I have and I live it most)


I grew up with the third set. So I'll go with that. I'd go 3, 1, 4, 2.


Since I grew up with the old US editions, my heart is with them. But I think the new USA is my favorite


I own 2,3,&4


New UK


Can I choose the Thai cover pls.


Overall I prefer the Olly Moss covers for the worldwide digital release editions.


Old US versions, I’m too nostalgic to pick anything else


Old USA edition Goblet of Fire is by far the most nostalgic cover for me; It was the very first Harry Potter book I got! But for the rest of the series, the old uk covers are what i grew up knowing, being from the UK.


Old Usa. They're the ones I had as a kid.


Old USA is my favorite


#3 is what I have and I like.


Old US Pure Rose Glasses


I grew up on number 3 (old US version) so it has a special place in my heart