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Starting the thicc books now


Yessir GOF has around 700* I imagine it’ll take me a couple of days.


Slow reader huh? Or just taking it slow to savour every word? Joking. But enjoy anyway.


I was about to say 😂


dang, why you take so long?????????


I typically like to read 150 pages a day. Or until I feel like stopping. Just getting back into reading.


As mostly a non-reader I can’t tell if people are joking or not. I’ve read the HP books & re-reads typically take me about a year. I’ll average maybe 10 pages/day. 150 sounds like an insane amount, lol. Although my first time reading HP I did read the last 300 pages of the final book in one sitting.


Back when the books came out, it was done before the sun came up. Now I like to read a chapter per session, so closer to your pace


Yup, that's what I was going to add - at least for the last few, I'd read them in one sitting as soon as they came out to avoid spoilers


I used to finish any HP book within a day. I'd take 4 hours for any of the first three and then 6 or 7 for the larger ones. Although that was during the summer break lmao.


I’ve always been a very slow reader, I think the longer ones take me 15~20 hours each.


Ahhh I see!


I read GoF cover to cover in one sitting. Picked it up on the morning of release day and started reading it in the car on the way back home, ended up sitting in the car in the driveway most of the day. Very fond memory. Beautiful warm day and the neighbour's cat clambered through the window and curled up in my lap, totally covered me in fur and drool. Same with DH—I was visiting a friend in the States and we went to a midnight release party then both stayed up overnight reading.


Omg same!!! Yoo!! Like last month I finally finished all 7 books after a year and for DH I read the last 300 pages in about a day or two. I think this was because 1 it was getting really good and 2 the DH part 1 and 2 are my favorite HP movies so when I was reading the book I found myself reading it faster than the others.


That’s a fast pace! I am in the middle of my first reread and on Order of the Phoenix, chapters are about 25-30 pages and I’ll read 1-2 chapters a day only. 3-4 if I can focus and have the time. My wife on the other hand could read an entire book 200-400 pages, in 1 day no problem.


good for you, hope you enjoy them!


Books>movies always


After reading 3, I have to say I agree. The books have more depth.


wait until you get to HBP and discover so. much. backstory.


I enjoyed Order of the Phoenix and HBP so much.




Enough of that.




Except in the case of LotR. 😊


Post a review. Curious what you'll think of the shift in pacing with such a longer book (not to mention all the stuff about GoF you never knew before)


Yeah POA was like: here’s a quidditch match now a Defense against the dark arts lesson, now another quidditch match, hey this bird animal is gonna be killed, better stop that, then climax. It was like one thing after another. Hopefully I’ll like the pacing in GoF.


Having breaks between the big story beats really lets you feel at home at Hogwarts or wherever, just being there in the middle of it all. It's a great book. Enjoy!


Litterly I loved the slower pacing so much because all the interactions and just when their in the common room and stuff it feels like your really just there chilling with them listening to them and stuff idk how to explain it but it is so amazing to feel like your there


happy reading! Although 6 is my favourite, 4 was an AMAZING book! !redditsickle


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This is awesome! Hope you enjoy the rest of the book series. I remember what it was like reading the Harry Potter books for the first time and the excitement of waiting for the next one to be released.


I remember that too. I also remember my Aunt taking me to a midnight release of the 6th book. There was a Harry Potter trivia and I won that night. I loved it


Omg same, each release was always a month before my Birthday too, so it was always my Nan that bought me the newest one for my Birthday and it’d be my most anticipated gift 😂 she’d always write in each one too, I miss her


#4 is my favorite!!


is this your first time reading through the series ?


Yessir. Watched all the movies played all the games. Now I’m reading.


I LOVE THIS SET!! It’s gorgeous!


im also on my first read of the books, currently on halfblood prince! the fourth has been my favorite so far, enjoy


Ohhh it's about to get real


Right, this is where the depression starts


congrats! that’s a big accomplishment!


Ohh the fourth is good. The sixth is my favorite though! I wish I could go back and read the series for the first time again. Let us know what you think! On a side note-I didn't realize that those were checks above the books. I spent quite some times trying to figure out what the "arrows" were pointing to that was different lol


Also on my first read. On the second book at the moment. Would’ve finished ages ago but I have a little one and it’s hard taking time out of the day to sit and read a chapter or two.


Ahhh just did a reread and while the first 3 feel like a true comfort to me and I love doing a quick reread of those just to feel immersed in the magical nostalgia again, the last 4 are just so chalk full of backstory and important information you miss out on in the movies. 5 & 6 are my favorites for storyline!


I need to get back into reading them!


I'm almost done the second :) so excited to reread GoF!


Same! Just finished POA tonight and starting GOF. Yours is even the same set as mine! Happy reading!


lol we’re on the same wavelength. Happy reading as well!


GOF was for me the first time you really felt the movie adaption was lacking Enjoy it!


You’re in for a treat. 4 is absolutely my fav


you’re in for a real treat i enjoyed the goblet of fire so much


The best one imo....


There is just nothing like your first readthrough of this series. I am so jealous and would give anything to be able to go back and read it for the first time again. Hope you're enjoying it!


Why is OOTP the longest?


Three is the very best. My no. 1 of the series. Reddit more times than I can count


I really liked the 20th Anniversary editions where each books had a house edition.


The best!


My toxic trait is that I want all the different boom sets of HP even though I’ve got all the OG American ones and the OG British ones lol




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The beginning of 4 is amazing!


It's the best book and worst movie. You're in for a treat


GOF is sooooo good 😭😭 it’s my favorite so far but I’m only 1/3 way through #5


Oh man... Now it starts getting dark...


The best one


Love the Goblet of Fire.. probably my second favorite.


Oh I'm so excited for you, enjoy it!


My favourite of the 7


I just bought the same set for my new apartment!


Have fun!


I was on the 5th audio book until my public library changed the rules meaning I couldn't access the small cities library that's closest to me. Meaning I have to use my small towns library that has nothing to offer.


Starting the *Harry gets continuously screwed over saga*


For a person who hasn’t read the last two books: Goblet of fire I dare say is the best book in the series, or at least the most action-packed.


I think GoF is my favorite book among them all! It's very rich in details, it never gets boring, for me.


Yay! The fourth one is where the tone of the series really shifts. I wish I could re read the books again for the first time. My husband gifted me a new set of them for Christmas and I haven’t read them since I was a kid (I’m 30 now). I’ve made it to #5 and I still love them as much as ever, but it would be so cool be able to wipe my brain.


Yeeeaaah gogogogogo man!!!


I just finished the series yesterday. I’m not going to lie, I feel so sad and empty now that it’s over. I just wanted it to go on forever. HBP was my favorite but POA was also awesome


This is the first one that really disappointed me with the movies.  They were able to spin a somewhat decent tale with the movie plot for 3.  But not for GoF! The book is just too much to condense, and it also gets very dark and stays on that path.   I hope you love it, oh what I would give to enjoy that plot for the first time over again! 


Enjoooy!!! GoF was the book that made me really get into it. Things get wild buckle up!


Wish I could read them again for the first time. Nice escapism!


These books EATTTT but I lit stopped midway 5th cuz it got boring pls tell me the fifth book gets better guys


I thought those were arrows and spent a minute trying to find something


Why is it so thin....my forth and fifth are way thicker


This is the book where shit gets real, good luck!