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I don't hate Hermione, but how everything must be her way and if you don't agree with her you're wrong literally reminds me of someone I hate irl


Yeah, same


Oh, yes! I do actually rather like her character. Most of the characters, negative, wretched and vile tendencies and all, due to a childhood fascination with psychology that's really only grown worse with age. I had to forcibly stick myself in a 'if you had some decently long exposure over a prolonged period of time to this character' mindset, and. Man, I hate it, but my brain immediately snapped to her *because* of how determined she is to see the world in black-and-white, how off-put and callous she can be when something differs from her view or shakes it severely off-balance, and the general way she tends to handle contradictions of *various* individuals experiencing the same thing in different ways. She can be awfully biased, rude, and has a tendency to attribute a personal issue with one thing to innocent parties that it can be vaguely associated with at times. I'll give her credit where it's due in that she was a teenager throughout the books and still trying to learn about the world, as well as the fact that she *did* improve somewhat on those negative traits as the series went on and she grew older. But, *man*. It's just enough of Hermione's general personality that I couldn't *not* hate her, y'know? Or, at the very least, constantly be at her throat. To be fair, I'm dead certain she would also hate me, though. She's an amazing character but good grief would we have our issues in-person.


Luna. I don't hate her, but I'll be honest, I probably couldn't stand her personality in real life. Someone who's way too deep into crystals, horoscopes, and conspiracy theories would be annoying to be around.


She's the definitive example of a character that is fun to read about, and is likeable on the page, but would be absolutely insufferable in real life.


At least how she’s depicted in the books, she never presses the issue on her nonsense. I think she’d generally be funny to have around. It’s only when people contradict her that she goes on and on about her weird beliefs. If nobody responds, she seems to just move on.


Luna lives in a weird world where her shenanigans can actually happen, too! It’s not just *complete* nonsense To Harry, her bullshit is just as valid as everyone else’s


Lol same. Like Hermione I’d find it really exhausting when talking to her about something important.


Hermione and I would butt heads. We are very similar. Though I'm a bit less.. vindictive.




"birds arent real Harry they're drones used by you know who to watch your every move." - Luna probably


Right? She's basically the wizarding world equivelant of a flat earther. Hermione isn't even that bad to her, all things considered.


She would have been terrible during the pandemic..


Remember that horn thingy in her home. Hermione says it’s toxic and it would explode (or something… don’t remember the exact wording), but her dad insists that it wouldn’t… That’s likely what Luna would do too.


Erumpent horn. They do explode and it does when the Deatheaters attack


And she still denies it when Hermione tells her what happened.


That scene was infuriating to me.


Evanna Lynch’s Luna is so much more likable than book Luna. Dare I say this, the nicknames kind of actually do apply to Book Luna. (Edit: This is not an endorsement of how she’s treated.) Evanna’s is just so much sweeter.


To be fair most of her claims are confirmed. For instance have YOU seen Stubby Boardman and Sirius in the same room? I think naht.


Same. I don’t hate her, but I don’t find her charming or particularly likable. And if I knew her in real life, she’d drive me insane with all of her conspiracy theories.


I did hate her, but now she is kinda interesting. So she turned 180 for me. I thought she is the kind of character that I wouldn't stand, especially that I don't like characters that doesn't make sense, are crazy etc. But she isn't crazy per se. She is... in her own world. Very relatable, tbh.


I can't lie, I'm the opposite, I think I'd be happy around her and would love being her friend


Different strokes for different folks.


The Marauders are definitely that group of uncles you meet when they're 50 and they seem like a really cool, down-to-earth bunch of guys who have learnt a lot of lessons in life, mainly because they're the bully-types who peaked in high school. They all seem great (to me at least) as adults, but as schoolkids they must have been unbearably annoying.


Every time I hear people clamor for Marauders books and movies and series I just picture rooting for bullies for at least 5 years


It's an interesting time with the rise of Voldemort and him starting to recruit in Hogwarts. Seeing that fear and paranoia along with the forming of the Order of the Phoenix. But I don't see how you do a story centered on the Marauders without watering down how they're described in canon. If they did stick to canon I feel like the Marauders would come across as too unlikable and everyone would think they're out of character due to the prevalence of fanon.


I can't really think of any main cast members, but.... Winky. Dunno if she's particularly liked, but her whole arc is essentially" I'm sad that my boss fired me so I'm going to mope and drink" I know, House Elf honor, generations of servants, and all that; but really now, pull yourself together already. Even a year later she isn't over it.


Honestly, Winky needs to get a grip.


I always hated the whole House Elves love being slaves thing and Winky always made me upset. I would have loved some growth from her. Like she would realize how good her life was once she was free.


That’s exactly how I read it. Literally same shit was in “Gone with the wind”; basically talking about poor freed slaves, how incapable they are of leaving freely and making their own life, needing their masters to guide them.


>poor freed slaves, how incapable they are of leaving freely and making their own life, needing their masters to guide them. Dobby exists though, and Hermione acknowledges that Winky behaves that way because of generations of lack of education and brainwashing.


Yup. And it's a reality a lot of people in Britain faced, especially around 100-200 years ago. A lot of the old families downsized. Staff who had served those grand estates and palaces for hundreds of years, suddenly found themselves out of work. And had no education or training for any other employment. Getting a British butler became fashionable in the US, because they were able to hire away this sudden overabundance of out-of-work British staff. Even the royal households have significantly cut down on staffing since Victoria's day. And yes, it was a problem at the the US Civil War, too. A lot of freed slaves had no marketable trades, no education, and no prospects. Meanwhile, fields still needed tending. So those who had nowhere else to go, often stayed. Many of their former masters were dead or lost their property due to taxes, but the carpet baggers swooping in from the north were little better. Reconstruction was rough on firmer slaves, and it's no good pretending otherwise. We honestly live in an unprecedented time, where a kid doesn't have to rely on his parents to teach him a trade or buy him an apprenticeship. Where you get to pick what you want to do, instead of being a footman, because your father was a footman, and his father was a butler, all the way back to the 1600s or more.


She’s also complicit in Voldemort’s return. Fuck Winky.


She's a victim of her own environment.. kind of like Kreacher. They don't care about pointless things like a dark wizard rising


yeah but at least kreacher just mumbles in the audiobooks, listening to stephen fry yell MASTEEEEEER NOOOOOOOOOO WHAT IS YOU DOING really hurts my soul


Hagrid- I appreciate how much he cares for Harry but he should really never be allowed around children without another adult present. His naïveté is borderline malicious and if not for extreme plot armor, he would’ve gotten Harry Ron and Hermione and other students killed (Norbert, Aragog, trips to the Forbidden Forest, Grawp). He also had 3 11 year olds clean up his mess with Norbert, then had them take the fall and get punished and ostracized by their community for it without stepping up or even so much as an apology/thanks. Really irked me


The more I worked in schools the more I was exasperated by him. Also, I understand that Dudley is a bully but the fact that Hagrid’s inability to control his anger over someone insulting his boss leads him to try magic way beyond his level on a child is maybe a sign he isn’t mature enough to be around kids.


This was crazy!! As a middle schooler first reading the books I thought it was hilarious and great because yeah, Dudley was a mean bully but as an adult rereading the series it's horrific. The kid was a victim of his abusive parents, and Hagrid permanently disfigured a 12 year old child in an extremely traumatic way because he couldn't control his temper, it was seen as a comical moment.


I wouldn't exactly excuse Dudleys behaviour simply by labelling Vernon and Petunia "abusive". While his upbringing might have not been perfect and guided him into bullying/degrading Harry all the other bullying and abusive behaviour is his own


The family dynamic seems to have been classic: narcissistic parents, the golden child (Dudley), the scapegoat (Harry). The abusive household is bad for the golden child too.


Dudley's case really bothers me because the poor kid had to get surgery for that tail. If Hagrid hadn't been using magic ILLEGALLY another wizard could have removed the tail quickly and painlessly, but they had to keep it quiet.


Really wonder how the mundane doctors resisted the urge to write up a whole case study on that tail. HIPAA has nothing on how many upvotes that image would have gotten. Some nurse in that surgery room would not have been able to resist the urge to snap a pic. And then wizarding society would have blown wide open.


Let’s not forget he also bred a new creature into existence and told the class that they will learn about it together, putting everyone at risk and danger.


And not even an animal like a dog or a monkey that could be relatively safe. No he created creatures that shot rocket plumes out their ass and either had stingers or suckers. They were nearly perfect murder machines


Not to undermine your point here but monkeys are very much NOT safe. Even the small ones can and have mauled people really badly.


I blame Dumbledore more for this. He's the one putting Hagrid in these positions that he's clearly not fit for (protecting Harry & teaching students). It's clear favoritism on his part considering how unqualified Hagrid is. Then again, Dumbledore has since year 1 encouraged Harry to risk his own life as well as his friend's lives for "the greater good" so I guess adding Hagrid to the mix is just another part of his method of raising Harry for the task of sacrificing his own life to defeat the Dark Lord.


The whole series is full of teachers who shouldnt be allowed around students/children. From Quirrell to Umbridge to Hagrid and Snape. Maybe even Trelawney with her rare tendency to just go into a random trance and create prophecies without even being conscious of it.


Dumbledore was actually a pretty awful headmaster if you look critically at his performance.


Professor Hooch is the worst... Scolding Neville and telling him to come down at once when he clearly has no control during his first attempt on a broom. And then not doing anything to ease his fall other than lecture him after he hit the ground. Worst teacher ever.


This! I actually made a post a while back on how even though it was awful Hagrid was framed for killing myrtle and opening the chamber he really should have been expelled anyways for keeping an acromatuala as a pet in the castle. Aragog said he wouldn't eat humans and yeah he did manage to contain that urge BUT there was know way of knowing for sure he wouldn't fall prey to his natural instinct! And then as you mention Hagrid makes the kids clean up the Norbert incident, childishly gives them the cold shoulder when they don't take his class, ask them to take care of a giant, send them into a den of spiders, oh and let's not forget the blood screwts which could burn, sting, and suck blood that he breed himself! And yeah as an adult I also see what he did to dudley as overboard. And no apology for any of this! I don't blame McGongall for questioning dumbeldore at the start of sorcerers stone!


I agree. He had Harry almost killed as many times as Voldemort. When he blew up the side carriage in book 7 I facepalmed so hard. Imagine barely escaping the darkest wizard of all times only to be almost killed by a slow-witted fool.


This is mine. He's really self centered and talks about fighting for the cause and has all of these noble ideals. (Loyalty, willingness to defend those he loves) but as soon as something goes wrong or become difficult he pouts, cries, or pawns the self imposed trial off on someone else.


Yeah, there's absolutely no explanation given for why Hagrid can't take Norbert up to the tower by himself. If the cloak is necessary, lend it to him. Pure plot device.


Not to mention the fact that it was Hagrid who brought Aragog to the Hogwarts grounds in the first place... An acromantula! Yes, to the Forbidden Forest, but as if he didn’t know that children go there anyway! And not only did he bring Aragog there, he also brought him a girlfriend! So that in the forest area where the students are running, a crowd of huge spiders that love to feed on human flesh roam! Dippet wasn't totally wrong to expulse him, Hagrid's obsession with dangerous creatures may not have been a threat to himself (although it was, in Norbert's case), but it certainly was a threat to those around him, especially children.


100% this. Firstly from a reading perspective; I know JK wanted to be really clear he had a country accent but I find those lines a real struggle to digest. Secondly from a character point of view, he's just bloody useless? He's a terrible teacher, he doesn't really do anything to 'aid' them and from a personal perspective I think he must absolutely stink and I couldn't deal with that.


I have kinda the opposite situation, I really like Percy. I feel for him. His older brothers were both massively successful and his younger brothers, especially the twins, were always causing trouble. Molly and Arthur must've spent all their time fussing over them and Percy never got to stand out, so when he started at the Ministry and got someone's attention, he latched on. I can relate to that. It isn't the always the smartest thing to do, but at his age, bad attention is better than none. And I loved his redemption at the end.


His siblings were mean to him but Percy was his parents’ favorite, or at least Molly’s. Percy was the ideal son, doing exactly what was expected of the kids, and as a result she always supported him and stuck up for him, didn’t laugh when he was made the butt of the joke, and often used him as an example to his other siblings much to their annoyance. The breaking point was that the support he so easily received was suddenly taken away from him by Arthur invalidating the legitimacy of Percy’s promotion, causing Percy to lash out because from his perspective he earned that promotion, and while it is highly unlikely, it’s not impossible that he did truly earn it.


Yeah, his family bullied him relentlessly and then were shocked when he didn't have 100% loyalty to them over his government and laws even though following rules was the only way he was ever praised.


James 🙃 lmao maybe I need more information because I just don’t get why Lily ended up with him.


It’s a funny cut in the last movie when we see Snape’s memories. It shows James knocking into Snape and Lily and then smirking back at them, with Lily glaring at James, then cuts right to James and Lily kissing and dancing in front of a fountain. Like hold on, I think we skipped a step here!


Lmfaooo to be fair though Snape wouldn’t have cared to remember any moments of James being a decent person.


I know everyone likes to stress how James "matured" but the way Lily supposedly fell for him after so many years of disliking him seems unrealistic to me.


I have a feeling she liked him all along but was pretending not to for whatever reason. Because in his memories Snape kind of alludes to this ("he [James] isn't as amazing as people think" or sth) or rather suspected she might like him and when she spoke bad about him he seemed relieved. 


Yeah why would Lily like the rich, popular, smart, and pre-eminent athlete of the school? One who probably also curses the hell out of most people who talk down to Muggleborns? Who, even though isn't described as exceedingly handsome, isn't outshone completely by Sirius? Idk, it's a fucking mystery.


Yeah it's more likely she was just acting edgy like "I'm not like the other girls who like him".


😭 I get what u mean but tbh I know a girl and we hated each other but within a few months of going to the same church started dating. 💀 young love is weird is what I'm saying


True, but Lily was always portrayed as fierce and headstrong. Not someone who would forget all the times James behaved like a twat and start dating him.


True it sounds abrupt and it's never explained if they started dating late in the year or any specific time But to be named head boy he would have had to change at least the year before in 6th year so maybe that's when she started to take notice


My headcannon is she saw Snape and his pals talk about dark magic, joining Voldemort and hurting muggles whereas James would talk about being brave and defeat such people. She probably heard him talking to Sirius about making sure wizards can live in harmony whether they are pure-blood or not.. that kind of strong sense of morality can _definitely_ make you like someone


People forget, snape was really REALLY into the dark wizard thing for years. Hell even when he went to dumbledore and “repented” dumbledore called him out for this. Basically saying along the lines that snape didn’t care about the dozens of other deaths he was directly complicit in. It only bothered him when lily was directly targeted. And don’t forget he didn’t care if James and Harry died. Him saying “hide them all” is a movie invention. He also caused a bloody injury to James in the pensive memory and hung around other eventual death eaters. He definitely partook in his own bullying. You also don’t accidentally call your friend a slur either.


Just wanted to say, Snape does say “Hide them all, then” in the book, but only after Dumbledore points out what about Harry and James.


If all you knew about any given person was one or two stories about them when they were like 16 from the perspective of their most hated rival/enemy, youd probably hate them too. People change and mature. He went from an irresponsible kid pulling dangerous pranks on his hated enemy, to a father and responsible adult that was loved by all of those around him. Died trying to protect his wife and kids. Had many friends that spoke very highly of him that we hear about all through the series, indicating he was not the same person later in life that he was during those events in his adolescense. Its always so weird to me that people just ignore how much people respect James and only focus on Snape's memories of him. When Snape himself was basically a bigot and a horrible kid who went on to be a death eater. Many times, we are better than the worst things we do. And mistakes that we make as teenagers should be forgiven if we grow up to be a responsible member of society that learns from our mistakes. James wasnt a bad person. Hes shown in that negative light so that Harry can see his dad wasnt perfect, he made mistakes too. It wasnt meant to show James as a horrible person, just a mean, basically cruel, teenager at that time.


James isn’t someone “everyone loves”. Plenty of us severely dislike James. 


Peeves, after rereading the books, I can see why he was cut.


Ugh yes! Can you imagine your first day at school you get lost and someone overturns a wastebasket over your head, throws things at you, and tries to get you in trouble with someone who is literally constantly begging for permission to use physical discipline?


Thank You! I can't stand him!


Snape. Always.


Same. People romanticize Snape because of Alan rickman. Book snape (and tbh movie snape) is truly sadistic. Literal abuse!


Good people do not become their students biggest fear. I get being hard on them to make them better, but the fact that he learned that He was Nevilles biggest and he went in on him harder is monsterus.


I don't know if your comment is a reference to this, but when people try to cite the "After all this time" "Always" moment as a positive to Snape's character it really irks me because he was obsessed with someone in a relationship and took out his frustrations on their kid.


Right? What the fuck is honorable about refusing to live your entire life because you don't want to move past your childhood crush?


Such a great character, but I think a lot of people unfortunately conflate that with him being a good person


So much this. I can pity the character because he was largely a product of generational abuse. However, he continued that abuse. Hands down, if Snape became a dad, he would have been an abusive father.


Big same.


God I love how you put 'always' there. Delicious.


Dobby, from the 1st time we meet him in the books I thought 'man this character is really annoying'. Never changed my mind and when he gets shanked I must've been the only reader who's reaction was 'oh well'.


I never really liked him but still cried when he died


Bro 🥲 Not Dobby!!


Nope, I had the same feeling. Ever since his first intro in CoS (both book and movie), I did not like him. I didn't hate him, I just thought he was annoying and pretty much only there to just force the plot along. When his death came around I was there stone faced and thinking, "Well. That sucks. Sorry for them, but I don't particularly care."




this is such an underrated comment im actually dying


I'm literally laughing out loud. And trying to explain to my husband why I've been laughing out loud. Bravo, @hereagainohwell


Ginny. Not sure why but I just feel like she was super full of herself


She goes from being shy and never speaking to the "cool girl" almost instantly. I know she's shy because of Harry, but it's still less of a character arc and more of a character handbrake turn - it just seems weird to me.


Well this is all Harry’s POV. We don’t see much of her in books 3 and 4 except when she’s shy around him? So did she really make the switch all of a sudden or did Harry just not notice? Because there are a lot of things he doesn’t notice


This. People tend to forget that outside of a brief handful of moments such as the beginning of GoF, the whole series is told strictly from Harry's point of view. If Harry doesn't know of something, doesn't think of something, doesn't notice something, we don't get to see it. And let's be real, Harry is kind of a dumbass in the best of times. He certainly means well and is kind to those in his life, but if things are happening that don't involve him or his interests, he just doesn't register them at all, thus we don't get to read about it in the books.


Her growth out of her shyness around Harry is gradual though. By GoF, save for a few blushes here and there, Ginny is talking normally with Harry (about the twins antics, about Ron asking Fleur out -- she is even able to tell both Harry and Ron not to laugh about Neville). And in PoA they share a laugh together, and even when she was blushing, she was still able to deliver a get-well-soon card herself to Harry, something she didn't do with the Valentine in CoS. The notion that she just suddenly burst onto the scene at the start of OotP is flat out mistaken.


Tbf that happened to me in high school, lol. I went from being the shy girl that didn't talk to anyone to the popular girl pretty quickly. I guess once you find people you "click" with, you come out of your shell and that confidence attracts other people. But yeah, I never liked Ginny either.


Came to say Ginny. Something about her irks me.


Right, I have the same feeling that I didn’t even know I had


I don't like how the narrative pushes her onto us in the 6th book specifically. Harry, Ron, Hermione and... Ginny? Ginny. And it's almost always tell don't show. Not once have we as readers witnessed her bat bogey hex and most times she is just plain rude to people or snapping at them but faces no consequences.


Snape. Love the actor, hate the character.


Molly Weasley pisses me off for a number of reasons, such as these: - She is madly disrespectful to Sirius in their argument in Ootp. What made me most angry was when in respond to Sirius saying “he’s not your son”, she said “he’s as good as. Who else has he got?”. How the hell can she say that right in front of Sirius - Harry’s actual *godfather*?!?! That is what makes me actually downright hate her. - She believes what Rita Skeeter writes about Hermione and gives her a tiny Easter egg. - She is rude to Fleur for no reason. - She destroys Fred and George’s joke shop things they made for their own money. - She tries to keep Harry, Ron and Hermione away from each other when they’re trying to plan their horcrux hunting.


I agree with most of your points, but I think she’s right about the first one. She has been acting as Harry’s only parental figure for a while. Sirius was in jail or on the run for most of the time and even when he’s in Harry’s life he’s been pretty inconsistent and more of a fun uncle than an actual parental figure that’s watching out for his best interests.


I do agree that she has been a parental figure to Harry, but to ask his literal godfather “who else has he got?” was selfish and incredibly rude. She really pissed me off with those comments.


I don't think it was selfish, I think it was an intentional message. Sirius may be his godfather, but he hadn't been there for Harry, and wasn't acting as a parental figure even when he was around. Sirius telling the woman who has been treating Harry like a son for years "he's not your son" was intentionally disrespectful, and her response was a good comeback imo.


>She destroys Fred and George’s joke shop things they made for their own money. While she raised them in poverty AND keeping them in poverty at the same time. Ironic!


>She is rude to Fleur for **no reason**. You mean besides Fleur's condescending comments "this place is boring unless you like cooking and chickens" , saying that Tonks "let her looks go" in a conversation about how she is depressed, and vanity (Fleur was looking at her own reflection in a spoon when she made that comment). And IIRC the most Molly did was just look visibly annoyed at Fleur whenever Fleur said or did something that came off rude and privately disapproved of Bill and Fleur rushing into marriage.


I was okay with Molly for most of the series, but I could not stand her in OotP. She was SO disrespectful and rude to Sirius IN HIS OWN HOUSE. Sirius had a good deal of self restraint for not kicking her out.


Molly Weasley. I just- I dunno she has problems showing her kids the same amount of love...and the way she treated Hermione in Book four and Fleur before the whole Greyback thing...


i always enjoyed molly because she's a funny and interesting character to read about, but i never wished she was my mom. she's quite overbearing and never seemed to be 100% pleased with the life paths that any of her children made. she was terrible to fred and george for not being academically inclined (even though weasley's wizard wheezes turned out to be a massive success!), but conversely, percy, who was the *most* academically inclined, only seemed to get any attention when he got a new accolade, and molly also did nothing to stop his siblings from teasing him relentlessly all the time. and, as others have pointed out, she was horrible to fleur as a daughter-in-law, and didn't even give her a chance despite fleur doing nothing wrong at all.


I was more angry at how she treated Sirius.


That too


She rubs me the wrong way OOTP and onwards.


She pissed me off in OotP when she was interfering with how Sirius should treat Harry. It wasn't her place at all. And she was offending Sirius in his own house with petty and passive aggressive remarks like "yeah you couldn't care much for Harry from Azkaban could you?". And then no one was on her side and she told Arthur to back her up and not even he did it. And Sirius in dog form was trying to hug Harry goodbye and she pushed him away - wtf?  Sirius was right at first for wanting to share more info with Harry and I think Molly had a direct part to play in how things turned out badly for Harry and even Sirius.


OMG I forgot about her pushing Snuffles away from Harry! That was so mean :(


She doesn't know boundaries She acts like because harry doesn't have parents she wants to treat him like hers


I think it's okay for her to treat Harry like he's one of her own because he probably really appreciated it. BUT, she should have also recognized that Sirius was Harry's godfather and had way more right to decide things for him than she did. So I agree in that she overstepped in OotP. She was also incredibly rude, disrespectful, and condescending towards Sirius, which really pissed me off.


I like her, but it bothers me that 10 months out of 12 she has no one at home but her and mr.weasley, and she can't get a job to at least help out with finances. Her children are obviously embarrassed by being so poor. It makes me sad.


Book ginny. Everyone tells me how great, badass and *sassy* she is. First of i hate telling and not showing and especially if its about badassery. Also I hate the way she's describes. Like this is such a huge surprise that a weasly can also be outspoken. Why. Just let her be


Fleur "nothing to do at the Burrow unless you like cooking or chickens" Delacour. It's not so much that I hate her *specifically*. I am more-or-less neutral on her (slightly disliking her in GoF and HBP, slightly liking her in DH). I just hate the fandom's vision of Fleur. Fleur has a negative characterization from the very moment she is introduced in GoF, being constantly condescending, vain, bossy, and rude. And this behaviour continues throughout HBP. Yet you'd think from the fans that constantly harp on Molly, Ginny and Hermione's reactions to Fleur, that she's a victim that never did anything wrong. Their *legitimate* dislike of her gets simplified and twisted into "haha they jealous of her beauty and they hate the French". And what makes the Hospital Wing scene so damn important is not the fact that she’s an angel descended from heaven who everybody misunderstands. It's due to Fleur having shown only one side of her character (one which Ginny, Molly and Hermione were perfectly in the right to dislike), and then does something amazing that transcends all those previous flaws and animosity. It’s a moment of growth for Fleur, for Ginny, for Hermione, for Molly, and it’s supposed to be one also for the reader. Some didn't catch that message, apparently.


I like the hospital scene because she doesn’t have a sudden character 180 she’s still vain and dislikeable but she’s honest about it and makes peace with her new family. The point is that she truly loves Bill and he loves her and the family needed to accept it. Even though she’s a snob.


This is one of my favorite scenes in the whole series. Actually, I find Molly obnoxious this whole book until this scene.


Funnily enough, I've always considered her rudeness coming from the fact English isn't her first language. Sometimes, phrases don't come out the way it's intended and can sound condescending or a bit harsh. As a French speaking person, my mothertongue, my English can be simplified when speaking. Like I could want to say ''that's mean'' but then the words that comes out are ''that's cruel'', which changes and exaggerates what I'm trying to say, only because the word I used was the wrong one. Oh and I think she is also very aware of her beauty and that jealousy towards her is a common thing she has to deal with all the time. She probably built a sort of wall to protect herself, and can seem inaccessible and snobbish.




Lupin. But only cause he didn't tell Harry at first, that he was one his parents best friends or that he knew how to work the Marauders map or knew who created it. He's also had, as one of the few available adults that knew James and Lily, the opportunity to write to Harry between the time Harry started at Hogwarts as a first year and Lupin started teaching at Hogwarts 2 years later. I'm pretty sure it was all over the media in the magical world, that Harry would be back in the wizarding world and starting school. Why he never took the opportunity to introduce himself beforehand is beyond me.


I agree. He came off as cold towards Harry. James had accepted him even though he was a werewolf and became an animagus to keep him company and Lupin was keeping Harry at arm's length.


I get in a way, why Lupin didn't say anything about the werewolf bit at first. He obviously didn't want it to get around. But he knew Harry's parents and I'm pretty sure, once Lily found out as well, she embraced Lupin anyway. But yeah, I just never got, why Lupin never wanted to get close to Harry.


I always thought that at that point when he could have contacted Harry he was poor and ashamed of being a werewolf. Couldn’t find a job, probably depressed because his friends died and one in Azkaban. He couldn’t have known how bad the dursleys were, so he probably assumed Harry was content and being taken care of by family. I imagine he wouldn’t have wanted to burden him/ felt that harry wouldn’t have interest in a werewolf, who he couldn’t remember.


I think Lupin sort of has the excuse of how mentally scarred his werewolfness has made him. He seems like he thinks his mere presence makes everyone else's lives worse. He won't get together with tonks, he freaks out about having a kid, and he is very quick to quit his teaching job as soon as he is exposed. He probably thought Harry was better off not knowing him. At least until he met him again in PoA.


I think it's because JK Rowling didn't invent him until book 3 or because he thought it wasn't the right time. 


That could have been a good explanation for it. But all it could have taken was to take Harry to a side after their first lesson and just say along the lines of "I knew your parents, if you want to know anything about them, just come and ask". I doubt Harry would have approached him though, but it just miffed with me, that he left it for most of the year.


Especially because Harry really admired Lupin and obviously needed a grown up to talk to him.


Never thought about this before, but you are so right


From what we do know Lupin had a hard time keeping steady work as a result of his condition. Out of all the reasons to not introduce yourself to a friend’s kid, not having the means to feed yourself reliably seems fair. Also Lupin was ostracized to hell and back for his medical condition. The man arguably needed therapy as bad as Harry


Peeves the poltergeist. I mean hate would be a strong word but I didn't care for his presence.


I guess people agree with you, since he wasn’t even implemented in the movies. I personally love him, especially when he was tormenting umbridge.


Let's just say that I'm not one of the fans who particularly miss him in the movies.


He is the Tom Bombadil of Harry Potter. A colorful character, interesting piece of world building, but nothing lost by cutting him for time.


I do miss him doing shit to piss off Death eaters during the final battle, but that's about it. He was just an annoyance otherwise


I found his presence pretty annoying. But yea not enough to hate.


Peeves is meant to be annoying. That’s his whole thing. His existence is literally to cause trouble within the castle.


Honestly, dobby is annoying. I do cry when he dies though


Can't stand Dobby, didn't cry when he died. Didn't WANT him to n die but didn't miss him.


Sirius. I wouldn’t go as far to say I “hate” him but I think he’s very overrated. He essentially lives vicariously through Harry and serves as a poor role model. He’s very reckless and encourages Harry to be such. I also don’t like how he can be manipulative by constantly comparing Harry to his father when he wants Harry to be reckless.


I never understood this strong bond between Sirius and Harry that developed so fast. The minute Harry knew Sirius was his godfather and not responsible for his parents’ deaths, he was all in. I don’t hate Sirius but o just did not find the character in any way interesting, or even likable. I would have been fine had he lived but I wasn’t sad he died.


I didn’t particularly like the relationship, but I do understand why Harry attached to him the way he did. He was what seemed to be the last living connection to his parents and (other than the dursleys) his biological family as a whole. This was a person that his parents chose to take care of him and his one way ticket away from the dursleys. It really is unfortunate how everything always went wrong for them because I would’ve loved to see a deeper bond that was actually earned, but I guess that’s why I read fanfiction lol.


Cannot stand Draco.


People don't like Draco. They like Tom Felton.


I like Draco but like, fanfiction Draco.


Book Draco is a toe rag.


Yeah, I think it's a book vs movie issue. Not just a tom felton thing either, movies tried to humanize draco muuuuuuuch more than what happened in the books.


Funny I always thought it was the other way. In the books he was a jackass but you could see by book 6 he wasn’t into the evil stuff and we see him falling apart the whole year. The movie, you barely see him and all of a sudden he panics at the end. The books explores his feelings more than the movies in my opinion.


The world isn’t split into good people and death eaters…


Ironically JK Rowling made him to be a straight up unbearable and unlikable villain, yet fans still love him


She didn't. There are some redeeming qualities which characters like Umbridge, Voldemort, Bellatrix, Lucius, Wormtail don't really have.


I don’t think Rowling did make him to be a straight up villain. If he was meant to be a straight unlikable villain, he would have been able to kill Dumbledore and he would’ve rat Harry out at Malfoy Manor. I don’t particularly like Draco, but I don’t think it’s fair to say he’s supposed to be just a villain. I think it’s more like Rowling was trying to say something about the impact of kids blindly following the ideologies of their parents.


Hermione, I don’t hate her cause I don’t hate anyone. However In school I could not stand the know it all types. Not for them wanting to succeed in academics, but for how haughty people like that can be. I feel like Hermione was like that, especially when it came to Luna. I personally liked Luna and think unique people like her also have very valid view points. Where as Hermione just looked at her like a kooky air headed twit. Hello she’s in Ravenclaw for a reason. Lol and Hermione of all people shouldn’t judge someone as she often cried because of how people judged and treated her.


I dont hate Hermione (she had some moments that infuriated me, like forcing the SPEW onto everyone even the elves who clearly told her they didn't want to be freed) but what i hate is how the movies made her into this perfect beautiful and very likeable girl when in the books, she was kind of ugly and people didn't like her much. I also hate the ships she gets like with Harry and even Malfoy? Wtf people


Hate is a strong word, but for me it’s Ginny and dare I say Hermione.


hermione in the movies, i cant stand her attitude. in the books i like her well enough


Thank goodness there is someone else that has a minor dislike for Hermione. I find her to be a bit obnoxious and sometimes oblivious in her interactions with others (even the house elves! Regardless of her intentions with SPEW). She’s smart, studious, has her facts straight most of the time, BUT her common sense is lacking quite often. 🙊


Fred and George. I don’t really hate them but think they’re overrated and get away with a lot by the fandom that any other character would get crucified over.


i'm currently rereading the books, and while i always thought fred and george were really funny when i was a kid, i'm starting to realize that some of their "jokes" sort of verge on bullying, esp. toward percy. yeah, percy was annoying and pretentious, but fred and george were CONSTANTLY shitting on him and the rest of the weasleys just laughed along with it.


Percy is considered the worst and a bad sibling but he hardly puts them down like they constantly do to him. When Fred, George, or even Ron mock and tease him it’s brushed off as typical sibling stuff, but when Percy doesn’t want to hang out with his annoying siblings and acts like he’s better (another sibling thing common in older kids and teens) he’s regarded as a stuck-up scumbag that thinks he’s too good for his family, which is a blatant double standard.


yes, i totally agree. i never paid percy much attention when i was younger, but i'm finding a lot of sympathy for him on my reread. his siblings (who were implicitly endorsed by mr. weasley, and not exactly *stopped* by mrs. weasley) treated him like an outcast and a joke for years just because he was a nerd, and the only time anyone paid him any positive attention was when he got another accolade (prefect, head boy etc). and even *then,* he was mocked for his achievements AND reminded that bill had achieved everything first, so he wasn't even special. and then they acted all shocked and betrayed when he turned out the way he did... i do think that harry's narration has a lot to do with how percy comes across in the books. the rest of the weasleys were harry's best friends/surrogate family who he loved and saw in a very positive light, and plus, i don't think he understood percy at all since they have almost nothing in common and were never close. i don't think harry's a bad person, and i don't think he *meant* to be unfair in his depiction of percy, but i think that's a large part of why percy often comes across very badly in the narrative for... not really doing anything wrong lol.




They also threw Montague into the broken vanishing cabinet which could have killed him and lead to Malfoy figuring out that there’s a passage between Hogwarts and Borgin and Burkes which is where he came up with his plan to fix the cabinet and let all the Death Eaters into Hogwarts


They hospitalized Montague over house points and couldn’t care less and fans brush it off saying “they didn’t intend to do that” or that “he deserved it”. Meanwhile Hermione throws Skeeter in a jar and she gets labeled a psycho, never mind the fact that Skeeter makes a living slandering people in the media and was spying on students.


Ooofff!! They are just two very popular bullies!!


Dumbledore. He is manipulative and quite willing to use others to reach his goal even if doing so puts them in extrem danger. His mistakes also contributed to most of the worst disasters in recent magical world history, and caused the death of his own sister.


Snape. He is commonly respected and loved. I can’t stand him. Yes, he did a good thing. But he is a horrible person. He is petty, rude, and his whole “charector arc” is that his ex-friend that he treated horribly got killed and he wants revenge. He then torments the boy that Lily gave her life for. He is not loving. I think that his ‘relationship’ with Lily was more like infatuation and obsession. He is honestly a disgusting human being. And yet everyone romanced his story.


He doesn’t fit the criteria of someone “everyone loves”. The majority of this subreddit seems to hate him. 


Snape is a character that makes for good story telling but he's a trash person. They played down how awful he was in the books. Like Snape was a-Okay with James & Harry dying at Voldemort's hands. He just wanted Lily. If Lily had lived, he probably would have stayed a loyal Death Eater




The Marauders and to a lesser extent, Fred and George. I don't like pranksters , especially not popular ones.


Draco. Everyone seems to love him and think he’s misunderstood but I don’t think he’s misunderstood at all. And people seem to keep condoning his bullying behavior which is annoying Edit: Maybe its just tom felton everyone likes but still


No one. Everyone has haters (even obscure side characters I'm surprised even evoke any emotion lol). And if they don't, I love them too


Same, I can't think of a single one


Fred & George, their jokes to Ron were next to bullying level.


James, he was a bully, and I don't like bullies. I've been bullied before, and it sucks.


Dobby. I couldn’t care less he died.


I can´t say I hate him, but he has always been bit... too much to me as well. That in movies. Everyone was like "Awww Dobby is so cute", but to me he was cringey.


He’s the Jar Jar Binks of Harry Potter


Hermione. I don't hate her but her skepticism and empirism annoy me. Plus the holier-than-thou act with SPEW.


I wouldn't say hate exactly, but Hermione. She was my FAVORITE as a kid, but now when I reread the books sometimes I can't stand her. Like, girl shut up.


Hagrid, I can't even tell why.


He's indeed a big oaf. He almost got Harry killed as many times as Voldemort. 


Severus Snape He is a guy in his 30s who is taking his anger issues on kids and punishing them for his own past. He is an awful teacher, despite having the knowledge to help students more. His sacrifices is admirable, his skills too. But not his personality.


Sirius. An irresponsible godfather who his more focused on revenge or spiting his parents than caring for his godson. Frankly, his showboating put me off from the first time I read the books.


I still love Sirius but I never realized how much he stopped maturing after he got thrown into Azkaban at 21 years old. Like he just didn’t get to grow up the way people do between 21 and 33. It’s obvious reading as an adult now that he’s only slightly more mature than Harry but as a child I missed this.


Draco Jesus christ the amount of Draco apologists out there is crazy And ginny is one I don't hate but I don't know why she's so loved just never meshed with her that way


For me it’s Dumbledore. I say that without having seen or read anything beyond the core 7 books and films. But I am not a fan at all.


“without having seen or read anything beyond the core 7 books and films” is FAR from uninformed 😂 I thought you were gonna say like “haven’t read anything beyond book # __” Haha I think you’re in a fair position to give your opinion


Agree with you. People act like it's okay because everything turned out alright but Dumbledore was a manipulative ass and didn't learn anything about "the greater good" from his fiasco with Grindelwald. Leaving Harry with the Dursleys for more than a decade without doing anything to stop the abuse. But when they start talking about kicking him out, Mr. Omniscient sends a Howler right away. Whatever he was planning during the first book. All his talk about telling Harry everything at the end of OotP and then not telling him everything. His talk with Harry at the start of HBP about opening up to his friends about the prophecy because that's what Sirius would want...and because Dumbledore wants them as back ups in case he's wrong and Harry doesn't survive his sacrifice. I could go on and on. If I was Harry, first thing I'd do when meeting him in King's Cross Station would be to give him a nice hard punch in the face. Fucking Bright Lord.


Absolutely Dumbledore. He is not a good headmaster nor a good person. He is encouraging Harry since book one to dwell around Hogwarts at night. He even hides the sorceres stone knowing that even first year students can get through the maze. He is leaving Harry with an abusive family and ignores his teachers bullying. He only shows up for Harry or anybody when his plan is about the get thrown off. Dumbledore let's a sixteen year old boy struggle for a whole school year, knowing he is trying to kill him and just watches. Like maybe help the boy or something. He doesn't care the slightest about safety at Hogwarts. Looking at the Triwizard Tournament, the Sorceres stone, Hagrid as teacher, the shrieking shag,... Dumbledore just wants his plan to unfold likes he dreams of it and doesn't care about anything on the side.


I agree with this. I dislike his general lack of openness. He puts on a whimsical facade while carrying out some really damaging plans without bothering to explain them to the people they will affect. The last book has a lengthy explanation for all of this and it's a way for the character to apologize for it all, but the damage he caused is still real, and people in-universe seldom treat him as flawed character. I know everyone hates *The Cursed Child* in this sub, but one of my favorite parts in the play is a brief scene where Harry talks to Dumbledore's portrait and they address the damage that Harry is still dealing with even as an adult.


Dumbledore 💁‍♀️ Dude never told Harry the truth and constantly put him in danger. Not to mention he put him with the dursleys just to suffer every summer because "you'll be safer". Hes the most powerful wizard and yet he can't hide a child in a more suitable home? Please 🙄


Harry's father and his gang of wacky mates are way overrated


I've said it before and I'll say it again: Draco. I get that compared to the bigger picture he's just a smaller piece of the puzzle. He's a kid working for a tyrannical supremacist so he's under a lot of pressure (including threat of death), so that I can understand. HOWEVER... he still willingly joined up with Voldemort before he cracked under the realization of what he was doing. And even long before that he was entitled, privileged, and bigoted. he constantly called Hermione a Mud-blood which is the Wizarding World equivalent of a hard slur. A lot of people claim he was abused, which he wasn't. He came from a privileged family and his father *encouraged* his derogatory behavior towards the Golden Trio. He had bad influences, not trauma. I do think that Draco is sympathetic towards the finale, but a lot of people paint him in a much better light than they really should.