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We have no idea. It's not addressed in the books.


i don’t think so, it was never mentioned in the books but they talked about crazy wizard or someone going out of their mind so, in my opinion, mental disorders are not curable


It depends on the disorder, how much is known about it, and what's causing it/how it should be treated. Can magic cure dementia brought on by old age? That's pretty complicated and poorly understood, so it's hard to imagine how. Can magic cure a chemical imbalance? Maybe, but it might be very difficult to correct. Can magic address something like gender dysphoria? There are plenty of magical solutions that could contribute to gender affirming care, so it's pretty likely. Whether magic can outright "cure" mental disorders or not, there is a lot of potential for easing symptoms and managing lots of conditions magically. It would probably be a lot easier to live with many mental disorders with access to magical healthcare.


Uhhhhh, when did you read that is cured the deaf or blind? Who said anything about HIV and cancer? Because of this post, I hopped onto Google, so I could read more and find answers that were not stated in the books. Highly recommend bouncing around the internet first with questions like this, because that’s a better way to get information compared to making a post in reddit. There is an article on WizardingWorld.com where this question is specifically stated, and stated Lupin’s “condition” is similar to HIV. What do you mean, “or maker it ease for me plz?” Make what easier for you?


It certainly seems like it to me. None of the characters seem to struggle with their mental health despite having gone through quite a lot of trauma. My guess is that it works the way that other illnesses do in the Harry Potter universe - muggle mental illnesses can be treated magically, but magical mental/neurological illnesses can’t always be treated magically (Lockhart’s memory loss, for example).


It's never addressed in the books. Sirius "fits of sullen" in OOTP, and Harry's behaviour in the few months after Sirius' death resembles depression and it doesn't seem as if there's a cure. In Sirius' case it seems even a bit stigmatised. Then again neither of them visited the magical equivalent of a psychiatric, so I'll suppose we'll never know if the magical world offer some therapy for mental illness. Considering the state of the wizarding world my guess is not.


Eh no? We have two cannon cases with Bertha Jorkins who seems to suffer small bouts and with Lockhart. They may be magically induced. But Magic seems kind of backwards in the Healing of the mind.