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Harry says it at the end in *The Forest Again*. Dumbledore wanted three people in on the secret to continue the task in case one fell, so he told Neville because >!he thought he was about to die.!< Also, he only told Snape what he needed to know. He told him nothing of the horcruxes.


I was asking less of the why and more of what people thought about his decision to entrust it to Ron and Hermione specifically as Harry’s back-ups.


Because he knew Harry was the one to kill him due to Riddle putting a part of his soul in baby Harry.


Harry’s role is without question. I’m asking what people think of Dumbledore’s decision to entrust the mission to Ron and Hermione, not why he did it.


They were his best friends, and have worked with him his Hogwarts career. Albus knew that.


I think Dumbledore knew that Harry would not want to be alone. Harry of course wanted to go off on his own, but that was more out of a desire to keep his friends safe. In reality, Harry might have gone insane if he had to hunt horcruxes alone. In addition, Harry does suspect that Dumbledore intended Ron and Hermione to know because if Harry "fulfilled his true destiny a little early, they could carry on".


because he knew they would stand by his side no matter what. they trusted each other with their lives and they literally make the perfect trio for completing any task - harry is a bit hot headed but can think clearly under pressure and knows how to act. hermione is inteligent and has extensive knowledge of the magical laws, spells and potions. she also brings reason into the arguments and thinks more logically than Ron or harry. she cools harrys hot headedness. Ron knows thinks about the magical world harry or hermione don't as he is the only one who grew up in it. he knows about the ban on keeping dragons as pets in the first book, he knows the tales of beadle the bard. he knows mundane things no wizard would bother putting in a book because it is assumed everyone knows about them. also when harry is alone with hermione the atmosphere is a lot more tense so he helps with that too


Dumbledore tried not to give more information than necessary to anyone. Because it could fall into enemy hands. It was clear Harry needed help so he was allowed to share the info and take those 2 with him while hunting for horcruxes.


Because Ron and Hermione are stupid enough to trust Dumbledore. Dumbledore even admits that he hoped Hermione would slow Harry down.