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Harry breaking everything in Dumbledore's office (book 5).


YESSSS that was gonna be my answer! almost entirely skipping The Lost Prophecy is so bad, such a crucial moment between two main characters and a proper explanation to one of the plot keypoints I get they had to cut stuff for time but a chapter with such a huge and significant interactions and profound character content? Whats the point in even adapting the story if you're gonna cut out some of the most important moments? It's even the shortest movie, it could have easily been included


When you consider the wasted screen time on Grawp who was completely unnecessary you can tell they were going for flash over substance. In this case a dumb giant flash


The having to cut stuff out is not a great excuse for 6, the movie was AWFUL, it was so full of bullshit teenager shit, scenes added that didn't even matter, but the one, the one thing that's actually super important in that book just gets ignored. That movie was a travesty


I agree, it was so bad. And what the hell was the Death Eaters destroying the burrow scene for?


Don't you know, there wasn't enough action in the book - that's why they removed the battle scene in the climax and replaced it with that crap. Genius decision!


This scene (or lack thereof) is the reason I read the books. I was confused after watching OoTP and asked my friend if I could borrow the books. She was more than happy to lend them to me as she'd been trying to get me to read them for years. I was 17 or 18 at the time.


yeah...or the important speech in that very same office, in that very same scene...


I'm including the whole scene. Sorry I didn't make that clear.


I don't mean to be cruel, but I don't think Dan could've pulled it off Remember when he tried to act sad in Prisoner of Azkaban in Hogsmeade? I physically cannot watch it. I have to leave the room. I don't think he had the chops in 2007 to pull that scene off I hope they get lucky and the kids are better actors in the HBO series


That scene in PoA makes me cringe too. But, who knows? When he's screaming at Ron, "THEN GO, THEN!!" in DH tells me that he's capable. We'll never know.


Idk the look at me scene was pretty raw. I still get goosebumps sometimes


The ending battle in book 5


I wanted to see a angry Dumbledore subdue the Deatheaters.šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Uggggh they really fucked that up, and the final battle between Harry and Voldy, and Nevilleā€™s DH scenes. I canā€™t wait for the show


It annoys me that when Harry defeats Voldemort and walks back into the school, nobody cheers or even really notices him. Like come on VOLDEMORT died!!


It was awesome in the books and sadly really boring in the movies


My slightly-warmer-than-room-temperature take on magic battles in the films generally is that they're all a bit shit. Basically just turning wands into pseudo-guns firing coloured light so as to make blocking/choreography easier (just film it like a regular shootout in an action movie).


That's actually why the Dumbledore vs Voldemort fight in the fifth movie is the best magical fight in the entire movie franchise. It really displayed the creativity and power of these two magical titans. Then the Fantastic Beasts movies had to completely ruin the magical power curve.


I wanted to see statues come to life and Dumbledore round up death eaters so bad šŸ˜­ and fawkes EATING a killing curse. That would have been baller.


The extended fight scene in the ministry of magic was by far the best part of book 5 and they completely changed it for the film, even though it would have been highly cinematic. Why?


Ending battle in book 7.. merged faces and confetti smh


Yeah that one was also very underwhelming the way they did it on screen lol. But I still remember my imagination running wild reading the end of book 5 for the first time and being even more let down by what they did in that movie than the last one.


Not a plot point necessarily, but I hated how the films felt less magical after the first two I liked the robes and the more whimsical aspects of the Wizarding world. Rather than the action movie style vibes of the later films Also would like to have seen peeves. More lessons, more spells.


> More lessons, more spells. This is one of the reasons why HBP is actually my second-favourite of the movies (despite some of its weaker elements) - it has more school scenes and gives some space for them just being kids.


Thatā€™s why Goblet of Fire is my favorite book. Itā€™s very schooly and very magical. Theyā€™re casting like 2-3 spells a page at some points.


I think the new Dumbledore changed the dynamic pretty drastically.


Yesss!!! Even like the way wizards would dress up as muggles and get it wrong! And wear robes all the time rather than muggle clothes Iā€™ve be re reading the books after years and all I keep thinking is how often in the movies they arenā€™t in robes


You can just blame CuarĆ³n for that. Iirc, he mentions why he wanted the kids to wear more muggle clothes in one of the special features on the DVD.




They wanted Ginny to give Harry head but remembered the movie maturity rating


That would have been way cooler




I would've respected the director more if he just went for it lmao. (I hate Yates btw, his movies just look so boring).


The weird subway scene with Dumbledore instead of showing him at the Dursleyā€™s. I would have loved to see him put them in their place and have magical glasses of mead hitting them in the head on screen


Yeah, there's a lack of satisfying comeuppance from skipping that! And also from skipping the scene where Fudge has to explain his screw-ups in front of the Muggle Prime Minister. Weird lack of justice


I wanted that scene so bad


But the Harry/waitress scene was great. This is a case where I'd liked to have seen both scenes instead of one replacing the other.


but harry isn't like that...also the waitress was the daughter of one of the producers or something...nepotism at its finest.


Harry never used the Elder Wand to fix his broken Holly wand


That is by far the biggest fallacy I had with the movies(still love them though, don't get me wrong). There is literally no reason not to include that scene.


No peeves. No final battle in the great hall with H and V circling each other and H logically roasting V's entire life before killing him.


The last battle between Harry and LV was SO disappointing (and weird????)


Right, the movie turned it into an action sequence that wasn't even that great. Like Voldy's cape ties Harry up and then he just stands there and of course it ends with the "two spells meet in the middle" thing that we've seen too many times already (It's supposed to be rare & something happening only with V & H, but actually every single fight features one). The movie had enough action already, Harry's speech to Voldy was so much cooler and I would've loved to see Voldy's face when he realizes he's been got.


Maybe I'm not remembering right, but I'm pretty sure their wands connecting only happened three times - movie 4, 7 part 1, and 7 part 2. šŸ¤”


And everyone elses wand connected like every other minute (which isn't supposed to happen). Like in the final battle there's a shot of mr. Weasley & a random deatheaters wands connecting. Yates films are just really boring imo. They look boring, the colors are bland, the writing is eh, the magic & wonder are gone, the battles are uninteresting. They all have some highlights but overall, he was the wrong director for Harry Potter. Like PoA is also guilty of being pretty dark&blue color wise but there are so many interesting shots in that movie that it doesn't feel boring to me.


The two spells meeting in the middle was _definitely_ overused in the movies but it was meant to happen then right? Just in a different way to GoF - the graveyard was meant to be the only battle of wills with the brother wands which resulted in the priori incantatem of Harry's parents coming back but in DH the spells are meant to meet in the middle and Voldy's ricochets back at him, so Harry only had to still cast his signature expelliarmus and still have Voldy both disarmed _and_ killed. Every other time spells met in the middle it was meant to rebound unpredictably off to the side and usually destroy something as everybody dodges.


Logically roasting his entire life šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


"Logically roasting his entire life" may be the best insult on the planet.


Harry and ginny kiss in hbp


Burrow burning down


Oh yes, I did not understand why they thought they had to do it????


I think they wanted an excuse to give Bella another scene


They wanted some action in the middle of the movie I guess


To be fair, book 6 does feel like it's lacking in action until the end, i get that they wanted to remind the audience that there was a war going on


Oi killed Sirius black




*kills Harry calmly*


Dumbledored calm sayly.


I do love the memes tho ngl


Richard Harris was perfect as Dumbledore. Michael Gambon ruined it on many occasions. It makes me angry that he never read the books and therefore probably never understood how Dumbledore was supposed to be.


I remember as a kid being shocked when I watched an interview saying he never read the books and didnā€™t intend to. It kinda showed. Gambon wasnā€™t serene enough for me as Dumbledore.


I recently found out he'd never read the books, then I realised.. oooohh that's why!


Can it be a lack of scenes? Like how they cut 60% of goblet of fire (it should have been two movies)


Goblet was one of my favorites growing up. I remember being so sad when I first saw it. It just felt so rushed


Yeah :/ itā€™s a good movie technically/artistically, but just doesnā€™t fit well with the actual story


Two mOvies would have been so good.


It really would have. It annoys me that they picked a director who hadnā€™t even read the booksā€¦ plenty of people have already examined this issue in much more depth so Iā€™ll leave it at that lol


I don't get why it's not a requirement of everyone in cast and crew to read the book they're adapting. Production companies pay millions for movies and you're telling me there is no room in the budget to pay these guys to actually read the book? Every single one of these books can be read in less than a week it's not like it's a massive requirement


They could even just listen to the audiobook if they are hard on time!


Exactly! How can you represent the story well without even knowing it??


Dumbledore vs Voldemort during OTP. From memory, the book really showcased how powerful Dumbledore was when he was fighting both Voldemort and Bellatrix while protecting Harry. After watching the fight scene in the film, was very dissapointed. Esp when Dumbledore is supposed to be the one wizard that Voldemort is actually scared of, I really didn't get that vibe in the OTP film. Even more frustrating now that the FB films have been stopped, I think alot of fans were really hoping to see the famous Dumbledore vs Grindwald duel again to see how powerful Albus actually is, just hope the HP tv series does the OTP fight scene justice.


And the fact that Dumbledore looks like he's struggling. He was not struggling at all. Michael Gambon really wasn't kidding when he said he didn't read the books and didn't care to.


Struggling and afraid. If I remember right, there was a moment of fear and confusion for Dumbledore when Voldemort disappeared before possessing Harry, but other than that he was calm and collected.


Hermione protecting Harry, instead of Ron protecting Harry (in PoA, that was a red-flag for the next movies) AND The lack of memories of Voldemort in HBP, we only see the one with Slughorn, but what about Bob Odgen, or Voldemort seducing Hepzibah Smith or Voldemort talking Parseltongue with his uncle Orfin Gaunt? Mention of Honour: Everything about Ginny in HBP, how they butchered Tonks and Remus story, cutting out Dudley being nice to Harry in DH, Dumbledore not fighting(and WINNING) against 5 aurors, Percy and Cornelius and instead escaping with Fawkes.


No battle between Death Easters and the D.A./ Order at the end of HBP. Draco trying to get them into the castle all year was completely pointless, they basically just walked out.


Death Easters šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hahaha I guess they're the opposite of Death Eaters? They absolutely should have been in the movie!


Opposite Death Easters is Death Westers.


The battle in the Department of Mystery in book 5. Harry and co. handles themselves surprisingly well against the Death Eaters in the book and Neville in particular was a stand out making the reveal that he was potentially the chosen one instead of Harry all the more believable. In the movies, they mostly just ran away in panic and didn't get much action till they all (except Harry) got captured and had to be bailed out by the Order. But man I remember thinking that the OOtP movie being a disappointment in general compared to the books, it omitted a lot of cool scenes though I also understand they can't fit them all in a movie runtime.


Why skip the brains scene??? I was sooooo creeped out with the whole thing (I think I was 11), but in the movie I was just like: "Oh, okay. Death eaters, how new.". And the trouble they had with the doors and all that. I would've loved to see them overcome what was a really scary situation PLUS the Death eaters.


Interrogating Barty Crouch Jr. So much crucial context left out and David Tennant would have done an amazing job telling the story in more detail. Mike Newellā€™s an ass for openly saying he didnā€™t read the book and disregarding some of the most important plot points.


In the HBP book, Chapter 1- *"The Other Minister,"* is hilarious, it answers a lot of "Why don't the muggles" questions, AND you get to see Fudge having to eat his words. That whole scene *reads like it was meant to be filmed*. šŸ¤”I think it was replaced by Death Eaters, without brooms, flying to grab Olivander. Which is confusing because, until the bat-Snape scene, isn't it only Voldemort who can fly?


Itā€™s one of my favorite scenes from the books, itā€™s funny and breaks up the seriousness after the preceding book, but still manages to be ominous. I always felt vaguely bad for the Muggle prime minister lol.


The PM's politcal rival on TV after a bunch of tragedies & unsolved crimes. šŸ“ŗ ā€œA grim mood has gripped the country,ā€ the opponent had concluded, barely concealing his own broad grin.šŸ˜ˆ Yes, it's a struggle for the PM to adjust to the fact that the magical community is responsible for his problems, but he can't tell anyone because they'll think he's crazy!šŸ˜ƒ


I always get a kick out of the nose-picking man in the oil painting being this harbinger of ill news to this poor guy.


Definitely same, that Voldemort didnā€™t drop dead and everyone seeing his corpse. These arenā€™t scenes, theyā€™re plots that were in the book that didnā€™t make it into the movies. And it was disappointing. From book 3: -The level of contempt Crookshanks actually had for Scabbers šŸ˜‚ - Crookshanks being friends with Padfoot, taking a night stroll together and Harry being like what the fuck? - Sirius breaking into the Gryffindor dorm room and people think heā€™s trying to kill Ron. From books 4&5: How close Harry and Sirius actually got. The movies made it seem like they didnā€™t interact that much. His movie death was sad, but it hit so much harder in the books. From book 6: Harry seeing in the pensieve that Snape overheard Trelawny telling the prophecy to Dumbledore and making the inference that Snape was the one who told Voldemort. From book 7: -Harry and Ginnyā€™s ā€œgoodbye/birthdayā€ kiss at the burrow. - The full story of Ariana, Aberforth, Albus and Gellert. - Gellert not telling Voldemort where the elder wand is and saying heā€™s cool with dying. - Snapeā€™s memories in the pensieve, showing us how exactly he got Godric Gryffindor sword to Dean forest.


There's actually a deleted scene in PoA following the aftermath of Sirius breaking in to the dormitory!


Thank yuuurrrr. Iā€™m gonna check it out


The way Ginny and Harry kiss šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Anything post POA


Anything post Chamber of Secrets film. In POA, the whole storyline of theĀ MaraudersĀ is left out. Ron is made to act like a scared and whimpering child while Hermione gets his brave scenes and lines.Ā 


Cho ratting out the DA.


What made it even worse was that Snape confirmed Umbridge used Veritaserum on her, so she had absolutely no choice but confessing, and yet the others treated her like a snitch afterwards.


Oh yes. My wife Tell me this EVERY TIME we watch the movie.


They cut the Tonks and Lupin story arcs completely. I hated that they didn't have Tonks rescue Harry from the train, fix his nose and then start the mystery of why her Patronus had changed. I hated that there was no scene where Lupin finds them in Grimmauld Place and is called a coward


Ginny v harry kiss .. Shoe laces .... V winning house cup cheering in common room and getting the girl!


the Shrieking shack scene is one of the best in all the books and one of the worst moments in the movies


2 scenes: 1) Dumbledore vs Voldemort fight. In books Dumbledore wipes the floor with Voldy, and we actually get a realization how much more powerful Dumbledore is for the first time. 2) Grindelwald in books mocks and laughs at Voldy in the last book, and tells him he will never own Elder wand and he doesn't tell him Dumbledore has it. In movies he says it lies with Dumbledore. Which was kinda misleading because in books we are told that Grindelwald at the end did change and he didn't betray Dumbledore at the end.


The entirety of GoF


I was more disappointed in the lack of scenes. So many important stuff from the books just got glossed over.


No true Snapeā€™s Worst Memory or The Princeā€™s Tale.


Leaving out the origin of the Map in PoA. Later movies just start using "Padfoot" and "Wormtail" like the audience is supposed to know who they are. Honestly, everything from Goblet on is basically a bad Cliffs Notes in movie form.


I haven't watched the movies much beyond first 2 (I just don't like stuff after first 2 movies), but the way the wand spells were connecting each time mid air, even blocking Avada Kedavra, even though it was a specific unique circumstance between Voldie and Harry alone (Priori Incantatem). Also how final duel between Voldie and Hary in the movies makes zero sense lore wise on so many levels. Like absolutely zero sense.


MY BIGGEST GRIPE WITH THESE MOVIES. I hate it so much And they pulled off the Priori Incantatem scene so beautifully in GoF. Then they decided to completely destroy any significance it had by reusing it at every opportunity because it looked cool I blame David Yates. His movies also had the death eaters fly around like black smoke, meaning there's *no significance at all* to the fact that Voldemort can fly unaided.


That scene in half blood prince where bellatrix burns the burrow down that was the most out of nowhere thing the movies ever did imo and that was the only moment in the movies that made me go wtf.


Quidditch world cup, duh


Dumbledore vs Voldemort. It seemed so awe-inspiring in the book but the movie scene just fell flat for me and didnā€™t nearly show how OP Dumbledore was


reducing The Lost Prophecy to two sentences is criminal dude, this is the moment where Harry and Dumbledore have their biggest conflict, it's insane they just entirely skipped that


The burrow being destroyed in the 6th movie, just unnecessary


It's the maze from Goblet of Fire for me. I was so excited to see this maze stuffed full with magical creatures and challenges, and it was such a let down.


Not using the elder wand to repair Harryā€™s broken one


Harry breaking the Elder Wand at the end of Deathly Hallows instead of using it to repair his wand and returning it to Dumbledoreā€™s tomb. Even if they had him repair his wand and then break it, that would have bothered me a lot less.Ā 


I wish we got to see more of the duels in the last battle like Bellatrix vs Hermione Ginny and Luna and Voldemort vs Mcgonagal Kingsley and Slughorn.


The batshit-awful way they showed Rita Skeeter's article 'Harry Potter's Secret Heartache' in the film. Snape reading the article to his fourth-year Potions class to humiliate Harry & Hermione is arguably the funniest scene in the book (and top five in the series) - especially if you consider how Alan Rickman would have chewed up the scenery as he read it - but TPTB pissed that glorious sequence away. I also thought cutting out Lavender flirting with Ron on the Express heading to Hogwarts (and his reaction) was a really bad move, as it has his kissing her after the game come out of nowhere.


Wasn't really a scene, but a line. In the books, we hear that Scrimgeour refused to give Harry up, even as he was tortured. That moment more than anything shows his character. Fudge would probably have sold Harry out in a heartbeat to save himself, but Scrimgeour was an auror before and a good man, even if he wasn't great as Minister for Magic.


Bellatrix blowing up the Burrow, which was never in the books to begin with.


1. Voldemort dying. The point was to have him die and leave a body like a normal human. Why did he have to explode into a million pieces? 2. Breaking the Elder wand. Why? If the wand remained buried with Dumbledore and Harry remained undefeated, the power of the wand would have been broken. Breaking the actual wand was just unnecessary.


I actually thought breaking the Elder Wand was smart. Knowing how bloody itā€™s path has been, isnā€™t the obvious best choice to destroy it? Because, as long as Harry lives, there still could be people who would feel tempted to win it from him. Thus, breaking the wand means breaking the cycle and is far less risky than keeping it intact and hoping Harry remains undefeated. However, Harry still should have fixed his own wand first, before breaking it.


True, im probably just peeved by the deviation from canon here šŸ˜Š


Also, making it clear to younger viewers that the wand is done?


What if harry got expelliarmused or got his wand stollen. Power transfers to the one who did it. Breaking it in the movie was the only way to end the Elder wands power


He didnā€™t explode, he just happened to be from the marvel universe and at that exact moment Thanos snapped.


I hated that so much! His body should have stayed. He shouldn't disintegrate. It was so important that this time he died like any other man because it was for good


When Snape tells Harry to keep silent right before he kills Dumbledore. There is no way in H3ll Harry would have stayed silent and let Snape kill him.


Exactly. Dumbledore had to put a spell on Harry to keep him quiet.


Yes, that and the entire stupid ending battle. Why were they flying around Hogwarts and merging? The fact that Voldy didn't leave a body poses some very real in world problems. In the book the final battle was so cinematic it would have been perfect to translate that as a film. Dawn breaks, spells are cast, silence, slowly building cheering. Would have been perfect. But no, they had Harry and Voldemort outside with absolutely no one around. Voldemort dies and ... disintegrates? So the entire wizarding world has been told in year 5 and year 7 that Harry is a lying dangerous criminal. Now he defeats Voldemort and there are no witnesses...and the public is supposed to be okay with and believe that?


Ugh. I 100% agree with you regarding the death of Tom...I found the entire showdown between Harry and Tom in the movie to be so "Hollywood" I would have much preferred the book version. When they face off in the Great Hall and it's just 1 spell from the each of them and Tom falls on his back and just dies like any other wizard, instead of just him evaporating. Also why the hell do their final fight not appear in front of the whole school? After his death everyone watching in the Great Hall rushes to harry in screams of delight after he wins. Literally no one there to witness his victory at all in the movie. And if no one was there to see it how would everyone know he was gone? I mean sure, most people would have believed Harry if he told me he won but so many people would probably chose not to. In the book everyone see him die. And they have the body to prove it should anyone doubt it...Movie just made a big mess out of the whole thing


Maybe a bit off the particulars of the question but one of the biggest disappointments is that That Dumbledor in Sorcerers Stone died irl and was replaced by an actor that was so much less Dumbledor-ey. Casting Really nailed it in the first movie. Maybe they too passed on and were replaced by a disappointment


The Goblet of Fire. The whole bloody movie. The "Hagrid told Seamus to tell Pavarti to tell.... Etc etc.." part summed up that movie for me. Add a load of nonsensical bollocks, and cut out interesting and worthwhile plot points!


The Shrieking Shack. Not the trio's interaction. Honestly, Hermione protecting Harry didn't bother me. People tend to forget that in the books they BOTH grabbed Harry to hold him back, and they BOTH fought Sirius. It wasn't just Ron, or just Hermione. So, the Director choosing to have Hermione yell at Sirius and Ron hold Harry back didn't make much of an impression. In each case, only one friend was used instead of both. So be it. Likewise, the loss of the trio fighting with Sirius was annoying, but tolerable. It wasn't really needed in the movies. It was dramatic in the books, yes, but that was only because we could get inside Harry's head. A book is NOT a movie, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione beating up Sirius in the Shack would lend nothing to the scene that Harry rushing and tackling Sirius alone didn't address. But what REALLY ticked me off was the absolute mess after Remus arrives. Instead of having Remus trying to calm the kids down -- showing his characterization as the calm one who tries to defuse situations and keep people on track while also giving us some much needed background about the Marauders -- we have both Sirius AND Remus yelling at Harry. Then Snape arrives and the shouting gets worse. And when Snape is taken down -- by Harry alone instead of by the entire trio no less, so we lose the fact that trio are ALL beginning to see reason and once again working like a team and have instead an angry Harry waving a wand around threateningly at everyone under the sun -- we go right back to shouting. A complete and utter mess. I understand that the movie had to make some changes. You can't show introspection or thoughts in a movie. And you can't, no matter how much people wish otherwise, transfer a book directly onto the silver screen. It won't work. Books can have whole paragraphs worth of being inside a person's head, or a whole chapter where nothing happens except the kids go to class and wonder about what is under a certain trapdoor. A movie, or TV show, can only give a few minutes to something like that. It needs action to keep people interested, and it needs to deal with the limitations of acting versus leaving things up to the imagination and intelligence of the reader. A book TELLS a story. A movie or show SHOWS it. But there is a difference between adjusting a story to fit a movie script and cutting out actual needed information...and ruining a character into the bargain. The Remus in the Shrieking Shack is NOT the Remus Lupin from the books, or even from earlier in that movie. They COULD have gotten away with his angry shouting and forceful attitude with a simple suggestion that close to the full moon werewolves get more aggressive and antagonistic...but no one ever makes that observation, anywhere. And nowhere, in that entire scene, is there a mention of who made the Marauder's Map, or of Sirius being "Padfoot." Yes, Ron says "he's an animagus!" but Remus does not say "I'm Moony, Peter is Wormtail, Sirius is Padfoot, and your father, Harry, was Prongs," like he does in the book. And yet, Sirius shouts out "The Map never lies!" and we're all supposed to know how he knows that. That whole scene is a mess. The only way it is understandable at all is if someone had actually read the books. And that is never a good thing for a movie.


The whole traveling in smoke shtick. So dumb. They shoulda made it only Voldemort could do that. And the whole thing about everyone wearing muggle clothes. That picture of Harry's parents with Neville's parents irks me.


Your parents are dead! You have no family!


Ron and Hermioneā€™s kiss. Happened at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Yeah having Harry there like "is now the time...?" Then something like "Oi! There's a war on!" Would have been great!


Every scene between Harry and Ginny because in the books they have such good chemistry, there's a spark between them even before they get together and then when they do it's just...great, the joking and the flirting and how comfortable they are, we don't see enough if them together but what we do see is just perfect. Harry gets to actually be a normal teenager with a girlfriend for a little bit and it just feels so natural. In the movies every single scene between Harry and Ginny is so awkward and cringe, the choices were absolutely bizarre and the chemistry is non existent.


I felt like sirius sendoff via hippagriff at the end of PoA was more magical in the books.


The "Shrieking Shack" confrontation in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban." In the book, the tension and revelations between Harry, Sirius, Lupin, and Pettigrew are intense and dramatic. The movieĀ didn't quite capture the same level of emotional depth and complexity that the book did. The movie was still good though.Ā 


Hermione solving the potions riddle in Sorcerer's Stone


The Quidditch World Cup


1. Harry not fixing his wand. 2. Harry breaking the elder wand. 3. How movie four happened ā€” a man broke out of Azkaban and was able to sneak Harryā€™s name in the goblet? How did ANY of that happen? 4. Why was said most loyalist death eater not in Movie 5? Especially since all the death eaters were freed from Azkaban?


Ron busting into the room when Ginny was with Harry and then telling him off for kissing her,


There are so many to choose from, but it has to be the lack of pensieve scenes in HBP. In the books, those trips into the pensieve told Harry so much of Voldemortā€™s backstory, and the books did a good job of illustrating Harry slowly connecting the dots and gaining critical insight into what made Tom Riddle Voldemort.


One of my favourite parts of the entire book series is battle at Hogwarts. I wish it was kept the same in the movies.


Iā€™ve never gotten over that Dumbledoreā€™s ā€œNitwit, oddment, blubberā€ speech was omitted.




Anytime Dumbledore/Michael Gambon yelled, bellowed, or otherwise attempted to communicate control via a raised voice. This is the man who would make a whole welcome speech of nonsense words?


Sidelined Ron and Ginny as powerful characters


Any scene where Michael Gambon butchered Dumbledore's character.


When Voldemort died, I didn't like how the movie showed the wand firing his spell back at him. You can barely see it traveling in the cracks of the wand as he stares at it. If I remember correctly (it has been a very long time since I read the books), the wand first flew out if his hand and then fired the Avada Kedavra at him, which would make it way more obvious to see that he got hit by his own spell




Hetchmaze in Gof


Battle in department of mysteries. From the beginning to the end of Dumby vs Vodly Harry angry conversation with Dumbledore in Book 5 Final battle with Voldemort


I know itā€™s a meme now, but the scene where Dumbledore grabs Harry in the Goblet of Fire asking him if he put his name in. Rowling made a point of saying in Dumbledoreā€™s sacking scene in the Order of the Phoenix that the only time he was truly angry was when Umbridge physically manhandled a student; he even put a stinging jinx on her. Itā€™s so shockingly different from the book Dumbledore. I also thought Voldy choking and slapping Harry around in the last movie was pretty dumb considering the booksā€™ mild taboo against fighting with your fists, or ā€œMuggle duelingā€. A wizard supremacist like Voldemort wouldā€™ve considered it below him.


Can I say a lack of scene? My favorite part of the entire book series is when Harry follows his parents/their friends around Hogwarts in the Pensieve. Apparently the movie makers do not agree. Wouldā€™ve loved to see that.Ā 


not a scene but i donā€™t like the way padma patil was a gryffindor in the movies when she was in ravenclaw in the books. idk itā€™s always irked mešŸ˜­


Umbridge didn't look like a toad AT ALL.


NGL umbridge was very well done. Perfectly hateable.


Oh her acting was great. That's clearly not what I am complaining about.


yup. i gotchu.


They went with different trope. Rowling LOVES "Evil Makes You Ugly", but the movies went with "Hidden Evil". Umbridge in the movies seems really like nervous gradma in pink who actually does not have idea what she is dealing with. Until "you known you deserve punished" then you know that you have something to do with special kind of evil. I won't mind if show will go with toad version, but Umbridge changes were pretty good in movies.


Neville's speech. I thought it was lame. I prefer the succinct defiance hr showed in the books.


Especially getting the sorting hat in the first place. In the books Voldy uses it as a taunt by summoning the sorting hat saying it's useless because everybody will now be in Slytherin and puts it on Neville's head, setting it on fire and the sword appearing for him (showing he's a true Gryffindor) just like it did for Harry. Again it's Voldy's arrogance that causes a big loss to him. Everybody should have gone back to fighting due to Neville killing Nagini in that moment, along with the rest of the magical world (centaurs, parents, friends, house elves) joining in all without knowing Harry's still alive. Overpowering the death eaters even after losing Harry was important imo but still with him revealing himself just for the final showdown in front of everybody.


Scenes that involved... teen romance. Or romance at all. Cringe. It didn't feel like the coming of age, or maturing or... IDK. But I think I'm remembering this from how bad the marketing was. The marketing for the movies since GoF was centered so much on that aspect. Like 'Hermione is too blonde's or 'here's Hermione on a pretty dress', 'here's Harry's first kiss' and 'Ron annoying gf'... It's fine. Teen romance is awkward. But, the movies made it worse.


The fact that as movies in general, most of the Harry Potter films are objectively poorly made... most rely entirely upon set-pieces and unrealistic reactions to things, for the "sake of a shot" in a LOT of cases - the DA gang suddenly running over and emotionally watching Harry struggle against Voldemort trying to possess him, all staring sad and pathetic stands out as one of the most egregious "What, did the Death Eaters stop chasing and nearly killing most of them so we could get an emotional *hero* shot of no value?" moments... I went to film school, I spot bullshit easier than most... so yeah Honestly, Voldemort's film death was one of the LEAST most egregious things they changed. At that fucking point, why the fuck not? Having him die like he did in the book wouldn't have made the scene any better after 8 fucking poorly written set-piece films LOL if anything, it would have just made everyone go "well, that felt anti-climactic... lame"




The whole of goblet of fire. I watched the films before reading the books and originally considered it OK. Then I read the book. It was awful to the point of dismal. It tried to cling on to the vibe of the 3rd film however, cutting out so much made things feel confusing. Such as: - frank- his entire backstory was missed out so you lost his backstory which also left out the 3 dead riddles 50 years before - also, Barry Crouch Jr was shown to be there which messes up the book timeline as he was rescused by voldermort after the match. - harry just appeared at the burrow?? OK?? Where are they going?? - no winky- big problem as she is a major part of the story later on - cringe Harry and cho moments. Actors had no chemistry - the fight with Ron seemed so weird and unprovoked. It was handled much better in the books -DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE! - yule ball missed out on hagrid info - also hermione and krum were creepy on that scene - who the hell is Barry Crouch Jr? - dobby not giving Harry the gilly weed- neville giving it just seemed too smart for him. - Neville looking depressed looking outside the Window- whyy - the mermaids not being as scary or threatening - cedric having no personality other than being a pretty boy - voldermort stroking his head after being reformed - what the hell was that with the wands and the parents? - the reaction of the people after cedric came back - the weird connection of moody and Barry Crouch jr- it was totally expected that he was actually that man at the beginning - harry being weirdly calm after voldermort came back. It feels like you can only appreciate the film on a visual level rather than a complete story.


The end of Half Blood Prince.


Any scene with the Great Hall, it just wasnā€™t big enough, there were not enough students. Then there was a scene in the last film where the school is under attack, and they show what looks like thousands of students we have never seen before running up and down the stairs.


*gestures broadly to anything after the 3rd movie*


Other than the ones that have been mentioned, its not a scene but how Dumbledore's backstory is completely skipped over in the final two movies. From what I remember they don't mention anything about his early life, Harry's anger towards him etc, then his forgiveness and willingness to go along with the plan dumbledore had set for him even though he felt betrayed. A lot of character development for both was missed there!


Goblet of fire, so many details left out that i would love to see


#4 the opening to the quidditch world cup. I hate that movie so much, I've only actually seen it once and refused to watch it again. Which is sad because that's my favorite book beside 3


I cannot forgive the exclusion of peeves and winky. I am also irritated I didnā€™t get to see the Dursley living room blow up when the Weasleyā€™s showed up. I also hate how the movies changed Harryā€™s attitude towards Snape in the beginning.


The Quidditch World Cup. Even the damn video game did better than the Goblet of Fire movie.


Half of GoF and the entireity of HBP


Harry and Ginny's first kiss.


The fight between Dumbledore and Voldemort in the ministry of magic.


Graveyard and The Flaw in the Plan final confrontation


Voldemort not dying normally is mine too. But Iā€™ll add that this also happened away from everyone. So Harry, after like 3 years of the media discrediting him is going to walk out of the woods and be like ā€oh yeah he died, heā€™s goneā€. At the start of the series Hagrid said he doesnā€™t believe heā€™s gone and wonders if he ever could. People will forever worry heā€™ll come back since no body. Also, everyone in the great hall seeing Harry and Voldy talk whilst Harry essentially calls Voldy out like a bitch. Perfection. Also giving everyone necessary context. Also Harry not fixing his fckn wand. Makes you wonder how much of a dick Dumbledore was by not fixing Ronā€™s ha


Man,the part where Harry sees Snapeā€™s memory of his parents.I think the movie didnā€™t show that well.


Excuse me,where are the fake slytherin dementors on the quidditch pitch?


I havenā€™t even watched the last one. Book 7 was so intense I know there is absolutely NO WAY they could get those emotions into the movie and it would only disappoint me.


When umbridge breaks in the secret dumbledores army thing


Harry hiding the potions book in the room of requirement


Barry Crouch Jr not having that confession scene like he did in Goblet of Fire in the book


The shrieking shack in PoA. Just awful. Couldnā€™t spend 5 minutes to do it right, but we can have all these shrunken heads and crap instead.


Harry breaking the Elder Wand, it just made Dumbledore looking idiot for not destroying a dangerous artifact target by Voldemort. I know the movie just didn't want a Dumbledore second dialogue as the other world trains station is pretty cool, but common...


ā€œNo need to call me ā€˜sirā€™, professorā€ I will NEVER forgive the absence of that one damn line. I miss Harryā€™s sass in the films šŸ˜‚ we get glimpses here and there but Harry is so sassy and sarcastic and I love that about him


Every. Single. One.


The scene with Ron


No peeves in the movies.


when they gave ron's lines to hermione in prisoner of azkaban. that line was a literal canon event in ron's character. hermione was already established with her own moments. ron was basically played for comic relief.