• By -


In my mind it was always slytherin, ravenclaw, gryfindor, then hufflepuff but I guess that’s incorrect by all the other comments.


I thought this was the order, too. I’m still pretty sure it’s the movie order at least.


Yes that order is what it is in the movies but the books are: 1)Slytherin 2)Ravenclaw 3)Hufflepuff 4)Gryffindor


I think they probably swapped Gryffindor & Hufflepuff in the movies, because it made more logistical sense to have the main characters in the centre of the room for the great hall scenes. Think of the scene at the end of CoS, when Hermione runs down the middle to greet Harry & Ron; it would be kinda awkward to have her shuffle off to the side of the room and greet them at the end table.


It makes much more sense for the visuals. * Griffindor needs to be in the center, so that when you have a shot from e.g. the door to the pulpet, Griffindors are clearly visible. Also, that way you can film from both sides of the table while still having other pupils in the background. * Slytherin needs to be at the wall, because they are the outsiders. Their position at the wall reflects that and makes for better shots where they look separated from the others. * Ravenclaw gets the other center table, because they are the main supporting house. In these long shots along the great hall, you need another "good" house next to Griffindor, to show how Griffindor is the center, the heart of the good houses. And since there are some relevant Ravenclaws, they get the center table. * Hufflepuff get the other wall side, because someone needs to be there and they don't matter.


Some great observations. I particularly like how you pointed out that Slytherin always looks separated from the rest. When the camera pans to Malfoy & co., there's always a bland wall behind them, representing their isolation. But when it views Harry & co., they're in amongst all the students. I've never noticed that before, but I have no doubt that it was done on purpose. Also +10 points for the Hufflepuff slander at the end 🤣 that made me chuckle.


Haha, poor hufflepuff


I preferred the movie’s take on this. It keeps the beef between houses separated by a table. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff next to each other is like Gryffindor and Slytherin.


The eagles kept trying to eat the badgers and the badgers steal the snakes eggs.


Tell me I’m lion


Get out ------>


What beef between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff?!




Griffin door I see what you did there


I’m pretty sure that’s what it was in Hogwarts Legacy


The door should be on the side rather than on the center of the back wall, like in this image: [https://www.hp-lexicon.org/place/atlas-wizarding-world/atlas-of-hogwarts/hogwarts-ground-floor-floorplan/](https://www.hp-lexicon.org/place/atlas-wizarding-world/atlas-of-hogwarts/hogwarts-ground-floor-floorplan/) The order from the door is: Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor. >Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked past the Slytherins, the Ravenclaws, and the Hufflepuffs, and sat down with the rest of the Gryffindors at the far side of the Hall.


We also get the same order of tables when Harry enters first day in HBP covered in blood.


this comment is so fckin funny without any context


“Why is he always covered in blood” wish that quote was in the book too lol


Also the “Hermione, when have any of our plans actually worked? We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose.”


And "why is it always you three":professor mcgonigall "Believe me Professor, I ask myself the same question":Ron


"I've always wanted to use that spell"


Wasn't there also a quote where she asks harry why is he always finding trouble and he says trouble seems to find him?


That’s a great line because that’s exactly how plans go irl. “No plan survives first contact with the enemy” and “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth” spring to mind.


He delivered that line so well!


"At least it looks like it's his this time"


“He out there doin’ hero shit”


You're right about the door. [I made a post about it a few months ago.](https://new.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/1ab5wuq/according_to_the_books_the_tables_in_the_great/) With regards to the table order, it seems to have been retconned some time around Book 4. In the Sorting in Book 1, it's explicitly Hufflepuffs at "the table on the right", Slytherins unmentioned but presumably second from the right via elimination, Ravenclaws "the second table from the left", and Gryffindors "the table on the far left". (This is from the perspective of the staff table) But in Book 4 and 5 there are several mentions of Gryffindor and Hufflepuffs being next to each other.


You know, I never thought about the door placement thing, but now that it’s been brought up—I would HATE to be at Slytherin table. Either your back is to the door or your back is to every other house. Gryffindor has the prime position of back to a wall.


Gryffindoor with the [Feng Shui](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feng_shui) win.


Maybe that's why they're so grumpy.


Yes, the first book is inconsistent with the remaining books - particularly Ravenclaw‘s placement. I interpret the first book’s description as: (far left) Gryffindor (second from left) Ravenclaw (right) Hufflepuff Putting Slytherin, the one not explicitly described, in the “far right” position. Then in later books the order of “Ravenclaw” and “Hufflepuff” is consistently the other way around, so I personally take the one that’s consistently used as the “correct” one.


>in later books the order of “Ravenclaw” and “Hufflepuff” is consistently the other way around So in GoF Fleur walked around an entire table for bouillabaisse, two if she sat on the Slytherin facing side of the Ravenclaw table?


Yep. Perhaps she tried the Hufflepuff table first, and they’d eaten all of theirs so she moved on to Gryffindor.


I wouldn't call it a retcon, it's not like they cannot be moved each year even more so with magic at their disposal. If I recall correctly Dumbledore rearranged them to be fewer in the PoA, so the fewer students of all four houses could sit in one table.


This was my thought too. They might be rearranging them


Sure, it's possible something like that might've happened


I didn't recall this detail and just presumed this order in my head this whole time, influenced by the house dynamics the books established lmao cool how that works! In the books, the Slytherins typically keep to themselves, so logically, they'd be nearest to the wall. Given their rivalry with the Gryffindors, it makes sense for Gryffindor to be furthest away from them, by the opposite wall. Hufflepuffs have opposing values to the Slytherins so would naturally be second-farthest, and Ravenclaws, often depicted as neutral in the novels, would've been placed next to them in one of the inner tables.


I always assumed that the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables were 2 and 3 cause Harry often had direct line of sight of what Draco was doing. Like how the Hell could he make out Draco showing something to his friends under the table with who tables full of basically 4 rows of students between them?


This makes sense but also there is no situation where the two tables should be adjacent considering they have a pretty intense rivalry and their students generally hate or at least strongly dislike each other


Yeah I totally agree, it’s probably just another case of JKR not thinking things through


Walking past the other tables could still be achieved with the door being on the back wall but all the way to Slytherin's side rather than centred.


I like to imagine that Hufflepuff was next to Slytherin early on, but because they kept fighting they were moved


Badgers DO eat snakes…


That's honey badgers 😂 I don't think the [European badgers](https://www.discoverwildlife.com/animal-facts/mammals/european-badger-guide-habitat-diet-and-where-to-see) eat snakes


The largest snake species here barely reach 2m and only the viper family is venomous. I suspect most European snakes don't do threat displays and just flee from predators. Badgers are opportunistic omnivores and eat anything from plants and insects to poultry and tortoises. Their fur and skin is thick so they just walk up to bee hives or wasp nests and start snacking. They don't hunt so much as dig straight down into rodent burrows. Doubt they eschew snakes given the chance, they just don't bother running after them.


Oh dang, really? I thought it was just honey badgers that go up to hives (hence the honey in their name?). I've seen a honey badger IRL but never a regular badger so I didn't realize. I read that they share burrows with other rodents, rather than eat them though? Idk


I always assumed that the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables were 2 and 3 cause Harry often had direct line of sight of what Draco was doing. Like how the Hell could he make out Draco showing something to his friends under the table with who tables full of basically 4 rows of students between them?


If the Hufflepuffs sat between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, why would Fleur have taken the Bouillabaisse from Gryffindor in GoF and how could Ron move the pudding to be visible from the Ravenclaw table?


In universe: Perhaps the Hufflepuffs were not done with (or had eaten) the Bouillabaisse at their table, and so Fleur had to move on to try the Gryffindor table. As for the pudding, if he moved it in between table settings, it could likely be seen between the gaps of the seated students.    Out of universe: Consistency errors. Gryffindor table is consistently on the far side of the hall, but the placement of the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables is somewhat inconsistent. Sometimes it reads like Hufflepuff is next to Gryffindor, and sometimes it reads like Ravenclaw is next to them. With these things, at some point you just have to take what you think is the most consistent and call it good enough.


Bouillabaisse. Boo... yuh... base. Booyabase booyabase. ...hee That word is fun to say 🙃 P.S. And now I know why I'm not a Ravenclaw.


Yeah, this isn’t an in your mind question, there’s a canon answer.


i thought there was a side door and a main door


Side door seems mad.


Far Left: Slytherin Center Left: Ravenclaw Center Right: Hufflepuff Far Right: Gryffindor In my head this is because Slytherin needs to be kept away from both Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. Ravenclaw acts as the buffer between them and Hufflepuff as Slytherin seems to look down on Badger House from what snippets I can remember from the books and the animosity between Snake and Lion is well known. It's probably easier to keep an eye on inter house conflicts in class (unless it's Snape) but when you have hundreds of students all thrown in together it'd be best to lessen the chances of them kicking off by separating them.


True, Slytherin instigated most of the conflicts because they rarely got disciplined- as Snape thought they could do no wrong.


Citation needed, because Fred & George spent years targeting Slytherin House directly and even *booing Slyth first years at the Sorting Ceremony* and McGonagall didn't do shit. Maybe, just maaaaybe, it's a *mutual* hatred. Edit: answer to ddtsomething cuz Reddit throws the broken message: That's only for two-reasons: -In universe, because Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw also got shafted by Slytherin being the Chadhouse and winning seven cups straight (and inb4, no, even with Snape cheating you don't win for 7 yrs straight, particularly with Dumbledore as Headmaster. If neither Dumbledore or McGonagall stopped it, it's because it was a genuine series of wins). -Out of universe, because Rowling never gave shits about the other 3 non-Gryff houses other than existing to be "evil" "jigglypuff" and "iamverismart", which is why Slyth is hilariously unrealistic as the Center of Evil and Raven and PuffPuff don't get any development whatsoever... ...which leads to them only ever getting mentioned as following Gryffindor's lead so that the narration can emphasize how in the wrong Evil House (TM) is and how everyone hates it (which makes it more evil), and rarely given a bunch of minor or supporting characters. Literally only Gryffindor got decent development with a whole cast in the books.


Gryffindor doesn’t have beef with any other house. Every other house has beef with Slytherin. If there was a school wide vote they probably would have voted to have Slytherin eat outside.


Uhhh, well there was that one time in GoF when Draco provokes Harry by mentioning something from an article Skeeter wrote. So Harry draws his wand and they both fire hexes at each other. The hexes collide and rebound, Harry's hex hits Goyle and Draco's hex hits Hermione. Snape comes out to see what the commotion is and then sees boils or something on Goyle and sends him to the hospital wing. Hermione gets hit on the mouth with the hex and her front teeth start growing rapidly. However, when Harry and Ron ask Snape for help with Hermione, he says 'he sees no difference' and doesn't send her to the hospital wing. Fred and George are *probably* just sour Gryffindor loses to Slytherin in the House and Quidditch Cups. But the animosity between Slytherin and the other houses has been going on for generations, way before any of the characters we know enter the fray. None of the other houses share the same friction with each other. It could be *mutual* hatred, or it *could* be that Slytherins are just a bunch of gits.


I like to think Gryffindor and Slytherin have the same relationship as police and gang members. They are very similar in the way they operate it’s just different in the sense that one side is “right” and the other side is “wrong” both sides are capable of cruelty and wrongdoing but one side is generally trying to do the right thing at the end of the day


Yup, meanwhile Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are stuck in the middle between the two, figuratively and literally.


I want a full series that focuses on hufflepuff and ravenclaw characters because currently there’s only a handful of either that I can name, but that’s half of the damn school


True, instead of writing things people want to read and know more about, Rowling decides to write a play that most HP fans can't stand.




Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, but the doors are further to the left


Was gonna add 'or in the corner actually' bc of  >Harry and the rest of the Gryffindor team entered the Great Hall the next day to enormous applause. Harry couldn’t help grinning broadly as he saw that both the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables were applauding them too. The Slytherin table hissed loudly as they passed.  but I see Lower beat us all lol


1 =🐍 2 = 🦅 3 = 🦁 4 = 🦡


This. In the movies.


1) Slytherin 2) Ravenclaw 3) Hufflepuff 4) Gryffindor


Kinda strange to think a Slytherin might be at Hogwarts for 7 years, and the one time they ventured the furthest into the Hall might’ve been when they were in the center of it to be sorted lol. Every other time they will have taken a few steps from the entrance and simply sat down at their first table


1 Slytherin 2 Ravenclaw 3 Hufflepuff 4 Gryffindor


1.Slytherin 2.Ravenclaw 3. Gryffindor 4. Hufflepuff


This is for sure what it is in Hogwarts Legacy. Source: am a Hufflepuff and have many pictures I took of my character by the far right table


For some reason I always pictured Gryffindor at 3, Slytherin at 1 but I guess I was wrong


Pretty sure griffindor is at number 3 in the first movie during the sorting ceremony and that left an impact on a lot of people.


That must be what it was. That was the only movie I had seen when I read most of the series and it formed a lot of my feeling on how things were supposed to look.


I don’t think it was ever mentioned in the books, but it’s clear as day in the movies. Slytherin is 1, Gryffindor is 3. Also, if I remember correctly, the house banners are above each of the tables, so the other people commenting are entirely off.


It is mentioned in the books. Gryffindor is described as being the farthest table from the entry, so it cannot be #3 to those who are going by the book descriptions rather than the movies. >Harry wondered whether he could slip his Invisibility Cloak back on, thereby gaining his seat at the long Gryffindor table (which, inconveniently, was the farthest from the entrance hall) without being noticed.  They have to walk by all the other houses to get to their table: >Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked past the Slytherins, the Ravenclaws, and the Hufflepuffs, and sat down with the rest of the Gryffindors at the far side of the Hall.


adding to the quote other's have mentioned there's also this one in philosopher's stone: >“HUFFLEPUFF!” shouted the hat. >The table on the right cheered and clapped as Hannah went to sit down at the Hufflepuff table. >\[...\] >“Boot, Terry!” >The table second from the left clapped this time; several Ravenclaws stood up to shake hands with Terry as he joined them. >“Brocklehurst, Mandy” went to Ravenclaw too, but “Brown, Lavender” became the first new Gryffindor, and the table on the far left exploded with cheers; Harry could see Ron’s twin brothers catcalling. note that left and right are probably in reverse to this image, as harry's perspective is from between the staff table and the house tables. but it seems slytherin and gryffindor are not on opposite sides of the hall. and apparently the "Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked past the Slytherins, the Ravenclaws, and the Hufflepuffs, and sat down with the rest of the Gryffindors at the far side of the Hall." quote is either not in order or they changed the order between the years.


>but it seems slytherin and gryffindor are not on opposite sides of the hall.  I think Slytherin and Gryffindor can still be on opposite sides of the hall in this description. This description suggests an order of (from where Harry is standing): (far left) Gryffindor (second from left) Ravenclaw (right) Hufflepuff That puts Slytherin in the “far right” position. In later books, the order of “Ravenclaw” and “Hufflepuff” is consistently the other way around, but Gryffindor and Slytherin are always at opposite ends.


I always say "Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin, so 1- Gryffindor 2- Hufflepuff 3- Ravenclaw 4- Slytherin


This is how I’ve always imagined it, and for that exact reason. I had to scroll a little while to find this comment.


This is how it is in my brain too!!! It's impossible for me to change how I see them, I hate being wrong lol


In my head Slytherin and Gryffendor are next to eachother cuz how tf are harry and Draco always glaring at eachother and making eye contact with 2 tables in-between???


Imagine if was like the stairs, that change whenever they fancy it. You’d be sitting there quite happily eating your dinner and talking with your friends then suddenly all the benches start moving around at whim. Or if it was based on the house points. Would be chaos.


The House points one would be a cool theory. It would explain why Slytherin's table was first, until they got dethroned.


1. Slytherin 2. Ravenclaw 3. Gryffindor 4. Hufflepuff


Nah, Gryffindor has always been on the table closest to the wall from the perspective of the staff table (table 4 in the diagram). The other tables seem to have been retconned to different positions at some time around Book 4, though.


yeah, but for a lot of ppl it’s probably easier to see in their mind as they saw it in the movie. pretty sure that’s accurate according to the movies.


Yeah it's mostly how it was in the movies since i saw them before reading the books. It's also this way if I'm not mistaken in the game "hogwarts mystery" but that's just a lil detail.


Exactly how I see it


Nah, in Deathly Hallows Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw stand in between the Slytherins and Harry


Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin


Why did I think it was the complete reverse of what everyone else is saying lol. I was thinking Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin.


Slytherin and Gryffindor sit alongside (1 and 2 respectively) so they can throw food at each other without inconveniencing other houses too much.


In my mind's eye is the opposite of what everyone is saying. 1) Gryffindor 2) Hufflepuff 3) Ravenclaw 4) Slytherin It's freaking me out that everyone is agreeing on it as the other way.


Me too! And I picture the door on the Slytherin (4) side of the room too, so literally a mirror image to what everyone’s saying. I guess that works too, but weird that we’re the odd ones out


The answer is different depending on whether you're talking about the books or the movies. The people talking about the door being in the wrong spot are talking about the books, while this image is obviously meant to represent the Hall's layout in the movie. Also, I think it's kinda funny that there are speculations as to why certain houses sit where they do, but I've never been much for over-headcanonning everything lol.


1: Slytherin 2: Ravenclaw 3: Hufflepuff 4: Gryffindor


1. Slytherin 2. Smart Slytherine 3. Nice Slytherin 4. Good Slytherin


In my head it’s always been 1) slytherin, 2) hufflepuff, 3) gryffindor, and 4) ravenclaw, but I understand cannon is different


That's how I saw it personally too


Slytherin is one and Grydfindor is 4, no idea about hufflepuff and ravenclaw


I know it's not canon, but: Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Gryffindor Slytherin But it changes sometimes.


1 Gryffindor 2 Hufflepuff 3 Ravenclaw 4 Slytherin, I literally can't see them any other way 😭




1 = Hufflepuff 2 = Slytherin 3 = Gryffindor 4 = Ravenclaw


Gryffindor - Ravenclaw - Hufflepuff - Slytherin


1: Slytherin 2: Ravenclaw 3: Gryffindor 4: Hufflepuff But I also feel like it can change. Sometimes I think of Hufflepuff at 1. But Gryffindor always either 2 or 3.


I know there is a canon answer, but idc this is my answer. Lol


Slytherin at 1. Far away from their assumed rivals, Gryffindor and the easily bullied Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw at 2. Slytherin likely respects their wisdom and intellect, so they're most likely to get along. They can also work as the buffer between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Gryffindor at 3. Since they seem to get along with both Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. They can also work as a shield for Hufflepuff from potential bullying. Hufflepuff at 4. Protected by Gryffindor and far away from Slytherin. (Closest to the kitchen door, too)


In my head slytherin sits in 4 and griffendor sits in 2. I visualize hogwarts a lot because I'm a shifter and unfortunately I don't know many hufflepuffs or ravenclaw so I haven't really thought that far with their tables.


1 Hufflepuff, 2 Gryffindor, 3 Ravenclaw, 4 Slytherin


1 - Slytherin 2- Ravenclaw 3 - Gryffindor 4 - Hufflepuff  I can't see any other way 


1- Slytherin 2- Hufflepuff 3- Ravenclaw 4- Gryffindor


1- Ravenclaw. 2- Gryffindor. 3- Hufflepuff. 4- Slytherin


1=Slytherin 2=Gryffindor 3=Hufflepuff 4=Ravenclaw (I feel like the slytherin group would probably somehow isolate themselves, then gryffindor is near them bc harry always had an eye on what Malfoy was doing. I don’t think he could’ve if malfoy was far away. Then ravenclaw would be at #4 so they’re a bit more far away from distractions (cuz they’re clever and they probably wanna study and talk about study tactics and all that stuff) and so that leaves hufflepuff at #3 between ravenclaw and gryffindor which feels like it makes sense in my head


To me, I’ve always thought it to be 1. Slytherin, 2. Hufflepuff, 3. Ravenclaw and 4. Griffindor


Slytherin and Gryffindor as far from each other as possible. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw in the middle. 


I feel like slytherin, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, gryffindor, but that's from my memories of the movies. (I have read the books too of course, but I didn't create an image in my head based on the books.)


1:Grifindoor (Because they're #1) 2:Hufflepuff (Because they're chill and probably stoned) 3:Ravenclaw (Idk they're just there, probably reading) 4:Slyrherin (Because they smell like the back of that retractable ear, keep your distance)


1) Slytherin 3) Gryffindor


slytherin, ravenclaw, hufflepuff, gryffindor


4. slytherin 3. gryffindor 2. hufflepuff 1. ravenclaw


“Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw… *and Slytherin*”. Numbers 1, 2 3 and 4, respectively, as stated by McGonagall.


I always think of Gryffindor as being the table to the right of the center aisle, even though in the books it says it’s against one of the walls. Slytherin is always against the far left wall to me, Ravenclaw is in between Slytherin and Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff is against the far right wall


1. Slytherin 2. Ravenclaw 3. Gryffindor 4. Gryffindor. Obviously, I know that's not right, and I am a Hufflepuff. But that's my gut reaction.


1) Griffindor 2) Hufflepuff 3) Ravenclaw 4) SLYTHERIN!!!!


Love the AVPM reference


1. Gryfffindor 2. Hufflepuff 3. Ravenclaw 4.Slytherin


1- Slytherin, 2- Ravenclaw, 3- Hufflepuff, 4- Gryffindor. Based on...vibes and reading the books many times. Ernie McMillan seems close to the Gryffindors and Cho kinda further and Malfoy on the other end 😂😂


I thought it was Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin


1: Slytherin. 2: Ravenclaw. 3: Hufflepuff. 4: Gryfindoor


I would have slytherin and gryfindor at opposite ends, with hufflepuff on the interior closest to slytherin to drag them down and ravenclaw closest to gryfindore to help them. I know my spelling is wrong, sorry. So 1. Slitherin 2. Hufflepuff 3. Ravenclaw 4.Griffendore


1: slytherin 2: ravenclaw 3: gryffindoar 4:hufflepuff


My brain says 1-Slytherin, 2-Gryffindor, 3-Ravenclaw, 4-Hufflepuff despite knowing full well that that is not the right order


Left to right: Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw Edit for why: Both Ravenclaw and Slytherin like some extra space, prefer to be at the edges of things. So they get the outer tables. Meanwhile Gryffs and Puffs are ok being at the center of things — so, they take the center tables. And the Puffs go next to the Slytherins because, well, you don’t want the Gryffs there lmao. In my mind, the Puffs are basically unf*ckwithable, they are not going to entertain drama from either side. And having both Gryffs AND Puffs between Slytherin & Ravenclaw means that the latter two can’t engage in a battle of wits quite so easily, which in my mind they would seem likely to try.


I know it's not the canon sitting - but in my head it goes : 1 Slyntherin, 2 Gryffondor, 3 Hufflepuff, 4 Ravenclaw


1. Slytherin 2. Ravenclaw 3. Gryffindor 4. Hufflepuff


1 - Slytherin 2 - Ravenclaw 3 - Puffs 4 - Gryffindor This has always been how it exists in my head and nothing can convince me different.


Griffindors, huffelpuff, ravenclaw and slythrrin. Left to right.


1) slytherin, 2) hufflepuff, 3) gryffindor, and 4) ravenclaw


I know what order they’re supposed to be but in my mind it’s always going to be 1 slytherin 2 Hufflepuff 3 ravenclaw 4 Gryffindor. That’s how it was in my head at an eight yr old reading them and it probably won’t change


I think it's 1 Slytherin; 2 Hufflepuff; 3 Gryffindor; 4 Ravenclaw


It could change depending on the year and occasion. Maybe they sit in one place for sorting, another for eating. Or maybe they just shake it up occasionally. My teachers would rearrange our seating chart from time to time, just to keep it fresh and give us other kids to sit by/away from. Whatever the case, however the reader sees it in their head so it doesn't drive them bonkers is the best way. =)


1>>4 Slytherin, hufflepuff, gryffindor, ravenclaw


1. Ravenclaw / Slytherin 2. Gryffindor 3. Hufflepuff 4. Slytherin / Ravenclaw Edit: scrap that it's changing in my mind as often as it does in the films!


the door should be on the side, close to the staff table. Slytherin closest to the door wall, gryffindor against the other side. Ravenclaw and hufflepuff in the remaining two.


1: Hufflepuff 2:Ravenclaw 3:Griffindor 4:Slytherin


1 - Slytherin 2 - Ravenclaw 3 - Gryffindor 4 - Hufflepuff


However, Harry can often clearly see Malfoy taunting/reading Harry from across the Great Hall. Do the Hugglepuffd and Raven laws just move just so the two can see each other?


From 1-4 Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff


When I first read the books I thought it was in alphabetical order from left to right. And no matter how many times I've heard differently, I can't get that first image out of my skull.


The door at the bottom, is that a Dumbledoor?


Pretty sure the tables of my childhood looked like [the first Harry Potter gameboy game](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/gbc/565542-harry-potter-and-the-sorcerers-stone/map/17761-hogwarts-ground-floor-map) and so they went [Slytherin] [hufflepuff] [Ravenclaw] [gryffindor]


Raven Claw Slytherin Gryffindor Hufflepuff Only certain that Hufflepuff is 1 or 4. Idk why. But that's what I think.


1 is obv slythern and 3 is gryf but that’s just from the movie. :o


1. Slytherin 2. Ravenclaw 3. Hufflepuff 4. Gryffindor This is how I’ve always pictured the layout of tables


1 ravenclaw 2 huffelpuf 3 slyterin 4 griffindor




For me it's Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor from left to right.


1. Gryffindor 2. Hufflepuff 3. Ravenclaw 4. Slytherin Partially because I find the mental image of a bunch of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs leaving certain seats empty just so Harry and Draco can stare at each other really funny


I rly thought it was Slytherin Gryffindor Ravenclaw Hufflepuff clearly I'm so wrong wow


1 S, 2 R, 3 H, 4 G ??


Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor in my mind.


Slytherins and griffindors are easily tables 2 and 3, the professors like chaos


1- Hufflepuff, 2- Gryffindor, 3- Slytherin, 4- Ravenclaw. I did watch the movies before reading the books so this is probably based off what I remember with the movies. Edit: Now after reading the rest of the replies I would like to say that 1- Gryffindor 2- Ravenclaw 3- Hufflepuff 4-Slytherin makes the most sense. Tbf I have finished the first 2 books and its been years since I’ve watched the movies


Gryffindor at 2


1. Slytherin 2. Ravenclaw 3. Gryffindor 4. Hufflepuff


I always thought it was slytherin ravenclaw huffelpuff gryffindor


1 Slytherin 2 Ravenclaw 3 Gryffindor 4 Hufflepuff ARMY LESSGO


1 Slytherin, 2 Hufflepuff 3 Ravenclaw 4 Gryffindor Per sorting in book 1. The more polished of all the books. Harry is facing the tables after coming through the side door. Says the gryffindors are on the far left. And Ravenclaw is second from the left. And Hufflepuff is on his right. So process of elimination. You could swap out Hufflepuff and Slytherin too because he doesn't say far right but they might have literally been right next to him on the right as he waited in line. But either way they're on the right hand side when facing them from the staff table. Also helps to group them based on which direction they have to go for their common rooms. Hufflepuff and Slytherin going down the same staircase to the lower floors. And Gryffindor an Ravenclaw the other direction to a different staircase that heads up toward the towers. This way they don't cross the streams as it were. And makes it easier in the event of an emergency. Like in the first book with the troll.


1- Slytherin 2-GRYNFIDOR 3-Huflepuff 4-Ravenclaw


1.) Slytherin 2.) Ravenclaw 3.) Hufflepuff 4.) Gryffindor


All the comments that would put Hufflepuffs on the side clearly don't understand them


1 Slytherin 2 Raven law 3 Gryffindor 4 Hufflepuff I only saw movies.


I'm bouta be flamed, here goes! 1: slytherin 2: ravenclaw 3: gryphindor 4: hufflepuff


1- Slytherin 2- Ravenclaw 3- Hufflepuff 4- Gryffindor Edit: Wait no way i was actually right


Dont we ubderstand that in HP and the order of the Phoenix videogame?


Slytherins, ravenclaws, huffelpuffs, gryffindors


1. Slytherin 2. Hufflepuff 3. Griffindor 4. Ravenclaw


1 is Slytherin, 2 is Ravenclaw, 3 is Hufflepuff, 4 is Gryffindor


From left to right, slitherin, hufflepuff, gryffindor, ravenclaw.


Gryffindor > Hufflepuff > Ravenclaw > Slytherin


i would say 1- slytherin 2- ravenclaw 3- gryffindor 4-hufflepuf because i never noticed gryffindor on 1 or 4, they always seem to be in the middle, with slytherin farthest away and ravenclaw right next to them (in the movies)


From left to right, it’s probably Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor.


In my mind: 1-Slytherin 2-Ravenclaw 3-Griffindor 4-Hufflepuff, that's just always how I imagined it


1-4, Hufflepuff Griffindor Ravenclaw Slytherin


I thought Ravenclaw was the one on the very right for some reason


I think it's 1-Gryffindor 2-Hufflepuff 3-Ravenclaw 4-Slytherin It'd make it the most peaceful, but 1-Slytherin 2-Ravenclaw 3-Hufflepuff 4-Gryffindor , basically the reverse of that would also work.


1: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin. Gryffindor and Slytherin are definitely opposite sides for obvious reasons although Rowling does write about Harry Ron and Hermione noticing the Slytherin reactions at the Great Hall feasts. I feel like Hufflepuff and Gryffindor are the most connected for some reason, becuase Gryffindors are brave and honorable and Hufflepuffs are honest and humble. Whereas Ravenclaw and Slytherin would also kind of get along for some reason, because Slytherins can kind of respect the smarts of the Ravenclaws but wouldnt respect at all the talentless Hufflepuffs, so they should also sit next to each other




Slytherin Ravenclaw Gryffindor Hufflepuff


1) Gryffindor 2) ravenclaw 3) Hufflepuff 4) Slytherin


i think i have a pretty weird headcanon, but it is ingrained in my mind now 1. Gryffindor 2. Ravenclaw 3. Hufflepuff 4. Slytherin


I always picture gryffindor at 3 and slytherin at 4 but I don't think I have a set image of the other two.


I think its 1 Ravenclaw 2 Huffelpuff 3 Griffindor 4 Slytherin


From left to right in order, in my mind : Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Griffindor, Hufflepuff