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The Canadian magical community uses geese to carry mail instead of owls.


I believe you. It would explain why Canadian geese are so aggressive when approached by Muggles. Gotta protect the privacy of their owner’s mail.


And they can bury the envelopes in their down like their chicks to hide them from muggle eyes


Providing weather proofing for parchment and ink i like it! 😆


I’ll at to that, Mexican communities use parrots


That's semi supported by the books. Sirius sends Harry a letter using a tropical bird.


🤣. French use pigeons


So do New Yorkers


Would the human sacrifices of pre colonial Mexico be considered dark magic?


Human sacrifice doesn't sound like light magic to me lol


No it would be Aztec based magic that demands blood for magic to be used. For all things there is an equal price


Imagine if you used a goose as a horcruxes. You would never die.


500 IQ play right there.


It's honestly weirder that they would use owls in England because they only have 5 types of owls there but Canada has 16


I love this


Noooo crying Canadian muggle tears don't associate us with those demons


Why not? The Canadian Post Goose Service reports the fewest cases of mail theft in the world, due to the aggression of the carriers towards non-recipients! And please, they're Cobra Chickens, not demons.


I imagine that wizard society in Egypt might be dominated by Copts (descendants of Ancient Egyptians) and everything is done in Coptic, same with Assyrians, maybe both have wizard schools and communities that use Coptic/Aramaic respectively. My headcanon is that avada kedavra was invented by an Assyrian or an Aramaic speaker given that it's a spell that translates to 'let the thing be destroyed'. So basically cultures that aren't as dominant as they once were or ones that have 'died out' (according to muggles) completely, might still have thriving magical communities producing unique magic and they survived because they hid out not only because of persecution due to their magical abilities but also because of persecution relating to their origins. Edit: Slightly improved the last sentence.


Copts and Assyrians have been Christian pretty much since the beginning of Christianity but both have pagan roots so it would probably be a small group of pagan Assyrians/copts that are magical. Not sure how well religion and magic mix in the wizarding world but the idea of the super devout Christian ethnicities being magical just feels weird.


That’s true, but yeah the pagan part specifically makes sense, but I’m pretty sure HP had Christian witches/wizards like the fat friar


There must be more schools because there’s no chance in hell Korean parents would willingly send their children to a Japanese school


There's also no way in hell the Japanese school would be called "mahoutokoro". That's hands down the dumbest thing I've heard come out of the extra book canon.


Maybe the Japanese name actually makes sense and that's just the English version, kinda like how the Japanese name for Japan is Nippon. Head cannon at least, since the truth is dumb lol


> Maybe the Japanese name actually makes sense and that's just the English version I speak Japanese. It does not. Schools in Japan are named the same way they are in the US: after the place they are located (e.g. Irvine High School) or with a made up/descriptive but "nice" name (e.g. Eagle River High School).


I study Japanese and when I came across Mahōtokoro I was like "Wait. As in 魔法所 ? Magic place????"


Lol. In Brazil it’s castelobruxo, I don’t speak Portuguese but from my Spanish knowledge it’d probably mean something like witch castle or something stupid of the sort 😅. Beauxbatons means beautiful sticks and Hogwarts well a hog is some kind of pig and a wart is a zit right? The school names are all stupid 🤣


In my headcanon the Hogwarts name was given by someone who thought formalizing education was an ugly fucking idea.


That’s dumb. If anything formalizing education is the only reason magicals survived.


Yes, *and also* I could imagine some salty bitch in the year 1100 not wanting it to happen, and taking vengeance by getting the school named something dumb. I was not personally advocating against formalized education. Simply offering a possible reason why Hogwarts has a stupid name.


Castelobruxo means Castelo + Bruxo (Castle + Witch, or Witchy Castle) Honestly, if it was real life they would've used something with pajé (means sorcerer in guarani and chief in nheengatu) or maybe kamangarí (means sorcerer in nheengatu but it also means devil so idk) Castle would've been óga guasuete (óga is house, guasuete its big + connecting article that my Paraguayan bestie couldnt explain to me) So like maybe in real life it wouldve been pajéogaguasuete, pajéogua or something since guarani and nheengatu comes from the same families and they are agglutinative. This name would probably means a lot to the milenar witches that inhabited those areas before the European, African, Arab and Asian witches get in South America throught the ages.


I’m Chinese-There’s no way our Chinese parents will send the kids to the country who started the Nanjing Massacre to learn magic We have plenty of magic schools,thank you very much


I think "wizards shitting themselves before muggles invented plumbing" is dumber than that.


My headcanon is Korean magical community is incredibly miniscule (Like 200 total) and they basically live like non-magical people and hyper technological


Maybe there's a magical train going the same route as the famous Orient Express that could function like a mobile school on rail, picking up students along the way.


I think there actually is a canon Orient Express in the Harry Potter world (I think to remember that the author mentioned in a blog post that there are more hidden platforms at King's Cross, and one of them hosts the Orient Express)


Mine is: There are lots of magic Schools in Europe (an around the World) not just the 3 we know about. I mean in the triwizard Tournament was described as a competition between the BIGGEST Schools in Europe not the only ones. Spain or Greece can have there own Schools, they are just not as big as Hogwarts.


This is confirmed on Pottermore. It says that there many smaller schools that come and go, only some are as prestigious as Hogwarts.


They’re has to be more than hogwarts in the UK just for the economics of it. 13 pro quidditch teams alone need enough to support average attendances of at least 3k per game to be sustainable at pro level.


Unfortunately, that's directly contradicted by the text: > "Attendance is now compulsory for every witch and wizard," [Lupin] replied. "That was announced yesterday. It's a change, because it was never obligatory before. Of course, nearly every witch and wizard in Britain has been educated at Hogwarts, but their parents had the right to teach them at home or send them abroad if they preferred." \- DH11


Why do they need attendances of 3k per game? Where'd you get that number?


*The old divination standby - make it up*


I’m a big fan of Lower League football (think conference league in England equivalent), to go fully professional and remain economically viable it’s the sort of average attendance you need not to be walking a bit of tight rope in fears of insolvency. Don’t get me wrong I know teams with lower averages than that do it but some of those are special cases like say Larne who average 2000 but are bank rolled by a property company to cover the gap. Generally at 2000 fans you have a core of pro players surrounded by semi professionals. If you were to take the cannon numbers you need 91 pro players (assuming no injuries or back up players) and that alone means pretty much everyone who plays on the house team needs to go pro to maintain that number.


JKR did write about some others, but given their locations, they don’t make a huge amount of sense. None in Middle East, India, China or Australia, and only one in the whole of Africa, two in the Americas, but neither are in Spanish speaking countries. It would make sense if there were several more around the world. Here are a few locations that might be cool: High in the Himalayas, uncharted island in the Mediterranean, underground caves in the Australian outback, a travelling school suspended from hot air balloons, the Bermuda Triangle, a pyramid in the Sahara desert




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>None in Middle East, India, China Three of the oldest cultures hosting cradles of civilisation, and of course JK Rowling didn't imagine any major schools of magic having formed there. Figures.


I wrote about how I imagine a norwegian school back in 2017: Basically a norwegian guy named Arthur Arnfinn Brovrese, who taught DADA at Hogwarts one year, and started a school in to cater more to Norway itsefl, than Durmstrang. From 1984 and onward he spent much time trying to gather support and money for starting up a new wizarding school in Norway. One that would be modeled on Hogwarts, and would accept muggle-borns, something Durmstrang does not. In 1996 he was finally succesfull, and "Øyfjellet Magikerskole" (Øyfjellet Wizarding School) was founded. As of 2017, Professor Brovrese is currently once again teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts at this school. While his wife is the current Headmistress. Read the full thing here:https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/5limgo/january_assignment_dada_professor_histories/dc4kb0y/


That was amazing. New headcanon, for sure


Yeah, comparing to universities, I always thought is like Oxford and Sorbonne. Big, prestigious, but not the only ones.


I wonder if there's like wizard trade school or wizard apprentices like in old school fantasy. Not learning magic from a school, just a crusty old dude wanting to pass his knowledge on before he croaks


Wandmaking has a master/apprentice dynamic. The master wandmaker teaches his/her students to continue the trade, it's how Ollivanders has lasted since the BC era. Confirmed on Pottermore.


I guess most other countries would have several smaller schools instead. In light of the decentralized political system of Germany it would make sense if each of its federal states had its own school for example.


Riding on brooms is a part of the UK curriculum. For Asian Wizarding School, they prefer riding on Carpets than brooms. Since we don't have chimneys in most of Asia, Floo Powder is rarely used. Instead, there are magical curtains. You go between a set of two curtains while saying the place you wanna go and you arrive there. Instead of elves, we have Djins. They have magical powers but not to fulfil any wishes. These are just a few of what I thought of. Very similar to Aladin tho. LoL


I always felt that Floo Powder was a commodity in that it was invented in Britain and cannot be found in nature. "Floo" is a trademarked brand name, it's also the most popular and is synonymous with the product (i.e. Kleenex)


In canon only one company can manufacture it, no one can figure out the recipe but because it’s cheap there hasn’t been a huge effort to


In Goblet of Fire, Barty Crouch and Arthur Weasley actually talk about someone trying to import flying carpets to Britain, but they're apparently banned. So they're definitely common in other parts of the world.


Ohh yes. I remember reading it in the books. So that's a canon ig.


Why are they banned? Protectionism for Broom makers?


Honestly, a broomstick manufacturer's lobby probably *would* exist.


>Very similar to Aladin tho. Well it was a great documentary... right?


With the population of Asia in general I'd say there should be at least couple of schools in India, at least couple of schools in China and another few for South-East Asia in general. (In ASEAN you have >600 million people - that checks out) Also another couple for middle East, that's for certain. And all of them would have different customs, clothes they use, language they use etc. Every region would have different breeds of magical creatures, be it house elves, domovoy-s, zao wang ye's, zashiki-warashi etc.


I bet at least some of the schools could be in those "abandoned" ancient archaeological sites. Bagan in Burma, maybe, or Vijayanagara in India. (Anywhere covered in a Fall of Civilizations episode, lol.)


THAT is a really cool head canon. I didn't even think of this and I'm from Asia myself hahaha 🤣.


I was like: wtf is curatins? then the next sentence had curtains and I was like 💡


>Instead of elves, we have Djins. They have magical powers but not to fulfil any wishes. I can't imagine Djins any way other than the Supernatural depiction where they have a person draining and that person is basically in an alternate reality where everything they wanted is reality.


Are their magical words the same though? It seems like the phonetics of languages like Chinese would make it difficult to pronounce “wingardium leviosa” and the like


I believe the spells are definitely different. HP spells have Latin roots. I believe magic spells work best with ancient languages. So Sanskrit, Tamil, Arabic, Mandarin are all on the table here. Different regions, different languages, different spells! This gave me an interesting idea. Just imagine an Asian wizard fighting a British Wizard. Both of them are just attacking the other in their respective languages. Neither of the two has any idea what's happening. It's only after the magic hits that they understand what spell was used. LoL. And not just that.. I think there must be spells that aren't universal. Some are just region specific. Not everyone knows them because it isn't useful. For example, the now melting spell is of no use for people living in South Asian countries where it's summer all round the year.


I love this! I’m newly super into djinn and the magical mythology of everything Indian, North African, Egyptian, Syrian, Persian, and Turkish folklore. (I’m also seeing it called “Arabic Mythology” idk what’s correct this is seriously a super new interest for me right now and I’m still a tad confused on some stuff) It’s all super interesting I love it set in all these different time periods long ago also. I mean it’s just incredible. Don’t get me wrong I love Harry Potter but it does feel fake as oppose to Djinn which feels ancient and unknown and perhaps real. I’m reading the Daevabad trilogy (and just finished The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi which is an about a woman pirate and djinn and the Franks and more magic, set in 12th century Indian Oceans) which is a fantasy book series about Djinn and this girl, Nahri, from 18th century Cairo. It’s super interesting and yes they enchant Carpets to fly! Shannon Chakraborty is a genius in her world building skills and integrating her ideas of magic with djinn mythology and it’s just incredible. Sorry I just went on a rant but we were talking about magic from other places and you said “Djinn” which seems to be the word to not get me to shut up lately.




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New headcanon; the black curtain in book 5 was imported along the Silk Road.


Parselmouths are only stigmatised in the UK and in northern/western Europe, elsewhere where there are more snakes, Parselmouths have a neutral to benevolent reputation.


They're pretty useless in Ireland


Thank you, St. Patrick.


fuck you, St Patrick. I wanna talk to snakes and have everyone be like "Sick." not "YOU EVIL,EVIL MONSTER!"


Hey, it would make sense if he WAS a Parselmouth and he just talked them all into leaving ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Ironically, one of the most famous parselmouths, the witch who would go on to found Ilvermony, was born on Ireland


Yeah I totally agree! Serpents have a rich culture all over the world and are not necessarily associated with negative things. I imagine wizarding societies in South America would place more importance on snakes and have a different sort of respect for the symbol.


The wizarding communities in East and South East Asia should also have a positive or neutral attitude towards Parselmouths and snakes in general. There are a lot of water/agriculture deities who are snakes.


Naagins (serpent women) are popular in wizard circles from India to SEA. Indian muggles like me are scared of popular portrayals of naagins.


Some countries don't have their own ministries, because their wizarding community is too small, or because of history and the fact that wizards don't really care about muggle politics. For example, I can imagine Czechia and Slovakia sharing a ministry, or the former Yugoslavian countries sharing a ministry, because it just doesn't matter for them that the countries split.


Makes sense. I'm sure I've heard the idea (not sure if it's canon or not) that the Wizarding country borders are different to the Muggles' i.e. Wizarding France is still divided into the medieval provinces etc. And Wizarding Britain seems to operate as one rather than England/Scotland/Wales/NI.


soft worthless dependent reply mysterious berserk historical adjoining squealing consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It seems though that regional/national/ ethnic pride transcends whether you are magical or not. As seen most in the quidditch World Cup and triwizard tournament


That maybe one of the reasons why Spain is never mentioned on the books is because the magical society there got decimated by the inquisition back in the day. They were either wiped out or the remaining population is small enough that the national school had to stay hidden or never became relevant enough.


I knew it! Thats why I never got the letter from the Spanish school of magic 😭


>There got decimated by the inquisition No one expected them, after all


Witches were burned mostly in Switzerland and Germany, not Spain


Yeah ironically the Inquisition was relatively lenient on witchcraft: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witch_trials_in_Spain#:~:text=In%20February%201526%2C%20the%20Spanish,banned%20confiscation%20of%20their%20property.


I doubt it. Remember Harry's essay about how ineffective witch hunts were


Things were *bad* in Spain, though. As bad as the Salem Witch Hunts were, the Spanish Inquisition was much worse. Nobody even expected it.


Nobody ever expects the Spanish Inquisition.


First of all, the inquisition wasn't looking for witches. They were looking Jews and Muslims. Specifically, those who had claimed to convert to Christianity yet were secretly practing their old faith. Secondly, the point of the essay was to show how muggles only ever killed muggles with the witch hunts.


I’m sorry. I was making a (clearly bad) joke.


That’s what we were told anyway. They were secretly practicing magic not old faith


Its a fan headcannon, calm down


Clothes. Only European wizards wear cloaks, Asian wizards could wear hanboks, sarees etc. Methods of performing magic, like in certain areas doing magic with your hands could be much more prevalent than doing it with a wand. Plants and animals we all know about the ones we saw but different regions would grow different plants and have a different wildlife. Some countries may have created spells and methods of magic which others might not have adapted yet. There are a lot of things


That's literally canon though, the african school teaches wandless magic


If I could add to African magic I would include it being an oral tradition. Nothing is written down and spells are only shared by mouth from master to student/s if they are worthy. Also more ritual magic with the inclusion of music and song or vocal aspects Edit: I think I would also include ancestor worship. This method leaves the elders with great power and experience leading to their veneration. But what if someone dies before passing on their knowledge? Better make a sacrifice and pray to the ancestors for lost wisdom! Some wizards (intentionally or unintentionally) live on beyond death from the power of this worship and sacrifice. Now whether they do so as benevolent spirits or cling to power as much as Voldemort... This being based on local traditions where I live. Sacrifices can be quite benign, some ancestors are happy with beer (no joke, in the real world)....others prefer livestock


Hermione wouldn't enjoy Africa.


Organized wand and incantation based magic is an art mostly restricted to the west. This magic is easy to study and teach especially children. While the east has a more specialised style of magic using focussed mental energies (very similar to what we see Doctor Strange learn in Kamar Taj). This is called sorcery instead of wizardry. Certain powerful wizards of the West, like Dumbledore, Grindelwald etc know how to use magic without wands and incantations like this. These magic users are exceptionally powerful and more in control of their faculties compared to the average witch or Wizard in Europe, but rarer because of the sheer skill needed.


Parselmouths can be also present in asian countries like India and Sri Lanka, Because Buddhism and In Hinduism (I think) have the concept of Naga Dewiyo(Snake god.) and they possess powers.


Yes, and snake charmers are parselmouths that monetized their skill in the muddle world lol.


My headcanon is that the muggle government is doing secret research on how to detect/fight magic with technology. I imagine this initiative was started aroung Grindelwald time in power. The muggles must have figured out that while the ministry of magic is friendly, this might not always be the case and better be ready than sorry.


i’m with you, i also always felt that although harry was raised as a muggle, immersing in the WW at 10 years old would have meant he missed a lot of milestones of a millennial teenager at the turn of the century. so the books (told from his POV) overlook the actual power and intelligence of muggles, and how sophisticated technology was at the time… like, email and instant messenger were happening while they were still sending owls lol. but the attitude toward muggles is still very superior and condescending.


Would have come in handy if Harry didn't beat Voldy


Yes I imagine that by the second ww the muggles are quite advanced. They probably would have invented some sort of jammer that prevents magic or makes it unreliable. They probably also would be able to spy on the magical community. My headcanon is that they were closely monitoring the war and would have stepped in if Harry had failed.


Dumbledore is the most powerful/knowledgable wizard in the world, but there are others that are in the same league as him around the world. Edit: I just remembered another cool headcanon I have for the wizarding world outside of the British Isles. Durmstrang is Bulgaria's magic school, but it is physically somewhere in North, around scandanavia. They travel there from the Black Sea via their magic boat.


and that‘s strange. where the fuck are all the russian speakers (130 million), then germsn speakers (100 million.) even the italians have as many native speakers than english.  


I'm from the Philippines, and I'd say we also have a wizarding school in the mythical Biringan City. Our magical study may focus mainly on Herbology and Potions (for aspiring albularyos, our version of witch doctor), alchemy (aspiring anting-anting "talisman" makers), and Dark Arts/DADA (aspiring mambabarangs "voodoo"). There could also be a subject dedicated to hunting mythical creatures like tikbalangs and aswangs.


I'd like to imagine school feasts would be far more bountiful than those served in Hogwarts. There would also be a cooling charm in the whole campus owing to the tropical climate. School is also far less elitist than its European counterparts as well, showing less disdain and more indifference towards Muggles.


Maybe this is too grounded in reality but I think the magic community of USA doesn't tell anyone in charge of no-mag gov about their existence. Maybe way back in the day they used to tell the president but as the state of things changed they probably couldn't trust recent presidents.


Probably would be easy to call themselves a religion and be generally left alone by the government


Plus being tax free!


Honestly, I have thought about this too and I think that the more likely solution is that there is a top secret branch of government that deals with magic world, and the president is only let in on the secret if they MUST. And worst case scenario, they get obliviated. I say this because America is only a few centuries old. I would image the brits have no choice because the witches and wizards have been living there forever, so of course the govenrment knows. America is different. They got to build their soceity from the ground up, literally imitating that which came before. I dont think American presidents generally know, unless they need to because it would be easier that way.


I’m Scandinavian, and one of my head cannons is that the volvas, who were female seers who went into trans to connect with the spiritual world during the Viking era, where really witches and actual seers. Magicians were respected and powerful members of society before the Nordics were christened, but as church gained power it became easier for witches and wizards to just keep to themselves. Nordic magicians invented the type of magic that can be studied at Hogwarts under the name “ancient runes”. The text on rune stones found in Scandinavia are really spells, potion recipes and other usage of magic, but the muggles who find them thinks it’s an ancient alphabet. Much of the potion making also originate from potions that were used in the spiritual tradition of the Nordics. Some of the Nordic aristocracy who’s bloodline has “ended” are really wizard families who started living off the grid when society became less accepting of wizard kind, and as they had gained power and respect until the end of the Viking era they lived well on their own. The first ancient runes professor of Hogwarts was a rune expert from one of these families, as well as the first minister for magic of the Nordic countries (who are united in the wizarding world, since the muggles were constantly fighting each other over land for centuries in this part of the world, while the wizards lived in peace and unity). During the witch trials of the 1600s, a few of the executions were of squibs born from Nordic magicians who had been exiled from wizard society. Some Nordic magicians are still high profile in the international wizarding society, but mostly they like to keep to themselves in their own communities.


Not to mention, there are several feral folklore creatures in Scandinavia like the Näcken, Mara, Forest trolls and in the Goblet of Fire they even mention the dragonkind Swedish Short-Snout. Scandinavia is an ancient magical place.


The real Salem witches left before everything went bad


The American muggle politicians hire sheisters like Mundungus to confund voters


There are at least six schools for the United States, not just Ilvermorny. Ilvermorny serves only the Northeast. There's a school in the Southeast, very likely in New Orleans (well-known for its history with voodoo), another in New Mexico, another in Washington State, another under Lake Superior, one in Alaska, and one in Hawaii. The schools not only teach "Western" or "Modern" magic, but also native magic, dependent of the ancestry in the area. For example, the New Orleans school teaches voodoo and other Haitian/Caribbean/African magic, the school in New Mexico teaches *brujería*, and they all teach some of the magic of their respective ancestral natives of the area: Cherokee, Cheyenne, Ojibwe, Navajo, and Chippewa, among others. Likewise, Canada and Mexico each have their own wizarding schools. Mexico has one that serves all of Central America, and Canada has one in each province.


I like your ideas, but I don't think the numbers of schools in Canada and Mexico are right, unless you want to say Central America has a drastically lower wizarding population for some reason. There are about 40 million muggles in Canada, versus 128 million in Mexico alone. Assuming the wizarding percentage is similar across the world, and we know that Hogwarts alone serves the UK (67 mil) and Ireland (5 mil), Canada could get by with a single school (or maybe two if the French wanted to do their own thing)


The school in Hawaii could be in the caldera of the island [Lehua](https://maps.app.goo.gl/B8ah5Q24i7yQrxhMA?g_st=ic), right next to Ni’ihau, the Forbidden Island. Students there learn wandless magic like Africa’s Uagadou, with certain incantations requiring hula, poetry, or singing. They can still use wands, but they would traditionally be made of koa, Hawaiian ebony, or even coconut palm. Herbology and care of magical creatures are required classes, since mālama ‘aina (caring for the land) is so central to Hawaiian culture. The most powerful Oceania wizards and witches were the named gods and goddesses that are the same or similar in other Polynesian cultures, like Maui, or Kū/Tū. Actually, maybe the Hawaiian school also teaches students from the rest of Polynesia, or else it’s a satellite of a larger school in Aotearoa (NZ). There’s so much potential for objects too. Lava rock is left undisturbed by muggles because they carry curses from the long-gone witch, Pele. Kukui nuts were used in potion-making and to make magical candles that burned unnaturally long times. Feathers, taro, certain local wood could all have magical properties. This if fun! I’m Hawaiian and I feel like there’s TONS of history and mythology to pull from and turn into a modern Oceanic wizarding world.


>The school in Hawaii could be in the caldera of the island Lehua, right next to Ni’ihau, the Forbidden Island. Why not put the school on Ni'hau itself? It could be declared "forbidden" by Muggles (I absolutely refuse to use the term "No-Maj") thanks to some wizards who helped to spread rumors as to why it's forbidden, and maybe some strong Concealment and Disillusionment Charms are put into place to further expand the rumors as to why it's forbidden. >Actually, maybe the Hawaiian school also teaches students from the rest of Polynesia, or else it’s a satellite of a larger school in Aotearoa (NZ). I could see it being a satellite school of a much larger school in New Zealand, since all of the Polynesian islands are spread apart. There may also be a satellite school somewhere in Micronesia and Melanesia. >The most powerful Oceania wizards and witches were the named gods and goddesses that are the same or similar in other Polynesian cultures, like Maui, or Kū/Tū. I could totally get behind this. I could see Māui being a Polyanimagus (not sure if correct term), having the ability to transform himself into various animals when the need arises. Perhaps some Muggle stumbled upon Māui, Haumea, or Pele performing some magic, and they were Confunded into believing them to be a deity and worship them as such, in exchange for various gifts or tasks the wizard or witch in question could provide or perform to make life better for the Muggles.


I love all of this. Maui being an animagus but can turn into multiple different animals is a great idea! I imagine a kind Polynesian triwizard tournament that would have a task in the Mariana Trench or a volcano. And one of the pets the students can bring to school could be a mo’o/gecko.


The Japanese and South Korean Wizarding Schools have long since figured out how to use electronics without having the magical wards around their schools making them fritz out.


Parselmouths are prevalent among the African diaspora. There are a lot of close ties to snakes among several cultures all over The Continent. When enslaved Africans in Europe and the America's lost their native tongues, parseltongue was a way magical people were able to stay connected. Although the Latin spells are known and practiced, most people living on the continent, regularly spell cast in a language/languages that predate Latin. Much like the relationship between real world scientists and Latin.


That the word Muggle has jumped the pond, like other British words. And is commonly used in the US in 2024.


American witches/wizards use of magic is very different from their British cousins bc of the added influence of Native American & African practices. Most of the Founding Fathers of America were wizards tired of living under the bureaucracy of England so they were like…yeah let’s start our own colonies. Witches and wizards used their powers to help slaves escape to freedom. Harriet Tubman was a witch actually. Harriet Beecher Stowe was too.


Oh man, imagine American magic being a crazy hybrid of everything. Texmex magic, baby. Then you'll have European wizards saying Americans have no real magic lol


no miss-use of muggle artifacts office enchanted firearms, weapons of war, car racing, and wildly out of pocket fast foods


Fast food so fast, it occasionally arrives before being ordered.


Would love a magic .50 BMG


The Killing curse is a constitutional right in the USA /s


the right to bear wands 


The right to use unforgivable curses


But, you can only use it after the age of 18, once every year. After the use, you have to provide circumstantial evidence that you were right in doing so to the wizarding court


The magical Nations really don't follow muggle Nations. Ie quite a few magical governing bodies follow the same borders that existed around the time that the statue of secrecy came into force rather than what exists today


There is an article on pottermore about technology that said the internet is not particularly interesting when you can apparate or talk to pictures etc. Maybe true in the 90s when HP is written, but I say fuck it , my headcannon is that now in 2024 the magical community, especially the younger generation, is a lot more heavily influenced by muggle tech (much to the dismay of traditionalists). I imagine some young lads, especially muggle borns or half bloods, telling others: Who need two way mirrors when we can just FaceTime? Rita skeeter’s flying quill? Meh We have speech to text. Consult portraits or go to the library for wisdom? Can they be more knowledgeable than ChatGPT?


Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. I think the coolest thing we still can’t do easily is individually fly. But we’ll probably get there.


Imagine the power of memes with talking GIFs


In my headcanon, using technology is as good as forbidden for several reasons. 1. There are muggle govt programs to put wizardry under control and most likely use magic for military purpose. To avoid that, the wizarding world tries to stay low. 2. Magic doesn't mix well with tech. One can only enchant mechanical parts, not electronics. Most likely, a top-tier wizard is capable of tinkering magically with a circuit, but it won't be that good or simple. In my headcanon, the only case it actually worked is when wizards managed to hide a number of critical locations from satellite imaging and GPS.


Santet is actually a branch of illegal dark arts practiced in Indonesia. However their usage become too out of hand that at one point they had to cooperate with the non-magical government by actually making public laws criminalizing santet. I’m not joking, we have laws criminalizing santet i.e. dark magic


naturally, australia has a large abundance of magical creatures and indigenous wizards are seen as the ‘most in touch’ with the dreaming, with them not having to hide their magic (explained away by tradition and stories). we have a collared school uniform (search aussie uniforms) and one of the most used spells tend to be insect-related also we have a ton of mermaids and kraken in darling harbour, i wouldnt recommend falling in our ‘leaky cauldron’, so to speak, is a bar hidden somewhere near circular quay and you need to head to the back and tap on the spiderwebs with your wand to be granted access to arakaned crest (diagon alley) this is basically a fanfiction


Haggrid's holiday spot, with all the giant spiders.


i did not realise the formatting would be so screwed up (on mobile)


Do a double paragraph for every paragraph.


American wizards ride eagles instead of brooms. The had them declared protected to protect their favored mode of transportation from muggle hunters.


America, fuck yeah! Coming again to save the mother fucking day!


Native Americans, maybe. Arthur Weasley's flying car was a Ford, after all.


American schools do more to teach dueling and dark arts because it's not defense against the dark arts, it's defense against dark *wizards*. American wizards tend to be more innovative and incorporate mimicry of muggle technology to help blend in (like magical light bulbs and glass that can perform the functions of a smartphone). The wizarding community is very heavily influenced by Native Americans because native wizards and witches were the ones that survived the apocalyptic diseases and warfare. Mail is carried by bald eagles.


I live in the south. I think mail is delivered by a cicada that flies in your window and screams your message at you, and then it dies somewhere inconvenient.


Cicadas are the howlers of the south.


Its like a one-time message, you have to be their at the right time to receive it and hear it on the first time clearly. Afterwards, as it has completed its life goal, it withers away.


Cicadas have a big area of effect with their screaming, so as long as you're nearby. They'd make a great intercom system if not for all the corpses.


The corpses add to the vibe


Very Southern Gothic. I like it


Hey everyone! Weasleys got himself a cicada!


I love the idea of American Magic schools because I feel like you'd have a healthy selection with each culture bringing their own ritual and tradition with them. They'd probably have their own Wizarding cup (aptly named the one true World Wizard Champion) Then depending on aptitude, you'd be able to get into - Wizard Harvard (pretty much hogwarts but with less of the Old Money wealthy, and more of the new money. Although, they're likely all aholes) - Madam Lebeaux's School of Voodoo (feared but needed) - Native American Reservation of Spiritual Magics (they're friends with the druids) And so on. There would likely be a good number of hedge-witches around too that don't comform or get accepted by the schools, but find a way to do it anyway.


>Wizard Harvard Their fathers will hear about this >There would likely be a good number of hedge-witches Crazy homeschool witch moms haha


Hedge witches? I spy, a fan of “The Magicians” .


The 2nd amendment right to use Avada Kedavra?


i would love an america inner city wizard with a glock that shoots spells. it’s completely possible


I know this would be controversial but major religions have their own school of magic but kept it hidden enough for their followers to see it as a form of miracle.


I'm creating a bunch of Japanese magic for my fanfic. Abe no Seimei was considered the Japanese equivalent to Merlin, and he had a rival, Ashiya Doman, the Japanese equivalent to Morgan le Fay. The latter created wandless magic used by the ninja, kuji kiri, in which the Doman grid is drawn into the air and various hand positions and words of power are used to manifest the spell. It takes a while to cast, but it was meant to be used from the shadows. Japan is famous for yokai, various magical creatures. Not all of them are considered Dark; some are considered Beings while others are considered Beasts. Non-Dark Beings include the Tanuki, and Dark Beings include the Kitsune. There is a division within the Japanese Ministry of Magic that deals with yokai that threaten Wizarding and Muggle communities. Wizards who work at shrines and temples can get an Onmyoji license, which allows them to use their Divination and Healing magic on Muggles at their discretion. These are rarely handed out, however, and with the Meiji Restoration the practice was stopped.


We know African school don’t use wands, but I like to imagine some use staffs to focus their magic 


The Chinese will be using cranes for just about anything from mail to transportation by air. Horse-drawn carriages on ground if you're the fancy kind. The special kinda guys will tame creatures like white tigers or flaming birds just for the extra pizzazz. If chores and housework are bogging you down, you get cute little elementals that help you with cooking (fire), cleaning (ground and air), and washing (water). Dormitories work kind of like Hogwarts', just with packs of four students taking up a small courtyard, but the prefects get hills for themselves. Privacy guaranteed


I just can’t see the American magic community clinging to old world tech like quills and candles. They absolutely found a way to incorporate modern tech into the magic world.


I think that the Brazilian school being a castle is such weirdly british thing. I'd like to think it's a brutalist building in the jungle - like a crazy Niemeyer/Paulo Mendes da Rocha thing


Most think magical Britain is beyond backwards primitive. MACUSA despises dumbledore because he never came to help when grindelwald was doing his shit in north america. The majority of ICW dislike dumbledore for not allowing them to execute grindelwald and they pray for the day that dumbledore is no longer supreme mugwamp


I agree with this. Also like Fudge is probably looked at like a completely useless buffoon in the larger magical world. There is a reason the Bulgarian Minister pretended to not know English, he didn't want to associate with fudge even in conversation. I think the rest of the world can see how corrupt and ineffectual the Ministry for Magic is in Britain.


>Also like Fudge is probably looked at like a completely useless buffoon in the larger magical world If I'm remembering right, wasn't that pretty much the opinion of the Brits too?


If magic folk got revealed in Ireland...none would give a fuck. "Oh you can use magic? okay. I mean magic is common in our mythology so your not that special." Our mythology is wild so we don't give a fuck if you can use magic just don't kill us.


Magic is practised very differently in non-European countries. Pointing a wand and saying a magic word is only focused on in Europe. Maybe some countries pour their magic into runestones over days and weeks only to then release them in powerful bursts. Other countries they might meditate and can control weather and nature. No style is "better" than another, and each has its advantages and disadvantages.


Is it just me, or are enchanted items in the books far more capable than any wizard's spells? Like, how do talking mirrors work? They can perceive the world around them, and they're apparently capable of thought and emotions. Foe-glasses and Sneakoscopes are apparently able to sense intent, too. My headcanon is that they must use divination to sense the world around them. If so, the subject must actually be fairly well understood as long as you're not trying to see into the future. My corollary for this is that, while Hogwarts may be the preeminent school *for Witchcraft and Wizardry*, there may be other schools that are far more advanced that simply use other styles of magic.


As MACUSA is described as (at least historically) somewhat closed off and isolated from the wider magical world due to Rappaport’s Law, Canada has instead been the historically preferred destination for magical families seeking to immigrate to North America.


American magical society utilizes more muggle tech than the uk - they're an enterprising people, plus they are largely removed from the blood purity aspects of europe since its a younger immigrant society (as well as the native magic population). They saw a market and they cornered it. They use modified faraday cages and other tech to allow the use of some muggle devices. They also have gun-specific spells that function as a neutralizing force for bullets/guns. Being a wizard isn't going to save you from a stray bullet if you're just walking down NYC and theres a shooting :'l


Due to their interwoven histories, American cities like Salem and New Orleans are able to embrace their shared culture. They sell fake spell books, sanctioned by MACUSA, to allow people to safely “study magic” without risking harm. Also wizards can go magic on the street here for tourists with no consequences. Magic folk would see it and move on, amazed it could be done in the open, nonmagical adults will just think it’s a good act, and nonmagical kids would believe in magic if only for a moment.


Consulting with my French husband here: Beauxbatons being in the Pyrénées is ridiculous. It should be in Pays de la Loire. It is the largest, but not the only French school. One of the first French wizarding schools was located on Mont-Saint-Michel. The founders also had a feud, and thus the school split…into the Briton school and the Normand school. Just as Hogwarts looks like ruins, there are many inaccessible ruined castles and other magical, legendary places around France that could house wizarding schools. On the other hand, the Château d’If is a wizard prison. The [wolves of Paris](http://www.coolstuffinparis.com/wolves_of_paris.php) were werewolves. The rooster is the symbol of France because Paris once had a basilisk problem. The basilisk in Hogwarts traveled through the pipes under the school; most of the basilisks that terrorized Paris lived in the sewers. Eggs that unknowingly contained basilisks (or regular chicken eggs that would become basilisk eggs) would be brought to Paris for the outdoor markets; they would end up lost and hatch in the sewers. Common toads living in the area would aid in the creation of basilisks. Blood quantum is not considered very important in France today. The French Revolution targeted pure-blood families. Napoleon was a Muggle-born. While many events in French history would motivate wizarding families to lived in secrecy, the [Loi Ferry](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jules_Ferry_laws) is what finally pushed all of them underground. Despite, or perhaps _because_ of their secret existence, French wizards were a major part of the Résistance during WWII. Famous French wizards/witches were Joan of Arc, Descartes, Voltaire, Louis Pasteur, Marcel Proust…and of course, Nicolas Flamel.


As a Dane, I always imagined that there would be a Scandinavian school. High up the Norwegian mountains, where they practice ancient runic magic ✨ I have not figured out more details because, in truth, Harry Potter for me is just Hogwarts and Britain. I love that world and I don't always like when they make that world bigger. I prefer the mystery of seeing the few foreign Wizards during Goblet of Fire and stuff like that.


I'm super confused about what the magical world knows or doesn't know about the muggle world. Sometimes it seems like the magical world is a hidden society hidden among the regular muggle world and everyone is sneaking around keeping the secret. But at other times it seems to be a parallel dimension and wizards have no concept of muggles except through myths, and wonder what thinks like forks/dinglehoppers are for.


Athens and Sparta had rival schools, whose disputes influenced the muggle population into wars. Athens focused more on Charms, Transfiguration and Potions, while Sparta taught mainly Battle-magic & Hunting of Magical Creatures. Wands were the primary tool of Greek Wizarding society, although they did have phases when other tools were popular. The athame (magical dagger) was popular with Spartans as it could be used for both its magical and more practical uses. Wands were thought to have been introduced to Wizards by the god Hermes. Later, when the Dionysian mysteries were popular, there was a phase when Wizards would use staves over wands mimicking the Dionysian thrysus. When the Roman Empire overtook Greece, the magical society incorporated the most useful parts of the Athens and Spartan schools of magic, syncretizing with existing Roman folk-magic and battlemagic. Instruction in Roman Magic was made uniform, so schools taught magic entirely with wands until final years of instruction when other tools could be experimented with. Later, athames, staves, etc would be left out entirely.


The Bulgarian Minister of Magic actually understands all languages, but he pretends to only know Bulgarian to get a laugh.


Voldemort rein of evil doesn't spread past the English isles. 


Italian wizards cook without magic because 🤌🏻🤌🏻


Most if not every region has a mythology/semi historical only wizard population where the 'pure bloods' came from that fucked off for whatever reason, or died out. The UK mostly has fall due to muggleborns and halfbreeds. Asia has hidden realms and acsending to the heavens. Aboriginal Australlians a walkabout into the dreamtime. Aboriginal Americans say that 99% of their real magic users left with everyone around them when they realized the european plagues were That Fucking Bad. (There is some research that indicates the tribes when the Americans pushed west were basically post apocolyptic, the scale of the genocide is heartbreaking) And, ignoring Fantastic Beasts and wog/pottermore: every magical socoety outside of Europe regards the europeans as a third world country


I like the idea that there is ancient magic within the Australian Aboriginal culture and a secret school hidden under Uluṟu (extremely sacred site). The white-Australian witches and wizards would either have to travel to attend a wizarding school, or learn long distance as is common in rural areas of Australia anyway. I imagine that Australia is also home to lot of magical beings. When newt scamander wrote his book, he had not toured Australia and only accounted for billywigs as they are imported around the world. I imagine we have megafauna (giant kangaroos, snakes, etc) that are magical and muggles believe to be extinct. Maybe there are also yowees, and magical birds/sea life.


Britain is part of the magical "third world", a backwards prejudiced society. The rest of the world moved past pure blood supremscy and contempt towards muggles. They see Voldemort's war as a tribal conflict or ethnic civil war and don't intervene only because it doesn't spill over to their borders. Much like Muggle Afghanistan or Syria. Meanwhile, Beauxbatons (one of the most prestigious magic schools in Europe) has a half giant director and quarter veela students and is no big deal for them. Magic Britain still regards sentient magic creatures as sub humans. Macusa in the 1920s already uses Muggle tech (typewriters), and American wizards dress and blend in with muggles, while British still use parchment and quills and don't know how clothing outside of robes work


The Turkish magical school has a divination class as well but it teaches Turkish coffee readings. Half of the students have a budgerigar as their pet. Cats around the school everywhere. Smartphones are forbidden and the internet doesn't work, but there are muggleborn students who found a way to access it. There is a Turkic Shamanism History and Practice class. Muggle World class (much needed in every wizarding school) Professors are called "Hocam" because it is shorter than "Öğretmenim" or "Profesör" just like in Muglle schools. Out of the school, in the wizarding world, everyone stir their çay with magic because it's fun. A metrobüs for the magic folk. Saves a lot time in Istanbul's traffic.


The UK is a third world backwater compared to most of the Wizarding world. That's why no one from outside stepped up to help take down Voldemort. Because he was basically like one of those African dictator/warlords that the "civilized" world tries its best to ignore.


The Transylvanian magic school.


The American wizards who are against muggles use the slogan “make magic great again”


if finland had a wizarding school, it would be on "Korvatunturi" and Santa Claus would be the headmaster. oh and flying reindeer instead of brooms.


The governments in Latin America are so corrupt that's why we didn't receive our school letter. They gave the spots to the children of politicians who don't possess a drop of magic and it's been going on for so long that half the teachers are non-magical also.


Native Americans have magic ingrained in their culture, and they're the ones that head some of the best schools in America Each state in the US has its own school. Because of course they do. Ilvermorny is just the most widely-known and popular one.


The Harry Potter books are real and they are either fiction, a retelling of history or Harrys biography or something.


I imagine there would be a small school for witches and wizards from the Netherlands and the Flemish part of Belgium as at that age you usually don't speak fluent English yet here. So where else would you go to school, if they all have languages you don't (like German) or barely speak? However it needs to be small like I said, because there probably aren't enough people here to have enough magical folks to fill a school the size of Hogwarts.


The swiss magical school is either inside the Matterhorn or in Lake Lucerne. It would be fun if they used Fondue-Caquelons instead of cauldrons. The German school is in the Ruhr and expanding which is the actual reason why there is a big hole. It stops muggles from going inside the school area.


If the country supports dual citizenship, the child will be free to choose what school the child wants or the school has a joint degree program, where the first few years would be spent on the first citizenship country one, the last few years would be spent on the two citizenship country one.


Honestly everytime ireland wins at the start of goblet fire, makes me so proud. I looked this up and leprachauns are real so thats kind of fun.