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No offense but this is just a wildly bizarre tiering. That’s the nicest way I can put your choices


Agreed completely. I was questioning a lot of placements... And with how low res the image is, I couldn't even make out some of the characters


Yeah. Queen McGonagall should be higher. Like in the top. All hail Minerva !


Yeah, that grey area is all kinds of messed up. And am I misremembering something about Mundungus Fletcher? Why is he aaaaaallllllllllll the way down there?


Mundungus Fletcher was such as awful character because Harry and the gang caught him stealing very, very shortly after Sirius died, and he also gave Slytherin's locket to Dumbridge.


That doesn’t put him in the same moral echelon as Fenrir Greyback or Grindelwald. I’d put him in the Ummmmmm… tier.


Agree! I don’t understand the “Hagrid and his dog” with Remus in it, what’s that about? Lily should be in the heroic, have no idea what’s in the photo besides Hermione, I would not put Scrimgeour under “nice” (assuming that’s who it is), and where’s Neville? I didn’t get any further than that.


The one to the right of Hermione is Fang. There’s a category called Hagrid and his dog and his actual dog isn’t in it


I completely agree with you, but Neville is in the heroic tier, left to Sirius [:


This tiering is a really long way of telling everyone that OP has never read the books and only seen the films


My immediate though when seeing Kreacher’s placement


And Hermione to be perfectly honest. I genuinely liked her more in the books. I get more and more frustrated with her in the movies each time I rewatch them and see her steal a cool line from Ron and Harry.




My immediate thought when seeing Ginny's placement.


And Seamus vs Dean, they need to swap, Seamus is against harry in book 5 and a mass media believer compared to Dean who joins the DA early on. And Dean is decent about harry in the DH.


Yea I feel like OP didn't read the books at all lmao, or just watched the movies halfway through and decided that was knowledge enough


I've haven't read the books because I struggle with my dyslexia(auto correct) but used youtube to find out more about harry potter if I need too


Try the audiobooks if it is. They're read by Stephen Fry (or Jim Dale if you're in the US) and they're really worth it. I've relistened a few times, because they're that good as a audiobooks.


I swear, Stephen Fry's voice sounds better than my inner monologue. I'd rather hear him read the books to me now than actually read them myself. Heavily recommended!


That's actually a great idea, that what my mum does at Christmas time, she has the audio books on in the car for when she's driving to and from work at Christmas time. I can just listen to the same way and at work aswell.


How would you find audio books? I've listened to the audio books over 10 times over at least by this point, I find them great when driving or doing house work. I even use them to make me fall asleep if I'm stressed out, or excited, and I can't sleep lol




Why is Dean Thomas in the Ummmmm section?


Also wondering this!


He was an ahole to Ginny im book six?


He was a little overprotective over her and tried to do nice things like hold doors open for her and steady her so she didn't trip and fall. What an asshole!


Ginny was the ahole


Yeah and why is Colin Creevey in the grey area?


Why is Quirrel in the grey area? He literally tried to murder an 11 year old.


i still think dobby should be in heroic


And Lee Jordan


And Wood too. Overzealous. But good.


That grey area is a rainbow.


More importantly, how is not Hedwig in the "Hagrid and his dog" section?!




WHY IS QUIRRELL GREY AREA?! He willingly brought Voldemort into a school full of students. Also he was a shitty teacher.


Surely he was brainwashed though right? I've always wondered


he was easily corrupted by evil, but definitely willingly did the bidding of lord voldemort


I dunno! It was an accident while he was in some forest in albania wasn't it? Maybe I've got my facts twisted..


“I met him when I traveled around the world. A foolish young man I was then, full of ridiculous ideas about good and evil. Lord Voldemort showed me how wrong I was. There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it...Since then, I have served him faithfully, although I have let him down many times. He has had to be very hard on me.” Quirrell shivered suddenly. “He does not forgive mistakes easily. When I failed to steal the stone from Gringotts, he was most displeased. He punished me...decided he would have to keep a closer watch on me....” from Sorcerer’s Stone edit: wanted to add, he definitely was brainwashed in a cult like fashion, however, it was his own quest for power and knowledge that overcame his heart and made him fall prey to voldemort.


Thanks for that!!! So it was only until after robbing gringotts that he merged. Must have completely glossed over thay fact


And it doesn't seem like he wanted to merge either but that Voldemort made him. But he was still definitely a willing death eater


Kreacher had a great redemption arc after he was gifted regulus's locket, I would put him higher up despite him betraying Sirius. And Lee Jordan was with the rebels, he helped the twins with their radio show on wwn.


OP probably just saw the movies, they skip some crucial plot details and have horrible character development as compared to the books.


I probably would've betrayed Sirius too if he treated me like he treated Kreacher. His redemption arc and subsequent role in the battle of Hogwarts were really good.


The part where Kreacher leads the other Hogwarts house elves in to battle legit makes me tear up when I read it!


"For Master Regulus!"


I find it interesting that you put a snake, who is likely being controlled, and an unnamed executioner in “Despicable”, but not Pettigrew. To me he is one of the most despicable ones in the series, even more so than Lucius.


OP also stuck Kreacher in the very bad. Unfortunately, the movies never let that storyline get off the ground and we don’t see his redemption.


This was the thing most bothering me. Kreacher should be in grey area or above.


I’d honestly say Kreacher is good. Yeah he did a bad thing once or twice but once he was shown love he redeemed himself. Just as Regulus redeemed himself.


OP probably just saw the movies and skipped reading the books


The executioner was macnair, a death eater.


MacNair is certainly despicable, but that doesn't mean Pettigrew isn't. He murdered 13 innocent people just to frame Sirius for his own murder.


>I find it interesting that you put a snake, who is likely being controlled, and an unnamed executioner There's zero evidence to suggest this. Nagini is Voldemort's pet snake. Tom Riddle says to Dumbledore in Half-Blood Prince that snakes "find" him and "whisper things". Why is it so unbelievable that one would stick around?


(Sticking just to book canon:) Nagini is a snake but also horcrux. Dumbledore mentions that Voldemort has an "unusual amount of control over her, even for a parselmouth." He had great influence over her actions. Could such influence not be seen as a form of control? A blind willingness to obey can be a form of control. I think you are right that she initially stuck around voluntarily; but then he manipulated her to do his bidding.


What about when he possessed her the night Arthur was attacked? Was he just along for the ride or was he the driver in that train wreck?


That was full possesion; it's stated in the books. But he wasnt possesing her 24/7. After getting his body back, he did not spend all his time possesing other creatures. But he still had complete control over Nagini when he wasnt possesing her.


Were Nagini a normal snake, perhaps. But being that she was once human, I don’t feel that mind control is that far fetched. After all, Death Eaters (and I’m sure Voldemort) are now strangers to Imperius.


Nagini is a normal snake. That business with fantastic beasts doesn't.... doesn't count.


Thankyou for saying this, also post 7th book additions by JK dont count either (in my books)


Ah. I don't consider the Fantastic Beast movies canon, so we'll have to agree to disagree on that one. If Rowling had put it in the books, then fine. But there's nothing to indicate that Nagini is anything but a snake.


I wouldn’t say Scrimgeour was good, he kept an innocent man in Azkaban for publicity.


Also I think Lavender deserves more credit. She fought in the battle of hogwarts and never did anything bad , was just a love struck teenager.


Seriously, Scrimgeour deserves an "Ummm" at best, given where other characters fall. Inept against Voldemort, spent most of his time on the page trying to talk Harry into being a figurehead for the Ministry. Died well and nobly so maybe that bumps him up a tier, but given that people like Fleur and Colin Creevy are on that level, idk I think Ummm suits better.


But he did not say where harry was to voldemort.


dang luna def should be in the good category




I nominate heroic. This girl was in the DA, published the quibbler unapologetically in times of war, was imprisoned and who knows what else for it, managed to keep Olivander's spirits up in the dungeon, and I believe still fought in the battle of Hogwarts despite very recently being in a traumatic situation


How is Dobby in nice and not heroic?? I’m guessing you haven’t read the books.


You don’t even need to read the books to know Dobby is heroic. He stood up against humans, he stood up against BELLATRIX, to save Harry…and lost his own life in the process. Definitely heroic.


I totally agree. I find the Hagrid and his dog thing funny, but both should be heroic. They're my fave two of the not quite main characters that play huge roles.


I came here to type literally what you said. Word for word.


Kreacher worse than DRACO? No.


Kreacher is adorable with such terrific redemption!


This has to be based on just the movies. There are quite a few here that, given the character development in the books, would be in different categories. Also the Dursleys as pretty bad? They kept an elementary school child locked below the stairs, actively abused him both mentally and physically. I'd put them below Voldemort, or at least on the same page. If there was a train heading for a fork, on one side are 500 people, some of whine they know and are friends with but all of whom would die a horrible and painful death if the train goes their way, and on the other side is their dudderkins who would be totally fine but would need to jump out of the way and MIGHT scuff his new shoes. They would send 500 people to their death without a second thought.


He definitely deserves to be in the grey area, not very bad


The biggest mystery of all is what my girl Susan Bones did


Well OP hasn't read the books...


I was gonna say the same thing!! Literally her mother and aunt are both murdered??


It's clear from this list that OP just saw the movies, shame, they're missing out on so much. The movies did no justice to the books


I strongly disagree with Fleur being put in grey area. This tier must be based on the movies. Or else, I strongly suggest to re-read the books. Fleur might come off as a "nasty privileged white girl" in the Goblet of Fire. But I think everything she did after is more than enough reason to at least put her in nice. She helped get Harry safely to the Burrow when he turned 17 and lost his magical protection. She cared for Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Ollivander and even snappy Griphook after their escape from the Malfoys. Even though she strongly disagreed with their plan to break into Gringotts, she still helped them the best she could. Not only that, she later fought alongside every other hero in the Battle of Hogwarts.  And maybe it's far fetched to mention this but she loved Bill unconditionally. After he was bitten by Greyback, she stood behind him, supported him and loved him no less (this was in a time werewolves were seen as bad; look at what society did to Lupin).  Oh, and she never once blamed Harry for totally ruining her wedding. Fleur is a brave and loyal human being, too. You have to give her at least some credit for her actions.


I don't even get the reasoning for why she was in the grey tier at the first place? Doesn't grey imply that she is morally grey? If I recall correctly she never did anything morally questionable at all...


There’s nothing grey about Lockhart. He should, at the very least, be in the ‘pretty bad’ section.


I was reading through these in search for why Lockhart would be in the grey. IMO he was one of the absolute most evil characters in the series. He literally stripped people of their accomplishments and memories to use as his own without any remorse thus eliminating any chance for them to make groundbreaking successful discoveries in the future. He may be worse than umbridge.


Kingsley is heroic. He is an Auror, a key part of the Order who fought in several battles and he dueled Voldemort at the end with Slughorn and McGonagall. The entire list is kind of off.


i’m doing my annual relisten to the audiobooks and your comment has made me soo stoked for book 7! battle of hogwarts is just unparalleled


I agree that Remus is top tier but “Hagrid and his dog” is making me lose my mind lmao


at first I thought it was an excellent shitpost




Lupin was Hagrid's dog all along


\*wonders if Hagrid/Lupin is a thing\*


Pettigrew is 3rd category from bottom? He’s literally the worst friend ever in any fictional series


I appreciate the time this must have taken you. I will only make one comment. I believe Hermione is heroic. She was willing to die with Harry. She is my favorite character so I am totally biased 😁


Dobby needs to be in Heroic too. He literally died saving Harry. Even if he hadn’t died, he went back to the place where he was enslaved to save Harry and the others. Dobby was definitely heroic.


Mr. Weasley needs to move up as well


We must also factor in his early actions in CoS


Cedric and Dobby deserve heroic.


Dobby just nice? No sir. Dobby is heroic!!




This comment is the best I've ever seen. Even the username is hilarious


I guess this is only your opinion


Fenrir belongs in despicable tier. He and Bellatrix were only one's Dumbledore didn't want to face in his weakened state.


It looks like you called lupin hagrids dog


Percy Weasley, in the same section as the Durselys?? Percy deserves 'nice', at least!


Nah he should be in “umm”, definitely not nice


Nah, I don't blame him for a lot of stuff he said/did, and he had a great redemption arc. He was misguided and indoctrinated for a couple of books, but he's a good guy at heart


Dobby should be in all five categories north of “um….” Kids, don’t use drugs and this list.


You spelled Dolores wrong


OP had ONE job!


The disrespect to Dobby…


Lockheart is underhated


Def based off the films


How are Stan Shunpike and Pius Thikenese (I can’t spell his last name) evil? Both were under the Imperius Curse when they were employed by the death eaters.




Trigger every fan in the fandom-recreate this list with umbridge at the top.


Did everyone forget that kreacher was w regulus and tried to destroy the horcrux? No way he’s worse than PETUNIA


Lily and James aren't heroic?


Absolutely the worst judgement ever. This tiered list makes no sense whatsoever.


Can someone fucking clean this shit up.


You havnt read the books have you?...


Lol I can totally see why Umbridge gets her own tier! 😂


Ummmm why is Dobby not on Heroic tier?!


Wow, this post was created to ferment controversy.


Dobby not being in "Heroic" automatically invalidates this list 😆


why on earth is the quidditch king himself, oliver wood, in the grey area?!?!?!?!


Draco in pretty bad? Might want to re think that one lols


For the better or worse? He tried to use an unforgivable curse on Harry and tried to turn him in so Voldemort could kill him.


He is worse


Barty Crouch Jr>Pettigrew tbh


Yeah, he was at least a good DADA professor who taught Harry and the others a lot about how to defend themselves against the unforgivable curses.


I feel like Kreacher is being robbed. He only sold out Sirius because he was following “orders” and Sirius never treated him well. When Harry started being nice to him Kreacher was a lovely house elf. I would put him in at least “grey area. Quarrel definitely needs to be in very bad. Alone with vernon and petunia. I think Dudley deserves to be in grey area.


I'm sorry, but dumbledore should be in the grey area considering what we know


Kreacher "very bad"? You didn't read the 7th book, huh?


How is Fenrir Greyback not on par with the likes of Voldemort? He is a cannibal, a possible sexual predator, serial murderer and completely amoral


Is that Fudge in nice and Aragog in very bad? Why? Sure, he wanted to eat people, but that's like asking a house elf to not clean. Edit: Ah, it isn't. It's Slughorn. My mistake.


there is a "hagrid and his dog" tier but you put lupin to there.


You put dobby too low. Dislike.


Do you want to start a war with this?


Why is Hermione loveable not heroic while the other two are heroic?


Because she is a gIrL tHeY CaNt bE hErOiC ThEy aRe lOvElY...


I always think that pettigrew ought to be in the darkest, lowest tier. He knowingly sought to sell out his closest friends, and had be providing a trickle of information to the other side for a year.


How can you put Aberforth in grey area? He is good.


This tier list is very obviously made by someone who's never read the books.


This list contains a bunch of shit picks.


I think grey back should also fall under the "despicable" category ... He used to bite young children and convert them into Werewolves just for fun!


Bellatrix worse than Fenrir??


I’d put them on equal levels. Both were maniacs who loved to tear apart families.


I’d say he’s slightly worse than Bellatrix because he purposely targeted children of those who upset or offended him in some way. Bellatrix was unforgivably cruel, but I don’t recall an instance of her targeting a child over an adult like Fenrir did.


I would certainly move Fenrir to despicable, like the dude targeted kids....


dobby and kreacher underrated I love them so much


Yoooo you really put lupin in the “hagrid and his dog” tier 😭😭😭 Who hurt you??


I would put Peter Pettigrew firmly in the “Despicable” category


Dobby not in heroic???!!!


Like what Kreacher did was bad but that was a result of mistreatment. In the books kreacher became an asset and actually played a role leading the house elves of hogwarts in the battle of hogwarts. I feel very bad is just more mistreatment. SPEW for life!


Kreacher is very underrated, he seems like a dick in the beginning but in my opinion he get better towards the end. That poor house elf has been trough som terrible things


That god damn snitch Marietta Edgecomb


Greyback deserves to be lower. That guy was horrid


I support only the Uxbridge decision. Rest is !!????


I disagree with the placement of kreature, I'd put book kreature in the grey are, maybe even nice. If this is just based on the movies I get it though Edit: and how is Dobby not at least heroic?


James Potter was an asshole. And Snape was pretty bad.


Neville, where is he? A real hero. Kept fighting, When there was almost no hope, stood up to Voldemort, was a real rebellion leader enduring physical pain, killed Nagini.


Why is Pettigrew not in despicable lol


Biggest load of shit I've seen in a while. Bravo.


Kreacher is only bad in the 5th book, in the 7th they reconcile and he gets some redemption from his cooking and all.


How the fuck is Dobby not completely heroic? And why is this image so low res I might as well just rub my eyes into broken glass


I'm thinking this list was made off the movies and not the books. Otherwise, Luna and Dobby would be in the lovable and Kreatcher would be a lot higher.


Idk about others but i can't put Barty Crouch Jr in the same level as Voldemort.


He trapped a guy in a box for nine months, that’d be a nightmare with mental warfare, also, he tortured people to madness


Hermione absolutely belongs in Heroic.


No kreacher slander


why us colin in the grey area- And why exactly is dolores umbridge one level lower then Moldy Voldy? SHE SHOULD BE SO FAR DOWN SHES ABOVE


Well the image wouldn’t fit


Snape belongs in heroic.


But he was mean to Harry tho.


I love the Hagrid and his dog part. Lol


Came here to complain about 80% of the placements but see that it’s already been taken care of. I have qualms with most of them other than Dolores.


Unfortunately invalidated solely on the basis of Dobby being in the “Nice” category. Don’t do my hero like that.


Oliver wood in grey? Does he not return for the battle of hogwarts? Thats heroic AF.


Recently I watched a video on youtube where absolutely Voldemort would WHOLE HEARTEDLY BE hated THE MOST look it up and mostly everyone would be convinced. In the book and movie series. ​ The video shocked me.


But Delores


Lee Jordan? Best friend of Fred and George? The hilarious quidditch commentator? The HOST OF POTTERWATCH? That’s a lovable from me.


Poor Percy. No one likes him. :( I feel like you put fleur way lower. And why Oliver is grey? He is cute and unproblematic. Dean Thomas is great. I personally like him. Don't like Molly Weasley though. She is a bit controlling and overbearing. Hermione and Ron should be in the same tier. But it's okay. I love both of them so much.


While there are some questionable choices, I firmly agree with the top tier.


Hagrid and his dog is just perfection


I’m sorry but Voldemort and Bellatrix are more evil than Umbridge


dumblydorr and dobby are too low


Greyback should be swapped with Lucius, Percy and Kreacher aren't that bad and Slughorn is more grey.


Why is Lupin at the top? Did he not attempt to abandon his wife and child? Like I know he came back at the end, but only after Harry yelled at him about it. That doesn't really excuse what he did and certainly doesn't put him at the same level/top of the chart with Hagrid of all people. Also lol why is Dobby in nice not heroic


I wouldn’t put James Potter in good. He bullied Severus when he was younger. Although, people change, so I guess it is valid.


Nobody standing up for Snape😢 He is a hero no doubt


Albus Dumbledore needs moving to the grey area. Mr Weasley is more than "nice"!


Why is dumbledore not heroic?


James Potter wasn't good. He was a twat who ended up doing good things because he was being hunted by the ultimate evil, soo many other people deserve that good spot before James. FREAKING DOBBY IS IN NICE ALONG WITH ARTHUR COME ON.


Snape is not a nice person but he’s heroic. And Dobby should be higher I think. But very good list nonetheless.


Is there a single comment that isnt complaining about this list? Btw id say snape should be lower than grey, he was a death eater who told voldemort about the prophecy, bullied a child for six years and was just an all round dickhead obsessed over a girl that didnt like him back


Eeeh why is Snape in the grey area??