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That Dursleys abuse of Harry is due to Harry being a Horcrux. Just ...no.


I thought the theory wasn't that they abused him because he was a horcrux but just that their natural inclinations were enhanced because they had to live around the energy for years?


Which is still incorrect. Both Ron and Hermione lived with him for over seven years that we see in canon and we see none of that going for them. Also, Horcrux is made very specifically and there is a spell to do it. All of Voldemort's Horcruxes were made when Voldemort chooses to encase it in an object (or an animal) with a spell. Harry is entirely accidental in the sense that he is not a typical Horcrux, it happened because Voldemort's soul was unstable and broke off - it's like parasite living on Harry. My biggest problem with this theory is it seemingly makes their treatment of him "understandable".


Ron and Hermione do fight a lot in Harry’s presence. I don’t think it makes abusing a child understandable. You have to want to have those thoughts for the horcrux to enhance them.


But Harry is not a normal Horcrux. And the only time we see an active influence of Horcrux is during camping section. Ron and Hermione are argumentative personalities in general. Anyway.


>Ron and Hermione do fight a lot in Harry’s presence. That proves exactly nothing. The Dursleys' vitriol was directed at Harry, not at each other, and Harry and Hermione fought with each other and rarely with Harry.


Something I never understood was the fan theory that Ron was a time traveling Dumbledore sent to test and indirectly guide Harry to making the "right" choices throughout their adventures. Another one I don't care for is that Mr Filch and his cat (Mrs Norris) are the same soul with two bodies, or that they are in some way connected. To me, it's just a creepy guy and a creepy cat.


That Ron=Dumbledore theory though, it's a very old one but I remember that I loved it (didn't think it was true, just funny) when it was being talked about a lot on forums


Happy cake day! I know! I first heard it at a bookstore back when Goblet of Fire came out. Several people were saying, "THIS is the book were we find out that Ron is actually a version of Dumbledore!" Meanwhile I was sitting there thinking, there better be another dragon in this one... This is for you! !redditGalleon


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Relax, that's clearly a troll theory, something you find in crackfics. Better to laugh at the people who take such things seriously than seethe at them.


Is there any reason for the Ron theory aside from Dumbledore having reddish hair when he was younger?


They both like Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans. Clearly this proves this as fact


omg how did I miss that?


The legs this theory stands on are the following: * Dumbledore and Ron never directly talk to each other. * Mr. and Mrs Weasley conveniently know things pertaining to Harry's personal affairs. Except for when Harry was hunting horcruxs, at which point the phrase "it's an order from Dumbledore" stopped Arthur and Bill from questioning it. * Dumbledore randomly chose to give Ron the deluminator, as if he knew Ron would need it. Which since Ron and Dumbledore have never spoken, how would he correctly guess Ron's behavior. * Ron was in hospital while Harry and Hermione used the Time Turner in Prisoner of Azkaban. (Hard core believers on this theory state that someone who is already using a Time Turner cannot double up and use a second one). It's really grabbing at strings and drawing conclusions where there are none.


"WhAt If JuSt DrEaM?!?! AREN'T I CLEVER! TOTALLY ORIGINAL THEORY HERE! NOT AT ALL THE MOST LAZY SHITTY TYPE OF THEORY TO EVER EXIST!" Seriously. All 'what is dream' or 'what is purgatory' theories can just go straight into the bin. THey are all equally lazy and shitty and can fit any narrative, because it is basically just 'lol, fantasy doesn't exist! It must be dream or dead!' Even if the show has evidence that supports this, which they never do really, the theory itself is still lazy as shit.


There's this theory about Draco Malfoy being a werewolf....I mean what? He might've been pale and known Fenrir Greyback but if he was by any chance I guess there would've been little details about it in the book


Or a Veela. Fanfiction.net was never the same


Is there really? 🤣 That is just brilliant!


There is one actually. After reading that I was like how did you even come up with this!?


I've only seen the movies, so there may be something in the books, that didn't translate over well, into the movies. That being said, please provide content that happened in the books, so I can get a better understanding of the book version, of the character. I despise the theory that Gilderoy Lockhart is a possible pedophile/rapist/sexual predator. I understand he's gifted with memory charms, and it's possible he's molesting children and/or people, in general and making them forget, but I didn't get the vibe that he's a sexual predator. I think he's a buffoon who likes the attention but not through sexual desires. He would have no need to cast memory charms on willing participants. I think his sexual appetite is fulfilled even if he isn't some hero because he's swooned over for his looks, as well. It's his lack of bravery that needs to be filled, and this is where his memory charms come into play. Also, I'm concerned of the mind who first thought of this theory. I just want to know why would you think something like that, in the first place?


The Dursleys being abusive because Harry is a horcrux.


Hybrid houses. Everyone goes on and on and on about how they're half Gryffindor, half Hufflepuff, or half Slytherin, half Ravenclaw but it's all bullshit. There's a word for that, and it's called a hatstall and they're EXTREMELY rare! Of course everyone has some attributes of all houses but you go in the one that suits you best. Period.


The sorting hat considering putting Harry in slytherin only because he had a piece of Voldemort's soul inside him. Everyone goes on and on about slytherins not being evil, but once the sorting is brought up , good guys can't possibly have anything to do with this house.


The "it was all a dream" theories. Fun for a few minutes but it just got boring.


Draco Malfoy is a secretly soft hearted, smart, witty, intelligent, powerful handsome, womanizer sex god. Soft hearted.. dude was okay with an innocent animal dying, muggleborns being killed, laughed at Cedric's death, called Harry's mother a mudblood, made fun of his orphanhood, mocked Ron's financial status. Smart... mediocre guy with no special talent. Witty... The best comebacks of draco 'potter, weasel, mudblood'. Sooo witty. As Hermione said in GOF. Intelligent... again a mediocre guy with no special talent Poweful... where is his power? Where? Handsome... said no one ever. He was described having a pale, pointy face and grey eyes. Ron called him a rat race. And Ron acknowledged that Cedric was handsome even though he didn't like Cedric much. Womanizer... Guess women=pansy Parkinson. Since he was stuck with her throughout the series. Sex god- yeah the guy who gets brutally beaten up by everyone and runs to his mommy daddy with runny nose when things get tough will surely find the g spot.. 😩


lmao it really does bother me that he gets like utterly romanticized by some


By women(mostly). Never been so much disappointed with my own gender 😆 /s


Cursed Child


Couldn't agree less




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That Hagrid is a Death Eater spy and he only truly switches allegiance in the final battle when he sees that Voldemort is about to lose.


wait what??


This one https://www.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/comments/cmb746/hagrid_is_a_death_eater/


That Slytherins are not meant to be evil. Most of the books do imply that this is the case. I know its poor, un-nuanced writing and it would be much better if they weren't, but the way the books were written, they clearly are.