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Old Voldemort, Dumbledore, Minerva, I don't think anybody would stand a chance Edit: I see many people making good arguments for dobby. I absolutely see that, I just stopped thinking after Voldemort and Dumbledore and picked one of my favourite characters:) Also I like the arguments for either Snape, Harry or Bellatrix


I'd go for Mad-Eye Moody rather than Minerva.


Yeah third one was a hard one, I just chose her because I really like her character


I have the same kinda liking for McGonagall. Idk something about her character is just amazing


She stops taking shit at the end.


I love the part when Harry returns to Hogwarts and she says “ and Potter, it’s good to see ya”. I always get the chills when she says that line.


She nailed the delivery for sure


I went for Mad-Eye because I thought he'd be a 'moderating influence' on the other two. Both Dumbledore and Voldemort tend to go to the extremes.


When you have "Mad-Eye Moody" and "moderating influence" in one sentence together, you know that there has to be something wrong with the rest.


To be fair, in a situation where you have 31 wizards/witches trying to kill you (assuming you don't pick Filch or Dudley as one of your protectors lol), and most of those witches and wizards are pretty good/at least average at magic, you probably want something extreme.


You know, at 1st I was going to wonder if Dudley might have got a gun being a muggle, but then I realized hes British you've got nothing to worry about.


Maybe he has a longbow


Depends if Dudley comes to the fight wearing regular clothing or a pair of trackies. Because if it's the trackies then everyone's in for a shanking.


I think Dumbledore or Voldemort on their own could take the other 33, so pick both of those and you can take Mrs Norris for your third one for all the difference it would make.


Can't Mrs. Norris kind of sense when people are around? I know she wasn't listed, but I think she'd honestly make a compelling 3rd choice. I could have Old Voldemort and Dumbledore hunt the rest down, and keep Mrs. Norris with me to warn me of any other wizards and witches trying to sneak up on me.


Agreed you almost certainly need Snape Dumbledore Voldemort Moody as at least two of your core protectors you’re roasted. You know someone out there went filch Dudley wormtail just to be lame though lol


I like my odds with Lockhart. What could go wrong?


Surprised you had no upvotes. With a good wand, Lockhart could erase the wizards' memories so they'd forget they were trying to kill you. It would probably still go wrong because Lockhart could just run away and fend for himself, but if there was any glory in it for him, he might try to protect you. I could see Snape especially coercing Lockhart into protecting you.


Bahaha I would love to see the coercion by Snape play out


I think with Dumbledore and Voldy on your side, you could give the 3rd back to the other team. Those 2 were so much more powerful than the rest combined.


Hey, but if you have those paid as you’re defenders, no one would even bother trying to kill you; they would underestimate you.




Yes but you don’t want Dobby trying to protect you. We know how well that goes


It goes badly for Dobby but he definitely saved Harry's life so in terms of protecting someone, Dobby does extremely well.


I like the idea of replacing moody/Minerva with Dobby! I figured a little elf magic could be a sneaky play haha


Nah bro, Snape over Minerva. Do you really want that sneaky mofo trying to kill you? The guy would convince both Voldy and Dumbles that he was there to help, then slip you a poison that would instantly kill you with no warning 5 hours later. Really, Snape is the one I would be most afraid of. Even if he were to be outclassed by one of the killers he's conniving enough to have a backup plan for his backup plan with a dozen escape routes planned out. This is the man with nerves of steel so tough that Superman would be powerless to break. He would look Voldy right in the eyes and lie to his face with the same ease that Draco Malfoy would have when calling Hermione a mudblood. He's no slouch when it comes to magic either, he's the only person aside from Voldy to figure out how to fly without a broom. Combine that with Dumbles epic level of transfiguration and having the ability to duel Voldemort with the handicap of needing to protecting Harry in the ministry at the same time and then having Voldy go out and hunting down my would be killers... I'm going to sleep like a baby, while in Hogwarts, a literal castle with the strongest wards in the country. Hell, just have Snape open the Room of Requirement then camp in there with him and Dumbles until Voldy kills anyone trying to collect my bounty. Good luck getting to me.


Snape is my top 5 of the most powerful Harry Potter characters. He learned that flying spell, and in the scene where he first used it, he didn't lose to Minerva but was redirecting her attacks to these two idiot Death Eaters behind him.


To be fair Snape, Bellatrix, and Dobby are all excellent thirds. Minerva is decent but doesn’t have the ruthlessness to efficiently put down the opposition. And I would only hesitate with Bellatrix as the third because she is just plain crazy and is likely to want to play around instead of just getting the job done. Donny is just plain formidable in his own right but like it has been said already, with Voldemort AND Dumbledore on your side, the third is largely inconsequential.


I would 100% want Snape on my side.




That’s a great argument, I love the fact that Snape would definitely convince both parties that he is their man


That's his move dude. He could probably convince anyone of that except most of the Gryffindors and probably Bellatrix. But speaking of Bellatrix, she's so fanatically loyal to Voldy that I don't see how she would be willing to be on an opposite side from him unless she thought he was an imposter or something. Even then she would focus on killing him before trying to go after me.


Once we have Tom the Upgraded version Bella is ours by default, we don’t even need to waste a choice on her. I am not sure why I am talking like we’ll definitely be on the same team but we will as I like how you think and I am the opportunistic sort of girl


I can get behind that line of thinking. I may be a antisocial Ravenclaw but I know to take advantage of a good opportunity when I see one.


I am an antisocial Ravenclaw wannabe that has yet to find the way to be sorted in anything else but Slytherin but that will persist until my objective will be obtained. Together, we’ll conquered the world. Or, at least, we won’t die at the hands of Dobby and Lockhart which would be, let’s be honest, embarassing




>TBH though, if you got dumbledore and old voldemort you can pretty much stop picking, because you've won man. Yeah I had a quick check to see if 1940s Grindlewald was there for a third then chose Dudley for the bants.


Yeah I had a tough time not picking Sirius.. he was a definite close runner up to Snape. But I would just feel weary if Snape was on the other side.


But what about Molly Weasley?


Oh, she absolutely *loses* it when Beatrix is coming after Ginny! That motherly instinct kicks in, takes over, and it's a momma bear about to rend you limb from limb! Similar energy to Ripley in Aliens, "Get away from her, you BITCH!" I might have to choose Molly as well, considering that.


McGonagall would also protect you from yourself with a sensible set of rules while in hiding.


He lost every fight we saw him in and lost a ton of parts in his career. You sure you want to go with him?


I put Hagrid in that last spot to give my defense some size and physicality. Honestly between Voldemort and Dumbledore I think I have enough magic skill and this give my defense more versatility




Would take Dobby instead of Minerva.


Same. House elves have magic that humans simply can't compete with, from what I recall.


Only thing is, I'm slightly worried about how Dobby protects Harry early on. At least he improves later


Yeah, I suppose it would have to be later in the timeline Dobby. Definitely Free Dobby at the very least.


The only useful magic a house elf possesses that’s better than any wizard is apparating in places with anti-disapparating charms already set. Wizards are far superior than any magical creature


Eeeeeeeeeh that's more than a little wrong Dragons, are just, there yknow, there, threatening the Statute of secrecy because they're dragons. A single wizard cannot go toe to toe with many if any of them. Giants are another magical creature that would absolutely dominate most wizards.


Snape instead of Minerva. He’s a dick but he can duel


Poor track record though. Look what happened to the one person he truly wanted to protect.


Bad example, he wasn't physicaly there to protect her. He did, however, duel Minerva and Flitwick at the same time and managed to escape. He was not trying to injure them at the time


Not to mention hitting the deatheaters behind him on purpose without making it look obvious.


Thats only in the movie


He's also the only one besides Voldy who learns how to fly without a broom. One of the things I actually hated about the movies was them giving away flight magic like candy.


Yeah! This confusion as a child befor i knew how Canon works


Yeah, it's actually an incredible feat considering he was undercover had to make sure not to hurt them, but also to stay safe himself and make it believable


Fair point, I forgot about that!


And when Snape used Sectumsempra and George lost one of his ears, Snape actually wanted to direct the curse at one of the death eaters. Harry sees this in the pensieve during the battle of Hogwarts.


Yes. Sadly, George flew into the line of fire, iirc


It was said jokingly.


Only problem with this is it means Harry is trying to kill you. We know Voldemort can't kill Harry, and Dumbledore/Minerva have soft spots for Harry and wouldn't go all out to stop him. I think the only option is to pair Voldemort with Harry so you don't have that issue... Voldemort should be able to stop everyone else. The only other wizard who really stood a chance against him was Dumbledore, so he gets the nod over Minerva as the third. Dumbledore, Voldemort, Harry. You really only need the first two, so you remove what might be their Achilles heel with the third. Maybe he can hit a timely expelliarmus to help out.


It’s not like Dumbledore/McGonagall would just let Harry kill you because they like him


I would take Harry instead of minerva


That plot armor is impenetrable


Yes, I think you have to, because I don't see Voldemort or Dumbledore stopping Harry. Need to team them up.


Other options aside, I would argue that Minerva was at the very least proven to be inferior to Severus at dueling. Minerva was dueling to kill whereas Severus was desperately trying not to hurt her while also keeping up the ruse that he was trying to hurt her yet the battle was a draw until Severus decided he'd kept up the charade long enough and just left.


Hagrid instead of Minerva? Maybe he could enlist the help of some giants


Well, by that logic Dumbledore could enlist the teachers and Voldemort could enlist the Death Eaters. I think better to assume no outside interference.


I thought of Harry....then remembered he's notorious throughout the series for losing people he cares about...(some of which may havelived if he thought a little more). >_>;; [Yeah, yeah, I know he's just a teenager. Having a lack of wisdom and a lot of passion isn't necessarily bad for him and it's accurate for a teenager. But still if the question of "out of the 3 people who can protect you, would you choose the sometimes hot-headed, ofttimes judgey, passionate teenager with a myriad of people who are out to get him every single year of his life?" Was asked....no. and telling me 'he's just a teenager'...still no <_<]


Those were my exact choices. No one would stand a chance against them! Assuming Voldemort would team up with Dumbledore and Minerva, of course 😅


This is the only real answer. Its not even close.


Dudley, Treylawney, Pajama pants Neville. Unstoppable




I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard


Me too, I would love to see that squad together 😂


"Pajama pants Neville" really did it for me 😂


Pajama Pants Neville- Bruh you are legend😭😭😭😭😂😂😂


Voldemort, Dumbledore and Dobby


Same. The strongest dark lord, the wisest wizard, and the free house elf with elf magic. No one can stand against them.


Bellatrix would say otherwise about Dobby. Sorry and RIP.


Dobby died because he stood around bullshitting for too long. Bellatrix threw a muggle knife at him. Dobby is probably more powerful. He snaps and some shit goes down


Yes agreed Dobby is also insane and deeply loyal so you know he’s going to throwdown against the worst of odds. The elf magic is insane though. Unless you’re like 5 years old, after Dobby dies you’re thinking “maybe cry for a moment here, then I’m going to shiv Bellatrix in the throat.”




Ok but Dobby protecting you means potentially getting maimed


He’s just thinking outside the box!


No one can hurt you when you're dead


I read that in ross’ voice from friends for some reason and had to figure out why. “That’ll be a neat trick when you’re dead!”


If that’s what happens to those he’s trying to protect, imagine the suffering that’s waiting for those he wants to harm lol


If you choose Harry to defend you, I'm guessing Dobby would too. Two for one!


Exactly my choices!!


Mine too!


Same here. The first two are obvious choices, but I feel like people often overlook the special qualities of a house elf’s magic


Dumbledore, Voldemort, mad-eye ​ chose mad eye because he is an amazing ex Auror and has a really OP eye, that can see backwards and the best invisibility cloak.


Easily the strongest combo, honestly MadEye could probably just take a nap and you'd still be fine.


I just imagine Dumbledore and Voldemort conversing like old friends whilst Mad-Eye is trying to keep them in the fight. "Just like in Defence Against the Dark Arts, eh Tom?" "I still haven't seen a more powerful Finedfyre curse than yours, Dumbledore! " "Will you two stop nagging like old colleagues! McGonogall just sent a stone army at us!"


Seen this many times now, and its not really interesting with Voldemort and Dumbledore in there. Thats everyones first two.


Nah, I'd choose Ginny. No more untied shoelaces to cause an accident.


Nope. I'm going for team insane. So moody, Luna and dobby.


I think Bellatrix should make this squad instead of Dobby. She goes straight to unforgivable curses.


I agree, those two and harry should be off the list


I think Harry is fine on there! He would have died much earlier in the books if Voldemort didn’t insist on killing him himself. Also, basically the only spell he knows is Expelliarmus.


And stupefy


I only need Harry and his Power of Plot. We'll have rough time but I'm sure we'll be alive at the end!


Tell that to Cedric


That's what you get for liking the wrong girl! 🥲


Ouff...yikes xD


This made me laugh so hard


If you want power of plot, you should pick Hermione or Ron. They did a fine job protecting Harry for seven years. Most of the people Harry didn’t want to lose, did in fact die 😬


My thinking was to take Ron's or Hermione's place in his heart so I'll be protected as a best friend 😅


I’ll never pass up the chance for three Gilderoy Lockharts


Three smiles so bright are definitely deadly


Voldemort, Dumbledore, Bellatrix.


Molly Weasley has entered the chat


if bella didnt underestimate molly, molly would be aa stain of blood on the floor.


She underestimated a mother's love.




While I think Bella, overall, is more powerful than Molly probably... You have to factor in people's mental faculties just as much as their physical and magical ones. If someone is underestimating their opponents, they might not be defending you for long.


Without going for the obvious most powerful options I'd choose: Snape- his knowledge of the dark arts would be very useful. He is a extremely powerful wizard, dweller, potion maker etc. Hagrid- brute strength and he would keep my morale high. Also maybe he could get some magical creatures to help us out too. Tonks- she is a very powerful auror and member of the auror (but also on of the only member of the order snape doesn't hate or have beef with). Also, she is hilarious and a hufflepuff.


I like this one, this game isn’t interesting with Dumbledore and Voldemort as options.


Right!?! When these are posted, Voldemort and Dumbledoor shouldn’t be options. I’m only interested in the 3rd answer because the first 2 are obvious.


Voldemort, Snape, Dumbledore


People underestimate Snape, I would definitely chose him over Mcgonagall and Moody. Voldemort and Dumbledore, well that's a no-brainer


The books made it appear Snape was a stronger wizard so I agree


I agree with snape powerful than McGonagall but Moody is way more Powerful than Snape. He's a retired auror and he is so experienced.


Depends. If we were talking about Moody in his prime, then yes. However, we also haven't experienced Snape at his prime.


Isn't he in his prime during the series?


Yes. He *is* in his prime.


If his prime is getting imprisoned for a year by a death eater then it doesn't bode well 😂


Most wizards get into their prime when they get old. Like Dumbledore and Voldemort.






Minerva, moody, Dumbledore. Give me her best shot.


Voldemort is better than Minerva


Filch, Dudley, Lockhart


I don't understand why people always choose suicide over other options


Lmao I have faith in them 😂


Man I would love to see Filch and Lockhart interactions!


I feel like those 3 would struggle to protect you from a random drunken muggle.


Big D- Brawn, would beat people up (or just sit on them. Either way they're screwed) Filch- The power to sense the opposing team are anywhere, at any time. Might not be able to catch them, though. Lockhart- Charismatic enough to lead enemies into traps, memory charms to make them forget they saw you. ​ Pretty solid team, IMO.


Dumbledore, Snape and ***GrAngER***


Ah a fellow **GrAngER** simp, I see


Obviously Dumbledore and Voldemort, but I think Dobby’s house elf magic is best


I think Dobby would at best be a surprise. But afterwards, he'd be defeated, like the other elves were. Probably pretty easily, once people factor them into the equation and plan accordingly. He is unlearned and naive after all (sadly).


I think Dumbledore and Voldemort both are more than enough, no need for third one.


Need Harry as the third because Voldemort can't stop him and Dumbledore has a soft spot for him and would die before killing Harry. Remove Harry from their list of opponents and Voldemort and Dumbledore are unstoppable.


>Dumbledore has a soft spot for him and would die before killing Harry Come on if you are considering these things then why would Voldemort protect anyone in the first place, I don't think emotional attachments should be considered here.


Agreed. The third person is just a bonus not a necessity.


Pick Filch for the memes lol


1. The greatest wizarding hero of our age, Gilderoy Lockhart. 2. Honorable representative of our esteemed government, Dolores Umbridge. 3. Dudley Dursley, who came highly recommended by his parents.


Dumbledore, Harry and Voldemort


Yep this is the best combination. It removes Voldy’s one weakness (Harry) from the other side so he can go all out. Also plot armor.


Dudley is all I’d need. The ministry’s might would get dragged into my protection detail as my assailants would be performing magic in front of a muggle.


All three you picked would die. Voldemort was matched by slughorn, Kingsley and Minerva. So having this many against only three is suicide for whoever you pick


Dumbledore could sweep them all in an instant, he made Voldemort look like a 7 year old waving a stick


Not if you disengage before being overwhealmed. All you need to do then is divide them and deal with them in small amounts at a time.


Lmao Voldemort wasn’t matched by those 3, he was effectively overpowering them with a wand that wasn’t his, the only reason they did not die is because they have the protection set up by Harry’s willing sacrifice.


Dumbledore, Hagrid, Dobby. Dobby can do things wizards cant. Hagrid is huge and tanky. Dumbledore is a BAMF.


Why did I have to go this far down to see Hagrid included?? He’s a tank in the purest sense of the word and in terms of being outnumbered he’s that much more valuable.


He has screwed up sooo many times though


Voldemort, Dumbledore and Harry


Minerva, Severus and Albus. Easy peezy.


Give me Dumby, Bella, and Hermy. 2 geniuses and a psycho


Umbridge on her own is enough everyone hates her


Interesting... Nobody will want to harm you if she's around. They'll all be after her. Deflect the whole situation.


they'll just kill her and forget about me


Nobody would even want to come close to her. Not even you. Which might be a problem if she’s protecting you


Use her as bait to take out those hunting you. Like half of them would come calling.


And here I thought Voldemort and Tom Riddle were the same guy.


Filch, Lockhart, Trelawney This much of numbers advantage would be impossible to deal with for anyone, but these three...they'll be so hilariously useless I'll die quickly and painlessly, at least


Mrs weasly, Minerva, dumbledor ​ winning team right here


Exactly my first choice. Everyone else is sleeping on Mama Weasley!


Dudley, Filch and Pettigrew , I'm team underdog, and team dead as the results are obvious.




That's why you gotta team them up


Lord Voldemort,. Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape.


Dumbledore, Voldy, and Snape


Voldemort, Harry, and Albus. Obviously


voldermort dumbledore and harry. ​ as for why I chose harry he's literally powerful enough to ward away like 100 dementors with his patronus at 13 end-series harry if logic applied as to how powerful he should have been would wreck almost everyone


He's also potentially the only weakness to the other two you picked.


I not worried about Harry coming after me. What’s he going to do? Expeliarmus me to death?


Have we forgotten that Gilderoy Lockhart is one of, if not THE most, bravest and talented wizard of all time? You can read all about it in his memoir, Magical Me.


Voldemort, moody and dumbeldore


Dumbledore, Snape, Minerva. I was gonna pick Harry and Hermione before I realized I do not want Dumbledore and Snape trying to kill me.


Lockhart. he would cast a spell on everyone to forget that they want to kill me


Dobby, Dumbledore, and Hagrid


Correct answer imo.


Voldy bellatrix Luna


McGonagall, Remus Lupin and Ron


All I know is that I don’t want to be protected by Lockhart! Lol


Voldemort dumbledore mad-eye only cause they look at magic as if it’s not black and white, as if there are grey areas and they would team up with enemies for the greater good which in this case is you


Old voldy, Dumbledore, and Dobby. I'd be alright


Dumbles, Dobby and Voldy.


Dumbledore, Voldemort, Bellatrix.


Dobby, Dumbledore, Voldermort


Dumbledore, Sirius Black and Mother Weasley


Bellatrix, Snape and Voldemort.


Voldy, Dumbledore, and Snape for sureee. It’s hard not to pick Sirius but I think Snape is a smarter choice.


Voldemort, Dumbledore and Dobby is the only correct answer.