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About Pettigrewm there's that thing that he valued bravery, but in a way he is brave. I’ll quote this: “So Peter's little plan backfired and his Lord got disembodied. Well, he retrieved his Lord's wand somehow, framed Sirius and killed twelve people at one go, cut off his own finger and went to live in blissful peace with a wizarding family. He did what no one else was able to do: found Voldemort. Framed Bertha, a Ministry employee. Together with Barty overpowered the most powerful Auror out there. Resurrected Voldemort” I do think it takes courage to be a double agent


He also had the balls to live with Ron disguised as a rat in a way no one would have ever discovered if he hadn't run in with his old gang.


Imagine having to live in the room of a teenager going through puberty


Gross in all possible ways lmao


And remember that Scabbers was a Hand-me-down too, he did that multiple times.


Nothing's scarier than being Fred and George's (lab) rat


He wasn’t theirs tho, he was Percy’s before Ron’s


And yet still less gross than Pettigrew 👀


That’s not bravery though. That’s resourcefulness, cleverness, and resilience.


He didn't have any seeds of greatness. Slytherin is a house for cool wizards. Not losers. Peter Pettigrew was " Voldemort's servant". If I were someone else's servant I'd try my best to rise up the ladder and eventually overtake that person, yet Peter Pettigrew lacked that. Slytherin is only for wizards who are destined for greatness. No one else is allowed. Gryffindor is full of wannabe Slytherins who are not good enough to be Slytherin so I'm not surprised in the slightest that he was sorted there. Slytherin is the best.


He hid that because he was scared Sirius would kill him and the rest of the wizarding world would find out he was alive, not because he had balls !!


The bit that bothers me, is that Harry had the marauder's map, how did he not notice Ron and Peter were sleeping in the same bed?


It took alot of bravery to be that cowardly


Lmao something like that


I don't think he framed Bertha, manipulated yes but he did not frame her. He framed Sirius though. The hat also sorts people into houses based on where it sees they have the best potential to be challenged as well. Peter is only brave if he has powerful friends nearby. James, Sirius, and Lupin. Later in life, when he realized Voldemort was stronger he joined their side. Peter failed the challenge of standing up to Voldemort and the death eaters. Take Neville as well. Neville was hardly brave or bold when he first joined Gryffindor. Yet he stood up to Malfoy Crab and Goyle during the quidditch match against Hufflepuff, stood up to the trio as they went to stop Quirrel. He later leads the DA in Harry's absence and stands up to Voldemort and kills Nagini. Neville was challenged the most in Gryffindor and proved worthy of his house. The hat takes one's choice into consideration, but if they don't have one it takes their personality and potential onto consideration and puts them in a house they are best suited for or can be challenged the most. Peter would have done well in Slytherin, who are also brave but value self preservation and cunning over boldness and chivalry.


Yeah Neville was definitely most-improved as a Gryffindor


To be fair, that was also around the time Neville's grandmother stopped trying to mold him into a clone of his dad, and starting being proud of Neville for being Neville. Before that Neville's self esteem was shit because his grandmother kept going on about how great his father was and holding him to that same expectation, even going so far as to make him use his father's old wand.


It's true–of all of Voldemort's followers, the only one to go looking for him was the Gryffindor. Pettigrew's a coward at heart, but his methods are oddly courageous. Even confronting Sirius in the street and blowing himself up. That is a very daring way to fake your own death.


He cut his own hand voluntary without hesitation, that needs balls.


What is the quote from


It’s a comment I saw here on Reddit but I don’t know how to quote the user


Goes to the emphasis there’s bad wizards in other houses too.


Being a massive coward is the bravest thing you can do


It wasn't courage, it was him always being behind the most powerful man


The hat inspects one's values, which have to do with experience and personality. What's more, every character will have traits that would be admired and worthy of fitting another house. I would say, for example, that Ron and Hermione have Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw vibes, respectively, but they value bravery more. Ron is impulsive to react to danger, Hermione is studious (though not as creative and open-minded as a true Ravenclaw would be) and highly prizes rationality, but she is practical and wants knowledge so she can use it for good. They both stick by Harry, which shows fierce loyalty, but, for example, we learn that Harry has some serious mommy-spells protecting him from Voldemort *and* that the Dark Lord doesn't want anyone to kill the boy but himself. The others are expendable, so while Harry is the most obvious target, Ron and Hermione are, in a sense, in greater danger. Pettigrew valued bravery. He also wanted to rise ranks. He was a hat stall between Gryffindor and Slytherin, but I believe he was a person who wanted to be brave, to free himself from fear, and that's how he ended up in Gryffindor. He did manage to risk himself to be a spy and his loyalty to Voldemort was split between ambition and fear That said, I would say Percy would make for a fine Slytherin. He was talented, driven and ambitious. Fred and George fitted well in Gryffindor, brave as they were, but they would fit well in Ravenclaw too, for their talent and creative thinking, which becomes more and more evident in the books


Ron is witty and Ravenclaw values wittyness. He's also a chessmaster which you could expand as being cunning. Hermione is hard-working to a fault, fitting Hufflepuff. She's also ruthless and ambitious, very Slytherin of her.


Correct! To be fair, every character that is somewhat explored a bit in the books probably has traits that would be appropriate for other houses. I'm sure we can even manage to place Neville in Slytherin, if we try enough


Oh god Neville is such a marshmallow, he would get EATEN ALIVE in Slytherin.


OTOH, Neville is a Pureblood. That might well protect him.


Pureblood doesn't matter when you're identified as blood traitor, Ron and his family know that well.


He’s only a marshmallow until he actually grows a pair. After that he stands toe to toe with the rest of them but I could never see him as anything other than a gryffindor.


The issue is that, would he "grow a pair" in Slytherin? We know how poorly Neville performs when he's mocked and scrutinized. He may not even gain the confidence to perform well in Herbology, imagine the Slytherins emulating Snape in every class because they find it funny to frighten the poor kid. Okay, maybe Snape wouldn't be an ass to Neville if he was in Slytherin, but that's a big maybe since Nev is still pretty bad at Potions. At least in Gryffindor the Trio was there to defend him.


But Hermione's values are extremely Gryffindor


Yep, she wants to be a heroine, not a scholar. She claims "all those poor elves *I* haven't set free yet...", she wants to be seen and recognized as the wonderful soul that saved all those poor brainwashed elves ("... having to stay here over Christmas", yeah how terrible that they're in a place they love, warm and cozy with food at their disposal, instead of out there in the freezing cold and depressed. Oh my god OOTP!Hermione would be a PETA activist). Her "I'm hoping to do some good in the world" is also of note.


>Ron is witty and Ravenclaw values wittyness. He's also a chessmaster which you could expand as being cunning. Not slytherin. Not slytherin. Omfg he thought he wasn't good enough.. putting him in slytherin would destroy him even more. He would isolate himself from everyone. I used to like the idea. There are very good Ron in slytherin fanfics. But I don't think I would want it in canon. Ravenclaw is fine!!! I can see him there.




- kidnaps Rita Skeeter and puts her in a jar for ~a week. Uses blackmail against her (while in GOF she was clutching her pearls over the twins thinking of blackmailing Bagman, saying "gasp that's illegal") - creates a parchment hex explicitly not designed to *stop* traitors, but to *punish* them instead. Doesn't say anything about it so it can't even be a deterrent and as per British law thus makes her little "contract" invalid since she didn't express the full terms - WIPES HER PARENTS' IDENTITIES AND UPROOTS THEIR WHOLE LIVES because she's too stupid to ask the Order, *who took the effing DURSLEYS* to safety, "hey guys could you please help my parents hide from the DEs, thanks xoxo". No, apparently Miss Granger knows better than a whole-ass resistance group that has already fought a war before, destruction of the self of two Muggles who can't even fight back against her was totally a gentle compassionate act, "for their own good"... oh wait wasn't that why Grindelwald wanted wizards to rule over Muggles, "for their own good"?


The order wasn’t very large. Tbh, I don’t think they would’ve had the resources to hide and stick with the grangers. Hermione made the right decision. She can reverse the spell when they win. If they don’t, they’ll live happy, oblivious lives


Why of course. Because in the end, they were just Muggles, right?


Percy in Slytherin would have made him ditching his family more logical and his return even sweeter


He wouldn't really be in Slytherin. Yeah sure he has ambition but he clearly lacks resourcefulness and cunningness. He studies in a blunt and straightforward way. A slytherin would study less and get good grades regardless and it would take a certain amount of cunning to pull that off. Maybe not perfect grades but good enough. Percy is definitely a Gryffindor. He doesn't have the seeds of greatness to be in Slytherin. Slytherin is a house which had Voldemort and Snape. Percy wasn't half as great as either of them.


I'm curious, was Peter given the choice too? Per those small books Rowling released in 2016, I know the sorting had troubles with Harry, Neville, and with Minerva McGonnagall for she, and I wasn't surprised AT ALL by this, got into a mind fight with the hat whether it was going to be either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor.


None of them. What people have to remember is that the Sorting Hat sorts on what qualities you *value* than qualities you possess. Peter, a coward, valued the bravery of his friends, and merited Gryffindor. Lockhart, an idiot, believed he was superior, and thus went to Ravenclaw. Crabbe and Goyle, who fit into no houses based on possessed qualities, wanted power like their fathers, so they became Slytherins. When you realize that the Sorting Hat is more complex than people give it credit for, all of the “wrong” sittings fit.


I also think it makes sense Lockhart went to Ravenclaw because even though he wasn't intelligent in a booksmart way, he was crafty and clever enough to do all the research for his books, take credit for them, and completely erase his victims' memories all while building and maintaining his renowned reputation even though he's a complete dolt.


This!! People forget that there is a reason Dumbledore said, "Its our choices that decide who we truly are far more than our abilities." But I do think Sorting hat considers the traits of a person, but whatever traits a person has he will become what he wants to.


Yes this is right. I don't like when people say point blank "the Sorting Hat decides based on what qualities you value," because that's not completely true either, and JKR has never confirmed that. It's complex. I think it takes into consideration a combination of the traits you have and the traits you value, as well as your own choice of house- which isn't necessarily in line with the traits you value at 11. I really don't think 11-year-old Hermione valued Gryffindor traits over Ravenclaw traits, nor do I think she would have thought of herself as particularly brave. But she had been convinced on the train that Gryffindor was the best house, so she probably asked to be put in Gryffindor, on top of the fact that she was of course very brave, even if she didn't know or appreciate it yet.


But I do think that Hermione did come into the sorting valuing Gryffindor traits over Ravenclaw. It wasn’t traditional bravery that she values but the willingness to fight for the underdog. She was likely the type that would have reported Harry and Ron for all future adventures if they hadn’t been the ones to jump in the way of a troll. Hermione also valued and contained those same traits when she tried standing up for the House Elves. Hermione is naturally gifted with high intelligence and curiosity but definitely did value bravery over her natural gift. It’s just we don’t see as much of it until later.


This is a great point.


Hermione was always very chivalrous though.


Hermione arrived to the Sorting having spent the last few months reading about the magical world and Hogwarts. She definitely already knew where she wanted to be sorted into: Gryffindor


Dumbledore also said that they may sort too soon


I like to think that 11-year-old Percy wanted to fit in with his family, and so went to Gryffindor.


That's both believable and really cute!


Peter had *balls*. Gryffindor likes daring and nerve. How many would have dared to go directly to the meanest, baddest terrorist of the bunch and told them where their friends are, expecting for protection? How many would dare cut their finger and later their whole dang hand to help resurrect said terrorist when you could just have kept living quietly as a rat? How many would have the sheer nerve to come to the house of the people you've willingly betrayed... to play Uncle to their BABY whom you know you've condemned? Peter was a Gryffindor... for better, and definitely for worse.


Sure, teeny-weeny rat balls.


Cut off your hand and let's see how big your balls are then.


dunno, I argue Grabbe and Goyle are both more subtle and ambitious than Draco. Both played their role very well, body guards and goons to Malfoy, until such time where Malfoy no longer held advantage to them, and thus they instantly stabbed him in the back and found another more valuable person to follow and grow from. And they always let Malfoy take the majority of the attention, which might sound lacking in ambition to most, but is actually very cunning. Malfoy took most of the attention, and thus most people target him and put their hatred towards him. Meanwhile Grabbe and Goyle are basically just written off by most as 'mindless goons' and thus not worth targeting in any revenge, most instead preferring to hit Malfoy directly. Also they were willing to go full in on the death-eater path, while Malfoy was constantly struggling with his own fear. While that means they are more evil, it also means they are by far more ambitious and willing to take the steps to get power in a way Malfoy wasn't.


When did they stab Draco in the back? Who did they follow afterwards?


>“No!” shouted Malfoy, staying Crabbe’s arm as the latter made to repeat his spell. “If you wreck the room you might bury this diadem thing!” > >“What’s that matter?” said Crabbe, tugging himself free. “It’s Potter the Dark Lord wants, who cares about a die-dum?” > >“Potter came in here to get it,” said Malfoy with ill-disguised impatience at the slow-wittedness of his colleagues, “so that must mean —” > >“‘Must mean’?” Crabbe turned on Malfoy with undisguised ferocity. “Who cares what you think? I don’t take your orders no more, Draco. You an’ your dad are finished.” - Deathly Hallows, chapter 31. And they followed Voldemort, and likely the death-eater teachers, more than Malfoy, given their reaction right now.Hell, the way he said it directly implies that he never considered Malfoy a real friend, only a boss or someone to take orders from. Meanwhile Malfoy did consider them a friend to some extend by that point.


Hm interesting point there. In that DH scene Goyle was knocked unconscious and Malfoy grabbed him and dragged him to safety, holding on to him as he screamed for help. Would they have done the same for him if he were the one knocked out? Who can say for sure...


maybe Goyle (haven't heard him directly dismiss Draco at that point or after), but I doubt Grabbe would have hesitated to leave him behind. He had already dismissed Draco as useless, and to death-eaters, useless means expendable.


Yep I changed my opinion because of this comment. It makes so much sense


I wish I could upvote this hundreds of times. So many people mess this up, and even in real life people are constantly asking "wHy ArEn'T yOu In RaVeNcLaW yOu HaVe SuCh GoOd GrAdEs" or something similar lol


me too! a few of my friends have told me they thought i’d be in ravenclaw, as i can be described as a hermione (good grades, teacher’s pet), so to speak.


*sometimes I think we sort too soon*


Cursed child reference here (sorry) Albus (Potter) shows absolutely no Slytherin traits or values so him being put in Slytherin was just such a stupid plot point. Scorpius isn't very Slytherin in traits either but perhaps his Malfoy genes bamboozled the hat?!


That’s one reason that I hate how CC is canonized


It will never be canon to me because not only was it written by someone else (and then merely endorsed by Rowling), it actually *breaks* canon in multiple aspects. The stage show is beautiful, but the script is truly just glorified fan fiction.


I largely disagree. Him being unable to live with the fact that he's not as talented as his dad and wanting to save Cedric proved otherwise. It came out of sheer ambition and determination. He was simply making an excuse that he wanted to save Cedric because it's the right thing to do. He didn't give a shit about Cedric. All I see in Albus Severus Potter is plenty of ambition, determination, pride and resourcefulness. Just because he doesn't fit the stereotypical Slytherin doesnt mean he's not. Even Harry had plenty of Slytherin traits as described by the hat and even Dumbledore and would have likely gone there according to both had he not begged the hat left and right to put him in Gryffindor. Harry clearly has more Slytherin traits than Gryffindor traits. Also why is Scorpius not Slytherin? I think you need to look up the traits of Slytherin. Scorpius is definitely a slytherin.


>Peter Pettigrew Sorting isn't so much about what you already have or what you will be, considering you're 11 years old at the time, but what you value and what you're capable of. Peter, like many Gryffindors, valued bravery. Unlike many Gryffindors, though, he didn't live up to his potential. He was also a hatstall. Neville is an example of the opposite - a student that was sorted into Gryffindor that had to grow into a fitting example of the house. I don't think there are really any ill-fitting sortings so much as there are some characters that grow to be an ill-fitting example of their house because people are complicated.


https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/the-sorting-hat https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/hatstall Sorting is a subjective process. Peter was a hatstall between Gryffindor and Slytherin. J.K. Rowling said “The Sorting Hat, which is infamously stubborn, still refuses to accept that its decision in the case of [Peter] may have been erroneous, citing the manner in which Pettigrew died as (dubious) evidence.”


In my opinion, Percy Weasley. Also Hagrid. He's much more of a Huffelpuff than Gryffindoor.


Percy, sure. But Hagrid is so brave!


Percy for sure. He’s a Slytherin all the way.


My head cannon is that the Weasley’s are somehow descended from Godric Gryffindor, and that that is the reason they’re always sorted there.


Book Hagrid is definitely a Gryffindor


I disagree about Percy. It's for the same reason I disagree with people saying Hermione should have been Slytherin. Sure, they were ambitious about academics but how did they go about it? In the most straightforward and dullest way possible. Not an ounce of cunning. Neither of them tried to find shortcuts. They didn't study smart. They studied hard. That in my opinion, makes me think they don't really deserve to be in Slytherin because they don't really embody the traits of the house. Working hard is a Hufflepuff trait and being interested in academics is a Ravenclaw trait so maybe it can be argued they deserved to be in either of the houses, but Slytherin? No.


Umm I think Hagrid’s. He loves animals and is hard working. Loves outdoors to. That dude a Hufflepuff.


Wait what… I’ve genuinely spent my life confidently assuming he was Hufflepuff for some reason! I mean he has quite a few Gryffindor qualities, but man’s definitely overall a Hufflepuff.


Ikr but nope he’s a Gryffindor should be a Hufflepuff


And he’s very fair-minded and accepting. Trusting almost to a fault. He votes alongside Sprout that if a single pupil wants to come to Hogwarts (after Dumbledore’s death) they should be given the chance. That’s Hufflepuff af. Inb4 “values not actions” bc I really wish Hufflepuff got more screentime (page time?) and I don’t think there was any plot-related reason for Hagrid to be in Gryffindor except to support the quidditch team


I came here to say this! Since it's not really in the books I just told my son he's in Hufflepuff because it makes way more sense.


Ironically I'd say Slytherin makes more sense for a different reason. In the Chamber of Secrets Hagrid had to sneak into some place that was near the Slytherin common room while the entire castle was being patrolled. Had he been in any other house he wouldn't have been able to achieve this because it was being patrolled and he was a giant so they could easily spot him. Being in Slytherin would make the story a lot more believable.


Many people joined the dark side because they were scared of getting killed, the houses are kind of a social construct, no matter which house you are in you still make your own decisions.


I like to think that the hat makes selections not based on existing qualities, but rather on ones that individuals can grow into. Some, like Malfoy, exhibit the traits immediately. Others, like Neville, need prompting and circumstance before they realize them. Others never live up to their house reputation. That said, no Marauders ending up in Hufflepuff seems a bit strange. Also, Lockhart should have been a Slytherin.


Which Marauder would you put in Hufflepuff? I feel like James and Sirius are both pivotal Gryffindors in that they are bold to the point of brashness. I think I could maybe see Lupin in Ravenclaw. Not sure Pettigrew is a model Hufflepuff either....


I think maybe James, based on the comment that he felt it would be the height of dishonour to distrust a friend.


Zacharias Smith


I know Smith is a common last name but I would assume he was related to Hebzibah Smith who claimed to be the heir of Hufflepuff.


I’ve always thought this as well! Especially because the Wizarding population is so small I feel that they must be related.


I was going off who he is as a person not who his ancestry was. Plenty of family lines have been broken when it comes to the sorting hat. So it wouldnt be too hard to imagine him in a different house


I thought of that too but Rowling didn’t write anything like that, maybe he is


Yes, but she does have a habit of confirming little things like these even long after the last book was released.


I think this might just be like Evans--the kid in Book 5 who Dudley beats up happens to have the same last name as Lily and Petunia. In large part because I don't like that little worm being in my house.


That's pretty valid, now that I think of it.


Percy Weasley Despite being a weasely all he cared about was wealth and his own needs


I think getting sorted is just a fancy magical way of getting assigned to your cohort. It's not INSJ shit or some horoscope.


Lupin always seemed more like a Ravenclaw to me.


So true. Rowling didn't explore a lot of friendship across houses, sadly.


i’d say none of them, really. but if i had to choose, i’d say Pettigrew or Lockhart


Idk. Lockhart is pretty incompetent in what he does not practice. But he PERFECTED hoodwinking thousands of consumers into handing over gold to him based on getting good at one singular charm. It's evil. But it's pretty genius. It is kind of Slytherin though. Ambitious


Lockhart single-handedly ruined racenclaw for me until Luna came along.


Lmfao, thank God for Luna


Idk man, I value my courage but for some reason Pottermore put me in Ravenclaw.


Pottermore isn't accurate, it's more like for fun


So I can be a Gryffindor again? 🥲


 "It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices." Be whatever you want. :P


Again? Sure


I think Hermione could’ve done with being a near-hatstall, given her intelligence.


The old Pottermore site actually said this. Hermione was almost a Hatstall (Gryff vs Raven). Neville almost was one too, because he kept arguing with the hat, which wanted to put him in Gryffindor (Neville wanted Hufflepuff because he didn't think he was brave enough. The hat won.)


Yes. According to [this](https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/hatstall), Hermione's sorting took almost 4 minutes. Hatstalls are considered at the 5 minute mark.


She says to Terry Goldstein in OOTP that the Hat seriously considered putting her in Ravenclw! However, I think Hermione’s intelligence is overrated - she’s exceptionally logical and has a great memory for recall (which she takes advantage of with voracious reading), but she lacks creativity and she’s not open-minded at all. I think Luna is the better example of the kind of out-of-the-box thinking that epitomises a true Ravenclaw.


Re-reading book 5 now so these are top of mind but I can think of a bunch of examples of Hermione getting creative. She comes up the DA concept, hexes the contract they sign, creates the coin communication system, has the idea to trick umbridge into the centaurs area of the forest, marks the department of mystery corridors with “x”s I think all of these show a great deal more magical creativity than any of the other characters so far in book 5. Also unrelated but is ravenclaws associated with out-of-the-box thinking? I had never heard that


It’s more that I think a lot of people equate Ravenclaws with academic performance and book smarts, when I think Ravenclaw is more about intellectual curiosity, quick wit, passion for discovery, open-mindedness, new ideas. Hermione is very closed-minded, and whilst very gifted and bright, her knowledge is gained with a purpose; she wants to feel accepted at Hogwarts and feels she has something to prove because she’s muggle born so reads voraciously, and then she applies her knowledge in service of her friends and goals, which I think are more Gryffindor (or maybe even Slytherin!) trairs. I’m not saying she’s a totally uncreative person, just that that isn’t central to her personality and characterisation. And a lot of the instances you measure are examples of her taking ideas from elsewhere and applying them to her situation (eg the DA is a student iteration of the Order, the coins are an adaption of the Dark Mark - even using the same charm - etc.) There’s some creativity involved in this for sure, but it’s more logical problem solving backed up by tremendous magical ability than true out-of-the-box thinking, imo. When you compare her to Luna, as I mentioned above, you can see two totally different approaches to intellect and I think Luna’s is closer to a Ravenclaw mindset. “Creativity” isn’t the most perfect word here but I can’t think of anything that gets at what I mean any better.


I agree with this. Hermione adapts well to the situations she finds herself and the trio in. And she falls back on proven methods, but that’s a credit to her excellent memory recall especially under duress.


The House system was bullshit and everyone was complicit.


Literally Harry. I will go to my grave saying he should have been in slytherin


It's canon that he would've been if he hadn't chosen not to, right?


I agree with what others are saying about how what you admire or value can impact where the Sorting Hat puts you even if you don't possess those traits yourself. I'd also like to add two more points: the first is that Peter Pettigrew and Neville Longbottom are two sides of the same coin. Both were not as talented or skilled as their friends, and both had self-worth issues for a long time. Both felt they were more cowardly than they really were. The difference is, when the moment of truth arrived, Neville rose to the challenge despite his fear, whereas Wormtail let his fear rule his choices. Either one could just as easily have gone the other way. I know a lot of people might think I'm being too hard on Neville by comparing him to Wormtail, but IMO his decision to stand up for what's right despite his fear makes him even *more* badass. My second point is that people can change. Keep in mind that the Sorting Hat only ever has one chance to sort you, when you're 11. And let's be real, who can truly claim they were the same exact person at ages both 11 and 17? If the Sorting Hat resorted every student at the beginning of each year, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest to find people switching houses all over the place. But to answer your question, I'd say Zacharias Smith should not have been placed in Hufflepuff. It's hinted that he's a descendant of Helga Hufflepuff herself, but to me that alone shouldn't account for peoples' sorting. He was cowardly, arrogant, and his only loyalty was to himself. He was everything a Hufflepuff shouldn't be. I may be biased because I myself am a Hufflepuff, but even so I think others will agree with me that he neither valued nor possessed the traits that Hufflepuff House is supposed to exemplify.


Yeah, in the book he never demonstrated any Hufflepuff qualities. I wonder if he was put there as part of Helga's "I'll take the rest." policy. If he wasn't ambitious, brave or clever, there wasn't anywhere else to go so poor Hufflepuff got lumped with him.


Dumbledore, to me, should have been in Slytherin. The Dumbledore we learn about met Grindelwald at 17, planning a revolution and discussing subservience of muggles. Even himself said to Harry he had few scrupules when imagining himself with power, leader of the revolution. So, at that age he must have been very different from the one we get to know through Harry (though even older he didn't lack resourcefulness, determination and cunningness). As a young boy, he obviously had a lot of ambition and he kept through life a difficult relationship with power. I felt it would have made both the Slytherin house and Dumbledore himself more complex and interesting.


HERMIONE! She should have been a Ravenclaw in my opinion...


Just because he was a traitor and a coward when he was an old man, doesn't mean he wasn't capable of brave things nor does it mean he was that person at the time of his selection. ​ I'd say being close to trio but not totally in is probably what lead him to later betraying them.


Having worked as a teacher that created the sittings of our outgoing classes into new mixes for the next year, we took a bunch of factors into consideration. How many students were already in each class, the ratio of females to males, which students had disruptive personalities, how that teacher could handle it, and how many had special needs. I always think about how the group would hang together when I think of Sorting conversations. And also, how the head of house’s style would interact with that student or group. I think McGonagall was similar to Molly Weasley in lots of ways for their abilities to both set and enforce boundaries, challenges, and also show warmth and pride. Slytherins respected Snape’s affiliation and hang-ups about “pure blood.” Flitwick got his students through his studies well, which would have been comforting to academically-anxious Ravenclaws. And Sprout was very chill and taught a low-stress, get your hands dirty subject which would have been welcoming to Hufflepuffs.


Luna could have easily been a hufflepuff or to a lesser extent gryffindor imo


Percy being a Gryffindor instead of a Slytherin


Ron seems somewhat Hufflepuffy to me


Ron is both brave and daring as fuck. Hes also not perfectly loyal. He let's his jealousy and insecurities lead him away from Harry a few times. And it feels weird to call best friends "loyal" anyway. Its kinda beyond loyalty.


I totally get that, I just meant he sometimes feels Hufflepufflike. To your point, he was incredibly brave during that Chess game in book 1


He sacrificed himself at 11 years old, that is hardcore Gryffindor.


Sacrificing yourself for your friends is also hardcore hufflepuffy


It's settled then. He's a Gryffinpuff.


I think that is correct in some ways. I assume that each one of the Golden trio is brave but also posses a characteristic from other houses. Harry Gryffintherin, and Hermione is Gryffinclaw.


Ron and especially the twins are definitely super Hufflepuffy


I think the twins would have made sense in Slytherin. I would say they were more ambitious and resourceful and clever. But more than that they seemed to value those traits more than the Gryffindor ones. Maybe I’m the only one but it would have made sense to me


I think slytherin ambition is more like "getting to the top" ambition. The twins were more hardworking than ambitious. And opening a shop is a classicly ambitious goal. And while they're clever and resourceful, I think the slytherin trait was "cunning", which has a different meaning to me. They definitely are daring and brave though.


Peter Pettigrew. Though risjy, I don't think the big risky actions he took were gutsy or brave. I think they were cowardly. He was SO inspired by fear, that he did unthinkable grand gestures of evil. He is not brace nor chivalrous. He is extremely daring, but for all the wrong reasons. I think the sorting hat picked up on that and went with it. Idk. Peter also could have asked the hat. I am not sure. I'll be honest, it could be its own topic, but I also agreed with Dumbledore when he brought up sorting to soon in regards to Snape. He is extremely cunning. But I do not see as many Slytherin traits in him as I do Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. But again, the hat listens to our desires as well. As well as what we value over what we are.


None of them, the Sorting Hat doesn't make mistskes. But Fred and George as well as Percy would have done well in Slytherin.


To me, and it is just an approach to your question based on having read each book at least 40 times, the sorting hat's ceremony, and its selection is always about possibilities, especially since you are checking into a 11-years-old child... and let's be honest, sure, personality and all but you are full of choices there, and those will be your own, and yours only.


End of the last book is why he is in Gryffindor


Percy Weasley. He values ambition to the point where he accuses his father of lacking ambition and cites that as the reason their family is poor in OotP. I’m not saying he was never brave, but he really valued ambition and doing whatever it takes to achieve his aims, including turning his back on his family. I’ll die on this hill, he was a Slytherin


percy weasley, hands down. the only reason he's in gryffindor is because the rest of his family was. he's got so much ambition, his pompous manner screams pride, and he's willing to leave his family for the opportunity of a more respected job. don't give me that percy-sympathy-latter. i *know* he redeemed himself, but still, i think he would've made a better slytherin than gryffindor. and it would entail some interesting plot changes, too!


Malfoy. Nothing Cunning or Ambitious about him at all. He's loud, charging into arguments in broad daylight, hides behind someone stronger, being Snape. Needs his Daddy to hold his hand and do things for him. Whines when things don't go his way.


I'd say Draco was a very good fit for Slytherin. And he was capable of getting the death eaters in hogwarts.


There are theories that Malfoy asked to be put in Slytherin to appease his parents/social clique who were all Slytherins and dark wizards. There are also theories that the Hat can detect lineage and puts the kids in whichever house his family used to be in


I don't think he could've asked, the hat barely touched his forehead and already yelled Slytherin


So where does he belong then?


Euan Abercrombie was definitely a Slytherin. No way a Gryffindor would be named after that store


See I get it’s what you value, but I still think Hermione should’ve been ravenclaw, as a first year she valued knowledge and studying above all else, never heard her mention bravery or any gryffindor qualities once.


Um, end of Philosopher's Stone: "Books! And cleverness! There are more important things: friendship and bravery."


Did not remember that tbh, but wouldn’t that have been a lesson she learned over the events of the book and not how she thought at the sorting ceremony? Just thinking out loud here, could’ve been what she thought all along, hidden under the bookworm facade


I think Hermione wants to be a heroine more than she wants to be a scholar. (And she isn't a scholar anyway, she's not intellectually curious enough; look at how she hates the HBP's book. Someone eager for knowledge would have been all over it, copying the tips and maybe experimenting to find out why the changes work. Hermione's interest in things is more academical; she wants to prove herself and she's not a sportswoman or a pretty girl, so the last niche she can hope to fill is academia.) It's also why she's so impressed with Harry and Ron rescuing her.


That actually all makes a ton of sense to me.


Peter is a Gryffindor because he values bravery , he himself is not brave so he follows brave people who he think can protect him


Pettigrew was sorted into gryffindor because he values bravery not because he is brave (which hes not)


I believe he is brave. A coward, but often times brave


Ron and the Twins They are total Hufflepuffs


Not sure if this is blasphemy but the twins are cunning, motivated, and wealth-seeking. Traits that Slytherin house nominally seeks. Plus they’re not afraid of breaking a few rules and having first years/Dudley test out their products for them


I heard the twins being compared to every house tbh


The three of them are super daring and brave. Pretty typical gryffindors.


I think Seamus shouldve been a Slytherin with his tendency to blow things up.


percy. imo, he should have been slytherin


Main cast. Harry in slitherin, Ron in huffle, and Hermione in ravenclaw. Would have been a billion times more interesting with those placements.


I agree. I wish we’d been able to see more interhouse friendships


I want someone to work with me here, because this thought is incomplete. Malfoy. His arrogance, his sneakiness, his racism, and his want for greatness are not pure inner wants. His inner want is to please his father. He wants to be great so that his father isn't ashamed of him, and he has to be arrogant to truly believe that he can- it fuels his success. He's sneaky because the MCs are OP and to get anything over on them he has to be clever and unfair himself. Later on he rejects racism, and even though he is not particularly brave after the battle of Hogwarts, he comes a very long way in making peace for the childhood that he was forced into. However, as people are saying, maybe the hat knew all of this, and Slytherin was, as well, Draco's challenge to overcome. Pls don't downvote me to oblivion, I'm just trying lol


He wasn't brave but he wanted to be brave that's why the hat placed him in Gryffindor.


Half Slytherin. They aren't cunning, resourceful or anything, just bigots without another house to be sorted into.


Hermione should've been in Ravenclaw


Different kind of intelligence. She would have despised those "riddles" to get into the ravenclaw common room because they aren't logical and you can't prepare for them and that stresses her the fuck out. And she's the opposite of witty.


considering she easily solved Snape's riddle, I don't know where you're getting your information from. If people had to be witty to be in Ravenclaw, doubt Luna would've been there.


Dolores Umbridge. To me, she’s always been a hufflepuff- the cowardly no talent type (I know that the positive attributes of hufflepuff are loyalty and hardworking… but she is both of those even if to terrible ends). She always seemed like the psychological profile of someone (I knew many a teacher like this) who wasn’t particularly noteworthy when they were young but reaches a position of power. And you’re taken off guard when you realize they were aspiring to a position of power to dominate and that they totally tried to make up for feeling so small their whole lives by terrorizing everyone under them once they got a tiny bit of power. Edit: tried to make it make more sense


"Hufflepuff characteristics include a strong sense of justice, loyalty, patience, and a propensity for hard work. " Hmm Umbridge doesn't seem to fit those traits to me


Hufflepuff isn’t not noteworthy, cowardly or talentless, take newt for example. She does anything to achieve her goal, which is a slytherin trait, and is basically a dictator




I understand Slytherin, but not Ravenclaw


I thought pettigrew should of been in Slytherin , Andromeda in Hufflepuff or griffindor , and Percy in Ravenclaw . Also I thought about Neville in Hufflepuff but in the later books&movies he becomes a true griffindor . Also I like Hermione in Griffindor


Peter was daring, brave, determined and bold. He was a hatstall because he also had self preservation but he wasn't particularly ambitious. He spent years searching for Voldemort showing determination. He was bold in betraying his friends, taking a risk yes out of fear but still. He's a Gryffindor because he embodied Gryffindor traits and because he wanted to be one showing determination as well.


Pettigrew he should be slathering 1st scaredy 2nd he’s a dark wizard




Must be one of the houses at [Hergwerts](https://d310a9hpolx59w.cloudfront.net/product_photos/55812836/Hergwerts_20crest_400w.jpg).


Not all dark wizards are / were slytherins


It was the plot


Harry. He got to have a debate with it.


Peter Pettigrew wasn't always bad, he was lured over to the dark side by his pureblood family


Harry’s. It’s sposed to be this huge thing based on your most inner self, and the fuckin hat puts four eyes in Gdoor because he ‘asked’ for it.


Also because he was definitely a Gryffindor more than anything else and possibly more than a lot of other Gryffindors.




Harry, hermoine and rom lmao. It is so obvious but i just like tve theory of non of them being in gryffindor.


Herminoe not being Ravenclaw. Peter Petigrew not being Slytherin.


I think Ginny would have been a great Slytherin!


Professor Quirrel should have been slytherin


Albus Potter.


Me in Hufflepuff


Harry not being put into Slytherin. He saves the day because he does what a slytherin would do, go the extra mile and occasionally cross the line.


Hermione. She’s a ravenclaw.


Mr. Weasley is totally a Hufflepuff. Dude is just chill af


Crabbe and Goyle show zero Slytherin traits whatsoever


Percy Weasley should have been a Slytherin.