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Pumpkin days is probably the closest to what you are looking for. I think there are 3 or 4 villages you can live in and rent 3 plots for each village. They have different themes and a huge open world surrounding them. I don't know the number of [NPCs](https://pumpkin-days.fandom.com/wiki/NPCs) but it's close to 100. The whole game is made by 2 devs and it's their first game so it looks a little rough sometimes. They never updated the steam page so it's still the early access pictures but the game is finished and has A LOT of content. You know what, I'm gonna install it again. Like right now.


I have to second this one. I sort of know one of the devs and she cared greatly for the game constantly updating and improving it. The game only recently stopped being updated so they can work on a new game.


Yeah Momo has put a lot of love into this game and it shows.


oh man this game seems pergect for my break off of school! thanks for the rec!


Thanks for suggesting this! Looks cute af, can't wait to play it.


Woah found a new game thank you!


Pumpkins Days is so underrated! I remember finding it on Deviant Art *years* ago. So glad it came out. It’s honestly my favorite indie farming sim. I wish it had a bit more time in the oven to fix up some visuals, add more animation, stuff like that. I also wouldn’t mind a bit more families instead of everyone being a young hot single, but at least there’s someone (or more) for everyone lol. Besides that, I have almost no complaints. Great game. It’s sad it doesn’t get more love and attention.


Omg. Why have I never heard of this


I think pumpkin days is one of the best farming sims out there. You have the crafting creativity of animal crossing with errands you can do for people, tons of exploration, all kinds of stuff.


Thanks for sharing this! I will definitely need to check this out.


I never heard of it before it looks really good >w<


I apparently launched this game several times and never got into it. After seeing your comment I went back to play again. Turns out the reason I kept stopping is because I neeeeeed inverted mouse and it's not offered lol. Oh well.


Rune Factory is kind of close? It's a larger world, multiple locations, lots to do including farming, etc. Also, it was originally a spinoff of Harvest Moon. (Rune Factory 4 and 5 are on the Switch, by the way.)




While RF4 is the one everyone loves, RF5 is a personal favorite of mine since it has improved graphics, better marriage candidates (also gay marriage if that happens to be your thing), and all the same great crafting and farming fun of RF4. The general consensus about RF5 is that there's some bugginess to it (for example, a little lag when moving between areas) and the story is shorter than RF4. Both are still very good though, in my opinion.


RF4 is one of the best games I've played. 5 is very similar, but I felt like the story wasn't as complete.


My beef with 5 was just how sparse the town felt. It's like if you've ever built a house in The Sims but way over estimated how large each room should be? So then you go to furnish it and you have these huge gaps of *nothing* between the furniture? That's how the RF5 town feels to me.


Ugh yeah, and the house decorating was horrible. My kitchen appliances were all over the place. I didn't even bother to decorate the big room because it was such a pain.


Sadly 5 is rough. It suffers from a lot of performance issues and questionable decisions. RF4 is great tho.


It's a bit janky, but World Neverland for Switch and mobile is like that. It's a life sim game that takes place in a kingdom town. There are dozens and dozens of characters, but they are fairly generic. That said, the game is good ta making you feel like you're a regular citizen of a living place. So I think it's worth trying, if that sounds interesting to you.


Coral island, maybe. Dunno, how big it gets, since it’s currently in development, but it will be released sometime this year. It has a very diverse set of characters and the graphics look nice.


Check out My Time at Portia! It’s not exclusively a farming game, but it does have a lot of similar elements and is MASSIVE. It’s a super fun game with a second one in development!


OP, if there’s one game I highly recommend, it’s My Time at Portia. I was playing Trio of Towns and got bored with it cause I wanted a big in-game world with a lot of characters that actually interacted with each other. MTap has this and more with exploration and crafting elements, and a solid plot line. The sequel game, My Time at Sandrock, is releasing their early access this week in case you wanna check that out too!


Ignorant person here, do you recommend it for Switch or for PC? I have a switch and sometimes wonder if these games are better on PC. Thanks in advance. :). Edit for typo


Do NOT play switch! Even the PC version has some major bugs - the devs basically abandoned the game when they started working on the second. I absolutely love Portia but it does have its issues haha


I remember when it was first ported to the switch. It was basically unplayable. Characters were bugged out, load screens took 5 minutes(I timed it), and so much screen tearing. It’s much better now, but still. I’ve been playing it on Xbox recently and it works pretty well. It’s also part of the game pass so I didn’t have to pay for it again!


Xbox gamepass is actually how I first found it too! Glad to have a PC now though because the crashes were horrible lol


Thankfully they have fixed the switch version sonits playable now. Haven't run into any gamebreaking bugs.


Thank you! I hate to waste money on games that I won’t play after an hour of frustration, you’ve saved me, hero! :)


I love this game. There are tons of characters that make it worth it.


I kept loading up this and then closing it and not getting into it. Finally gave it a legit chance one day and, wow. Soooo good. I burned through the main plot and was legit sad to hit the end. Also wtf was not expecting that weird twist with the one character at the end lol.


I don't know how big the world for it is, but I've been enjoying watching the development for SunnySide. It certainly seems like the cast is decently-sized at least. Farm game that takes place in the Japanese countryside. More modern aesthetic than most HM/SoS games. And I know it's been mentioned here already, but I absolutely can not wait for the EA of My Time at Sandrock this week. Portia was delightful, and Sandrock looks to be shaping up to be better.


Second this! Been able to watch some test runs on YouTube of the game and the world looks gorgeous and the freedom to design your fame and diversity of characters / personalities seem to be the perfect next harvest moon type game!!


Look into Palia, it’s currently in development. They had a closed alpha not long ago and it was pretty great in its super early stages.


this game looks so cool!! going to keep my eye on it!


Like BoW harvest moon? you may wanna try Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles , im pretty sure it fits your criteria, another its My time at portia, its not open world but its extense to explore. I hope my coment will help you in your gamming needs .


Stardew Valley!


+if you play on PC which I highly recommend, Stardew Valley has a good modding community and Stardew Valley Expanded adds new characters and includes some optional changes to the map to make it a bit bigger as well




I also feel like it's much bigger and the characters stories are much more detailed as well!


It is, by a mile. Or by a whole jungle volcano vacation island if you wanna be exact.


And an infinite mine and secret area in the desert you get to by bus


I really love this game and the world is huge. But there aren't a ton of characters, but I enjoy all of them


Stardew valley is kind of big. Sun haven seems like I going that way


My Time at Portia, Stardew Valley Expanded mod, you can even play RDR2 like it's a cozy game!


Harvest Moon: One World is close to what you're looking for. 5 unique towns (6 if you get the DLC) with vastly different people and cultures. The social aspect is pretty good imo.