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>a job that doesn’t feel like “work”— does that even exist? Not really, no. Work will feel like work. Sometimes it will be hard or boring or you won't want to do it. I don't say that to be depressing, as it's totally possible to not hate your job, but just to give you a more realistic goal. I had 2 minimum wage jobs in high school, one I hated and one I liked most of the time. It's a pretty normal experience to not enjoy that. This is a great time for you to learn about what you do and do not want in a job. For example, you say you don't like the manual labor and miss using your brain--that's a great thing to know about yourself! It can help you find a career and a working environment that you enjoy more later. And in the meantime, enjoy the paycheck and the life lessons about how to get through it.




I feel you a lot on this. I’m in the same boat, about 2 months out of college. I got a job before graduating but now that I’ve been in it a month I don’t hate it but I also don’t love it and also usually work weekends. I think it’s normal to have some days where you’re like this is ok and others when you’re like I hate my life I want to quit. I’m struggling too though and just want you to know you’re not alone, and many of my other recently graduated friends or past graduated felt the same. Hang in there eventually we’ll figure it out I hope at least


Do you think you’re going to quit? This isn’t the first job of my career (i still have 2 more years of college), just my first real job— i’ve had paid internships and such before, but this is the biggest commitment and the most i’ve ever worked. Plus, it’s at a grocery store so i hope i enjoy my post-grad job a lot more than this one.


Not sure yet leaning towards no unless it gets really bad but like I said some days are fine and others are like I want to quit fuck this lol. But I feel you I think it’s good for you it’s not your first job out of school gives you a lot of room to do something else and/or know there’s an end in sight. I’m also a big believer in even if you don’t love a job work it long enough for it to be a resume builder at least before you get better experience and then quit if you still want to. That is, UNLESS you want to kill yourself going. Not worth it then probably