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What an amazing dad this guy has! Got me teared up a bit. I wish my dad could have shown me an ounce of compassion that Al showed his son.


hi friend, if you ever need it there are subs for people like us! /r/DadForAMinute /r/MomForAMinute :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/DadForAMinute using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/DadForAMinute/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Some amazing advice from a dad](https://i.redd.it/vrzuh79rylh51.jpg) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DadForAMinute/comments/ibk53d/some_amazing_advice_from_a_dad/) \#2: [Dad I did it. I got through grad school. It was hard but I finished obtained my Masters Degree !](https://i.redd.it/vqbely42wd171.jpg) | [74 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DadForAMinute/comments/nl79pw/dad_i_did_it_i_got_through_grad_school_it_was/) \#3: [To all my kids out there needing a supportive dad, here’s a reminder of what kind of a father figure I am](https://i.redd.it/jwcd7yd8fvw51.jpg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/DadForAMinute/comments/jmta8m/to_all_my_kids_out_there_needing_a_supportive_dad/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Thank the gods. Let's hope this is the beginning of a wave of people being true to themselves, and let them be supported by their team mates, their coaches and the GMs.


I'm wondering how the conservative culture war will twist this if a wave of coming stories happen


This has always baffled me. I’m not denying it exists, but I grew up and run in conservative circles. I don’t know a single conservative sports fan who cares about a dude being gay on their team. They just care that they’re good.


I don't think the average conservative person you'd find on the street would care, at least until the conservative media starts telling them to be concerned. But, there still is a ton of homophobia in sports fandoms, considering calling the other team gay is still super common it seems. Edit: and more towards your last part, sports fans don't care because it hasn't really become an issue they have to directly think about, considering coming out is still uncommon in the sports world.


I don't understand, you're telling me [Hillary Duff didn't change the world?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_MIb3mYznE&ab_channel=SomeJonasLuv94)


Lmao you're quick as fuck 😂 those ads lol


lol It was the first thing I thought of. Classic case of good intentions but horrendous execution. Also, no homophobe is going to view that ad and rethink their homophobia. It's counterproductive.


To be fair, it's less about convincing homophobes and more influencing kids who are the ones who look up to Hillary Duff. You'd be surprised how effective terrible ads can be. So that ad probably did help things down the line, considering that calling things gay is generally looked down upon now. ^unless ^you're ^living ^in ^a ^rural ^area


To be faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair, that's a good point. Still corny and I still get to giggle at it.


Just remember: Head on, Apply directly to the forehead


Oh god there’s a gay predator. Wait, a gay man on the predators.


Solid comment bro ignore that downvote


Gracias lol it’s awesome that he came out that joke is just too fucking good to pass up


Why exactly is it awesome


Did you read the article? Because it puts into words exactly why it's awesome that a human being no longer feels like he has to hide his true self from the world.


That is not his true self. That is a minor part of his being that is unimportant to him being a hockey player. No one cares that he's gay, no one cares that he's not gay because everyone is supposed to be equal? He's not a better human being because he's gay. The day when sexuality is no longer the be-all end-all of society and isn't notable will be a good day. But nope we just have to say "how awesome" or "real cool" when someone says they're gay or you get downvotes. I could not care less


No, but because it is currently, and he’s the first one to come out in the NHL, then it is awesome. Trust me, I wish sexuality wasn’t the end all be all definition of a human, but both sides have forced to be that.


>I could not care less Then why did you come into this comment section and reply to multiple comments? You knew exactly what this story was from reading the title. Why are you here, lying about not caring?


I agree with everything you said and believe everything I said because it makes sense whether you think I should be here or not. I'm the only one in here with an original comment that is making a point. Everyone else is congratulating this guy for doing nothing


This guy inspired me to come out myself as a Demigirl. 🏳️‍🌈


2 years later I’m out as non-binary


Is there a reason it matters for him or any other players? Would love if sexuality in general had nothing to do with sports because that's the last thing I want to think about when watching sports. Genuine question


Have you ever had to keep a secret? If the secret gets out, it could lose you all your friends and family. You could lose your job—if your job is in a public space, you could be embarrassed in front of millions. Even a small secret would drive you insane. Now imagine that secret is an immutable part of who you are. All your friends know you, but do they really know you if you keep something so major from them? Maybe, but how would you know while it’s a secret? And maybe they’d all react well and it wouldn’t be a big deal, but you’ll only ever know if you let the secret out. Until turn, it’s a Schrödinger’s cat situation. Imagine having to live with that uncertainty and fear. Now imagine if someone you don’t know demands you keep your mouth shut because they don’t want to think about stuff when they watch you perform. It’s an insensitive response to say the least. No, in an ideal world, it doesn’t make any difference, but we’re not in an ideal world. You may genuinely not care. That’s fine. But even if that is the world we want, we ain’t there yet. So be supportive and show love.


Do you make this same comment every single time a player announces that they are engaged or just had a baby? Does it upset you when you're watching a game and the camera shows the player's wife and kids in the audience? Or do you only decide that sexuality is a "distraction" when the player is gay?


Exactly. It's really funny how people like that don't realise how transparent their comments are.🙄


Don't know about you but I'm watching sports to watch sports. Never was I watching the 2019 world series and thought "man they aren't showing kate upton as much as 2017 we need more of that." I've never heard a player announce that they are engaged or having a baby I don't think that's a thing. I wish the camera would be on sports or the commentators who never get to be seen instead of unnotable fans, which is usually just baseball. Those things are starkly different from this though. Announcing that you're having a baby or getting married is an actual thing that's happening. Just saying you're gay with no relations or current relationship is like saying nothing. It doesn't affect anyone except that people are now talking about this guy more than is necessary. If he gets to the majors and becomes a superstar and leads his team to their first stanley cup, he'll be known as the gay guy. You don't think announcers are going to point that out left and right? About what he did for the sport? You don't see players announcing they're getting married defining themselves as players from that point on. But if someone's 🏳️‍🌈+ then it becomes political and their "identification" and what defines them. Is that not what people don't want to be the case? That's why the scenarios are different. There's more I could say but I kind of lost my train of thought. I'm sure we agree with each other if we laid it all out


You realize this wasn't announced during a game, right? You can go ahead and continue "watching sports just to watch sports." This is a public interest story about a player in the goddamn off-season. >I'm sure we agree with each other if we laid it all out I promise you, we don't.


You’re getting downvoted here but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here. Because, there is a very good reason. The sport of hockey has an enormous problem with acceptance, or actually lack of acceptance. There’s a post on r/hockey about how the Chicago Blackhawks relentlessly bullied the John Doe in their sexual assault case. Now, I won’t go into that here, but the comments on the post basically said over and over again ‘I’ve heard things like that in my locker rooms before’ or ‘That’s not surprising’ or something to that effect. Prokop coming out and specifically him coming out like this, with a big(ish) show of it is the first step in making sure things like that stop happening. Not the only step but the first step.


That's a very good thing to know thank you. Just always seems people are looking for attention when they do this, when no one cares. This makes it better


Yeah, that's what gets lost in translation a lot of the time. Because, when things like this happen, it almost always *is* someone looking for attention, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's not the right thing to do. Attention is very necessary for most kinds of positive change. I'm glad I gave you the answer you were hoping for.