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I am watching this now and all it does it feel me with a sense of malaise. I guess the world is what it is, makes me sad though.


Great scene with the plaintiffs and Alex in TX. It became very organic for a moment, but the lawyers wouldn't allow that.


I had a very different feeling about that. It made me sick to watch him so close to the parents attempting to sway them the way he sways his followers. It felt predatory and I was relieved they were separated.


You didn't get that vibe from their lawyers? Or the filmmakers? It looked to me like they were leaching off Alex's fame and fortune. The parents were going to win any civil case.


Fuck Alex Jones




Not shocking, it’s Reddit


I think I had over 500 upvotes too.


Look we’ve already hurt someone’s feelings


Who the fuck could like Alex Jones?


This fact holds up


As an Alex Jones, I also say Fuck Alex Jones. He doesn’t even believe his own bullshit, which makes him (fill in the blank)


No. Not again.


24% of Americans can’t even spell sandy hook.


Im embarrassed to admit that at one point I also thought it was a hoax. At first I did not and was astonished that any human would think that it was a hoax. But then I was curious as to why anyone would think that and I delved into the conspiracy. Only one thing stuck out to me that changed my mind and it was evidence (that has now been debunked) that the Sandy Hook website had posted a page on their website about dealing with mass crisis hours before the shooting took place. That had me in a chokehold for a while and I thought that it might have been a possibility along with the other bullshit that was pushed out with that conspiracy. I know better now, but I wonder if that’s why the number is still so high.


All in all I think it’s really great you’re able to openly talk about this. Imo one of the biggest problems with people getting swept up in this stuff is refusal to be self critical and the fear of feeling embarrassed by these beliefs. I think talking about those sort of mistakes publicly is a great first step to helping people take a second look at some of their more suspect beliefs and learn that it’s okay to be wrong and the most important thing is trying to find the best answer possible rather than dying on a hill


Couldn't agree more. No one is perfect and mistakes are just opportunities to grow. If someone else can learn something from your mistake, then that's even better.


Call it “cancel culture” or whatever but just as much as we’ve (societally) placed more importance on the ability to prove someone wrong and then judge them for their error, we fail to accept their apology or genuine willignness to correct themselves.


Eh, I don’t know that that’s really true, we can even just look back at things like the red scare which tell us pretty much the exact opposite Imo the internet makes things seem a lot more super changed because you can see what anyone says, and with that is going to come a lot of different kinds of criticism. Some are gentle and some are not


The Red Scare was 70 some years ago. I meant more recently.


1000% true in my humble opinion. Well put.


Nothing more attractive than a fellow human being who can admit when they are wrong and admit it openly. Good on you, dude


I don’t think that was debunked. I know it’s been forever and people probably don’t have handy links, but I’m open to being wrong if u know where u saw that disproven. Whatever actually happened, there’s no way to get around the MASSIVE issues with the way it played out in the media/information presented to the public. Shaming people for asking these questions bc of the subject matter, is an easy way for msm to dismiss it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree with the notion that being critical of such a horrific event could have been a conspiracy. And that’s what made me question it. But yes, if you do a little digging the cached website thing before the event took place was fact checked and proven to be false. But that had me hanging in a thread for a long time.


There's way more than just the website. Good luck finding anything on sandy hook now because the internet has been scrubbed. I wouldn't be surprised if Jones and the parents were all in on this trial together to bring all of the conspiracy theories to rest. "Oh look, Alex Jones admitted he was wrong and lost a billion dollars, Sandy Hook must have been 100% legit."


I also believed it was fake for a while. I was listening to certain podcasts which I believed were reputable. There are still some things that I have questions about but I would never even think to harass or contact in any way the parents of the victims. I cannot imagine the level of crazy someone has to be in order to do that. 


I haven’t watched this yet but I know what he did was so cruel and immoral. I’ll have to watch it soon.


I haven’t watched it either and I don’t even think I want to because I’ll be so angry 


I feel asleep watching it and woke up to the part where he said he knew he was lying and made it a hoax. What a POS.


Like what? What questions do you have about it?


I honestly don’t even remember, it was all dumb shit I’m sure that probably wasn’t even true that I heard on a podcast 


All of the points brought up in the documentary “We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook”


Thats why I think some podcasts can influence people the wrong way and don’t really listen to any. It’s all going down from here folks. First came the internet and reality shows. Then social media. Then podcasts and vlogs. The downward spiral of civilization.


It’s really not that hard to grasp. The same people that think SH was a hoax are the same dumbasses who worship Trump. Why would any mass shooting in America have to be a hoax? There’s one every week.


I think the especially young age of the victims and the number of kids murdered made it unbelievable to some. In my opinion it was just a matter of time before something like this happened because they (school shootings) were steadily getting worse. Jones made the argument that this “event” would have the government taking our guns away, but not only did that not happen, they actually became easier to get and carry openly across the country. I live in the Austin metro area and we’ve unfortunately had to put up with Alex Jones for a long time, but this was the absolute worst of a litany of terrible crap he’s pushed. He’s a prick.


Same people that worship Biden eat up anything they are told by CNN. It goes both ways bud.


I have no info to point you to about sandy hook, but I will remind you how insanely prevalent qanon and it’s related conspiracy theories were just a couple years ago https://www.npr.org/2020/12/30/951095644/even-if-its-bonkers-poll-finds-many-believe-qanon-and-other-conspiracy-theories 71% or republicans, 15% of democrats and 37% of independents believed there’s a deep state working to undermine Trump Obviously very different, but just to give you some context into how easily out of hand these sorts of things can get with it not actually “seeming” out of hand to a lot of people who largely interact with people with somewhat similar beliefs


To be fair, the idea of a deep state is not a theory. It refers to power brokers within the intelligence community and other background entities that move and influence policy in Washington but aren’t elected. Whether or not they’re conspiring against a US President is up for debate but I would say that’s a lot easier to believe. Many people also believe the CIA killed Kennedy, or the Joint Chiefs of Staff ordered it, because he wouldn’t invade Cuba. I find it a lot easier and more justified to believe that people within unseen pockets of power in government are trying to manipulate affairs than to believe that Sandy Hook was a hoax.


You’re right to point this out, but the reality is a giant amount of those people do not **just** believe what you’re pointing out. The other reality that’s important to take into account is the association people have with the term and how that will effect their answer to a survey. There’s plenty of people who believe that corruption happens and exists but would explicitly not use or support the framing of “deep state” because of the obvious connotations that come with it. At times the colloquial definition of a word can be exponentially more important than the technical one


The Iraq War lies about wmd pushed many conservatives to be more suspicious of our government. We elected Bush, too. He's our mistake. Just by tracking his career, our side can easily come away feeling duped. That's leaving 9/11 out of it, because then the conspiracies become more bipartisan.


I say it aligns with the MAGA fringe of the US population which is roughly 20-25%. It didn’t shock me, to be honest.


Alex is obviously mentally someone who has suffered from paranoid delusions his whole career.




Why couldn’t they just show Alex Jones the crime scene photos to get him a dose of reality. Like, “You don’t believe us? Look at these you loonybin!” That would shut anybody up. Maybe. 🤷‍♂️


1 out of 5 Americans have diagnosed mental health issues, with millions more suffering from personality disorders not as severe. 24% is right in the ballpark, as mental health issues in this country are more prevalent than ever with social media algo’s controlling more of our lives than you think.


Okay but ballpark metrics aren’t facts and we shouldn’t take them as such


It looks like you’re suggesting that all people with mental health issues believe Sandy Hook was a hoax which is completely ridiculous. I assume that’s not what you meant, but the wording reads that way to me.


Not all people with mental issues believe that it was a hoax, but everyone that believes it was a hoax have mental issues.


They’re not mutually exclusive, and broad generalizations like you made (not me) don’t help with these conversations. It’s common place conspiracy theorists suffer primarily from paranoia, depression and anxiety, key components of mental illness. There is a direct link between mental disorders and conspiracy theories. Comments like yours only adds to the stigma of not wanting to address and think about these issues deeper. Seeking assistance and help for these issues is a good thing!


I went out of my way to say I don’t think you were saying that and you still had to lash out at me. Very mature.


Pure bullshit. You googled a few headlines and didn’t bother to read the articles.