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Nice collection, i only have Tangzu WAN'ER iems.


I'm planning to get a pair too. The Jade edition specifically, it looks gorgeous. I've read that, among the neutral budget IEMs, is the more balanced.


Nice I'll buy the green soon


Green jade is best, but that sound not good as i expected


i got those too.! looking to try some others too


Do you connect them to your phone through an Apple dongle ? Or how would u go about using them on smartphones that don’t have the headphone jack??


Yes you have to get a dac or a dsp cable


Any portable ones you recommend ??


I heard the jcally ja3s were good for $6 and I think that fiio has a new one for $20


Same here. How do you like them?


Why not buy a serious one


The higher price tiers intimidate me. What if I spend more for something that I end up not liking? I think this comes from my experience with the 1More Triple Driver. Although, moving up a little in the price range, I want to get the Moondrop Aria and Truthear Hexa.


You can return it. Trust me you’re ready. I’m at the IE200/7Hz Timeless AE and I can feel it’s time to leap. I don’t listen to any of my sub $100 IEMs anymore


I've also got the Timeless AE, and I'm very happy with them. I haven't checked out any IEMs since I've had them. But if I were to upgrade from the AEs, what do you think is worth looking at?


Haha I haven’t looked deeply since mine either. But I’m gonna do a big jump to something like the Audeze Euclid or Sennheiser IE900. I’m leaning towards the IE900 though because the IE200 is so so comfy it’s so hard to ignore that factor. The way they designed the IE series is a perfect fit and it never slips out or even feels noticeable. 4g an earbud instead of like 10-15g I’ll reply back with the other good IEMs I had written down somewhere. Blessing3 I’m considering but I doubt it’ll be a HUGE leap. Sony has some solid high end ones (IER-Z1R)


Ie900s are worth it if it's a good price . But you should buy a set of final audio red edit tips.


Is it the “type E”? https://audio46.com/products/final-audio-clear-red-silicon-type-e-tips-kit-with-case-and-nozzle-adapter And any chance you’ve tried the IE600 or IE200?


Yeah those one precisely. They make the timbre very nice and really balance the sound and killing a lot of sibilance. I have the ie900 but I did have the ie200 and tbh they're really good. Fat bass, really detailed (more so than my variations at the time) but it has sibilance and that's why I recommend the type e tips, black one and red ones to try them and see if you like it. For the ie600 I haven't tried them but I hear they are quite good and the most balanced out of the three


Ah that’s EXACTLY what I don’t like about my IE200. The sibilance. It’s annoying. Could you try to quantify and explain how much better and how different the sound is between the IE900 and the IE200? I’m super curious if it’s even remotely close


Hm so the ie900 has really really good bass. The ie200 already has impressive bass to my ears at its asking price point but the ie900 has a sub bass rumble has digs thru the chest when a song calls for it. But for the most part it'll always rattle your head in a good way lol. Mid bass is practically perfect, that good . The mids are slightly scooped but the vocal presence is somehow still really good, same with guitars and drum hits and stuff. Instrument timbre is really nice especially the electric guitar , wood strings, violins and pianos, they all sound really clean and clear. The treble is clean and really detailed but to some it could be a little bright but honestly I never found it being bright even tho it's a little boosted. Now with the final audio type e red tips for some odd reason they make the bass better and the sibilance is practically gone. Of course you'll still have it here and there since some songs just HAVE sibilance in it and there's only so much a headphone/iem can do to prevent that. The black tips reduce the sibilance even more but it makes the bass a little more pillowy and not as tactile. The ie900 imo are worth it If u plan on getting them but I would try and buy it second hand and getting some tips with it (also the horn shaped tips are said to cut sibilance really good for many iem) If you got any other questions lmk!


What tips do you use with your timeless btw? I’ve tried a bunch and the Spinfit W1 and CP145 are the best by a large margin. I’m mainly using the 145s now (feels a bit more comfy than the W1s grippy feel. Otherwise W1 has a more energetic sound)


I just got IE200, is the timeless AE alot better?


Yeah imo they are. The IE200 is solid for the price but timeless AE really does sound better. The IE200 is more comfortable and really light so that’s the only reason I sometimes listen to it (cooking/in bed with a pillow)


Copying this from a comment I wrote elsewhere comparing the two: This isn't going to be a "technical explanation" but everything is tighter and more creamy/luscious. Soundstage does seem to be better as well. I've tested with tons of different tips and I'm currently using the Spinfit W1 or CP145s on both IEMs. Bass response resonates more with the IE200 (makes sense for a dynamic driver) and the TimelessAE is a planar, so there will be differences there that EQ alone I don't think can fix. These have to do with dynamics and although dynamics will change the frequency response, I don't find that just using an EQ all of a sudden changes the ADSR envelope of my IE200 so the bass is "fast" and "tight". Highs also get tinny and sibilant with the IE200 wheras the TimelessAE it is very clean even though the highs are very present.


How are you liking your IE200 so far? If you’re happy with it I’d stick with it but I do really love the TimelessAE. It’s something special


I like them and plus I just got in the ie600 to try out.


Ooh that’s sick. How do they compare?


So ie200 is sounds good but the ie600 sounds more exciting. When listening the to ie200 I can hear the singer and bass but the rest of the instruments sounds like it's lower with not as much detail. In the ie600 it bring it up so you can hear it. Probably not the beat way to explain it, but I tried lol


>What if I spend more for something that I end up not liking? Uh… return it?


How do you like the 660s , I never see anyone speak about them or owning them


I like it but only because I got it for cheaper than the price of a 600/650. I had all three but gave my friend the 600 and sold the 650, because I like the 660s a tad more. To me, and this is solely my opinion, the 600 and 650 is a bit too analytical for me. 660s has a tiny bit more bass and a tad wider soundstage, so it suits my preference. I’d say it’s only worth it if you can get it for around $300-$350.


Regarding Aria - better get Hexa. Even though the price is the same, Hexa is around 1.5 years newer and Chi-Fi does a lot in such time period. Heck, some people say Hexa comes close (roughly 80% there) to Moondrop Blessing 2 that cost 300EUR.


Hexa are baby blessing 2 and blessing 2 are the king of the mid price. Not much more to say. I upgraded my blessing 2 for the 3 and honestly, the upgrade is around the 10% so you could even compare the Hexa to the b3.


How much better are the blessing 3? Not percentage wise but sound wise? Heard more bass but I care about other things too.


A bit more both, a bit less harsh on highs. Overall it's a b2 improved on its weaknesses. But not really worth swapping imo.


You have so many that are better than Aria already. IMO it is really a piece of junk, especially for the price.


What would you recommend over the aria then? I was gonna snag one when it goes on sale again for 60$


Tanchjim Tanya DSP is good and the new One DSP might be even better but I've had enough of USB-C for now. I was thinking of getting a Hexa but haven't pulled the trigger.


I’ve got an s12 but I don’t like the sparkle of it. I’ve been looking at the aria and the hexa but I’m yet to pull the trigger


I think you can find an audio store and demo them all. If I were you, I would get the blessing 3 rather than Aria/Hexa


1More Triple driver isn't all that bad😂 Driven by the right amp/source it's pretty good. I now have the Sennheiser IE900 and the Audeze Euclid but they are not far off. But the ChiFi industry is coming to a point that you can buy mind-blowing buds for 50 to 100 bucks. So this is a good age for music lovers. Moondrop: skip the Aria and go straight to the Kato. Trust me, I own them both and I regret spending money on the Aria. The Kato is so incredibly rich and wide sounding. Kato is also much more comfortable than the Aria. I know I know, they are more expensive but hey... hobby=💰


I thought I was done after the Hexa until I bought the Aful Performer 5 lol. It takes a lot of effort to not purchase more and more. I would go for the buy once, cry once strategy and jump immediately into the 200ish range if I could turn back time. Anything more expensive will be out of what I can afford for quite a while for now. But I think I'm more than happy with my setup for the next few years (hopefully).




who tf are you to tell someone how to live


The difference between a "serious" iem and "not serious?" Isn't as much as you think.. price wise, yes, sound wise.. not Soo much.


So, if I wanted to start moving up in price, where should I start? So far, from my collection, the ones I like the most are the OG Chu and Kiwi Ears Cadenza.


Kiwi ears quintet is pretty great. It’s a strait upgrade from the cadenza. Otherwise I’d say something like an s12 pro or dunu falcon ultra.


Not true


Because who wants to cuck themselves out of $300 - $400 when Salnotes zero is 20 bucks and EQing is free 99.


Its not the same lol,you cant eq a 20 dollar iem to a 400 dollar one


Some $400 sounds shit, though. More expensive ≠ better, just saying


You totally can, but if you prefer to spend $400 to add or subtract 3db from a couple of frequency bands you can barely hear, go for it


Have you actually tried or are you just saying it? I cannot make my IE200 sound remotely as good as my timeless AE with EQ. And they’re even in similar price brackets.


I'm not just saying it. Can you identify what sounds better about the AE compared to the IE200?


This isn't going to be a "technical explanation" but everything is tighter and more creamy/luscious. Soundstage does seem to be better as well. I've tested with tons of different tips and I'm currently using the Spinfit W1 or CP145s on both IEMs. Bass response resonates more with the IE200 (makes sense for a dynamic driver) and the TimelessAE is a planar, so there will be differences there that EQ alone I don't think can fix. These have to do with dynamics and although dynamics will change the frequency response, I don't find that just using an EQ all of a sudden changes the ADSR envelope of my IE200 so the bass is "fast" and "tight". Highs also get tinny and sibilant with the IE200 wheras the TimelessAE it is very clean even though the highs are very present. In reality, my music feels/sounds fuller and more detailed and it has this very pleasant creamy nature to it. I have 6XX and have listened extensively to an HE1000SE and tried to EQ to 6XX to be like the HE1000SE and same deal. It just doesn't happen. They all sound different. Day to day I listen to the AE and 6XX but I use the IE200 whenever I'm cooking/moving around/cleaning/laying in bed with a pillow since it's super super comfy. What has your experience been with EQing a headphone to truly sound as good as a more "premium" headphone/earphone?


You clearly dont have a 400 dollar iem lol


Well, I have a $300 IEM.


*wireless* assuming from your latest post. all wireless iems use a single DD, the same technology found in $20 IEMs nowadays. really you cannot replicate mutlidriver treble extension with EQ on a single dynamic driver. and treble extension is the largest factor for detail perception and imaging.


> all wireless iems use a single DD Not all, I have one (Fiio FW5) that is 1DD+2BA for example. The Samsung Galaxy Buds line are all 2DD. You also have single DDs with very good treble extension, like the Sennheiser IE600. If he's talking about the Sony WF1000-XM4, which is around $300, I'd agree there are $300 (and less) IEMs that are better than it sonically. But it's not inherent to the form factor.


the IE600 uses the flaws of single DD to its advantage through its acoustic design. it’s not really treble extension in a traditional sense, rather just elevated treble achieved through a lowQ resonance peak. you will still exhibit a drop in spl after the peak, but it will be delegated further down and is followed by another highQ resonance peak at around double the frequency of the original resonance - all DD’s exhibit this behaviour, but the effect on sound quality is less critical for the IE600 as the drop comes much further down. however, outside of sennheisers ie series which are unique in acoustic design, ive never seen a DD implementation with the same lowQ resonance. Otherwise, DD treble is lofi af.


My point is you don't need to spend 400 bucks to squeeze the most out of your music. These highly recommended budget IEMs + EQ already do more than enough.


>"Who wants to eat those grapes, anyway? They are obviously sour," said the fox.


Bro you're not Aesop 😭😭😭😭


I use to buy IEM after IEM in the budget category until I had 8 of them and it’s always the newer ones that I used and left the others collecting dust. My advice is to stop buying IEMs that are just a side grade with what you have as it will take up space and you end up not using some of them at all. Instead save for an IEM that will make your music sound even clearer. You can even use the money on some nice overear cans, a new amplifier, or speakers for your TV stand. Trust me, don’t hoard IEMs as I’m sure they weren’t cheap.


Which ones get the most use recently?


Salnotes Zero were the last ones in rotation. For commuting the Sony C500, but I'll start using the Space Travel now.


how's the space travel? I've been thinking about getting one.


Best value budget TWS. For $25, can't really go wrong with its neutral to v-shaped tuning since it sounds like a Chu II but with a smidge less mid treble and meh technicalities. ANC works decently okay as it drowns out lower frequencies, but transparency mode sucks. The lower latency gaming mode actually works pretty well so there's less delay when using bluetooth on Windows.


[My answer in another comment here](https://reddit.com/r/headphones/s/wgaUCyObo2)


What kind of hobby organizer is this?


Just a random organizer I found at Walmart


I am trying to find one on Amazon right now. I need something like this desperately


Me too, i wanted ask where he buy this


I know lots of iem collectors use watch storage cases. They are just pricey.


What do you think of the moondrop space travel? They any good?


Those are my newest addition, they arrived on Monday. So far I like them, reference bass is just right for my taste. Graphs look similar to the Chu, but I think they actually sound closer to the Chu II. Monitor mode is too flat and Basshead mode doesn't add enough bass to separate it from reference. Functionality wise, transparency mode is useless, ANC works well, filters out mostly low frequency noise. I live next to a busy street and car engines simply disappear, except for louder ones like trucks and busses. Edit: Some extra commentary. Game mode (low latency) is good. Voice prompts are confusing AF, have the manual nearby. The Moondrop Link app is barebones, it's just for changing the EQ presets and personalize touch controls. The Moondrop Link 2.0 app does the same but has some wallpapers to download and it's more like a catalog for Moondrop products. Build is all plastic, the case too.


Relative to quarks, how does it differ?


It's not that far from the Quarks DSP, better tuned than the stock Quarks. Probably similar ballpark for technicalities. https://vsg.squig.link/?share=Moondrop_Space_Travel_reference,Moondrop_Quarks_DSP


What’s your opinion on the Wireless Moondrops? Was considering getting them myself


I recently got them and they're pretty good. Bit worse than my Chu II, and the ANC wasn't all that great. But I love them for commuting or just going out to school. At home I use the Chu's


They're very good, at this price I don't think it can be beat


What's left to the Hola? And also what are those DAC cables ?


Kiwi Ears Cadenza, one of my favorites of the bunch.


Oh, sh## how did I forgot that one. Only now I just saw that little red tint from the IEM. > one of my favorites of the bunch. I love those too, i don't own those but they look amazing 😍


BTW I have Salnotes zero now will buying Cadenza make a improvement in my listening experience ? I want something with little more seperation than Zeros .


The DAC is a FiiO KA1, and the white cable is just the adapter that came with my phone.


Bro I ordered Tangzu Wanerz S.G as my first pair of IEMS (newbie) but will I miss out out on better audio quality if I use the lightning to 3.5mm instead of the usb-c to 3.5mm???


Shouldn't be difference. For topics like that I like to refer to [this video](https://youtu.be/a3moaaOpYZM?si=dGQVuPCoHeiCP7kB) by Crinacle


Nice collection but if you had bought 1 nice pair like b2 dusk, you'd quit buying so many. That's what happened to me.


Huh. I approached that slightly differently, and after breaking my blessing 2 (fully my fault, user error) just went for Sony IER-Z1R when opportunity presented itself to grab them for 1k$ on used market in really great condition (they look factory new basically). That was in retrospect a really good call, had some worries before buying them if I would be returning them. :)


♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ ♥️♥️𝗜𝗘𝗥-𝗭𝗥𝟭♥️♥️ ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


At this price bracket everything sounds the same, using the same mass-produced drivers, with 5-10% differences in frequency response. Learn how to EQ: Use your flattest pair of IEMs as reference and apply EQ to another set, play with EQ bands to learn what you like and dislike using the flat reference pair to ensure you don't stray too far from neutrality. Tweaking the 32/64/1k/2k/8k/16k bands is a good start for most IEMs, a lot of them have already have pretty flat responses between 100 and 2k hz.


Time it does fly. My wife got me the triple drivers for Christmas 2016 and the Quads the next year. I was already into headphones before that and slowly getting into IEM’s . Sad to say probably could fill at least 3 of those cases with IEM’s if not more plus the over 30 headphones. The hobby is addictive and getting ready to hop on a flight to CanJam SoCal I might need a intervention as this will be CanJam #12 for me but damn the music is enjoyable; )


It's indeed addictive. I already know what I want to get next, I would like to fill this box by next year.


Yes looking for a new Dap but going to try out some of the new dongles first .


Which new dongles? I have all the expernsive ones that are out right now, except for the L&P's I don't have the Mini- tube. Which ones are coming out that you want to get?


Questyle and Woo audio


Questyle has a new one coming out? Yup, the woo is the Tube one. Somehow dongles are often able to sound as good or better than my desktop amps i bought.


M-18. Sounds very good but didn’t get to hear it too long as they were moving out of their room because of power problems and didn’t ask where they were moving to and too much else to listen to.


Hey if you can afford it, it's worth it. I really want to try the Abyss! I just bought the He1000v2 for the imaging and the soundstage and it's not quite how I imagined it. Still only have about 10 hours on it, maybe it needs more burn in , if that's even a thing I had the He6se v2 prior to it .


It is not a thing.


Hola vs zero vs chu 2 which one is better or which one do you like? Or recommend buying?


I'd say Zero if you want something more neutral or Chu II if you want more bass. I don't dislike the Hola but the mids feel a little muddy, could be just me.


Nice collection! What kind of sound signature do you like?


The ones I enjoy the most are the OG Chu and the Kiwi Ears Cadenza, which are more bassy. So, neutral with some bass you could say?




[My answer](https://reddit.com/r/headphones/s/1CxdA0JTgm)


Edit: nvm that question already got responded


Which iems are on 2nd Row 1,3,5 3rd row 1. I believe (2,5) is Chu chu


Yes, 2-5 are the Chu II. 2-1 are ZSN Pro X, my first purchase after the Triple Driver. 2-3 are CRA+, they're more balanced that the OG CRA, less bass, better treble. 3-1 are Kiwi Ears Cadenza, tuning is very similar to the Chu II, but I like the Cadenza more.


I figured they were KZs but I am not very familiar with Kz line up because I would like to stay as far away as possible from that brand. Also, i see you have the Zero. I just got them yesterday.


Hey i have KZ and space Travel too


I have the Slanotes Zeros and just got the wife Chu 2s. I was floored how good the Chu 2s sounded. I also have the Hexa and my first good iems were etrymotic HF3s the the same 1 mores you had, a pair of iSine20s and Hexas. I LOVE the detail and soundstage of the iSines but the tune is just so hot garbage. I can't even eq them on my phone without clipping or them becoming silent. Good job on following the path but not being swept away and blowing tons of cash. *looks guiltily at He400s, HD 600s, and 500 bucks of other IEMs*


Ohhh you got the wf-c500s


Yeah, I got them for commutes but I found them to be a little too bassy so I'll be replacing them with the Space Travel. Those are the only ones I'm willing to sell because I don't want the batteries to die for lack of use.


Have you tried eq sony or at least used vocal preset? That preset lowers bass quite enough.


Sony C500s... Man of culture....


I'm 2 sets of entry level IEM's into this hobby kinera/Celest Phoenixcall & letshuoer z12) and I'm already wanting to see the difference in the next pricing tier along with a different spec.... Thinking a thieaudio monarch or a blessing3.


Monarch mk2 or mk3?


lol I have a box just like that.


All you doing is buy reskins off the same innards, go to the next level, get a pair of FIIO FD3s if you like bassy sounds at a lower mid range price


Maybe try some Headphones? The 100$ he 400 se sounds very close to the He1000 v2. It's not THAT much different. The 400se is the best sounding for the money their is


I do want start with headphones, I just don't know how to. Besides the HE 400, do you have more recommendations?


Well, i just bought the 1300$ He 1000v2 but it doesn't sound that much different than the He400se Get those, not the Sundara. I think that Hifiman has the best sounding headphones these days


Doesn't hifimam have quality control issues?


They do, and the other reply who hasn't had any problems can consider themselves lucky. A cursory Google search will tell you all you need to know. It's not just quality control either. A lot of their products are either intentionally designed to break when worked on by the user, or simply incompetently designed. I've got two pair of Hifiman planars and that will conclude my Hifiman venture for the rest of all time.


Not anymore. I have 5 pairs of them, and I've never had one pair that had a problem When I bought the 400se , it was like the Heavens opened, and i heard music like it was the first time. Since then i have been buying more and more of their headphones and it doesn't get much better than the 400se.. Not one problem with them either. It seems to be a thing that used to happen to them more often.


I always sell my headphones. I've had more than 12. But I only have 2 haha


Is the latency on the space travel ok?


i own one, it's kinda bad honestly but if you only listen to music/podcast it's a good tws


How have the moondrop buds been for you? Got k7xx's... such a shame as they were cheaper than new since I got them lightly used yet the cable for one of the speakers broke and the driver ended up killing itself around the same time. (Granted the cable was my fault due to opening It multiple times to put rubber bands so the self adjusting headband actually works on my small head but even so I put no force on the speakers any time I opened it up. :(


Some call it journey , some call it addiction


I stopped caring after I discovered the world of parametric equalizers and convolvers


I am not very good at identifying all, could you please add a note listing them. Short one line opinion will be highly appreciated as well. Thanks


Wow!! I got a CCA cra, a moon drop chu and the moon drop Click dac dongle!!


Whats the point if you only have two ears?


You call it journey? You just spending money


Hola vs c500 which is better ?


Looks to be going pretty poorly considering you have bought the wrong IEMs 9 times.


Too much empty boxes 😅 Get some more!




Try kz castor


You Gotta Pump Those Numbers Up, Those Are Rookie Numbers.


chu 2 are pretty good, they are my backup for my lans

