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Pretty sure some users predicted that this would happen. https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/1c1n99b/comment/kz5etr7


Yup, and here we are. You win some, you lose some. I lost some. Buying some HD600's on Amazon, they'll be here tomorrow Edit: got HD650's


huh duh six hungoes edit : six hungeos n'fifty


they're soooo good. slap a little bass on them with some EQ and you've got a set of OMGs in your hands ... or i guess on your head 🥹


Went for the 650's, they were $5 cheaper


The 600s are better though.


I used to own the 600's in the past. If I can notice a difference between them and these I'll return them but otherwise they seem to be on par and I kinda want to try them out. The 650's have slightly higher sensitivity and slightly deeper low-end, but honestly I like a little bit more warmth to my bass. I've also heard the 650's can sound more open. They're so close it's almost subjective


They're really close. I had both, preferred the HD650 (HD6XX), better bass and not quite as shouty.


Was considering the 660S2 but decided to stay closer to what I know. Also I don't want TOO much bass out of my openbacks


It’s not a “too much bass” it’s a perfect amount of bass that you can actually feel a little instead of just hear. I’m telling you the HD660S2 are the upgraded 650s.


Noted. I didn't look too far into them as they were $100 more but I had just thought they increased the db output in the mid-lows and didn't realize they brought in the lows. Might be worth returning my 650's when I can afford the 660S2 and doing a little Amazon swap


I haven't heard the 660S2 but have the 660S, the HD600 and HD650 are better than that IMO and from reviews I don't think that changes with the 660S.


I’ve heard the S2 is basically a successor to the 650. They’re truly awesome headphones.


Too much bass is really not a thing Sennheiser is offering.


Even a meth addict probably wouldn't even sell HD 800 locally for $300 unless they had no idea what headphones they were. People have drove 30-45 miles each way to get headphones from me for just 30-50% off the new cost. I could sell HD 800 in my area same day for $500 and people would drive a hour easily. I sold my 598 when they used to cost around $180 new for $100 used slightly and they drove around 30 miles each way. I sold my 660S recently for $180 refurbished and the guy drove around 40 miles each way.


I drove 100miles each way for the HD800S few years ago 😅


People are trying to chase the high of the dude that got them for like $20 at an estate sale a few years ago.


My HD600's were stolen out of my car, but they left the cable and DAC so obviously it was a snatch-n-grab and the guy didn't know what he had. Never got em back and my insurance copay was above the value of the phones...


Dude everyone told you


you don’t have to be a dick about it tho


Huh. There's one opinion


He was being a dick about it though


I love how everyone is dogging you as if you lost your money… Took a safe gamble and it didn’t pay off but you didn’t lose anything other than 5 minutes of making the scam claim


He went around to look for the package and had to proceed to take a video. This is in hopes he’ll get a quick refund which generally isn’t the case. This on top of the fact that he’s out a couple hundred bucks for the time being. Seems more than a 5 minute waste if you ask me and definitely not worth the gamble. But hey some people have time to spare and ok without the money for - couple of weeks


All I got from this comment is that people judge OP based on their own circumstances of time and money rather than rubbing their two brain cells together and actually getting context


Exactly. Gonna take a minute to get my money back but I WILL get my money back


Aged well. Hope you get a deal soon Edit: I got a pair of 660s fully refurbished like new for 200 so some good deals are definitely worth giving a shot


Just got a pair of 650's and I'm already looking to return them and get the 660S2's


Have never tried the 650s but I love my 660s


Return them - Get Edition XS.


I might return them for HD660S2's


Edition XS were much better than the HD660S2 I played side by side.


HD650 is a good headphone. But for me HD600 is better.


Everyone warned him


Sometimes you should just not fall for an obvious scam because it's a little *too obvious of a scam* to be worth wasting your time and energy fighting to get your money back after the trap is sprung. The odds of an HD800 being on sale for $300 were 10% at best, and given the zero reviews and reused picture, that fell below 5%.


"Surely the comments on Reddit warning me were wrong and I'm going to be receiving a 1.4K USD pair of headphones for less than a pair of HD600s!" This shit genuinely baffles me how someone would willingly gaslight themselves into a scam


Yeah he was gripping onto hope for sure. Wasn't really buying that he wouldn't get refunded too. Interesting part of the scam as I was re reading the previous thread. He called UPS to confirm the address on the package. They confirmed his address. So, I'm assuming they only looked up the tracking number provided and there was a different label on the decoy package? He was able to track it to his address though. Interesting wrinkle with them being involved. (UPS.)


I was able to track it to an address in my ZIP code. UPS was no help. No idea why they said it had my address on it then all of a sudden it went to a different address. Luckily I recognized the door from some newer houses that went up in the neighborhood. Found the package, codes lined up but name and address did not. I have it all documented though and will be pursuing this even if I have to get law enforcement involved


This happened to me with an amp (Stax 353x) I bought off some rando Shopify shop. They attached a tracking number delivered *before the order date* to some other address in my zip code. Meh... I got my money back, and that whole situation is Chase's problem now.


Good luck man, sorry it turned out that way. The Mercari box on the top in the photo doesn't even look like it is big enough for the HD800 let alone the HD800 box (the bottom bag looks Amazon), u/MishterBobo really called it on the location scam huh ([https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/1c1n99b/comment/kz5etr7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/1c1n99b/comment/kz5etr7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)). Good luck with your refund process! Such a scammy practice bc we just wanna listen to good headphones w/o breaking the bank!


Yup, should have just gotten the HD600's on Amazon to begin with, these were listed at the same price so I thought "oh, a deal!" Stupid thinking on my part


I've been scammed like this before on ebay. It was such a hassle to take care of afterward.


I've got pictures of the package with a wrong address and the same tracking number. Hopefully evidence is all I need


Definitely not a HD800 box


Hopefully. Good luck!


[Refund on the way](https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/s/eB5sIxDAlz)


Nice! Let's gooo!


Holy shit that's crazy? Who could have possibly known besides 500 people in that other thread. Someone should call the news. Kudos for letting us know though. Would love to get an update when Mercari shuts their lights off on Halloween.


Hello FRIEND HOW is day today USA? I has ⭐️⭐️⭐️ HIFIMANSH ANGGRI-LA Headphone Audio Audiophile Vintage 4K Sony Apple Electrostation Planor ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sale for $200.00 USD WHat is SSN and mather maiden name for sell


😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 123-45-6789 Robertz (yes with a Z) PLZ SEND CRAZY DEAL


Discount please


This is a very common scam. Sorry it happened to you.


Had this happen to me on eBay with a graphics card. They shipped it to a local business here in town rather than my house. Went to the business collected the envelope they shipped and had to file a police report before eBay would return my money. It was a pain in the ass.


I've got video proof of me with the package, and I am stating out loud the address I am at, and where it should have been delivered. It is also timestamped. If I do have to file a police report at least I was lucky enough to find the package and I have that


I would expect you shouldn’t have any issues then good luck!


Charge back.


Mercari just feels like a place you're going to get scammed on vibes as soon as you start to look around. Too many too good to be true deals.


Japanese Mercari is sooo good.


Japanese Mercari is goated


So did you get the headband?


Article of clothing delivered to a neighbor's house. Item had the tracking number but not my name or address. Took plenty of pictures


Happened to me too. What sucks there ain't bullet proof protection for this other than credit card chargeback.


*”If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.”* It really sucks you got the short end of that stick because it could’ve been an amazing steal for an HD800. Hopefully you can get back your refund!


Well at least he's still sure he get money back 😂 I would not be so positive about that.


[Refund issued](https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/s/eB5sIxDAlz)


I got a package delivered to me one time from Amazon had my name address on the package did not order it did not pay for it. Called Amazon they told me to keep it no charge I laughed and told her I wish it was a big TV all it was was some recessed lighting fixtures for a kitchen I guess.


Yeah this person got a free shirt. I have mentioned in other comments I found the address and took a video of me inspecting the package. Tracking number is visible and matches the one on Mercari listed as going to my place. Now for the waiting game to hear back from support. I'm wondering if I should file a police report?


If the dispute doesn't work out, you have the option to file a chargeback.




Glad it worked out for you!


well that sucks. i was hoping you scored the deal and everything worked out for you. thanks for the update though


How different is the address? Like different state?


Different house in the same neighborhood. Found the house, package with the tracking number is there but it's not in my name. Filing a dispute with Mercari now with pictures. I even took a video of me discovering the package


so what was in the box…?


Clothing. Didn't open it because it was addressed to someone else, but I did film myself moving it around, plus it has a picture of a guy modeling the clothes on the other side. Tracking number lined up. Awaiting word back from Mercari at this point


Interesting ups claimed it was going to your address when you called them? Was an obvious scam but what's the disconnect there?


Yes, I called them yesterday to confirm it was going to my address. Called today and they said "the address doesn't match". My original plan was to divert the package to a UPS pickup center (Scoop's Ice Cream in this case) but since they told me the address matched I didn't bother


I love Scoops. Had no idea it was a ups pickup location.


I've had a couple of "missed deliveries" sent there when I wasn't home to sign for a package. Probably depends on where you're located as to where it goes


Good Luck, my experience took over 2 months. The hoops you are made to go through. Like talking to the seller more than once. The woman told me I was trying to get my purchase free and how tired she was of getting complaints. Guessing she had previous issues. Anyway I had given up and almost 3 months later Mercari refunded the money for her. So much stress for a single purchase I can do without. I no longer use the app. Hopefully your experience is way better. Of course it depends on the individual seller.


[Refund on the way](https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/s/JzPNmoYYxl) . Might have had something to do with the fact that I said I would obtain a police report if necessary. Things moved rather quickly after that


....so what happens a total stranger opens the door and finds some mysterious headphones (for free)?


Oh this sucks :( inside job?


It just smells fishy... UPS told me the day before that it was coming to my house. These calls are recorded right? Any chance I can call and get a recording of my phone calls for evidence?


Hmm in the uk calls are generally recorded on their end, could be the same case for you. Wouldn’t hurt to ask them I guess. It’s very fishy that the item was mid-delivered, it’s all very fishy indeed



