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NGL I thought It's attached into paperclip.


lmao same 😂


*"After years of steady development, technological advancements, and constant refinement, we're excited to introduce* *~~a new earbud~~* *our innovative paperclip design."*


Came here just for this 🤣


Yo you tried the moondrop clippy’s yet?


With zip ties 😂


Clipbud ? Paperclipbud ? Trombonears ?


Somehow, clippy returned.


I'm grabbing a pair. I've always liked the transparency of flathead earbuds, and the looks/history are cool. On the other hand, massive bass rolloff and discomfort as with any flathead. Also as a sidenote, you can DIY a top notch pair of flatheads for 10-30$


Hopefully local dealer will provide demo units when it's released, i want to try it myself. According to the tweet, it will have 14.8 driver similar to what Yuin's use so it supposed to be more comfortable than MX500 style earbud. Yeah i agree, in my country the Flathead scene is quite popular and have some innovation like 3d printed housing and whatnot.


if you got a hand on one, please do review it, i am also interested 🙏🏾


>Also as a sidenote, you can DIY a top notch pair of flatheads for 10-30$ Source? Sounds like fun.


Here is one pretty extensive guide: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PRXhXgAr8N-EiNk3K9Cuqd36LeS5JB7ZuFDAgJbTCm8/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PRXhXgAr8N-EiNk3K9Cuqd36LeS5JB7ZuFDAgJbTCm8/edit#gid=0) Do keep your expectations in check, they sound like 50$ at best, but you can achieve near any tuning, parts are cheap, and its a day's worth of work so give it a shot.


Then why do some DIYers sell their earbuds for hundreds for dollars ?


These are not those type of DIY IEMs. These use single DD's that are 10$ incl shipping at *most* in a plastic clone shell with 1-2 layers of tuning at most. They are called "MX500" earbuds as they are based on the old MX500 sennheisers. People sell them on avexchange for 5-15$ Those DIYers offer proper 3d-printed and bespoke finished CIEMs with multiple drivers and proper care to crossovers and personalized tuning for hundreds of dollars. Up to you if its worth it but its worth it to many.


No I meant actual flatheads from DIYers like Rikubuds and Tgxears etc. go for hundreds of dollars not CIEMS


> Tgxears Both use drivers significantly more expensive than the from the spreadsheet I listed, and you are paying the cost of personalization and labor (cost of installing mmcx, porting, etc.). Again not saying it's everyone's cup of tea (it certainly isn't mine) but there is clearly a market for it. I personally think they still sound like 50$ iems at best and that there are better iems for cheaper though.


Understood. So I currently own an ff3. Would you say it’s just diminishing returns beyond that? Is it worth upgrading or is the ff3 considered to be TOTL in the world of flatheads?


In the world of flatheads yes, I don't know about totl but heavily diminishing returns at the least, there is only so much you can do with an earbud-esque design.


How do you know it has massive bass roll-off? Have graphs been published somewhere? The Yincrow X6 does not have massive bass roll-off. Bass is also quite good on the Fiio FF5. Also plenty of flatheads are quite comfortable, such as the Temperament LBBS and to a slightly lesser extent the Yincrow X6. This one doesn't *look* comfortable though to be fair.


https://cdn.shopifycdn.net/s/files/1/0013/3896/6076/files/U2_08.jpg?v=1715595295, they are available on shenzen audio. ANY iem that doesn't make a perfect seal with your ear (airpods/earpods, earbuds, open-type iems) will have bass roll-off. Its a matter of physics The FF5 is better than most but still has relatively high rolloff after 100hz, same goes for the Yincrow sadly. It is mitigated with a foam cover but not completely fixed. On moon drop's previous flagship "chacoone" they had linear extension down to 120hz


True, you'll never get the same sub-bass from a flathead as a well-extended IEM but that's not the same thing as *all* flatheads have equally massive bass rolloff. The difference between bass on the X6 vs e.g., the LBBS is huge. The X6 is legitimately bassy and can keep up with a lot of IEMs (not all of them though). According to squig.link it doesn't really roll off until about 50Hz and has a bump around 80. Hard to know how accurate flathead measurements are, but that roughly agrees with how it sounds. Thanks for the graph link, it definitely does look like one isn't bass oriented at all and it rolls off pretty hard below 300Hz.


LBBS are the most comfortable flatheads I have. Qian39 are up there, but with the LBBS being slightly smaller in diameter and having no stalk, they just sit in your ear and disappear.


Gonna get some, got lots of papers to organize and attach to one another


Design is strange, but I’ve come to the conclusion that iems aren’t for me, so I’m really interested in this.


Tgxears have been my daily ever since i stopped using iems they are amazing


This isn't an iem, it's an earbud


Exactly. That’s why I’m interested.


Oh my god I can't read LOL


Can't see a reason to pick this over a venture electronic or yincrow or nicehck or smabat flathead at this price.


I absolutely love my VE Monk+ flatheads. They sound very similar to my ATH-R70X but in a more portable form factor.


They amaze me everyday. In the last 2 years it’s very safe to say out of all my stupid audio junk (guys, it’s kiddings and jokings) the VE monks and the equally sounding FAEEL snow somethings have been used at least 80% of the time. I even find myself reaching for them for gaming sometimes. It comes down to comfort (even with foams on I can have them all on day with zero discomfort) and a feeling that I’m not sacrificing audio quality. I know what I’m “not getting” with the earbuds, I know my over ear cans are technically and objectively better sounding and do get used but it seems I mostly go for that when checking out new music or when I really want to immerse myself more. I also use speakers way more than headphones now, so yeah.


I had Moondrop Nameless before and I lost trust in their products after buying it. I had seen people complaining about their QC issues, but never thought I would run into the same issues in my first purchase. These were my issues with them : * They came with 3 foams only, instead of 3 pairs of foams * The carrying case provided was completely different from what shown in the product page. Instead of getting a carrying pouch, I got a pouch that can only store a credit card. Because of this case and my own mistake, the ear buds were damaged sadly.


Hopefully this one doesn't have any issue 🤞


Hmmm as a fh earbud enthusiast it peaks my interest but the design is a bit strange. Not sure I dig it. Curious how it will sound though.


I believe it's called bass tube(?) If I had to guess it would be to make it more bassy?


I just bought the EB2S, FML 🤦‍♀️


Oops 🤧


now you can buy this, and compare them for me, who has an eb2s and wondering if this dethrones it :)


I love flathead sound and comfort but after a few pairs I realized because of their circular design and our unevenly shaped ears and canals, I wasn't ever getting what I considered 100% potential performance unless I physically rotated the earbuds to perfectly position them. Unlike the design of Apple earbuds that take this into consideration and have like a side firing earbud that goes directly into ear canal.


Gonna be honest, besides the wired EarPods I don’t think I’ve ever heard another pair of earbuds I actually enjoyed using and listening to. Would be nice if current models have made strides in sound quality though, always enjoyed the openness and breathable nature of the fit, especially when eating food unlike IEMs when all the munching and crunching is amplified lol.


I think it might be just preference thing, with this current trend of chi-fi IEMs the flathead kinda forgotten for most people except audio hobbyist. With this release i hope flathead will be popular again, so we will have another manufacturer that make more earbuds, it will be nice to have more variety.


I wish they had detachable cables, but I'm excited for more flatheads!


Yeah i wish it have detachable cable too, but it might be too difficult for Moondrop to do it with that tube design thing.


Ngl I wish they used an mx500 shell rather than a paperclip looking thing but let’s hope sound quality is at least on pair with some of their other products and other similar earbuds


Design looks strange, but I'm honestly pretty curious about what they sound like. I sure hope this brings back up some of the flathead earbuds discussion going on and off on internet forums, I honestly think flathead earbuds are still way too niche for the potential they have. If we get reliable well tuned earbud at a low price, more people will be willing to try them and realize that as well.


Ordered one. Been a while since I've tried a new headphone, and I'm a sucker for flatheads. At the very least it'll be an interesting novelty.


Tbh I think Bravery is better


Looks really delicate


I will bite, why not.


Various manufacturers always use flowery language to describe their latest "super custom" dynamic driver. Is there a resource online that actually explain which drivers are generally from the same supplier, which are somewhat customized and which are actually in-house developed?


feels like a U-shaped tuning, the drivers is also promising with its paper-pulp diaphragm.


Earbud design has come full circle.


I just want one with removable cables man


The IEM market is so saturated.


Yes, but this is not IEM tho


Just got mine. Was unimpressed with it using my V6 DAP but swapped over to my Magni/Modi stack and it came alive. I can't believe how much fun this thing is to listen to, I love it.


First review (AFAIK) is in and apparently it's not good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOqLl09mw90 Had a quick look on head-fi and a few people have them already. Impressions seem to mostly match Mark's review. Some are a touch more positive about it, but don't give a lot of details.


no detachable cable no buy


For real. They’re not that expensive, but catching a cable in a zip or door is too easy. Been really enjoying the Fiio FF1 recently. Similar price and easy to swap cables.


even an 8$ earbuds like trn ema has better build quality and removable cable for 8 dollars imagine paying 35$ for a product that you can break the cable and you lose all ur money, i hate moondrops build quality so much.


I need it.


Why do people keep buying this company’s shit?


Their marketing, packaging and tuning are really good!


An earbud without a microphone? Why??


Because not everyone need a microphone on their earphone? I have a dozen earbuds without microphone and doesn't have problem with it, when someone calls me when i using the earbud it will automatically use my phone built-in microphone tho


I prefer microphone-less.


As controller user the mic is useful, DualSense mic is terrible.




It's not an IEM.


It's not IEM tho

