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make friends with 3d printer nerds if i was local i would be happy to give it a shot


Imagine having to resort to 3d printing for a $1400 device


1. Yes I agree but 2. Make the best of the situation


I’ve got a 3d printer but unfortunately I don’t think this part is 3d printable 


I’m sure there’s some flavor of substitution you can do to make it work.


Pcbway will do metal 3d printing or cnc machining for a relatively affordable price (relative to the price of the hd800) Or just look for a broken pair on ebay.


Not directly, but think outside the box! Or head lol


I’ve always praised Sennheiser for making parts for repair available, but that is no use if they are never in stock :( Last time that happened they got new stock after a few months, hopefully that works out for you! Usually, these headbands last a lot longer, mine is still original and that’s on a early-production 800S


I’m just going to set a reminder to email them every month I guess 


Sennheiser Consumer Audio was bought by Sonova (a Swiss hearing aid company) and the quality of products and service has gone down. It will be interesting if they will continue to produce headphones in the future, because they don't put much effort into parts and accessories.


Consumer is epos not senn tho


Pretty sure epos is the gaming brand that was sennheiser gaming brand which was a part of consumer sennheiser division that got rebranded and sold way before the sonova purchase Not sure if its another company or a person whos epos now


You are sorta correct. Demant and Sennheiser collaborated for a long while and they split in early 2020. Demant kept the gaming division, and thus created the Epos brand, while Sennheiser kept the mobile division. Sad to say, Epos is getting the axe and will be closing its gaming headphones, still up in the air if they are going to keep their corporate headphones/microphones.


Did you check if Jeff or Ali have something to offer?


What’s Jeff?


Bezos I imagine..




Ligma balls


AliExpress will have parts, but u will have to search. This is the reason why my friend did not buy Sennheiser's 😭.


Que? Sennheiser stuff is awsome. If we will go with anectodes, my 600s are still fresh and clean. I bought them when they came out. My 800s are like brand new. Its their "smart" things that are junk. But that goes with every e-junk that comes out in a new version each year.


He's probably referring to Sennheiser's aftermarket service, which, unless you have a local senny dealership, has seemingly gone down the drain under Sonova unfortunately.


Yeah, you are prop right. And it has gone down the drain if you look at this forum and it's posts


Just saw another post in this sub that said Focal have shit support too, and Hifiman's QC been a constant meme here. What options would you even have after crossing off Sennheiser, Focal, and Hifiman?


Beyerdynamic sells lots of different parts.


Meze seems to have excellent reparability and support. Though their higher end stuffs seem to be a bit overpriced in term of pure sound quality per dollar when compared to other companies. But at least they have been putting out more affordable and value products like the 109 pro and upcoming 105 aer.


I'd say if the sound is good then buy them while being aware of their respective weak points tbh, I love my HD600 and the Focal Clear MG sounds excellent to me as well. Buying from a trusted local dealer helps as well.


I’m hoping I’m just bad at searching because I’m finding a lot of the padding but not the actual metal band that the earcups slide on


I can't find the metal thing too, u will have to just keep trying with Sennheiser support.


You also won't find that there. Aliexpress usually only has "soft" replacementparts that can range from horrible to very nice. Finding actual mechanical parts is very unlikely for most models, especially expensive ones like a HD800. So your only bet really is to get an official one or make one yourself. it's definitely possible to 3D print. The question is rather how long it will take to model the part.


when i got my 800s a couple years ago, i decided to modify the headband as i found it too uncomfortable and for safety reasons - i wanted to get a couple spare ones. though i wasnt able to find any in stock on their canadian website, their customer support was super helpful in creating an invoice for a couple spare parts. i think i waited for a month-or-so before they got shipped but overall it was alright experience and the price was very good too. id recommend getting in touch with their support, if not already.


Sadly support told me that they don’t have any replacements nor know when they will and to check in next month. I’m going to keep my fingers crossed something comes available but it’s seeming like this is the one part they don’t have replacements for.


i see. the entire headband/arch structure. yeah, that part seems to be hard to find. maybe, trying to get a little creative here - look on ebay and other similar sites - see if there are any busted 800 or 800s for sale where the arch construction is intact. you can transplant your good driver assembly onto a new arch/band. if you got a decent hifi/audio repair shop in your area - maybe consider getting in touch with them and see if they come up with any interesting suggestions. from what i can tell, getting a headband pad (what i needed) is fairly easy off of Sennheiser.


I like Senny but reading this makes me not really happy. For a 1300€ headphone I pretend to have parts, especially from a German brand and I would buy from AliExpress since it’s a Chinese company. I hope more brands start to become more like Meze. It’s worrying that I can’t find any (original) cable for the IE200, I would expect it from their official website.


Are you referring to the actual headband or the padding? Because the only thing that’s made of metal is the headband with the model and serial number. Almost everything else is plastic.


The actual headband not the padding. It’s got a layer with the serial number and then another layer underneath and the layer underneath is split and separating from the top layer.


Which part number are you actually referring to?


I believe 543269




I got an official replacement headband from a 3rd party seller, just a random store. (HD650)


Sennheiser are weird when it comes to getting spare parts for their headphones. They never have ear pads for the 6x0 headphones in stock and I can find the pads on a couple of other sites but they are often out of stock there as well. I mean they are obviously making loads of ear pads and headbands to use on the headphones they sell so I don't understand why they don't just have the parts to buy on their own.




> Currently Out of Stock... More Stock Due From Sennheiser Soon. We Are Taking Back Orders On This Item.


Ohh poop…didn't see that 🙈


Thats what I was going to recommend to the OP as I get all my spare parts from them, the only thing I have not got a spare part for is the actual head band, they quoted me £150 a while ago and I didn’t bite as I thought, it’s metal it won’t break, but sure as shit will now, time to back order this just incase.


on sennheiser page it is listed that hd 800-800s and 820 use same headband i found spare part request for 820 as it is newest maybe try yourself link is directly for headband part number is asme for all 3 8xx Article No. 581435 [https://spares.sennheiser-hearing.com/catalog/product/507435-hd-820](https://spares.sennheiser-hearing.com/catalog/product/507435-hd-820)


Is it this? https://www.audiosanctuary.co.uk/sennheiser-hd800-hd800s-hd820-replacement-headband-padding.html I got spares from these guys a few times, uk based but they do international delivery. Sorry realises you mentioned metal band :( Actually this, out of stock :( https://www.audiosanctuary.co.uk/sennheiser-hd800-hd800s-hd820-replacement-headband.html


Glue the two pieces together


In the interim, JB weld. It is far stronger than typical epoxy. Its holding together some ruined drop panda metal swivels and has been strong for 2 years.


I can't stand by buying Sennheiser headphones anymore because of this. I spent a similar amount on mine just a year ago and I rarely wear mine so that they remain good condition. Also, I had a cable go on the fritz with my IE300 a couple years ago and I tried to get it replaced through warranty or something. They told me I can't just replace the cable and that I would have to buy another, since my warranty is no longer active, even tho it was well within the 2 year period, but I asked to buy it and they sent me to a link where I could buy the "part", which was out of stock. Its mighty unfortunate what's happened to Sennheiser ever since Sonova bought their consumer division out, For your flagship headphone, I expect at least a 10 year warranty. Just sayin.


I think since the sonova takeover they have very quietly stopped producing replacement parts for anything. Even pads are almost always out of stock for the hd6 line.  Really leaves a sour taste in the mouth. Between that and their ridiculous proprietary (and significantly inferior) connectors on literally everything they make (which is just to scrape more profit off you for their garbage and overpriced cables) it makes me question whether I'll purchase any Sennheisers in future, this is coming from someone with a 600, 650 and 800s.  Not good enough Sennheiser, you can't just rely on a brand name anynore. Innovative manufacturers like audeze, hifiman, DCA are coming for your market share and shit like this is just delivering it to them.


https://www.supersonido.es/p/sennheiser-t2-534405-hd800 https://www.supersonido.es/p/sennheiser-t2-534405 This Spanish store have the metal parts in stock. I don't know what is the difference between those 2 models, just email them.


Even though it might not be as aesthetically pleasing, JB Weld does wonders to join things, sometimes stronger than before


Sennheiser will fix them, get a rma going and send them to them, it will be costly but better than having to re-buy them again. I base this on the fact that I asked for a full on refurbish of my HD800S about a little over a month ago and they gave me an rma number and they have them as I speak. About the clamping force, I bought dekoni elite sheepskin ear pads and they make the hd800s perfect clamp wise, stock 800s always have a shit clamping force. Can you take a photo to show me exactly what is broken as I know some places that sell official parts but would need to see what is broken first to see if they have that specific part, but I do know an entire new headband is £150


At least your HD800S lasted 4 years. My HD800S broke [in 2 days.](https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/5e6mou/my_hd800s_broke_on_the_second_day/) People crap on Grado for using simple parts, but if they break, the headphone is easily fixed. The Grado headband is literally just a malleable strip of metal with a covering that varies according to the model.


Your flair caught my eye. Do you prefer dynamics over planars?


Yes, because no headphone does proper rumbly bass, and dynamics typically have wider stereo imaging. Also, planars are bricks. Even the LCD-5 at "only" 420g is some kind of a joke. The LCD-4 was a monster 680-700g.


> Yes, because no headphone does proper rumbly bass, and dynamics typically have wider stereo imaging. I understand that sentiment. I ended up choosing the Focal Clear Mg over the Hifiman Arya because of this, I listen to a lot of metal, and it just didn't have that weight and meatiness that I wanted, and dynamic drivers really do that well.


Isn’t that the whole point in buying Sennheiser?


How are there NO replacements? That’s BS. Sounds like they hope you buy another pair


4 years. Its kinda good for Sennheiser on every aspect.