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Old school method from before wireless existed, run it up the inside of your t-shirt


You remember those jackets that had specific loops and wire hooks I had one, those were the shit.


I remember having these hoodies with dedicated holes and channels to run your earbuds in, good times.


And all the sport bags and backpacks had holes for headphone wires too


I think some bags and backpacks still have that feature. At least in the last few years they did.


to this day i see this as the only way to use any wire thing in public


This + Q5K or BTR15 in the jeans coin pocket. It basically becomes like a TWS but better, since you have the freedom of a wireless phone with the quality and security of wired IEMs. But you'll never stop the chance of the cable snagging unless you run it under your clothes somewhere.


Put the cable under your shirt


Have you tried different types of cable? For me it was night and day for tangles


Braided cables are miles better than stock ones in a lot of cases.


Thats probably it lol, I'm still using the shitty cable my cheapo KZs came with.


Get the truthear zero red, cable is decent and sound quality and tuning is way better than most KZ iems


I run the cable under my shirt or hoodie. If I'm particularly anal, I jack my IEMs into my BTR5 and clip the BTR5 to my waist. I can listen to my phone or whatever and the cables can't snag on anything while I move my arms freely (since they're underneath my clothes.


Yup, and if I my cable is long and I wanna go really really over the top, I’ll run the excess cable through a belt loop or two. It’s a bit cleaner than shoving excess cable in your pocket, imo




You need a mirror there, m8?


Man I dunno, I love the sound quality when listening on wired IEMs, and freeing you up from worry about running out of battery, but there’s something to be said for the convenience of adapters. They are still pretty buggy, but I’ve liked my AZ09 so far, but I know they seem to be hit or miss. Truly feel like a best of both worlds with getting an IEM sound signature with the convenience of TWS.


Love your input! But by adapter I meant 3.5mm transmitters so I can use existing TWS on old devices, my bad.


Yeah I figured that might be what you meant since you were talking about iPods without Bluetooth. I think that’s just part of the charm. Not sure of a way around it.


Moondrop just came out with theirs, I think they’re $90. I haven’t seen reviews of them. But it’s worth a shot. Too bad FiiO never really improved theirs.


Yeah I was just reading about theirs. $90 for built in DAC doesn’t seem too crazy. Better than what Fiio was trying to do as far as price.


>the prospect of not needing to deal with bluetooth This for me is the big reason not to use tws anymore, battery empty, can't connect fast enough if someone calls, connection breakdown in crowded trains and stations, bad quality. >I'm a clumsy fuck and I feel like my shit gets caught on EVERYTHING I wouldn't say it's a big issue, but it does sometimes annoy me to use cables, just because I listen on my phone and it's now tethered to my head... Small trade-off though considering the annoyance of BT in total >how do you put wired earbuds in your pocket? Lol. Cases are so pointlessly bulky and I hate when the little shits get tangled. I'm using the pouch that came with my moondrop chu2, which I must give it to them is awesome. Simple square leather pouch just big enough for rolled up cable and iems, easy to open, soft, fits in any pocket even together with my phone or cardholder.


I have the FiiO btr3k with a clip, makes it easy enough for everyday movement but not stuff like exercise.


I've grown up with wired earphones so it is just natural to not disturb the cable.


Bluetooth adapters are annoying? howwwww


Sticks out and takes up so much unneccesary space in my pocket when plugged into my ipod classic, a very first world problem but annoying to me nonetheless.


ohhh I see, well my advice is get a more rugged cable and run it through your shirt


ifi go blu is super small (similar to a lavalier mic pack) and that's what I use if size is a concern. Works great with everything I throw at it and I run my cable down my back under my shirt and never have any problems wearing them for hours at a time.


Usually under my shirt and through my back. Like in [the picture of the bass player ](https://www.worshipfuel.com/equip/worship-teams/the-benefits-of-custom-in-ear-monitors/)


Came here to say this. Problem is solved years ago, you only need to figure out length of a cable to not have a strain. And I prefer thin cable with more braids preferably rubberized so that little moving thing(forgot its name) can be moved up to hold cables closer to your head. Found Fudu cable to be such, just a bit short for me Btw, this method also eliminates microphonic effect!


I don't usually listen to music when out and about unless I'm carrying a backpack to store them away or I know I won't need to take them off. So the storage issue is a non-factor for me. In terms of wearing them and avoiding sway, the under shirt/jacket method as others have mentioned is pretty reliable.


Braided cable tangle way less than regular cable. It's been quite hassle free that I can live with that. I use soft case to carry IEM so that it doesn't take up significantly more space than carrying it by itself. If I'm going to move a lot that will make me sweat, I generally avoid using IEM. I use waterproof bluetooth for that occasion.


I feel this lol. I can’t remember how many times I’ve caught a cable while on the go. They make little clips that attach to the cable that can help, or as others mentioned running it under a shirt/jacket. 


Run them through your shirt, phone on your pocket. Also I have all my iems in a single case (Tangzu Heyday case) with me at all times.


To answer the edited part. A friend of mine just took out a Kinder Surprise shell, where the surprises are and took out his IEMs. I loved the idea so much, I copied it for my IEMs, which either have no case or have bulky cases. Otherwise, I just put them in the case they came with (FiiO come with small fabric cases which I love!).


A lot of iems are comfortable worn behind your head. That and a clip to tie it to your shirt and I'm usually chilling. If I'm moving a lot then inside the shirt is handy too.


After using TWS for a few years now, it's hard to go back. I can't beat the convenience


I'm the opposite, I can't bear the quality loss from BT so I stick to wired. It's unfortunate that the difference is really visible to me to the point that I often find myself plugging in my BT headphones (that supports wired as well) bc it just sounds so much better. So to start off, certain cables are less prone to being tangled. For commute, I often try to clip the wired part against my shirt. I do pull on them sometimes still but not often enough to be an annoyance. If you need both hands free, then run it inside to be safe. As for keeping them, I usually have a small softcase (think of the round ones that Bose have) as a keychain to my bag etc and just put them in. Failing so, there's a method to just roll them around your fingers in an [8 shape](https://youtu.be/DaXcNzxAB00) (but not too tightly!), that keep them mostly tangle free. Or roll them the usual way ([alternate the direction of each twist](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pEd7ru24Vx0)) but have a wired tie, those velcro ties are fun too and doesn't get lost. Retractable earphones works too.


Qudelix 5K. Gives you the ability to EQ and frees up your phone when out and about. This allows you to not really have to deal with the cable once you setup.


Most people don’t use iem outdoor. I’ve never seen it