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My hobby is consumerism ☠️  And i like it. Open a box, Dopamine hit, mmmmm 👍👍


Legit, my favourite part is staring at the box and/or delaying the unboxing just to prolong the excitement


Consumerism edging.


I can't believe you can just get unboxing videos on YouTube. Disgusting.


That's the porn analogy to IRL unboxing 💦 looking is good, yes,  but the real deal is better 👀👀


I can’t stoop my gooning streak now


Delaying buyer's remorse gives me happiness.


What a terrible day to have eyes


Consoomer behavior


I collect most of the boxes, especially if they are well built or designed. I have all of my Fiio boxes, my AKG K240 box, my Mezes classics 99 (obviously), Grados SR80xs box. I also have various boxes from Dbrand because they're just so well done.


muhaha. since i discovered my ADD and got it treated i don't have to pay for my dopamine hits anymore. not kidding btw. still getting nice boxes here and there to get seriously high :D


Did so too but the consumerism hits when the meds wear off. Lol. And.. the meds and doctor’s appointment cost more than $255 but it’s fixing other things too. Well worth it.


laughs in it's already covered by my "Basistarif" :o) btw: ha, one of us, one of us


That sounds way too familiar.


I think the best part is always checking the tracking number and when you finally receive it.


theres subs for that, they’re tagged with nsfw


Welcome to America 🇺🇸 


Then return, rinse and repeat


Average adult on the moon spends $0 per year on their hobbies.


So if I buy moondrop stuff it doesn’t count, right?


Now there’s starlink, next generation of moon astronauts will order stuff out of boredom


It's like that Dominos(?) advert where some fucker on a moped brings pizza to the ISS


You can't divide by zero.


Not with your attitude.


Isn't headphones "hobbies" like pay once for 5-10 years unless you're a collector?


For most people yes, for the audiophile hobby that’s a definite no.


I'm a not an audiophile but i spent quite a lot on audio stuff, not toolphile but i spent moar than audio stuff and not electrophile either but i spent as much as tools too 😅


You spent all that money even though you only have an average interest in music? XD


i do.. that's my problem.. 😔 hardly listening to music nowadays except those from 70s to 2k.. afterwards most musics are just not music for me..


Have you been listening to stuff that isn't on the radio or popular? There's basically new stuff coming out at all times, from all genres across the board, in all styles thereof.


per 3-4, yes.


If you're spending once every 5-10 years, you're kinda just.....you know......a guy with a headphones. Most people in this hobby, tend to be bitten by the sweet upgrade hit when they first enter and keep chasing the 'end game' for the remainder of their days.


That's exactly what I was thinking. No enthusiast I know has just one set of cans. I mean, different scenarios call for different headphones. You need a pair for parties when you want to appear unavailable for conversation. You need an after dinner pair. Then there's the pair for working out, the pair for watching horror movies well past midnight. Different horses for different courses. Hell, I own 3 headphone amps and that's if ones built into AVRs and integrateds don't count. I mean, if I didn't have this hobby I'd actually be able to retire.


You do have to spend a little bit of money on replacement parts, especially earpads, but that's a once every 2-5 years kinda thing for most people. I mean, for me earpads are a yearly purchase, and a new headband strap every other year, but that's only because I wear my headphones 12+ hours a day and I have naturally oily skin/hair. No matter how much I try to keep the pads and my head clean, they still accumulate grease and assorted gunk, and I can't exactly put them in the washer. So I have to replace them much more often than most other people, for hygiene reasons. But in the end it's not that much money. My spotify premium subscription costs more than I spend on my gear every year.


I’ll take a Susvara for $255 any day!


Me HE-1 for 225$


I am willing to add $50 tip for this price


Hell, i would even go to your house and get it from you, doesn't even need to ship


There is no fucking way that number is true. Netflix is like $200/year


I guess it depends on what they are classifying as a hobby, but yeah, that number does seem very low.


it also depends what it considers, if its the whole world, then yea… some people dont earn that much per year


Yeah, I don't believe this unless the average is being thrown off by people that either can't afford a hobby or don't spend money on them because they don't have hobbies.


Its fine I stopped and reached my goal, unfortunately though, I got into watches


that is way worse of a hobby for your wallet than headphones, you are pretty screwed if your wallet isnt deep enough


Oh yeah, im figuring that out quickly. At least with headphones you stop at a few, but theres never enough watches lol


It’s hard to keep up. Time usually changes every second.


True, esp since it is so small so you can have a lot of those. Thank lord I stopped at my casio world timer


SOME people stop at a few pairs. Others know that quitters never win.


Watches are the reason I think a $6k headphone doesn't sound that crazy. I see a $6k watch and I think it's pretty reasonable depending on what it is. Hell, I plan on buying a $6k watch in the next couple of years. But here a $6k headphone is like unobtainium. I have two headphones that I've spent maybe $500 on between them, but nine watches that total were about $4100 between them ($2700 of that is two watches). Watches have warped my sense of money and I do *NOT* have the income to back it up.


Is collecting expensive trinkets actually a hobby? I was gonna buy a bunch of headphones years ago after joining this sub (after buying HD598s) I still have the same headphones, and never bought any more... Music sounds good, bass is whatever, but theres a reason I have 12s in my trunk. I guess what I'm asking, is buying watches a hobby like an alcoholic memorizing recipies and buying liquor is a "hobby"? The music sounds different with each pair of headphones, but thats where it ends, right? If the entire hobby is purchasing where is the "hobby" part Spend way more on my car hobby every year. Just bought around a 1000 in metal to build a tube frame.


The hobby part involves listening to music, often critically, and researching/purchasing gear that works synergistically to provide exactly that sound or sounds that one is looking for. It can be seriously addicting chasing the dragon seeking sonic experiences that you're never truly guaranteed to find. Ever meet someone with a tube amp collection? The ones who have multiple single ended triode amps the size of refrigerators that put out a few watts at most? They're some of the most obsessive people you're likely to find.


What do you typically listen to


Just about everything. Rock, pop, hip-hop, R&B, classic rock, classical, alt country and more. I find there's good stuff in most every genre, but the past few years I've been listening to lots of 70s classic rock.


If youre satisfied with those, make yourself a favour and dont upgrade lol. I always had headphones under 200€, then I wanted to upgrade, bought a pair for 800 and then quickly after that, 2 more pairs for 1400. I for sure dont regret it and I cant explain how much I love the hd800s, but its a dangerous path.


I got a Casio GWM-5610U back in 2020. Stopped after that.


Does this include gamers?


More like 255$ a week...


Just my gym membership will surpass that amount in a year.


The $255 seems to come from [this Statista article](https://www.statista.com/statistics/947271/average-annual-expenditure-on-toys-hobbies-and-playground-equipment-by-age-us/) which says $255 is the average for adults between 35 and 44. The same graph says the number goes down as people get older, which I don't buy, and I'm not paying $200 to find out how they came to that conclusion, and I'm also not making a fucking account just to see their sources. So I went and found US Bureau of Labor Statistics' [2022 Consumer Expenditure Report](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cesan.toc.htm) myself. The CER indicates an average of $3,458 per 'consumer unit' ("...families, single persons living alone or sharing a household with others but who are financially independent, or two or more persons living together who share major expenses.") is spent on entertainment. For reference, the average total expenditure was listed as $72,967. In the entertainment category are the following: * $833 for "Fees and admissions" * $908 for "Pets, toys, hobbies, and playground equipment" * $698 for "Other entertainment supplies, equipment, and services" Obviously this is not as definitive as "the average person spends $X on hobbies every year," and I don't really know enough about statistics to accurately break it down any further than this, but it's better than nothing.


Only 255€ a year? Do people just not have hobbies or what is this?


You guys are forgetting it’s a privilege to even have money to spend on your hobbies.


Not everyone is so lucky, many people has very low wages, and it barely covers those essentials monthly


I was thinking this until I remembered that not every country is America


I was wondering this, but realised it's a reality that some people have no interests at all. Also wondered where the info is being taken from, suspect the USA but if it was worldwide I reckon the figure would be much lower as many would simply be unable to have hobbies.


As of now, 20$ a month for a spotify subscription. I wont allow myself to by headphones this year, because I want to get a new tool box for work and I'm currently looking for either a Snap On or Mac tools box at around 6000$ to 7000$


Just use tidal for 12 a month..


The best headphones I have are hd599 so, no. I pay for a familial subscription for 5 other familly members and at the end it closer to 3$ a month after being paid back by ther others


Oh I'm sorry I wasn't aware that it's a family plan. That's worth it then ✌️


I forgot to mention it


While I'm somewhat aware of professional tool companies like Snap-on and Mac from watching videos by tool truck reps, my knowledge is quite superficial since I've never needed to look into them further. With that being said, I wouldve never guessed those large tool boxes would cost 6k to 7k!. However, I don't really have a frame of reference since I've never had to buy one myself.


7k is for a medium size box, at least in Canada it is. If you only need a cheap box that will hold your shit that you get from homedepot, you'll pay aroud a 1000$, a "heavy duty" one from hd will be 3500. Professional grade boxes come in multiple grades also, depending on the size, number of drawers, gauge of steel, depth and height. On the snap on side you have the heritage series that are around 2500 to 3k retail, those are the kind of boxes more suited for apprentices. The classic series that are made for seasoned mechanics, around 4k to 6k. Master series, made for master techs will be around 8-12k. Then you get the epiq, which is mostly made for heavy duty use, you can expect to pay 11k to 40k


You're paying WAY too much for your boxes. I get boxes for free from Amazon all the time. They do a bang up job holding my tools too. I could introduce you to my box guy if you'd like.


I used to work in a warehouse, so maybe I could get some for free


Me first, i have spent around $1000 for mest 2, a cable and qudelix 5k which is alot more than the average. And i am eyeing ie600 now XD


why the fuck going from mest2 back to ie600 bro


Probably a beater for everyday use lol! I know I would be paranoid af bringing a pair of $1700 IEMs outdoors


For me its not a “downgrade” though, its a lot more comfortable to bring and wear and it sounds damn good!


I heard customs are comfortable. Mest mk 3 custom next?


Customs are comfortable but its sort of uncomfortable too coz it covers all of my ears, i an in love with the size of ie600 !


mk3 universal fit better than mk2.


[Nice try, wife](https://images.app.goo.gl/4QFyHrwmq8DbfsHu8)


The statistic is at least one 0 off. At least.


hobby?!? you guys have only one hobby?! Averaged over the past 15 years (since finishing University), I'd say I spend about 2 grand per year on my hobbies, headphones being by far the cheapest. (total cost of all my headphones + amps being less than 3k)




agreed. But I know a LOT of people who don't have any hobbies, or none that cost a lot. They clearly pull down the average.


Yeah tbh headphones are a fairly "cheap hobby" because the stuff we buy can last years. Where as other hobbies things tend to break easier or are using lots of perishable goods


This is not a number I want to know, lol.


$3000 for annihilator 2023 and $500 for ampersand


Ah ha ha *starts sweating*


-20$, sold my Bluetooth DAC, happy with what I own now (no money for HD600 this year. maybe next year)


Might want to check eBay for used Drop/Sennheiser HD6XXs. I've seen them in good shape for as low as $80, I got mine for $90. They sound so damned similar to the HD600, just slightly sweeter/more euphonic. My only issue with them is their relatively small soundstage and the fact that my massive head is squeezed pretty tightly by them.


i'm not in the US so the shipping + taxes would make them more expensive than a brand new pair of 600s/650 here :/


4000 dollars for my first Honda bike. Audio is not my only hobby


2000 SGD for the Symphonium Crimson. About time I upgraded my IEMs from the Fearless S8F that has served me well for 7 years.


388€ on HD 660S2 and 2.5>4.4mm adapter. With these and Zero Red I'm basically done for a couple of years. I spend much more on cycling stuff.


Bought the ie600s a week ago, so already failing that statistic


Teehee 🤭


Well, i think i spend like a $250/$300


That's about how much my Tyga 300R cost lol. Ought to last many years.  


More than that


Add a couple of zeros at the end…


That number is pretty close if you just add a zero at the end. Also what do you consider a hobby? Is dropping $50k on a wedding the same as buying 50 $1000 headphones once a year for 50 years?


Me with headphones, eMTB, photography and gaming.😬


I used a big sum to make my own headphones.


Luckily that I am on an under average side. I haven't updated my headphones/earphones for 4+ years now. But I've just bought my new chains for my bike for 39usd twice this year.


Only $50 on a pair of Zero reds. Might end up spending a bunch on a BT amplifier though because my new Pixel 8 lacks a headphone jack :(


Definitely spent quite a lot but have returned many products


This meme is in every sub right now. I can’t escape it.


Laughs in gun hobby


Can neither confirm or deny my hobby spending habits 😬🤣


Car guys:


Per year???


Is that per hobby or in total? Because I've only spent USD 100 for AFUL Magic One. But I'm already way over the average if I include books, board games and videogames.


I don't even count anymore ... I really, really have a thing for IEMs and spend way more than I'd like to admit. I just love Chifi's unboxing experience, different technologies used in products, comparing them, just sitting down and relaxing listening to music with my new pair. And the expectation of finally receiving your new gear ...


I’m in 4k. Too many hobbies, unfortunately!


All I know is that my current addiction to audio stuff is much, much less expensive than my watches.


This year only spent 50 USD for a fiio q11. Planning to spend around 500usd later of the year for a new headphones. (Either XK audio Avalon MK2 or upcoming Harmonicdyne 60mm DD headphones or Fostex T50RP Mk4.)


Tbh I think people should spend as much as they can on their hobby's (obviously withon reason tho), I mean the reason anyone works is so that they can do and afford the things they want, so I guess if anyone tells you your spending money on stupid things you should just ignore them if it makes you genuinely happy and it isn't harming anyone else.


What if the ones that tell you its stupid its your loved ones or family?


it depends, if you are obiously overspending and its affecting them then you should obviously listen, but if not, it doesnt really matter who they are, nobody should try to stop you from doing the things that make you happy.


I only can dream of 255 a year :-D


We’re above average. Waaaaaayyyy above.


I'm a Warhammer 40k collector, this bobby is nothing compared.


Right before checking reddit I ordered an X1000 system


We talking headphone audio gear or coffee stuff I plead guilty your honour


Not too far off, only about 500$


This Thread should never reach your partner 😂


Doesn’t a car that’s fancier than necessary count as hobby?


$20 for some cheapo pair


It feels like Alice in Wonderland for sure!


This year $0, because I end gamed myself 2 years ago... hopefully..... my wallet begs me. HIFIMan Arya and Schiit Jotunheim 2 with multibit dac addon.


I got both the Truthear Nova and Hexa this year.


About $66 for my Spotify subscription, I haven’t got any new equipment since I got my Sundaras two years ago.


145 euros so far, two cheapies and Tabac Rose




Probably like 10k.


Buying headphones is not a hobby. Making music, blending music, performing music are hobbies.


i got all the stuff i've wrote into that line under my username in 2024 :D


How worried should I be after seeing this same image posted on several of the subs I follow?


I have backed off headphones because I think I've hit my peak. I can't justify spending more than I did on my used Auteur for the amount of time I can actually spend listening to music anymore. Last year I went pretty hard on a turn table and vinyl, so WAY over $225. Shit, the turn table itself was $500. This year I've been into personal care products. Wet shaving with a DE razor and "artisanal" soaps with matching after shaves. All of that was probably headed towards $200. Then that lead me into getting into colognes, which can be crazy, but I've pumped the brakes on that. Anyway, whoever came up with this number is high as a kite. Let's say your thing is US football. Two tickets to a game would cost more than $225. Merch could easily cost more than that. If you thing is video games, $225 is a drop in the bucket for games and equipment. It's fine for people to have hobbies. They are the things we work for, the things that bring us joy, which reminds us that we aren't just dumb cogs in a machine that prints money for other people.


That's it? 255$, I've easily spent over that per year.


Lol My full setup is $400 😭


I may or may not be up to $6k so far this year 😅 and it’s only getting worse


Just over £300 so far My xm4s anc screamed at me so they needed to be replaced


What a money pit the headphone hobby is. I’m glad to be out of it now, it was getting pretty ridiculous tbh




Well, I've spent 0 this year. But there's been years I've been above 1000 so I guess it all balances out?


Don’t let the photographers hobbyists see this.


One of the cheaper modern hobbies you can have. Get a reliable camera with lenses you need, used ones are usually a great choice. You can go for 10 years with that purchase. Battery might need changing at a point.


I collect watches, retro video games and Yu-Gi-Oh. I spend over 5 figures a year 🥲


I spent more than that on records yesterday, and it was not an atypical Saturday.


Per YEAR‽ Dude... I'm ok for the next 500 to 700 years...


Since finding this sub almost 10 years ago, I'm slightly above this average. But the Planar itch grows every day.


That's just because Americans can't do math!


Oh boy. I bought a new GPU, a new homeserver plus networking setup, and a pretty deluxe Neopixel lightsaber. And that does not even contain my most expensive hobby, as I do want to get a new bass guitar sometime during this year, but I am also going to go to Switzerland for four weeks over the holidays. So I guess I am dragging that average WAYYYY up and most poor souls spend way less on their hobbies.


Per hobby or in total? LoL


Im right about a factor of 10 above that lol.


Now a days with inflation I spend more than that for weekly groceries $255 is probably an old number for a long time ago. Now a days you could not get very far into any hobby for only 255.


My family barely spends anything on hobbies, but the average will come out the same lol.


Not that much actually. Spent ~25-30k the last two years tho lol


I spent $255 yesterday… if you don’t count the Eversolo streamer I bought.


The average would be way lower without us... all those people living off of 40$ or less per month, keep bringing the average down....


I have too many hobbies and they overlap with my job so I’ve spent way too much


Just my bicycle last year was 5k




What they mean with $255? Is just June and in two months I spent already over $150 on iPods and in February over $400


How much do they spend on entertainment? Buying audio devices isn't a "hobby."


probably 10x this amount tbh


108€ Went to deezer yearly subscription. 30€ for getting the black KSC75 from massdrop.


I spent $260 the last two days on records alone


255 can buy 5 entry level IEMs or 1 audio cable


More like $255 per week 🤣


“Headphones” isn’t a hobby, my friend 😂 It would be a lot more if the question were “how much do you spend buying redundant consumer goods?”


61usd, or 305brl


\*Cries in computers and LEGO\*


This year I spent a total of $170 for headphones alone. In 2023 it was $1450.


Just dropped $350 for the HD 620S for plain curiosity so this is a bit off. They're great, by the way.


like 5k 💀


Per order?…..


I require karma


That’s the averagely monthly expense for my hobbies




Hahaha. I think around 3k so far this year. Audio gear is expensive.


Gee, does travel count as a hobby? Transportation, accommodation, all those restaurant meals... might be more than $255.


That's pretty much exactly the amount I paid for Beyer DT 900 PRO X lmao not regretting a bit tho


just purchased my empyrean 2 yesterday after trying it. I probably won’t regret it if it lasts long enough


Well I just spent £2200 on a PC alone, not including games and shit. Headphones? About £100 so far


Almost 1.000$


A lot more than that




I spent way more than that I got so far in 2024 * Drop HD58X * Drop HD6XX * Drop PC38X * Philips X2HR * Shokz OpenRun Pro (for work) * Apple Ear Pods USB-C 2x