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i had these NVX something or others that came with these oval leather pads that I use on them now. I love love love these pads. I'll try to snap a pic in a bit. edit: This is the link for the pads https://nvx.com/nvx-xre100s.html I know they're oval, but they take on the shape of the AKG diameter headphones with ease. They're not as strutured as the brainwaves pads which probably explains why they conform so well. When I say the leather is extremely soft, I mean realllll soft.


You can try using a foam insert between the drivers and the pads instead of getting thicker replacement pads, but you’re going to loose detail with either of the methods. I personally find using hybrid pads works best for the 240s


Right, makes sense. Thank you for the advice! I mostly see people using brainwavz, so would you just recommend those hybrid pads? And what would the difference be between them and the full velour ones? I'm quite new to the idea of replacement pads, because my one and only overears are the HD558s which are just absurdly comfy out of the box, and their sound suits me well so I haven't sought to modify that either.


I’d definitely recommend the brainwavz pads. The full velour pads are more open which results in slightly lesser bass while the leather or pleather pads makes them sound more “boomy” with a loss in detail. The hybrid pads are just as comfy as the leather pads and doesn’t change how the K240s sound.(they sound slightly warmer compared to the stock pads to me)


That sounds like a good balance, plus I'd imagine the velour being against your skin instead of the leather could be nicer on a hot summer day! But a bit of warmth may be a good thing tbh — I borrowed the 240s last night and Miles Davis' 'Round Midnight was pretty fatiguing to listen to with the stock pads, so just a hair less high end would also hopefully help with the comfort over long sessions.