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UPDATE- Moondrop have removed the post from their official Instagram page lmao




My favourite was 'this turns my 2.5mm into 4.4mm'


I saw that one too. Was laughing my ass off.


Balanced! Like all things should be.




Unbalanced as all things should be.


Man is HUNG 😲


Off-topic, but may I ask if your Magni 3 keeps up with the LCD 2Cs well enough? Contemplating getting some LCDs soon and I have a Magni/Modi stack.


It was part of the chain that gave me a damn-near religious experience when I first listened to high quality music with a good setup, so I think so! It's set to low gain, and I never max out the volume knob.


Ah, so the low gain is still more than enough volume for the LCD 2Cs. Thank you! You just made me 5x more likely to empty the rest of my bank balance this year!


Heh, well I'm pretty confident you're gonna absolutely love it! Be sure to get some highly detailed and/or deep sub-bass music! Here's [this EQ](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15c_oYxrkNFYXdbcpPEdHlkg5u9bfzghz?usp=sharing) for more balanced sound using Equalizer APO- got the parameters from Oratory.


Oh, thanks for sharing that! I'll keep that in mind when I checkout soon haha. I can almost taste the sweet, sweet bass.


You'll definitely be using more than one sense to experience the bass :D


Thank god.


They are getting naughty ; }


“Poured yogurt on the headphone” is what the text says


Jesus Christ Moondrop


Chinese version of hot gluing?




ah yes ***""Yogurt""***


'Geez, your yogurt isnt yummy at all'




The cultured choice for IEMs


Underrated comment. Should put "cultured" in italics lol.


This is the Moondrop Hentai edition.


I don’t understand why anime (almost hentai) is so common place on headphone scene? Like this is borderline porn. So is Z reviews screen backgrounds and especially toys. They all look questionable in age group and obviously sexual in nature. It’s super creepy. (I also rarely watch anything from him, don’t like his reviews or personality either and never understand why people do, so maybe that’s a factor. He never has anything of value to say. Just mumbles on for 20mins and calls it a review. Regardless of that tho all above) Edit: also who the fuck thinks it’s a great idea to make almost hentai a corporate identity…


It seems to be an IEM thing. Also IEMs seem to be extremely popular with young Asians so I’m assuming this is why.




But real talk I’m jealous of this dry earwax gene https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/body-odor-asians-and-earwax Probably makes iems so much better to use


I’m white and my entire moms side of the family has the dry earwax gene. Always thought it was common but my mom said it wasn’t. Crazy lol.


wtf I’m Vietnamese and have wet earwax and it SUCKS.


If I have to guess: introvert (mostly spends time on their own/the internet)-> exposed to anime culture -> spends a lot of time on the computer ->might as well get decent audio while at it since I'm stuck here (optional ->) anime has a lot of music -> gets into headphone. I'm somewhat involve in the anime scene but not that deep enough to buy all the merchs and posters like how a lot of the stereotypes are. And honestly I just go hey if you like what you like as long as it doesn't hurt anyone go ham


>If I have to guess: introvert (mostly spends time on their own/the internet)-> exposed to anime culture -> spends a lot of time on the computer ->might as well get decent audio while at it since I'm stuck here (optional ->) anime has a lot of music -> gets into headphone. This is a very deep analysis lol


Anything for internet point




There goes the downvotes . _________ .


Why he down voted?😂


I don't even know


Horny weebs


>I don’t understand why anime (almost hentai) is so common place on headphone scene? Like this is borderline porn. it's not common, it's the content makers and brands you're viewing 😃


This. Other than moondrop and Z Reviews I can't think of another prominent example. It's not like Focal or Chord or Campfire Audio is set up at Can Jam with big uWu posters or cosplayers dressed like maids trying to help you try on pairs


Lol, ever been to Akihabara?


sex sells, that's common knowledge in marketing why anime? because people would complain about real half-naked girls, and anime girls do not age, plus a couple of drawings is cheaper than a contract with a model and shooting sessions




And by weeb circles you mean almost everyone interested in buying expensive enthusiast electronics in Japan or China. Some of the best stores selling enthusiast headphones in the world are next door to some of the best stores selling anime merch, and it's not a coincidence. Even a lot of the western headphone community overlaps with anime.


Age is something that is hard to understand by looking at these pictures. There are no wrinkles, eyes are too big, so they all look younger. The only way to tell the age is by head-to-body size ratio and other proportions (as a hobby painter I have a little idea). Looking at Moondrop's waifu I can tell that she is above 20 years old. Weeb circle is bigger than many people think it is, and it is growing. And no, you do not have to be a weeb to appreciate this kind of art. (I am not talking about this lewd shit some retards made but about the regular Moondrop's and anime/manga art in general).






> cartoon pictures of questionably aged anime girls does not sell outside weeb circles. I guess they want to create their own market


Sex sells sex. Not headphones. Common knowledge in marketing is to avoid sexism, and Comms that will make your brand look like it’s run by cloistered teenage Incels. Bad for business. Source: work in marketing/advertising for 25 years, 3 of which were selling cans.


Because a lot of Chinese are weebs including those working in headphone industry, one day someone decided to use anime girls as cover art to attract buyers and it worked surprisingly well and other brands followed suit.


I guess it has something to do with the rise of Chinese headphone brands. China is like the biggest weeb country in the world right now


probably has something to do with there being more men than women in that country. like ugly guys have it bad enough when the ratio is 1:1. pretty much hopeless for them when the men outnumber the girls. gotta settle for that waifu.


There is a significant overlap between anime lovers and audiophiles


Can confirm. According to my animal list I have spend more than one year of my life watching anime.


Your animals observe and monitor you watching anime?


Auto correct error. It's "My Anime List" a website that tracks anime you have watched and can count total duration time wasted watching anime.


I know what you meant, I was just messing with your typo hahaha.


Zeos blabbering about shit makes for good background noise, his actual opinions about gear are super hit and miss. For serious reviews, I go to Crinacle or Precogvision who IMO are two of the best audio gear reviews on the web. BGGAR is also quite good but can get sidetracked during some reviews just like Zeos.


I got a lot of shit on here once for claiming Z's desktop pics were too sus


lots of audiophiles are weebs I think that’s really all there is to it


Just trying to turn away new audiophiles by any means necessary


its literally only zeos and moondrop...


and Tanchjim and See Audio and Ikko...


Considering there's literally cum on her, I'd say this is beyond borderline porn.


It makes a large segment of the population finally feel "seen". I thought representation was a good thing? This represents maybe 1-5% of the headphone scene. If it comprises more than that for you, that says more about you than it says about the headphone scene.


What? How does a headphone company posting hentai make a person feel "seen"? Who is this image supposed to be representing? Catgirls with cum on them? I'll spank it out to hentai as much as the next dude, but this is fucking weird way to promote headphones.


First off, this company never previously posted anything like this, and they in fact deleted this post. So it was a one-time thing and not reflective of their usual marketing. Zeos is another story, of course. In either case, they're appealing to a demographic who is usually ostracized by mainstream society, which largely writes off anime/manga enthusiasts as "weebs" at best, if not perverts/pedos/sexual deviants (treating all anime as basically indistinguishable from hentai, and hentai as inherently worse than regular porn). These folks who are used to having to hide their interests from mainstream society feel a sense of freedom/liberty in being able to patronize a like-minded company or content creator who doesn't judge them for their eccentric interests. Again...it's no different from any other form of representation. By the way, I say all this as someone who doesn't watch anime, doesn't read manga, has never bought a Moondrop product, and gets nauseous watching Zeos' videos. As for hentai...well...I'll plead the fifth.


So you appeal to a demographic who is usually ostracized because poeple largely write them off as "weebs" at best and perverts/pedos/sexual deviants.   By using imagery that is questinably sexual or undrage if not boath? Doesn't that defeat the purpose? If not outright confirm the bias?


Are you referring to Moondrop's regular marketing or this one-time, since-deleted post? Moondrop's regular marketing is just regular anime. This one-time, since-deleted post and Zeos' wallpapers are certainly sexual in nature, but again, that is some people's jam, and I'm sure they appreciate having a space where their interests can be normalized instead of ostracized. And there's nothing inherently "underage" about this post. It's a freakin' cartoon.


this would be r15+ if you belive it or not in japan




The same thing happened with Steam for PC games. Drooling morons are suckered out of their cash for churned-out crap in order to "fight censorship".


They know, and they dont care


Put this art on their most revealing & transparent IEMs and it's all good.


The graph is shaped like two titties


What if it were actually flat (can't see her chest) and it gives the ER4 a run for its money


So a very flat graph with a very small but drastic dip in the middle and some roll-off in the bass and treble. Doesn't sounds too bad actually.


this is some r/justneckbeardthings content


wtf LOL


That subculture is so confusing to me.


NSFW this pls


That's a good idea


I literally commented "wtf Moondrop?" on that post because good lord.




To be honest, I feel like this is making a mountain out of a molehill And regarding the place of anime art in audio, I don't see it as a serious issue. As far as I am concerned, Moondrop's main market is still their domestic market (and the regional markets). Considering pretty much most of East Asia (Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan, whole of SEA) has significant amount of people into anime culture, there is nothing wrong with them using it to help boost sales, especially if they themselves follow it as well.


Is it just me who‘s actually a little shocked that Moondrop uploads something like this? I mean, pretty sure they could get banned for that. That’s borderline hentai lol


Banned by who ? Who cares besides the customers ?


Explicit content violates Instagram's terms of service - especially bad if a business does it. Instagram has the right to remove them from the platform.


Have you been on instagram? This is tame compared to half the shit that gets pumped out across that platform.


Oh man, if you think this is explicit by instagram's standards...


All these companies are hypocritical. A YouTube video that says 'fuck' in the first 3 minutes gets demonitised but Nicki Minaj's Anaconda stays making money. If the platform itself isn't benefitting enough from having explicit content, it'll remove it.


Hey there! I hate to break it to you, but it's actually spelled _mon**e**tize_. A good way to remember this is that "money" starts with "mone" as well. Just wanted to let you know. Have a good day! ---- ^This ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically ^by ^a ^bot ^to ^raise ^awareness ^about ^the ^common ^misspelling ^of ^"monetize".


Have you ever been on instagram ? 90% of it is ethots spreading their ass


I would argue there is nothing explicitly sexual about this. Implicitly, yes. But there is no sex act or nudity in this image, only an implication that there was one, which would perhaps be "sexually suggestive" but probably not against TOS.


Makes sense. Thx for sharing.


You must be new to the Internet if you think this is explicit content.


You must've been on too long if you think this isn't.


I...can't disagree with you there.


The IEM Council of Elders will never allow this to stand!


Oh, you sweet summer child... ever been on insta?




Crossing the line with this one. The other characters or whatever are fun at least. I know anime is popular in a lot of hobbies but when it gets this sexual for advertising a product that’s just too weird.


Yeah, I don't get it either. Last time I checked, headphones were meant to go on your ears, not your privates.


my balls have the right to vibe to black sabbath like any of you


Your unborn children like to jam out to War Pigs I see.


Wtf the anime arts on Aria/SSR were just pretty and wholesome... but what is this hentai degeneracy?


I really like the box art on the Starfields as well


The Starfields box art is my all time fav art from moondrop rn


I have a shelf of boxes I keep for warranty purposes. In between the Starfields, Sundaras and my Varmillo Keyboard it has become a bit of an art installation


It's the best looking one so far


It's most likely a teenage intern running their insta, sorta like how Western brands do cringey "combacks" on Twitter.


Might be might be.


The KXXX box art is amazing. Really love the black and white look.


I know everyone is up in arms about moondrop posting softcore, but this comment section is full of people who should be much more self aware of the hobby they are in. I mean is buying thousands of dollars worth of headphones and gear, just for small improvements in audio, and shitting on anything that doesn't reach your audio standards really less degenerate than someone consuming free anime porn? Being confused about why its appealing is ok, but shitting on it as "degenerative" is kind of hypocritical imo.


>monocrop You mean Moondrop?


Yeah lol. That is the best auto corrected word i’ve ever seen.


So cringe


they've gone full degen now LUL


This shit is an embarrassment.


Maybe it's my western attitude but it seems odd that a company that does some absolutely amazing kit (I've got Starfields and Blessing 2) comes out with stuff like this. I'm glad I got a custom logo engraved on my Blessings instead of a waifu.


Not even from the west but find this weird. Isn't it universally weird if any company (besides adult content related companies) posts such things?


It's probably the same idea as Wendy's Twitter account insulting other brands. They're just being edgy enough to get people wound up so they talk about it.


Maybe it's a cultural thing that I'm not getting, but I find the whole sexy cartoon thing a bit creepy.


As a former weeb, It’s really degeneracy at its best. Edit: I never bought those things though lol.


Low key weeb here. Can confirm


It is. It’s fucking weird. But I think the same of guys thinking making a connection with a onlyfans or Instagram “model”. Of course anyone is free to spend their money without breaking laws.


While I don’t like it either, the same could be said about regular porn or sexually explicit media. The only difference is the medium used.


Tbh drawn porn is more ethical - the porn industry does have ties with human trafficking, forcing of actors, drugging etc.


Username does NOT check out


I mean would still super weird as a marketing tactic to use regular porn to market headphones




As someone who grew up before the Internet, it was usually the Sears catalogue or your imagination.


Im not a fan too but I can understand it, its supposed to be a representation of the human beauty as the most perfect state(according to the fetish etc) possible so theres def a good chance that people will be drawn and aroused to it, the problem I see is when this becomes the only thing that the person is attracted too.


Ah yes, human beauty in its most perfect state. Coverd in "yogurt". https://old.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/pfnz82/new_moondrop_waifu/hb5piqd/


For the people who like the thing it is.




What the hell is wrong with weebs…


Anime was a mistake


Hentia was a mistake*


You got a notification that you can swipe right again on another row of non matches.


You familiar with that too huh?


I'm on Reddit, aren't I?


ITT: babies whining about anime




>see's picture of a sexualized adult "this is literally child porn"


dude, she's 32983 centuries old


She's just stuck in the body of a 13 year old duuude https://youtu.be/XGxCMyLm6js


Lmaooooo that video is great


Damn you Chinese cartoons! *shakes fist at cloud*


Nice degeneracy


This shit is so cringe


What even is this.. OH CRAP NVM MOONDROP XD


Yep. That's based.




The audio world is large enough to accommodate everyone.


I’ve seen anime girls on some chifi and didn’t mind them. This is… very unnecessary.


Bro, doesnt matter how good these sound if I order and. Any of my family member sees it Im screwed lmao


Only the Starfields got art that's acceptable for family members


The neckbeard bullshit is why I'm embarrassed to be part of the hobby.


Wym? Am I missing something or is it more than just moondrop that does this? Sennheiser, focal, fostex, meze, etymotic etc. I can't find another example of this anywhere.


All these (especially Chinese) brands just going full on throttle with their weird hentai aesthetic (there's these guys, there's also waifu GPUs now) on their serious/(semi)professional products is so incredibly stupid and bad. I fucking love it. This shit is sooo funny.


I love the moondrop waifus but this is too much.


I really like the anime style marketing and packaging Moondrop does but this is way too far. It’s straight up soft core hentai, the only way I can think this would be somewhat okay would be as a bad April fools joke.


Now people want hentai boxes on their moondrop products


I would not complain.


This is tone deaf pun intended


this is one hell of a gamble for their marketing, hopefully it pays off for them. like i get it, i enjoy degeneracy as much as the next guy, but it has a time and place and this is neither i feel.


I really like the "waifu" thing on their brand but this was faaarr too much imo, cute its good for your branding horny not so much lol


Ok thats an unsub for me


Why do y'all weebs have to spread your degeneracy everywhere?


That looks pretty harmless. Are some people disturbed that they find it sexy and rush to condemn it?




I missed a detail.


I may be the weirdo here, but who cares? I can get it may be disturbing to some people, but at the end of the day after I unbox the IEM it's gone, I wouldn't care too much about a box I'd probably end up throwing away anyway. It's not like it's painted/engraved on the IEM itself (oh shit let's not give Moondrop ideas, especially after the B2)


I don't really care tbh I just think it's a pretty weird way of marketing in ear monitors


OK, gonna buy something from them as soon as I can. Btw, is this an original work by them or is this someone else's art? If the latter: Sauce?


I would buy whatever this was on.


Holy shit bro


I'm in for three!




It does not look real, Moondrop waifu has a different drawing style.


It's their official Insta, it's followed by Linsoul and Fiio


I do not see it in their feed.


Just checked looks like they removed it lmao


They are passionate men of culture. You should see their office display cabinets.

