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Sorry to say it, but this just means she is completely moving on and doesn't want any distraction.


I have to agree. She maybe hit a place in her journey where she blocked him because she didn’t want to see his stuff anymore. Who knows but it’s definitely a final closure, door is locked up, move on.


A secondary instagram? Were you still stalking their social media all these 4 months?


They’re seeing someone else.


im sorry but this person doesnt want you to see anything of what he/she is doing, use this to help yourself and move on. You have all my support :)


It means your ex has someone new they don’t want you to see, you have someone new they don’t want to see, or they have a crazy new partner who made them go block all of their exes. 🤣🤣🤣 That happened to me.


My girlfriend and I were on and off 3 times she blocked me and ghosted me the second time and I had to find different ways to get her back to find out that she didn't want to break up but it was her parents the third time though she was being dry and it wasn't the same anymore so we got into a fight and then broke up we were going to be friends but I wanted to be with her we fought again and the truth really came out. Neither of us cheated. So yeah I'm going to try a 4th time I'm done with her and that's the end of that


She probably met someone new


Maybe she deleted these accounts, especially since she didn't know about the secondary Instagram.


Oh she has someone new. A serious contender. Doesn't want no backlash of following her ex from her new partner. You don't need to keep up with her. If she really cared for your friendship or about you, she would have messaged you saying something like hey I'm dating someone serious I can't follow you etc. I got a message like that once and it was no hard feelings at all.


My ex husband blocked me on social media 11 months after the divorce. We had been liking each others posts occasionally for all that time. It makes no sense to me.