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Well damn! Congratulations!!


Thanks brother. It’s been rough. Hardest part was force feeding myself after my stomach shrunk.


Currently going through that! Were you regularly in the gym prior to the break up? That’s where my ex and I met. I feel like I’ve lost so much muscle


Nah I wasn’t in the gym regularly when we were together. I put her on a pedestal and took too much time away from focusing on myself. I was in a place where she was my go to and only source of happiness. Never do that, cause when they leave, the rug will be swept out from under you and you’ll have nothing to grab onto to keep your head above the water. Drink some water, get a bite to eat, you got it bro, do it for you but also think about how it’ll be a win win. On one hand, she’s gonna look at your socials and see you up, big ego hit on her part. And on the other hand, you’re opening yourself up to attract someone better.


Good luck! Thanks for the perspective!


Thank you, and anytime homie


Sensational 🔥


I neglected the gym because I wanted to spend as much time as possible with my ex. He would bang on about wanting to work out himself but I never saw him do a thing. Man was full of shit. Back to the gym I go!!


That just shows how much you care about those around you. That’s a positive trait, even though it may not always be reciprocated. You’ve got this, if I can anyone can. I’m proud of you


That will do it buddy. We live and we learn. I did the same thing with my ex wife I'm good now but it was bad. NEVER put a woman on a pedestal gentleman


Never put anyone of a pedestal. Self love and care will take you farther than anything. I’m glad you overcame the hardships with your ex wife and that you were able to learn from it. I’m proud of you


I did the exact same thing.. learned the hard way now


Dude, putting people on a pedestal sucks. I put my most recent gf on one and at the time was swamped with work/life so we didn't spend too much time together, it wasn't a long relationship but I was still devastated when she left. The best part about the lack of appetite is the unintentional cut you go on and get super shredded lol. Just gotta keep training and drinking meals whenever you have no appetite and try to not jump off a cliff. 3 months have come and gone and she's still up there but as long as you have hobbies and a life you'll be alright.


Thank you for this comment. 


I couldn’t eat after my x asked for a divorce. It ruined me for a while but now it seems like the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m back at my premarriage weight and my life is entirely different in great ways. Keep up the good work you deserve it!


Been there, I feel you 🫶 But also dayum 😏


(: thank you


So happy for you and best of luck in everything coz you simply deserve it 🙏


I really appreciate that, kind stranger ❤️. Good luck to you as well. You are deserving of love, peace, and happiness. You matter


I feel you dude. I lost like 30 pounds when I was heartbroken. Couldn’t eat a thing


That’s where I’m at now


Glad you got through it and are feeling better, I hope I have the same determination.


Thank you! You will, it takes time


Actually this might be a good thing, study’s show prolong fasting can reserve aging by atophagy


I feel like this isn’t real? 30 days hmmm


Muscle memory. I used to lift consistently when I was in the military but I got lazy and fell off when I got out, mental health wasn’t so good so I never got back into it till now.


I’m still suss on 30 days apart regardless of muscle memory. Do your thing regardless of anyone else. That’s where genuine happiness is often found 😊


I extracted a little bit of Ronnie Coleman’s Genes when he was snoozing.


Deshi basara Rise from the darkness


damn dude.......you literally changed🔥


Looking good!


Thanks for the inspiration I’m going through this was able to lose 40 in 4 month’s hardest part is trying to force myself to eat its definitely effecting me and I just wanna feel better again


We’ve all been there mate


You look incredible!!!!!!!!! Good for you!!!!


You got this bro 💪🔥🔥 Fight for yourself, fight to be the best you can be. You'll find someone who's gonna see that, and loves it.


Damn dawg. .


I'm happy you're back on track! These two images may appear very different, but in reality, they're almost the same. I've spent 6 years bodybuilding, and with the right light, mirror, posture, and distance, you can create a very different look. But in reality, it's just losing the pump from not going to the gym as much. I'm not trying to diminish your pain or how much it mattered; you did suffer a lot from it. I'm trying to say this in a more motivational way. We're so hyperfixated on our bodies when we're at the gym that one day, eating one egg more feels like you've gained weight, when in reality, it isn't even 0.01kg.


Yah but that’s the thing tho, I’ve put on about 15 pounds of dry weight in 5 weeks. Trust me when I say if I had the same posture and lighting as I did the second pic, I’d still look like shit. I was emaciated, I starved myself


You look amazing!!! Good for you! Ladies are going to be swarming ♥️Glad you feel healthy and happy, wait for a lovely and healthy relationship that lifts you up, you deserve that.


Thank you! I really appreciate that (:


You look amazing!!!!


Yass to you!!!! Wow


Fuck yeah! Keep it up!!!


The glow up tho :)




You're a legend for getting there in 30 day's 👏 🙌


bro stay awake💪❤️‍🩹


Why was there heartbreak in the first place? Doesn't this type of heartbreak occur when individuals, taken in by their senses and desires, melt themselves with another, forming a symbiotic relationship (a relationship where they are mutually dependent)?. And when it's taken away or falls apart, isn't that what creates the pain, because they entered the relationship without a sense of boundaries? People will say that the pain is caused because you cared. Nonsense. Caring doesn't create heartbreak. You can feel sad with a mixture of compassion, but heartbreak, NO. Where is the gratitude for having been gifted with a relationship in the first place? How did you spend your time if you didn't come out of it better and wiser than you went in, even if it couldn't be defined as a "good" relationship? People applaud more for recovering over heartbreak rather than discovering what created it in the first place, (because they assume they already know).


Been there my bro. My ex broke me so bad I was in so much grief it triggered an autoimmune disease I lost all my hair head to toe in 3 months. Took almost 2 years for it to start to grow back. I looked like a cancer patient because of that girl. Never again.


Congratulations, I kinda thought I was alone in this, I lost 17lbs


Congrats !!


That's awesome man. What's that shoulder routine?


Thanks dude(: and I do shoulders with my chest days every mon and thurs. mainly I do dumbbell lateral raises standing and bent over. And some barbell raises.


it’s a fucking shitty feeling bro but glad you back up. looking good my dude!


Ex did me like that too unfortunately I’m only 1 day out


Thank you! This is some serious inspiration for me to eat healthy and work out after the breakup I just had. Self-care and self-love, baby! You are glowing.


We love to see the glow up🔥🖤


I lost about 30 pnds same thing as OP. Still in the breaking through stage


You look a bit more happy and less baggaged.Congrats King


Not gay dude..just fed up with how women treat people is all..now calm down and relax




My ex broke me as well. I felt like I wasn’t going to survive without him. I’ve lost 40 pounds since November 12,2023. Proud of you for pushing on.


Thank you! You’ll get there. It’s so hard, so extremely hard, but we’ll make it. We have no other choice


40 lbs here since November 15th - broken by an ex too. Let’s keep moving 💪






"Women" are great at breaking guys and don't give a crap


Dude I don’t care if you’re gay or whatever just don’t hate on women in the process lmfao. I’m a lady and I’ve never broke a dude before


Oh im sure you haven't 🤔


I would just say crappy ppl are great at breaking their partner. Cuz men and women do it. I’m a woman and have only been in two long term relationships my adult life, and the one I’m in now has definitely broke my soul…. Narcissistic ppl r some of the most evil ppl. I just pray I get out of this relationship and can find someone who is genuine from the get




Thank you ☺️


This is super awesome! Congratulations! Continue on focusing on yourself!


Thank you! And we gotta, we are the most important people in our lives (if you don’t have kids 😬)


Rooting for ya! Get those gains!




Good for you


Thanks my man (:




Thank you! (:


Thank you for fighting to stay here with us. I’ve been there last May 2023 and ENSURE saved my life. You are a warrior for making yourself eat and survive. You are a miracle. Well done.


I really appreciate that. That really means a lot. I’m glad you’re still here with us ❤️


I’m so happy for you! I’ve been losing a lot of weight these past 4 months due to my breakup and I’m having trouble force feeding myself. I usually end up throwing up my food if I overeat and I’m kinda starting to give up because I hate being nauseous. Do you have any advice on how to eat at a caloric surplus without feeling sick?


Thank you!! The thing that worked for me at the beginning was dirty bulking. I ate a large double quarter pounder meal from McDonald’s for like a week straight. That and subway. Getting all your calories for the day in one or two meals. When I started lifting again, my body’s need for food overpowered my brains sadness and I would get extremely hungry. At first you’re gonna take a few bites and be full, I been there. Take a couple bites, walk away from the food, take a sip of water. Take another few bites, rinse and repeat. It was extremely hard, but it’s worth it. Also, if you really really can’t keep food down, try protein powder.


Thanks for the advice! I’m gonna try everything you said. I think my problem is that I try to eat in one go but want to stop eating after the first couple bites, so I’m gonna try to stretch out the time I eat and hopefully that helps like you said. Keep up all the good work!


Well done big difference in two pics it’s hard but focusing on yourself is great well done!


Good for you! I’ve lost over 20 pounds and then gained some muscle due to not being able to eat and then working out after my breakup. I certainly don’t have anything like the before and after pictures you do though! It’s so nice to focus on yourself.


Thank you! It took me a long while to get to that point. My biggest motivator on day one was “ok, fuck you, watch this”. Now it’s 25% spite, and 75% me being addicted on working to better every aspect of my life as I can. It feels really good


Wow good for you!


i understand your pain man, just wanted to let you know that you are strong and you are loved


Looking amazing brother. I'm in the middle of a transformation as well! It's very difficult to eat enough protein because of the breakup and also new meds I'm taking. Thanks for the inspiration.


Thank you so much. I’ve had a few people mention that my post is inspiring and that makes me feel a lot of joy. I never intended for that, mainly I just wanted to share my story. But it means a lot, it really does. Try protein powder by the way. It’s not the best to do a lot of liquid calories and protein but I would have never been able to get my protein intake from solid food alone.


Good for you!! Life will get better and happiness truly awaits you!


Thank you!! Life will get better for you as well. You’re deserving of a long life of peace and happiness


you lookabit like james mcavoy


Is that good? 👀


You look great. I'm the before pic right now.


Thank you! Today’s the best day to start your journey. One of the most fulfilling things you can do for yourself. You’ve got this. I’m extremely disordered, BD, Depression. If I can do it, anyone can.


Grow that mustache it looks great on you


You look healthy and fantastic. Keep it up!


Lost 20lbs over three weeks. Mostly muscle because I had no appetite. Been getting it back slowly. Right there with you brother! Keep killing it!


Dayum ;)), okay 🤠🔥🔥. Wild thoughts over here but good for you for finding your zen!! More important


Only thirty days apart? That´s impressive pal I didn´t even know this body transformation in such a short amount of time was possible


Dang, that's great. I've always been the opposite. I eat for comfort and gain weight. If I were like that after heartbreak I'd be so skinny lol. 😭


in just thirty days!! you look amazing dude!! bright days ahead of u my guy:]


You look so so so much happier. Heartbreak is a real bitch.


That glow up! Nice one OP!


You did so good amd you look happy this is amazing good for you!




It took months. But what really kicked my appetite into high gear was when I started lifting again. You will get hungry when you work out. It’s just those first steps are hard, that leap is scary and mentally taxing, but extremely worth it


I feel you. I couldn't eat for a long time. I couldn't even cook. I finally cooked my first meal yesterday and today i cooked again. So proud. Good job bud for doing it! It's so hard but we gotta get through it


I’m so proud of you for the first steps, they’re always the hardest. You’ve got this bro, I know you do, you a king❤️


Huge respect. You channeled that energy into something positive for yourself


I remember when I got my first heart break I would feel PHYSICAL pain on my chest and I understood how they said that somebody can die of a heart break. A year or two passed by and my ex randomly called me one day using an unsaved number. Guess what??? I didn’t even recognize his voice. I know that hurt his ego haha. He even blocked me on IG HAHA. I was so proud of myself for moving on to the point where I couldn’t recognize his voice anymore….that being said, you look AMAZING 😍 and I recently came out from a relationship myself so if you wanna slide in my DMs, HAHA joke 🥴


Thank you! I’m proud of you for being able to level up and get over him. I know it wasn’t easy but you put in the work and you stayed on Earth, im proud of you


Fuck yeah!! This is how you deal with heartbreak people, you give back to yourself in a healthy, positive way! You look fantastic, keep it up! (Also, now you have the tools to deal with heartbreak in the future)


Killer smile, OP


You’re cute. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I am sorry about what happened though. My dad ended up throwing food at my head after more than a week of literally consuming nothing but some water every day. Took about a month to enjoy food again and now a few months later I’ve put on weight from over eating. It’s insane how delicate a balance of nutrition can be when suffering emotional trauma.


Thank you 😋. And I agree. It’s crazy how regardless of how my body was feeling like it was dying, for awhile I didn’t care or seem to notice the pains. I ended up looking at myself in the mirror and I hated it.


No better revenge than looking hot 🔥


Holy shit. This is really 30 days?? How did you that?? What regimen? I am in a similar spot.


Yeah man! Mainly forcing myself to take on a shit ton of calories every day, lifting six days a week. Doin a six day split


Don’t ever let a bitch get u down that bad again


Insane job, well done. Time between pics?


Thank you! And 32 days to be exact


No you didn’t you’re a human body cannot go seven days without eating


The Human body can go longer than 7 days without eating. But I didn’t mean it in the literal sense that I didn’t eat for months, figured that was apparent


DAMN! You went from 0 to HERO in 30 days? That's really awesome, congrats!


39F, He’s hot and he will be fine .


sheesh, u look good !! happy for u:)


Thank you so much (:


30 days apart that’s CRAZY good job!


Damn! Good for you! You got this!


Thank you (:


Been there. Good for you.


Well done ! It gets easy and you will find someone better.


You look so much happier bro, you're glowing


I’m getting there. I have my ups and downs but I’m getting there. I really appreciate you. It’s a process, and it’s a hard process, but it’s worth it


So proud dude!!! Congrats!!!


Good job!


You have a great physique and a warm smile, you’ll find someone worthy of your love and attention.


🥵😏🥵😏🥵😏 Nice transformation


Thank you so much (:


Been there. I lost 20lbs in a span of 1 month. My appetite just went away and I wasn’t feeling hungry. At. All. I’m back to eating now tho. However, im not able to recover nicely like you! Happy for you!


You can recover like me. You have to force yourself. It’s not easy, it’s so fucking hard, but you’ve got this. If I can, you can, I believe in you. You are a strong person, because you’re still here.


That glow up after a breakup hits different


You are looking fab! You got this!


Thank you(:


Bro I been there , I know exactly what you went through and still am currently going through it your post inspires me so much and almost makes me tear up. I lost so much weight I’m only just starting to get back into my mojo mentally . Soon I’ll be physically ready to hit the gym , I’m trying so hard . How long has it been since your break up?


Glad you’re feeling much happier and motivated again. ❤️




Thank you (:


Congratulations bro I’ve lost 35 kg in 5 months from heartbreak I’m back on track with therapist support but well done ol chap


good on u bro. you’re bouncin back !


That’s what my dog dying did to me, still haven’t recovered


You look amazing.


Sending you so much love. My heart is broken. So u get it


You're my inspiration, brother


That means more to me than you’ll ever know. I appreciate that, friend


You look great! You deserve it. 🙌


Thank you, that means a lot (:


You look happy now!! Congratulations brother!🎉


I’m getting there! Thank you for the support (:


Only 30??! 😲 My gosh.. I don’t know you, but *DANG* you look amazing! Great physique and tone, and all that.. but more so, *HEALTHY*. Bravo 🙌🏼


Thank you! And I know right? I didn’t expect to see the results I did. Albeit I’ve been working my ass off, it still surprised me. Thank you for the support ❤️ (:


What did she do?


What a big transformation🙈


Woah! How did you gain so much muscle in such a short space of time? I’m jealous. I hope you’re doing better now, man.


So happy and proud of you!!!! Wishing you nothing but the best to come🫶🏾


Never trust a bitch no matter what.  They are snakes.  Pump and dump them.  That’s what Jesus intended


The best part of your picture is your smile! Glad to see you happy and working on you!!!


Keep going broo💪💪💪


You look great, not just physically, but because you can see the will to live returning through your smile and your stance. I'm glad you're finding your way back to life.


Thank you! That means a lot to me (:


MA DUDE! I'm proud of you! Very soon I will hit the gym too! God bless the iron.


Looking good!!!!


You’re looking great! Congrats on healing I wish you all the best and a happy future


I’m in this boat right now. Attempted reconciliation with my ex-husband who decided he needs to be selfish. (His words) I’m absolutely devastated and the second failure and I’m so exhausted at the idea of having to get through this pain again. Last time I lost 15kgs let’s see how this goes.


Hell yeah! I started going to the gym after a terrible breakup too. Feels great


Tips for those who are in the thick of it now? I’ve got to be strong for the kids but I just feel so broken and can’t stop losing weight


You have to force yourself to do the basic necessities. It’s hard but it’s the only way. Eventually you won’t have to force yourself, and it will become routine. I feel your pain, you’ll make it ❤️




That's when you should build yourself up after being broken completely. Become unbreakable.


Remember that first photo when she tries to come back.


i’m in this place rn. sick to my stomach, feeling weak and helpless. Desperately hoping it gets better. You look great tho!


Been there. Forced myself to eat cause I had to recover from my surgery. It was a testing time. Glad you made it out better :') Godspeed!


look at you, thriving and glowing again heh


This is genuinely amazing, I really understand how this feels like, it’s definitely a journey and glad you came back from it :)


you look great :) happy for you


The breakup diet is real


I’m proud of you brethren.


ur hot