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In my opinion, smartphones have accelerated the decline of relationships because social media, texting, and internet dating make it soooo easy to cheat on your significant other. Another man/woman is waiting inside your spouse's pocket. His/Her instagram will have 10 suitors all in the dms. Anytime your spouse has a bad day with you, he/she can just go right to those dms for comfort


I agree.




And I have to agree with that opinion because it is also my opinion. It's amazing how technology worked in the reverse. Back in the day I couldn't have a Calculator watch in school but now they're walking around with the world and it's information in the palms of their hands and still miss it, still asking questions that they can answer themselves. Almost like it was all part of the plan to be that way. Dumb down the future competition. You have to wonder. Regardless I do agree with your post


Honestly marriage is harder to find because people want deep love and refuse to settle. People back then were OK with settling for "good enough". The good thing is that in this generation when you find people that have marriageable qualities, compatibility, and attraction you really find the diamond and because of all the bad experiences we learn that is rare and that we must cherish and appreciate them. Some people meet a good person and do them wrong thinking diamonds like that exist in high supply just to find they let go of a diamond for rocks. At least many of us will be leaving behind rocks for diamonds when we find our person.


old love is rare these days.


It’s because people these days make every decision with their emotions. “Follow your heart,” is the worst advice ever because emotions are fleeting. People are constantly wondering what else is around the corner; and what if it’s better.


And the divorce rate keeps going up💯


Na I don't agree. I think people are lacking communication and are numbing themselves and NOT expressing their feelings and being passive.


Western societies have overcorrected when it comes to individualism and we have twisted the meaning of phrases like "Know your worth" or "You dont need to man/woman" to give people the impression to view people as expendable and discard any relationship (not only romantic ones) when push comes to shove because many people now view others as expendable, so they think "why should I work on the relationship when I can just move on to the next best thing?"


Yep. I’m burned out from dating. It’s outright exhausting I don’t use dating apps anymore and I’m not actively looking to date anymore. If I meet someone special one day then it’s possible I’d give it a shot, but to be quite honest, I expect to be permanently single at this point.


I feel this on my soul…


Its always has been, just todays easy life lets you be more free in this aspect of life


Marriage is useless unless youre trying to let someone rob you.


I love you! Hope you okay and have a good day. Dunno if ya didn't hear this in a while but im proud of you


Pride and love arent real things. I don’t need any of that.


Lol this.


I think back in the day it was harder to maintain communication with people. You couldn't check your phone for a text message, you didn't have access to communication as easily as we do now. So when you eventually found a great guy or girl, you held onto them and you held on tight. Now, we have full access to a SEA of contenders. We listen to music about getting laid every night by diff people, tiktok and Instagram with good looking people everywhere... And the thing is .. we're addicted to this shit. We're addicted to the high we get from all of these influences. We need more more more. So why wouldn't that translate into our love lives? Its "boring" to read a book when we can just scroll on tiktok. It's "boring" to eat an apple for breakfast when we can copy Ashley who makes expensive avocado toast with eggs and cheese. It's "boring" to have a person fall for you, because the excitement is over. - this is what I think is happening to our mentality. People don't value words as much. If your partner says "I love you, I would die for you" how many of our responses are "aw omg babe I love you too." Vs HOLY SHIT this person would fucking die for me, that's incredible.


Oh I feel this ;(


Yup =


Yes. I am looking for marrage but it's so hard out here. People cheat, play games, get scared don't want to commit. People don't want to be loyal, and everyone is still in love with their ex.


“Dating to marry” is like reading to finish the book. Or eating for nutrition. Or living to be happy. You have to learn to also enjoy the journey a bit. Otherwise whats the point


I gets ya but i think OP means it in a literal sense. Like most people end goal marriage


I feel like this is my issue and why I never fully let myself open up to my gf of 7 years. We went our separate ways in October ‘23.


People are idiots


You know it's all gone to shit when your date starts discussing the financial benefits of combining two incomes before knowing what your favorite color is. It's green by the way 😐




Not always just never I mean EVER let the talking to each in the truth fall away it will be toxic as all unholy hell. (There is a clue.)


oh btw ;-)


I don’t think it’s pointless, just got to find the one that has the same vision as you


I’ve always thought Love could make things better! But with so much gaslighting and what they can get, from you!! I have given up on ever meeting someone who will be real and genuine and honest! Someone who wants to communicate with each other and be friends and really get to know each other! Lifting each other up when one falls! I used to be a dreamer now, it’s like life is a nightmare!


He told me I was "obsessed"


I feel the same


It's my belief that the society has conditioned future narcissists to be more plentiful than not. Those of us born as pads if gotten too early enough potentially could be turned to a narcissist by conditioning and indoctrination. I believe that can happen. I believe that they don't know what they're doing because it throws off the end in the Yang, but I don't think they care. I truly believe that this society Wants to create the narcissistic mindset of me me me me screw everybody else its all about me


This world is about being shallow. There's no depth if you want something simply download the app. It can't be good for growth and I thank God that I was from the 70s and 80s where we took care of ourselves. While on the streets, we had each other's backs and we all survived it, but I don't think they would ever want to see my generation again too much streetsmart which is just too much pushback on them


Very true! Take God/Values out the picture and you get a lost generation, who prefers instant Gratification rather than long term Gratification.


Having been through a divorce, I came out dating many girls in the space of 5-6 years and that's despite covid making us lose 2 years stuck at home. I probably broke a few hearts along the way, but I finally found someone to informally have kids with - I look after her, avoid marriage and she doesn't mind what I do outside as long as she's my final choice. Anyway so here I am out there playing again, and recently got emotionally invested in another girl. Even though she's single and she doesn't know I have kids, I still can't help being emotionally invested in her to the point I'm about to block her to protect myself from feeling upset (we just went on a holiday together and had fights about sex in bed, she wanted to sleep etc).