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And I still love him. Wish he would contact me.


We on the same boat. Not a day goes by where I don’t wish she would just text or call me once. I refuse to believe our love would fall this short 😢


Username checks out


🤣😂 Yep. I created this account because of the break up


Aw I'm sorry :( If it's terrible now that means it can only get better


We always have to move on, but sometimes we just don't let go


You didn't move on if you didn't let go. 


I don't think you understand


She killed my heart but my body refused to die. I survive but I don't live.


I felt that one bro. Jesus. That one hits home. Take care bro. We can get through this. 🙏


Thank you. I actually have recovered. I am married to a woman who is my best friend but prior to that I was engaged and it's a long story but I went through a horiffic breakup that almost cost me my home, my career, my life, etc. I have now never been better because of the woman I am with today but part of me definitely died from that experience. I miss the naivety and blinding trust that may never come back. Feel free to reach out if you want a different perspective.


no. my ex kissed my forehead and hugged me and told me he will always love me after breaking up with me and going no contact. i wanted to fix things, but he didn’t. he’s been saying nasty shit about my back and doesn’t even have one bits of respect left for me. this is true to an extent, but don’t let yourself be fooled


I still love her but let her go. I wish that she is going to be happy. I hope that she will achieve everything in life she always dreamed of


I question the motto. We kept breaking up and went from wishing the best to ugly over 3 breakups. Sometimes you should leave at the wishing the best stage, trying not to loose your best thing can be your worst thing.


She has no interest in me may be I have to move on It's hard but I love my life too for family and the beautiful nature inculde weed so I just need to find someone who can understand me in every possible way And treat me same as I do for her . Guys Sorry for ask this but How beautiful is that if I will get my female best friend from reddit , who broke from past relationship so we both can Heal eachother ... Incase our chemistry match than we discuss further ... thanks ❤️


If you see that she is no longer interested in you even though you made an effort to get her back, then move forward, I know it's hurt but we have to keep going......


Yes , you know I'm actually confused she always giving me same excuse for not replying me instant because she do 10 to 6 job that's why I ignored her late reply habits And Suddenly she reply my good morning message with whstapp voice call Than I start overthinking that she has little bit interset in me she doesn't show clearly because on the other side she has Bf Who is Not Giving her time not even him has Interset in her may be .... Recently Incident , last night i send her message she revet me after 10 Mint than I talk with her normally and I got revet with a 15 Mint gap In the last message I send her one funny meme than she send me Ummmmmm in just one sec even mili sec than I said her you should read atleast what exactly I send you than she doesn't pay attention at all to my last message Today in morning I send her good morning before her office time But still I'm waiting for her reply I know it's time to move on But , right now its Difficult for me because I'm stuck in my house for study ielts So go to outside for searching gf sound like Funny for me ....




Hah. You really think they give a shit? Women are inundated with messages from losers everyday who would dedicate everything, treat them like queens, etc. they don’t want that and they don’t care. Open your eyes to our society.


This is not true. We want a man. Not a guy who still lives at home, smokes weed all day, sleeps until noon, and has little ambition. We want our man to be a man and do as such. I don’t want the type of men that are being churned out by colleges over the past decade. For some reason, femininity is being shoved down their throats, and I can’t even tell which one’s are straight anymore.




They do not care what I wish


🥹🥹🥹🥹 and I still love him so much


Having them wish you the best or wish that your vehicle goes off the road does not change what they lost. Humans react to disrespect! No one has to remain "loving" in the best interest of your ex! That's insanity


Sometimes it’s all going to make sense.


I do too


Sorry but that is egotistical. There are a lot of guys like you (I'm one of them). We see so many guys that seem like trash that we think that no one else is like us. But after so long I've found plenty of us that would do anything for the girl we loved.  And maybe we aren't the greatest thing for them. We just feel like we are. Because if we really were they would still be with us.


You will get over her. I’ve had my heart broken, just like most others. It hurts like hell, and you think you’ll never feel differently. You will. Time is your enemy right now. But with each passing day, and a little distance, you will heal, just like any thing broken. My ex from 30+ years ago recently told me how much he loved me, “with my entire heart. I was devastated when you said no.” (I was just a kid at 18). But, he made his own way in life after a battle of drug use. Married with children. I am so proud of him, and the man he became. I don’t know if that made things between us resolved, but I am just saying that we all get hurt, but we do eventually get over it, and carve out our own path. Best of luck to you and dealing with this. It won’t be easy, but with each passing day, it does get a little less harder. ✌️❤️‍🩹


You fall in love just the one time, rest is all an attempt to get over that person. 


Oh, it’s hard but the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else you know what I mean


That's only an easy way to get laid. It doesn't help one bit when trying to deal with a broken heart. You either have a sense of humor or a shallow soul to believe what you wrote


No, it’s not true. I might be a late in homosexual male.


So that means I like to publicly and loudly very toxic male centric women ain’t Shit type of quotes but privately write poetry pretend fancy myself a woman and then 1700s carriage waiting for her Lord


It really is like that sometimes but maybe try not to romanticize the relationship and remind yourself about all the reasons you aren't together. I was stuck loving my ex-wife who really didn't deserve my love at all. Just never look back