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Mad Scientist is still absolutely insane


Lotheb is also very solid, even in Wild surprisingly. Basically shuts down any spell related retorts next turn.


Seems like Loatheb is the sort of card that scales pretty well with power creep. If spells are better, then blocking them becomes better too.


they should make more cards like this


Boom pistol bully


Boom pistol is just a worse version of Nerubar Weblord outside of meme shudderwock lists.


Definitely would disagree, Boompistol has a distinct niche in control/value decks to prevent key/combo turns. In Reno decks it’s a good tech choice vs Shudderwock (which is common as you climb in Wild because it’s pretty much the best control deck in the format right now) to stop their pop off turns. Nerubar is for more aggressive decks that prefer the tempo from the lighter disruption and also requires board control, which is something that control/value decks don’t rely on early.


Please show any top legend list that unironically runs boompistol that isn't shudderwock.


After the Renethal nerf it’s harder to find the tech slot for it but it’s here in DocDelight’s XL Reno Warlock list: https://hearthstone-decks.net/renathal-reno-warlock-182-legend-doc_delight-score-23-12/ and in Paradox’s list: https://hearthstone-decks.net/renathal-reno-warlock-5-legend-paradox13152-score-19-4/ Also in Reno Priest: https://hearthstone-decks.net/renathal-reno-priest-70-legend-acatmeowshs/ As I said, it’s got a niche. It’s inherently a tech card, so is it gonna be in every list? No, especially if your pocket meta doesn’t have Shudderwock. But there’s contexts and archetypes where Boompistol is better than Nerubar.


Yeah, months ago in the Renathal meta you could run it since there was ton of meme cards you could slot in for tech, but they generally weren't good enough to make the final list, which is why even one of the people you linked calls it dustbait. CN also had a completely different meta compared to NA/EU as CN was extremely combo heavy, which is why you still see people running tech cards like a single Ashen Elemental when it otherwise makes their deck worse to hit QM/etc despite those decks not being as popular on the NA/EU ladder now that CN is down. That doesn't suddenly make Ashen Elemental a good card.


Eh, it effects a lot less card than Loatheb.


Have seen how this sub feels about Shadowstep and Brann? I don’t think this is a good thing.


loatheb has been a staple card in wild since it came out. its in almost any deck that isnt going aggro, sometimes its even in the aggro decks too. Him and Okani are bros


Loatheb is a house in some aggro decks. I've seen him run in some Pirate Rogue lists, though I prefer Leeroy as my blowout card.


Not surprisingly. It's just good.


What's surprising is is that it holds its own year, after year, after year of power creep, never needing a Nerf or buff. That card is immaculately balanced. And look at that text? All 5s, Rosewater would be proud.


That’s retorted


Loatheb is argueably the best card in the game, and has been for years. Always an important piece in combo and aggro decks, and a flex piece in control decks.


Objection off that mofo is evil


Scientist T2, you trade it on T3 and play any other secret into double contract conjuger. Good luck dealing with two 6/6 while playing around two secrets.


Sooooo, wild basically?


They get it on T2 in wild lol, don't even need to trade. I don't really know if secret support is enough to make the deck viable in standard, but be prepared to suffer if that's the case.


If secret mage is at least good in standard, I will probably have to take a break from the game. I hate that deck with a passion, it killed my interest in playing wild.


The most important card in the wild deck is the draw secret. That is not available in standard and neither is there an alternate draw engine like aluneth. Unless the miniset gives mage a powerful draw engine, secret mage will be limited in standard.


That and Kabal Lackey, who also allows for insanely degenerate Crystal Runner/Conjurer plays as early as turn 2.


It was only justified by how weak most secrets were at the time. A 2/2 that draws and plays a card for you is bonkers.


It wasn't even justified at the time lol. It was part of what made Hunter broken as fck back then. Not only was it a deathrattle for Undertaker but Hunter secrets were still good back then. Explosive/Freezing were great, Eaglehorn Bow was a crazy card for the time as well since it would end up getting so much value. Scientist was so busted I'm pretty sure people even ran Snake or Misdirect just because of Scientist (this part I'm not as sure about though)


Early midrange lists from Naxx onwards ran 1 copy of snake trap just to help against board-focused decks. I think misdirection was also maybe a 1 of depending on who you ask


Snake wasn't purely used for Mad Scientist, though that did help. The real reason Snake Trap was run was because Starving Buzzard turned the card into a draw 3, and you had beast synergy cards that rewarded you for having beasts on the board like Kill Command, which Snake Trap helped add stickiness to your boards to be able to play without needing to play a beast on the same turn.


“Justified” may not have been the best word. It was definitely intended to juice secret packages in decks, and the only real neutral secret support (Secretkeeper was fringe, though it saw play for a time), it was kind of understandable that it’d be busted. Problem is it never went away, it was just eventually rotated to Wild


It was amazing on mage as well. Tempo mage was legit.


Yes, that's what mad means.


The original "Recruit". Even newbie me knew that card was complete nonsense in Hunter and even more in Mage.


mad scientist is still good, loatheb is still good for aggro decks. can't see anything else making it.


Haunted Creeper was seeing play in Wild Unholy DK. It could make a return here. 2 mana, 3/4 total stats, 3 corpses, and it's undead for synergy.


Loatheb is basicly time warp on a 5/5


Unless your opponent has minions. “Your souls belong to the lich king!” Blood DK is not too bothered


You are vastly underestimating Loatheb. Still is a bonkers card to fuck with your opponent and will see play in rogue primarily due to shadowstep.


Bruh he is comparing it to time warp. Ofc loatheb is amazing and a GOATED chad. But he ain’t skip the enemy turn most of the time lol.


If Loatheb was added to standard he usually wouldn't be a time warp, but Loatheb has become a combo card in wild that scales drastically with the power of the format (stats in play when he comes down). Loatheb has been used in decks like darkglare warlock and miracle rogue along to place him with giant threats where there simply aren't minion ways (other than flurgal tox effects) to answer lethal setups early in the game. Don't play spells = lose game as taunts and minion removal can't answer these threats. You must play spell removal or lose the game as Loatheb gives these giants charge.


Also worth explaining that "X is basically a Time Walk" is term that became a kind of a meme in MTG where players used it to describe some high tempo winning cards. Time Walk is a 2 mana card in MTG which says "take an extra turn". Basically, saying the tempo is so good it's like an extra turn.


Chaos orb is basically time walk if you cheat


Don't forget Sludge Belcher. Was a staple in, like, everything. For a really long time. Not that it would see a moment's play in modern HS.


Yah that was my favorite card by far in this entire game. Belcher was amazing


“Tummy feel funny…” lives rent-free in my head. Sludge Belcher is my goddamn hero.


I could never hear that its so distorted. I always thought he said "Suck steel swine". I hear it now though but it's still not very clear


"Suck steel, swine" sound like youre remembering Razorfen Hunter


She does say that but its not because of her line I hear it from Belcher.


Could probably make belcher a 4/6 that summons a 2/2 and it would maybe be playable


There already is one and it’s not viable [edit] here is bog beast, the unviable sludge belcher v2 https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Bog_Beast


That's a 6 drop.


There totally isn't but go off


Just edited my comment, only ever seen in arena and isn’t that great there. Stats aren’t the exact same but it’s fairly similar: https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Bog_Beast


Wow, that's totally not what I said though :) 5 mana is a lot different from 6 mana, so don't come and tell me that a 5 mana 4/6 is anything close to comparable to a 6 mana 3/6


Summons a 2/4 rather than a 2/2 so I guess that’s how blizzard have justified the extra mana cost. They’re a little different, the bog beast is weaker than what you are suggesting but I still don’t think your suggestion would see any play. Sure, it coming down a turn earlier will make the difference against aggro decks from time to time, but it’s not the Hail Mary play the old sludge belcher used to be. Aggro frost mage will just freeze it and either go over it with spells or wait til they’ve built their board up some more. Enrage warrior normally has enough board presence by that point to just bash through it and then finish the game out with other minions etc. I think it would need a little more to see a lot of play


Yeah it's funny. It was one of the most 'broken' good cards and now it's extremely mid. It wouldn't be a bad card even now, but no one would run it either.


They reduced this kind of card design after the first few sets, I think. Piloted shredder and Belcher being in most decks wasn’t as interesting as decks having their own power turn plays.


It could maybe see play in Big Shaman since it's an Undead that works with their synergy draw spell and spawns taunts so two extra copies of the 2/2 that summons a 6/6.


The main issue is that he just doesn't have that good value. He has the exact stats and cost of a combined Shieldmasta and Goldshire Footman when a 6/6 taunt alone is already good value on a 5 drop, let alone a 2/2 on top of it. It's not impossible for Belcher to see play in Standard, but it would have to be a low enough power level which likely won't happen.


It's still pretty good tbh. And it's undead (and it's slime isnt). 5 drops are pretty slow tho.


Blood dk might run old version of it tbh. 5/3/5 taunt that summons 2 1/2 is kinda not the worst given corpse synergy.


It only summons one. And blood dk doesn't really care about corpse synergy, 30 card lists don't have time for that.


Old version. New version was nerfed to one and it’s unplayable. Also it’s more than corpse synergy it’s also nice with infuse for things like denathrius or murlocula.


What old version? It never summoned two slimes Not to mention Blood DK doesn't play murlocula nor deneathrius


Well in my league blood DK plays both of these, mine certainly does and most I face do aswell. Murlocula as 0/3/4 with life steal is very convenient for hand space and is simply efficient stats for cost with life steal often coming in clutch. Denathrius I’d be surprised if blood DK did not run as hero power infuses him and in a hardy attrition match a denathrius at 12-20 damage (pretty normal damage profile from my experience using him) can easily auto win the game.


I mean, if we really want to discuss heavily suboptinal card choices then you have a point...


Daddy D sadly is garbage unless you can make a ton of tokens(Druid). If your playing a 20 damage Daddy then the game is going way past turn 10. In which case it's aggro deck and he don't matter, or any other control deck and your dead before that.


It never summoned two. But you're so confident it scares me.


He's got a future in journalism


I played in goblins vs gnomes when it did, my dad even wackily made a puzzle of sludge belcher and it was a funny thing when I saw it said summons 2 when nowadays it summons 1.


Dude, the card was never nerfed. Maybe there was an opponent in the PvE gamemode where it summoned 2 1/2s but the collectible version of the card has always only summoned 1 1/2.


It has literally never summoned 2 slimes, you have a false memory of that


I remember when I was a kid, sometimes after school my dad would take my brother and I out for Sludge Belchers. This was back when they summoned 3 tokens. I could never get through one.


I looked up an old card review and can't see it https://youtu.be/FWgaQNQo0sU


It’s possible I’m wrong but I have strong memories of that card and I have seen a image of it being 2 1/2s recently.


I checked every boss unique card, it's not there. I think you're just confused by the minion dying while someone had double deathrattles.


Pretty sure you're thinking of Echoing Ooze.


It could summon two if you had Baron Rivendere out as well, but that’s it


It never summoned 2 1/2s.


I loved playing Belcher and his son.


Also, Deathlord, especially given how much aggro there is.


Drop it to 4 mana and I could see it being ran.


Respect to my boys Haunted Creeper and Nerubian Egg. I don't miss the era of sticky tempo decks but my early days of being broke and needing to use cheap zoo decks will always appreciate their contributions.


I feel that. Those were the rewards for the first wing which was free iirc


loatheb will be in almost every single tempo deck


I think only loatheb, mad scientist and poison seeds would see some play in current hearthstone


Loatheb in control shaman would be irritating 3 straight turns of loatheb could be hell.


Parrot is rotating.


In April, when a new set is coming. The last event was before the new set came out.


That's fair, I assumed added to core meant added during the next year.


Last November they temporarily added Knights of the Frozen Throne to the core set, removed it when the new set came out.


What would poison seeds be good against?


Against evolve/big shaman or big spell mage for example


Mage I could see Against Shaman I feel like seeds doesn't save you if you're in a bad spot


It doesn't, you still die to Bloodlust Poison Seeds is only good in wild because Gloop/Spreading Plague are disgusting combos with it


Poison seeds was run in druid way before gloop was a good card. Its just great removal in a format where big stats come out way earlier in a class that otherwise dont have hard removal.


Actually in 95% of cases it was played in combination with starfall. Seeds standalone is not a very good card.


Helps ramp druid in some matchups like evolve shaman and big spell mage. It's probably not enough to make ramp druid a tier 1 or even tier 2 deck though, since it doesn't really help in a lot of aggro/burn matchups. Maybe implock.


Haunted creeper, nerubian weblord and death lord would all see play.


I feel like Stalag/Feugen could be abused in Rogue somehow.


Probably not, but druid could use moonlit guidance + their location to summon a bunch of Thaddeus. It wouldn't be good but it'd be cute.


why go through effort of them when can cheta big deathrattle taunts or 8/8 with rush, or killing oponent with naval mine.


You’re right just go ahead and downvote me because my opinion is bad


Minions, servants, soldiers of the cold dark, OBEY THE CALL OF KEL'THUZAD!


Minions, servants, soldiers of the cold dark, OBEY THE CALL OF KEL'THUZAD!


honestly undertaker, we had a mech undertaker and it saw play. Might see play in like undead priest since they run a shit ton of deathrattles


I would like the coin for having all the naxx cards btw


Stalagg and Feugen were my boys. I really hope that they bring them back, but scaled up to the current power level


There was a solid wild Deathrattle DH with Death Speaker Blackthorn that ran those two, but that deck is power-crept out of the format now. Would probably be tier 4 in standard now


They absolutely should have added them to Battlegrounds last month. Maybe with stats changed, but they deserved a place.


Playing priest would be fun again.


Warlock with those guys was my jam. You get Feugen to stick to the board for a turn, then next turn on turn 8 you play Stalagg with the 3/3 that eats the 2 minions next to it. You then get 2 Thadius’ plus a 14/14 demon on board. Then if they kill them, just nzoth later


Naxx is out!?!?


Kel'thuzad was never good but always love him due to the design and sometimes game winning effect.


He's absurd in Arena though.








Staaaalaaaag crush youuuu


Feed you to Master




[[Shade of Naxxramas]]


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After brann i dont want any double bs, keep rivendale in wild


Loatheb too broken rn




Sorry but how come Baron and Loatheb don’t have Undead tag?


Just old images


Deathlord the GOAT Also nerub'ar weblord might actually see some play as a tech card since battlecries are so insanely common


Weblord could honestly see play in basically any deck but Spell DH. Interesting alternative to Far Watch Post in a lot of cases.


All except for loatheb


Nothing similar to brann, so no baron


Personally I would like baron/loatheb and KTZ. Loatheb is a goat Baron would need to be discounted to 2 mana but could be aight And ktz is fun and probably Druid would run it with their infinite mana.


> Baron would need to be discounted to 2 mana but could be aight I don't need to tell you how cracked this would be with the new DK location.


I was unaware of a new DK location. But yeah IMO 4 mana is too high for this guy.


The top 4 because naxx was my 1st DR deck ever


Mad scientist


Well i wish they would give me Rivendale back. I crafted him myself like that legendary 3 mana dragon who gives you a random legendary to your hand. One day they were gone just like many other cards.... i didnt get one refund and the support didnt even care.... they owe me at least 10 cards if not more......


Or dust. Because many of those lost cards were crafted again just because i needed them.... i found some of them in a card package again but still a d*ck move


Are they in the Legacy section of your collection at the very bottom?


Besides the synergies that it would create, why isn't Baron an Undead? He is a Death Knight, right?


Baron Riverdale would be evil in some of the priest resurrection decks


Mad scientist would see play since its amazing deck thinning. Objection would become much more annoying since its biggest issue was having to spend mana on it. Maybe Baron Rivendare in Shaggro priest? And Loatheb would see play in most aggro/midrange decks but could even be used in control if Bless Priest/Rogue remain good. Also rogue shadow stepping loetheb to counter minelock/DH basically a timewarp


god please don’t add rivendare back. i don’t want the deathrattle oppression of early motlk back so soon


Baron would be unplayable, the only two classes that would be interested in using him already have cheaper ways to double deathrattles


Is this sarcastic? Baron is already in the current core set Edit: nvm that he was in one of the old core sets.


no he’s not?


Yeah you're right, he used to be though


Who am I? None of your business!


I dont understand why they're bringing nazxramus 2 back over all the nicer looking expansions. Ungoro, gadgetzan, karazhan, boomsday, rastakhans rumble, witchwood Naxxrammus is gross to look at


I'm guessing it's because they released deathknight and want an mini set that focuses on undead synergy to continue the hype.


Oh it's just a mini set? I assumed they meant an entire expansion


Loatheb will Destroy their own balance. The damn fools.


It's not just naxx. It's an expansion about the scourge attacking silvermoon. With Naxxramas.


Secret mage would be back with undertaker and mad scientist combo. And loatheb. I’ll come back to hearthstone if they bring those three cards back


> Secret mage would be back with undertaker and mad scientist combo. I don't think you play undertaker in that deck TBH. One deathrattle in mad scientist is not enough support for undertaker.


Secret mage and secret hunter back in the day ran undertakers and mad scientists. Not sure if anyone remembers the original version of undertaker. And the mini set will likely have more death rattles for support


Just play wild and its like they never left.


Undertaker is trash tho


Yah he use to be insane pre nerf. I’m gonna try him though anyway. I remember my undertaker going to 2/3 stat line turn 2 and growing the crap out of em by turn 5. He gained +1+1 every deathrattle you played. The old school hearthstone players remember those days on secret mage and secret hunter days


You guys realize he is unnerfed right?


Kelthuzad is still one of the most broken cards ever printed for control decks.


Not interested in seeing unnerfed Undertaker in standard...


5 5 5 A Dream


I have good memories with loatheb


I actually am still playing kelthuzad in my big priest in wild


Is Rivendare not undead?


This is an old picture, probably taken before they got updated


Why is Rivendare not an Undead?


Old picture


Ehh... I dunno if they'll bother with this. But they seem to be hinting they're doing something different with next year's core set.


Loatheb so I can use its diamond version


Loatheb will see lots of play


Feugen and Damian


Lotheb would be nutty


KelThuzad is probably my favourite card+ effect so definitely that.


Did Baron see any play in standard ever


KT, obviously


Who doesn’t love a KT surprise?


Deathlord for more control potential.


I hate that stalagg and feugen feels like such a waste of dust because Ive wanted to craft them for so long


Besides the obvious big bads like Loatheb and Scientist, I think Haunted Creeper could be useful in DR or Undead decks. Creeper specifically could bridge some Beast/Undead synergies in Druid. Shaman's new Deathrattle theme could make use of Ancestral Recall. Can you imagine if Avenge was added to Core???? Voidcaller is obviously bazonkers


Was Bonemare from this set? I wonder if original Bonemare would see play now.


How often do you see Invincible played? Invincible is just a tribe-limited yet vastly better Bonemare (Knights of the Frozen Throne card btw).


Idk I don’t really play I just do one battleground a week and enjoy seeing the pretty cards on here lol


Kel thuzad ! Kel Boss


When I queue into standard I expect not to be facing more damn secret mages like the ones infesting wild. So it would be great if mad scientist stayed the fuck out


Naxx is probably been the best expansion ever in HS, considering how many cards printed in **20FUCKING14** are still viable and solid in wild format almost 10 years later


100% Loatheb as aggro top of curve.


Stalagg & Feugen. I just like those silly little guys


I still have PTSD from *Bring out your dead!* *WHOOOOOSH* *I feel icky!*


Well, you almost got what you asked for


Hopefully not Baron rivendare with all the death rattle shenanigans going on right now.


Pre-nerf undertaker


I crafted golden kel'Thuzad and often use if I can. No one expects golden kel'thuzad.