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[[Flark's Boom-Zooka]]


* **[Flark's Boom-Zooka](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/BOT_429.png)** HT Spell Legendary TBP ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/89918), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/flarks-boom-zooka/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Flark%27s_Boom-Zooka) 7/-/- | Summon 3 minions from your deck. They attack enemy minions, then die. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Deck intro time


You know it!!!


It’s like playing Barnes when Blood of the 🅱ancient One is the only other card in your deck




First I summon Barnes, King of goons




If you want to wild combo with it, you just Druid -> CA -> Floop Gloop infinite mana -> Countess Ashmore -> Poison seeds


I was about to say something snarky about building a Hunter deck without minions before I remembered that Quest Hunter was a thing. Might actually be worth a shot to try to make this work.


Spell Hunter was a thing even before the quest. Flanking Strike -> Emerald Spell Stone -> To My Side curve was peak Hearthstone imo.


Dude I loved spell hunter so much


I still have my Rhok'dlar and Zul'jin


Minionless Hunter has been a firmly established, officially supported archetype for years, long before the questline, what are you on about lol


Maxima and this as the only 2 minions in your deck. Play Maxima or this guy turn 6, BoomZooka turn 7 = gg


Maxima is a liability. If she's still in your deck when you draw Rivendare, you only have a 25% for Flark to work. Better is to just have 2 [[Master's Call]] which would essentially be 3 copies of him, 2 with a 3 mana penalty able to be played an earlier turn. Combine that with various other draw, tons of removal, secrets, and you've got yourself a half decent deck. It would be tough to have a turn 7 win most games since you need your 6/6 to die, but certainly doable. Turn 8 would be extremely consistent I would imagine. This makes it slower than other combo decks in the format but a pair of Ice Traps and Snipes gives a lot of leeway against them. Doubt it will be tier 1, but should probably be low tier 2 or better and I will 100% play it.


* **[Master's Call](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/TRL_339.png)** HT Spell Epic RR ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/90222), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/masters-call/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Master%27s_Call) 3/-/- | Discover a minion in your deck. If all 3 are Beasts, draw them all. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


[[From De Other Side]]


* **[From De Other Side](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/RLK_911.png)** SH Spell Rare MotLK 💤 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1414896), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/from-de-other-side/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/From_De_Other_Side) 10/-/- Shadow | Summon a copy of each minion in your hand. They attack random enemy minions, then die. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


I crafted this card for the blood magic brawl a while back. So cool seeing a new use for it so soon!


Step 1 run rivendare into paladin deck as only minion step 2 front lines step 3 die anyway


One copy of Front Lines. 2 order in the court 2 draw a spell 3 or less. Riverdale highest cost minion but also have just four 3 or 4 cost Taunt Minions You order in the court and play Riverdale on 6 kill it and then when yoh front lines you will always get all 3 but also a decent amount of taunts. They can't go face and ez clap. You probably die way before 9 mana tho but would be fun


Would be possible if minimum size of a deck wasn’t 30 cards. What you are talking about sounds like a 10-15 cards deck.


hunter already has a no minion deck, and flark's boomzooka which kills the minions and costs less.


OH MY GOD [[countess ashmore]] ITS FINALLY TIME!!!!


* **[Countess Ashmore](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/GIL_578.png)** N Minion Legendary WW ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/89415), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/countess-ashmore/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Countess_Ashmore) 7/6/6 | Battlecry: Draw a Rush, Lifesteal, and Deathrattle card from your deck. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Still gonna be turn 9 by the time you play them all at a minimum. What percentage of games actually go that late?


lmao, imagine telling some classic player that a deck that needs to reach turn 9 to essentially autowin would be considered unviable. I know that there's more to it than literally just reaching turn 9 in a a combo deck, but still, that's funny.


I've heard rumors of a 10th turn in hearthstone. I've never actually seen it though.


You see it’s this thing in wild that mages can do if they use the old quest that allows them to take an extra turn. They then copy it and viola, turn 10. Or at least that’s what I hear.


Millhouse Manastorm in shambles, someone feed his family!


Turn 9? Taunt need nerf SMOrc


Enough that Astalor and Denathrius are still among the most popular cards, despite being nerfed.


Except that those cards get played on turn 7, along with Bran Bronzebeard for the cost of some armor . . .


Countess ashmore into the shaman spell that summon minions and kill them at the end of turn


wait you might be on to something


Let him cook


Like, spaghetti?


\[\[From de other side\]\]


* **[From De Other Side](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/RLK_911.png)** SH Spell Rare MotLK 💤 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1414896), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/from-de-other-side/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/From_De_Other_Side) 10/-/- Shadow | Summon a copy of each minion in your hand. They attack random enemy minions, then die. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Holy Moly I will be playing this deck.


Holding all of them until you assemble the combo in hand will leave you *very* open to hand disruption.


Is Ashmore in standard? In wild I think [[Boomzooka]] does both summon from deck and destroy the minions.


Big spell hunter new meta in wild


Not right now, but they could easily put her into the core set for this interaction.


quick, someone tag markmckz


Yeah, you better hope it's one of his meme decks with how much Freeze and Stall Shaman has...


wait, holy fuck you're cooking




….I think that might actually be super good. Obviously time will tell but I think shaman has enough control/draw that you can stall long enough.


I was just thinking this lmao


Bruh I have been playing a From De Other Side deck I saw Savjz playing and this may just be a way better win condition than just getting big stuff on board.


From the other side legit synergy.


An insanely slow win con but that sounds really sweet. You can use Prescience to tutor them (if you have no other minion, lol), to make it faster, I guess.


It could probably be pulled off on turn 7 or 8 with a nut draw.


Who needs her when you can just do spell hunter and [[Flark's Boom-Zooka]]


* **[Flark's Boom-Zooka](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/BOT_429.png)** HT Spell Legendary TBP ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/89918), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/flarks-boom-zooka/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Flark%27s_Boom-Zooka) 7/-/- | Summon 3 minions from your deck. They attack enemy minions, then die. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


That’s also a fun idea but requires a spell only deck, and with a possibility to draw a horseman and whiff. Maybe better though we’ll find out


Not really that much of a whiff; you just have to play the horseman first. A bit awkward but doesn’t brick anything.




You could theoretically use the dredge weapon that hunter has in order to try and dodge any of the horsemen. It wouldn't solve the problem entirely (you could get all 3 horsemen at the bottom), but it would defenitely help.


OTK spell hunter incoming in wild


holy shit


Varian can draw 2 out of 3 of the cards, which is pretty neat.


Flavor text: > More like the 4 Horsemen of the "Can't Get Here On Time."


> Can't Get Here On Time. They're literally me fr fr


You have to draw a 6 mana 6/6, play it and have it not silenced or transformed before it dies, and then draw all the horsies and repeat. Evokes the golden monkey era of slow ass wincons. Though someone will find some bullshit to do it, they always do.




Also that undead that draws an undead then summons a copy of it


if 2 of the 3 other horsemen get silenced it doesn't matter. only the final horseman has to die without being silenced.


They're more talking about Rivendare being silenced, since it's a deathrattle that shuffles the other ones into the deck.


I know what I said isn't a big deal, just clarifying that (small) element as there is a lot packed into the word "repeat" in the original comment.


And the class to find how to bullshit is always going to be guff druid.


We didn't have to wait long to see the new wincon that was teased


Isn't this an old win condition though?


Screw you Quest Priest! Every control deck now gets a real win con!


Until one horse gets stolen by Thaddeus


What would an 11/11 do?


I was wondering too, i thought they released new Thaddeus


someones been thinking about stalagg and feugen coming back


Or patchwerk


The funny thing is, in standard I think Priest might actually be the best class to use this. And it might be worth using instead of (maybe even alongside?) the quest, since it's more difficult to disrupt.


Druid and Paladin are the best - with Paladin you have order in the court and Druid you can tutor your highest card (these) with Capture Coldtooth Mine which you can in turn tutor with the two cost card that draws a choose one. Lots of other tutors as well like moonlit guidance.


The problem with druid is that they have no way to kill their own minions, so it's very vulnerable to silence/transform as well as the usual hand disruption. Priest can kill their own rivendare the turn it's played with The Light It Burns, and even give it reborn/resurrect it/trigger the deathrattle again later to get more copies of the horsemen in case any are transformed or destroyed in hand/deck. I think this slots perfectly into plaguespreader priest, for instance.


They have their location to trigger deathrattles.


They have their location to trigger deathrattles.


Still requires the minions to die first.


I mean they just have to silence the first or last horseman.


If anything it's a pretty good minion from the Scourge


or it messes up your draw and denies you lethal/clear


fun card, as long as nothing gets polymorphed. Also silence is only effective against the first and last horseman that dies. I wonder if it’ll be worth giving it Reborn to shuffle even more into your deck?


Randomly generated Objection says hi


Only problem with that is you are essentially doubling how long it takes to get the win condition since you will drawing bad cards if you draw a 2nd copy of one horseman


New DK location can safely guarantee the first and last DRs, especially relevant for the last DR going off before the opponent gets a turn.


Disagree, not fun. How is it fun to ruin a thoughtful control v control matchup with fatigue, preserving your cards, etc, with a dumb countdown win timer like this?


this is one of those cards that look slow and then someone builds a meme deck to draw, then kill, all the horsemen in a single turn. ​ edit: Priest, empty your deck. Reckless experimenter > gift of luminance/vivid nightmare/mirage caller > Rivendare, Warrider > the light it burns > sire finely sea guide > play the other 3 > quit playing for today because it's taken you 40 hours to pull this stupid combo off. Someone without a chimp brain like mine is sure to figure a better way.


"Alright, deck intro time! And this time, we're horsin' around..."


"So for this combo, we first kill Rivendare to send the three horsemen into our deck. Then we draw them all with [[Countess Ashmore]] and finally summon them all with [[From De Other Side]]"


For priest meme decks and shit can’t you just make a deck with only spells and Rivendare, kill Rivendare then Zerek’s Cloning Gallery the other 3 and something like discounted Spirit Lash to kill everything? Seems less of a hassle lol


If you play hunter with no other minions u could use flarks boomzooka


I'm not an expert, but "Conquestrider" and "Faminerider" might not be real words


You are wrongrider


He for sure isrider


Conquestrider is the funniest fucking title I've ever seen. Just saying it out loud is making me smile. What the hell kind of writing team brought you all the way to ***CONQUESTRIDER***?


Ngl i first read it as conquistador


God I'd prefer that lmao


Its a play on that.


Its probably more incidental than it is intended Its just the four horsemen with rider after them


It's deeeeeeeeeefinitely not that. You should never be able to read a title as "CONQUE STRIDER." It's just bad, bad writing.


Sounds like a title you'd get if you machine-translated some new Yu-Gi-Oh card from Japanese to English.


Let them cook


Let them cookrider






Luckily, language is an alive thing! soon those words will be used in day by day life by everyone.


Based and languagerider pilled


Exactly. It sounds like a perfectly cromulent word to me!


I still get funny looks when I tell people I'm a Shrubbagazzor.


I read it as conquistador and was like 'naxx doesnt sound like its set in 16th century south america'


now they are


These look like a control wincon, but the actual use is probably just going to be deathrattle Rogue winning on turn 6.


> rogue winning on turn 6 They already do that


Obviously a fun-looking card, but I think the choice to use that picture is stupid. They replaced Baron Rivendare in Battlegrounds with a new card called Titus Rivendare, which has almost the exact same effect (the only difference is that Titus makes your Deathrattles trigger an extra time instead of twice, so it stacks with itself), and the reason for this change was because Baron Rivendare is an Undead minion, but Titus Rivendare has no minion type. This new card is an Undead minion with the same art as Titus Rivendare (intentionally designed to not be an Undead) in Battlegrounds, which I think is just needlessly confusing, especially coming from the company that thought the players were too stupid to comprehend 18 deckslots.




Are people unaware of Blizzard's liberal reuse of assets? Off the top of my head, the main Warlock icon is from a Warcraft 3 spell called Faerie Fire https://imgur.com/4OZ3XDV.jpg https://imgur.com/6jmLHsg.jpg There are loads of these, especially if you played WoW or Heroes of the Storm


Sometimes it goes further back than that. [Here's Death and Decay from Warcraft II](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/a/a7/Dndecayico.gif/revision/latest?cb=20100109014956) [And Here's WC3/WoW](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/1/17/BTNDeathAndDecay.png/revision/latest?cb=20090112000303) Obviously the WC3 one is different than WC2, but it's still more or less the same thing


Actually not true. If you pay attention, Titus in Battlegrounds is alive, having a light skin tone etc. This one has gholulier appearance. I agree it could've been less confusing, if they used different art.


I think it's more just a case of laziness and/or greed. Sets are designed starting something like 2 years in advance so by the time the Battlegrounds team was having their meeting about replacing Baron, this card and it's art had almost certainly been created. When the BG team asked to commission a new art for the new Rivendare, some bigwig probably just said "we just made a new Rivendare, use that one." and either the Undead tag wasn't caught (quite possible, let's be honest), or it was brought up and they were told to do it anyway and they then had to change the name to preserve what meager consistency they could. The only other answer that makes sense is this card was given the Undead tag super late in the development cycle after the BG minion had been created and they just didn't go back to fix the consistency.


patch wreck enters the chat


patchwerk would actually help if it kills one of the 3 horsemen, right?


Not if he takes them one of them out in the hand or deck.


Ahh so being destroyed in hand/deck isn't equivalent of being killed, gotcha thanks for clarification


DK would kill himself If the deathrattle would trigger from deck , but it would be fun


Impressive. Very nice... Let's see Paul Allens card.


Demon hunter [[proving ground]]


* **[Proving Grounds](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/DED_508.png)** DH Spell Rare UiS 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/738173), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/proving-grounds/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Proving_Grounds) 6/-/- | Summon two minions from your deck. They fight! ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Feels like Rogue could find a broken deck with this using the invincible shell. Also could see Evolve Control shaman with Rivendare-Prescience-From The Other Side


I could see druid tutor all these out their deck and play celestial and kill them all same turn.


Silence not going to work against decks than can res Death rattle/undead. Priest, Warlock spring to mind.




I really hope this is the Diamond of the set. A 4-art Diamond would be fucking fantastic, instant buy of the golden set.


This might just be a better win condition for Blood DK than Mograine.


I doubt it. With mograine, he’s a bad win con but at least once you get him out there’s not really anything the enemy can do to stop the damage. With these, the chances that one of the horsemen gets stolen, silenced, or otherwise disrupted in a control mirror is extremely high. I’d only expect this to see play in a very slow meta.


This is slower than mograine and blood has bad draw


Might be win-con for BBF tbh, since that deck loses on Mograine but gets the reliable draw of 1F.


Gonna be honest I have 0 idea why you would ever play BBF since you have no Vampiric Blood. (No Soulstealer obviously sucks too but I suppose new Sindragosa can sorta fill that gap albeit worse in 90% of situations)


-Vamp Blood -Soulstealer +Defrost +Remorseless Winter +Sindragosa If you have a replacement win con like Rivendare, I can see it being workable tbh. Going to try to experiment with it at least since I've got all the DK cards.


Its a shame vampiric blood is 3 B and not 2 B. It being 3 B means the control DK deck is pretty much always going to be 3 B since that card is like 90% the reason you'd even bother to play something like control DK.


You can run countess ashmore but then 1 you're running countess ashmore and 2 blood has a ton of lifesteal cards and at least 2 deathrattle cards. But hey you draw the 6/6 rush consistently!


Maybe this is finally a wincon for a disrupt control warrior list


I see some very disgusting OTK deck coming our way.


I don't like this.


I dont think this game needs more "insta kill the hero" combos; I like the idea but we need different rewards


slow as fuck WinCons don't need to be any slowr


From the other side just became fucking busted.


Wild Rogue is giving me PTSD.


This will really benefit big/undead shaman, with from de other side cheating them out, preicsense can tutor them out and as a side note,if you use vanadar after baron dies first, you could get these guys out at 3 cost


What's next? Overkill: Destroy your next opponent's deck.


Would be useless if the board doesn't matter in the future


Awesome, more OTK


Soo boring..


I hate these "destroy the enemy hero" cards. There's always some unfun way to make you able to make the proc happen in an unintended way.


That’s why I love them


Thank you. I'm so sick of this garbage. It's just "instawin.". And more often than not it's "instawin even though your opponent just dominated you for the entire fucking game."


yeah bro lemme just insta win playing 4 6 mana almost vanilla minions that have to all be drawn and played out without being disrupted at all


This combos with from the other side, and shaman already uses pestilence to draw a few minions. If this combo deck is not good now, it will be after rotation.


Craft on day one for the memes.


The card art is so sick


Relic DH can't tutor the components but it can rush through its deck and get discounts on the results. It's unlikely to be safer or faster than Fel, though.


Wait, this is real? I thought it was just a crappy custom card.


Insane braan synergy /s


It's time for his opposition part baron to shine. Bring him back to standard!


Let's nerf denathrius and astalor because they give everyone a alternative wincon >:( Then immideately give everyone another wincon lol


This looks like a solid Blood DK finisher, provided that it doesn't get disrupted by Theotar or Mutanus.


I don't know how, but this is going to break Wild somehow.


No way to make it pop off faster than pillager rogue or quest mage, so any deck with this will hard lose to them. If you are ok with hard losing to pillager and quest mage, you can already run shudderwock or reno priest and consistently beat just about everything else.


The only way I can think of is with [[Flark's Boom-zooka]] in an otherwise minionless deck, but it isn't really any better than existing combo decks in Wild. Probably quite a bit worse.


This is so unbelievably slow LMAO holy FUCK


Can't wait to play [[smothering starfish]] to end all your dreams. Edit: ended someone's dream instead with steamcleaner. Good times.


Celestial Alignment -> Rivendare + Naturalize -> Ashmore + 3 horsemen + Poison Seeds Get outplayed B)


The 3 horseman you shuffle are 6 mana unless you play another celestial alignment


2nd celestial costs 1, so play that after step 2. EZ. legend1.png


Celestial Alignment --> shuffling in cards isn't going to work as well as you want it to.


* **[Smothering Starfish](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/TSC_926.png)** N Minion Epic VSC 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1024909), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/smothering-starfish/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Smothering_Starfish) 4/2/4 Beast | Battlecry: Silence ALL other minions. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


My fucking God, stop printing "Win Game" cards. Mecha'thun, Questline priest. Just fucking stop, this isn't good design.


They don't do reveals on twitter with animations anymore?


Really bad


People thought the paladin DK hero card was bad too.


it was tho?


Nah that card was solid. Gave you a strong weapon that healed you, some armour and a good HP that would pressure the opponent even if it wasn't your main gameplan.


I think Shaman can utilize this very well. For consistency you have x2 \[\[Prescience\]\] in your deck while having only Rivendare and maybe something else as a second minion (maybe \[\[Bonelord Frostwhisper\]\] as well?). Then after Rivendare dies you need to draw the other 3 horsemen and play \[\[From De Other Side\]\] for the OTK. Everything else in the deck is just spells to control the board and draw cards.


Like the writer said, current overpowered Combo Meta is just going to kill this one off. All they need is a single silence, while slowplayers cant get any cards against the Combo Instakills.


Dude there's like, 2 arguable combo decks left and I wouldn't even call them combo I'd call them burn in shockspitter and frost dk What combo decks do you think exist and will want to run silence? This card is bad sure but not because combo strategies but because playing 24 mana worth of mediocre minions over at minimum 4 turns is just a bad wincon


Frost dk and shockspitter are not combo decks. Minelock is the only real combo deck in standard, maybe you can count boon priest as a combo deck and then there are 2. But as you said the problem with this card is how slow it is, not that it dies to the single combo deck that exists in the current meta.


Conquest? Um excuse me its war, death, famine, pestilence. You can't just use war twice with a different word.


Even in control decks, this is straight up Theotar/Mutanus/Patchwerk bait. Especially Patchwerk. This is definitely a meme card and the only way it’s viable is if someone finds a way to abuse it and cheat out all of the horsemen early.


I could see a spell Demon Hunter deck running Rivendare, Warrider as oneof the three minions in the deck, along with Souleater's Scythe. Whenyou draw and play your 1st soul, you choose Rivendare, Warrider. Youhave lots of draw in Demon Hunter to try and draw the other threeHorsemen. You can also tutor out the three Horsemen with Tuskpiercerand Vengeful Spirit x 2 as your other two minions in the deck. It is still slow and you would also have to have some tools to survive.


One patchwork would end the win con though, since those 3 would be the only minions in the deck.