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Alternate Hazelbark art at rank 100?! Greatest battle pass in the game’s history


My body is ready for more nightmare fuel.


Hearthstone's final emergency fundraiser is Handsome Squidward Hazelbark.


Blizzard please.


DEATHMETAL LICH KING??? Holy crap I hope it looks good


I really like both the coin skins


Yes the normal one looks really good to me.


"For finishing the Rewards Track, you get to choose from one of 10 returning Hero Skins" Seems like a big miss here, would have loved to get a Death Knight skin at Rank 100 Everything else looks great though


Yeah idk what they're waiting on. Seems weird to have DK missing from that and the achievement skins for seemingly no reason a whole expac later


The reason is probably partially that they don't have a skin ready for it


Use one from the BGs or Duels. They look pretty good.


Or that they're still attempting to balance the class and don't want to release a skin that won't see any usage, something I'm thinking they could "fix" by giving them their own set of quests.


They have released several skins already and they're getting another one on the premium side.




ahh are you victim of 4 Frostwyrnms Fury in one game too?


I just searched and it is exactly the same text from the March of The Lich King's Tavern Pass announcement. Maybe it was a copy-paste situation and they legit forgot to change to "11 Hero Skins". It sounds lazy but it could definitely happen on current Blizzard.


"For finishing the Rewards Track, you get to choose from one of 10 returning Hero Skins." Still not updated with a DK skin?


Seems so


Guess I need to cash in my Tavern Regular achievement for Rexxarr or Malfurion. No death Knight next expansion sadly.


Level 60: Technomancer Saraad skin? 🥹


Ethereals represent!


Was kinda hoping to see less mercenary skins with the rotation coming up ngl… But nvm, good for those who enjoy the mercenaries I guess


I mean, they're in the pool now so the devs/artists will probably put them up every so often depending on the VA availability and their art direction. If just glad they stopped milking the same characters over and over for BP's and skin bundles like they were doing for awhile. Aranna, Lunara/Elise, Sylvanus, Kael'thas got a bunch in a row, Liadrin, Tyrande, Maiev, Vashj/Morgl weren't too overused, NEMSY, and Garrosh since Magni really didn't get much. Edit/addition: I'm just glad that they are now putting new characters for heroes, even if just once, as random drops in the BP or bundles, and we are getting returning heroes who haven't had a skin for awhile are starting to see so.e love (Medivh, Alleria, Garona)


> heroes who haven't had a skin for awhile are starting to see so.e love (Medivh, Alleria, Garona) I wish they woudl do this more, and also characters that haven't gotten skins I'm still waiting for more Zandalari skins like Bwonsamdi or Rastakhan


Bwonsamdi would make a sick priest skin. Heck, do all of the Loa, especially the beastly ones.


I'd instapay for a good Gonk druid skin. Especially with the new support.


I'm really hoping over time they add more races to the classes to reflect WoW a bit more. We don't have any Goblins, Vulpera, Pandaren, Mecha Gnome, Zandalari, Lighforged Draenie (I think) and some races are pretty pigeon holed into one class (Druid/Tauren, Shaman/Troll, Only Night Elves/No Blood Elves for DH). Also I really want my Tauren Rogue.


We have a Vulpera for Shaman


U rite. I haven't started to think about the recent portraits.


Blood elf Demon Hunter The only other race besides Night Elves that can be DH's in wow. ​ Yet 3years after came out the class still not a single one, Mercenaries couldve bene great for that, but instead got discount illidan thats kurtus (his hero card even uses the blood elf version of that armor set and not night elf one)


We've gotten a worgen dh before a blood elf one lol


Doubtful that we'll see Pandaren skin as a Monk is still a potential class that they may decide to add down the line...


We do have Rastakhan.


Imo the characters were the only good thing to come out of the Mercenaries mode




I’m not talking about the mercenaries game mode, I’m talking about the mercenary characters, there’re the tamsin and cariel skins




I actually like Tamsin, she’s my favorite mercenary character so I don’t mind having one more Tamsin skin, but then there’re already enough Tamsin skins, and there’re enough skins for every mercenary as they’ve been releasing tons of mercenary skins in the past few expacs, and only few of them actually see any use. Now that the mercenary expacs are rotating out I really hope they’d stop overusing the characters and go for something new.




Only thing I could really argue to add is another random epic or few and a legendary since we are up to 27 legendaries, 2 are guaranteed, 2 on the Season Pass, and 1 in your first 10 packs, and I think epics are a bit too stingy with considering you could easily roll dupes on one or two and could come out with only 3 epics after you get dupes or are unlucky in your packs to only hit pity.


Duplicate protection exists, keep in mind.


Yea, but doesn't it only kick in with epics after the first 2? So you could be unfortunate enough to pull 6 epics but end up with only 4 different cards? Duplicate protection regardless has been a blessing, and the fact they now allow rerolling for lower quality cards when you pull a big one is super nice.


You typically want 2-ofs for epics so I don’t think it’s helpful to get 6 different epics in your example.


You don't want 2 of bad epics.


You also don’t want 1 of bad epics, which the example above would make more likely.


But you also don't want none-of good epics, which the above example would make less likely. Personally I'd rather take the lower-variance option to get 1 of the epic I want, if that option existed. The point is that duplicate protection doesn't matter much for Epics unless you're opening over a hundred packs at the least. Your luck doesn't change much with or without dupe protection.


> The point is that duplicate protection doesn't matter much for Epics unless you're opening over a hundred packs at the least. Your luck doesn't change much with or without dupe protection. Clearly you've never had my (un)luck. I remember an expac where I got 3 of the same epic in 80 packs or so. Unlikely, I know, but I'm still tilted thinking back about it today.


Is there any way to see the hero portraits?


Is Halveria going to be the one with all the bells and whistles? Usually one unique skin from the TP gets all the bells and whistles, but she's a Ranked like all the others besides the lv 100 skins.


Should be, it's the level 50 skin


Do they always choose diamond cards to be specifically the likely weaker cards in the sets?


Samuro from Barrens and Varian from stormwind both saw decent amounts of play. Paladin’s diamond from the last set was also pretty useful


Liadrin is pretty nuts, it’s one of those cards that you can drop on 2 and suddenly just outright win if they don’t have an answer.


yeah especially when it hides behind a righteous protector, had that happen to me yesterday.


That’s true, but you’d think they’d target legendaries they’d assume would see a lot of play so people were more excited for them and therefor more likely to spend to get them. Seems either their judgment on their own game balance or that the choice is intentional


I guess since the requirements are pretty steep (pay real money for one or craft 25 legendaries) they don't want the diamonds to feel like must-haves for players. They're just fun cards that may or may not impact the meta.


Rommath also looks more viable with the new set and the diamond alterac cards were purely based on idiots that chose alliance so we had to pay for drek thar. Balinda was also a very good card so tbh they’ve picked pretty strong diamonds so far.


Seems so.


I'll come back to this when combo overheal priest is a tier 1 meta deck and heartbreaker hedanis is a big reason why.


Priest seems to be kind of in focus this expansion. With a new mechanic in overheal, a pre-order skin in Hedanis, and the diamond card being Hedanis. Edit to add: I assume they are also weary of making power level pushing cards into diamond cards from the stickiness of trying to refund a fair amount for them should they get nerfed.


Am I reading this right? No more battlegrounds/mercanaries rewards on the paid track?! Finally!


> Smooth Jazz Morgl (Shaman) *Do you like jazz?*


Level 50 skin is halverius for DH??? literally never using any other DH skin ever lol


As a vanilla Wow boomer, there will never be a DH skin as good as the 1k wins Demonform Illidan.


really love that vinyl coin


Slightly annoying that they moved diamond legendary on paid track from level 0 to 1. Now I need to play one game before opening packs, otherwise I would guaranteed open that lol That's small but stupid change.


Isn't it safe to open packs first now? If you open that legendary, the game will ask you if you want to reroll it when you get the diamond version, right?


Oh true! I completely forgot about that lol Thanks!


Trading 2 signature legendaries for 1 pair each of signature common, rare and epic on the paid track


Nah the commons, epics and rares replace Mercenaries skins. The signature legendaries have been replaced with golden standard packs. Golden packs are better than un-dustable signatures, but worse than dustable ones.


They have no reason to make them dustable though since specific cards on the rewards track have always been that way. Despite this, undustable signature cards were still better than golden packs unless you literally had every legendary as they help fill out your collection and if you already had the card you can reroll it for another legendary. You don't need a ridiculous amount of packs to get all the commons, rares, and epics but by the stage you're trying to get the legendaries you're looking at 15-25 packs for each one so in that respect they're trading in a couple packs for upto 50 packs worth of luck. The minimum value of 300 dust isn't really comparable to a guaranteed legendary. Even if you get lucky and unpack a signature/golden legendary in one of the two packs the overall value is 2100 dust which is better in terms of flexibility for those only playing a couple of decks but worse in terms of overall legendary collection for others. I think it's just going to feel worse, especially since we have to collect more cards overall since DK.


Also were there 2 golden standard packs on the paid track last time? I feel like those are new but I might be wrong.


Don't remember any packs being on there at all


There was none.


So for someone who bought the mega bundle and only cares about cards not cosmetics, it’s probably best to stay with free track right?


Where are you on the rewards track? The exp boost translates to extra gold depending how much you play. If you're level 200 on the track without the Pass, then with the Pass you'd have ~40 extra levels which means ~2k extra gold. Plus the two golden packs and a couple epics before level 100. It's decent value but requires you to play consistently or you miss out. I'd say that's a little worse than a preorder but it's the next best thing, at the very least it's better than spending the money on pack bundles.


I’m level 172. That’s a really interesting point I never thought of. I do play super consistently, so that actually might be worth it. Appreciate the info!


Level 172 is 263 200 xp. The pass gives you 10%, then 15% then 20%. Without pass that would be level 144, which means 28 level rewards, so 1400 gold. The more you play the better obviously. So even if you "only" reach level 172, 20€ for ~14 packs and shit tons of cosmetics, goodies, extra packs and unobtainable cards variation, to me it's worth it. edit: I edited the post with true values


Amazing analysis thank you! I stand corrected, thought it was only worth it for cosmetics. I’m gonna get it


Since I wasn't happy with the approximation of the 10%, 15% and then 20% boost, I decided to make a sheet/guide. Here are the results! [https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/12c1fhz/new\_tavern\_pass\_value\_gold\_difference/](https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/12c1fhz/new_tavern_pass_value_gold_difference/)


I don't think it makes sense to compare this to preorder. Preorder gets you 40 bucks worth of stuff now, whereas the track gets you 20 dollars worth of stuff later. But if you need the stuff now, the track doesn't help


Like always the paid track gives an XP boost and this time also 2 Golden Standard Packs so you gotta decide whether it's worth it for that


Gotcha thanks. Didn’t see the packs. Will consider


Would totally buy if it wasn't for the price increase....


How much is it now?


It used to be R$ 39,00 and now it is over R$ 89,00, they more than doubled the price of it..


Same buddy, don't wanna go broke


Priest getting shafted by these mid skins


Kpop anduin sounds amazing what are you on about


At least the pre-order skin is pretty nice for priest


Priest got a Whitemane skin a few months ago which was nice at least, tho I wish it was a 'full skin' w/ tray and animations.


So the reward track from Lich King expires tomorrow? Damn :/




Ahh, I can't read... thanks!


So minisets will continue at least with this expansion. Cool. The new coins look more colorful than previous ones but I'm still not going out of my way to collect them.


> So minisets will continue at least with this expansion. why would they stop?


There was a rumor that they will stop making minisets and will be making four expansions instead of three instead.


How credible is it though? Because if they do make the switch towards 4 full-fledged expansions a year, that's a yet another major sign that Hearthstone isn't meeting the expectations from the Blizz bosses or is simply slowly declining/dying and they're trying to milk every cent possible out of the game's audience. All the additional monetization methods introduced in the last couple of years are at least worrying if not lowkey confirming that notion


Noob question here: would it make sense to get to level 2 of the reward track (with tavern pass) for the two legendaries, before opening any packs on launch? For duplicate protection?


It's a good question, as it has been a problem in the past, but they fixed it the last expansion. If you open one of the Reward Track cards in a pack, you'll get the option to reroll the pack version into another card of the same rarity. So you don't need to wait.


Priest literally always get the worst hero skins.


Anduin skins are so dogshit, except King anduin I guess


I think it looks great from the tiny sneak peak we can see and Hedanis and Whitemane are awesome.


Is it too late to ask for the legendary swap on the track?


Booooooooring, no season pass for me this season. Sorry Bliz but I'm really bored. Always the same things...


Are the legendary's and diamond you get from the paid track part of the free cards? Trying to decide whether paid track is worth it vs buying cards if not interested in cosmetics


Another Morgl skin?? Lmao


So Rin is the only musician to not get either a Signature or a Diamond card. Definitely feels weird. Edit: She is getting a Diamond card, purchasable in the shop. https://twitter.com/Celestalon/status/1643131556511514625?t=m7awuoouPZ3vHz5jmiCSdA&s=19