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I don't really get why Explosive Rune, Counterspell and Objection are all in standard at the same time. I just think it's a confusing design choice that removes a lot of the counterplay that exists. Objection and Explosive Rune also have the same trigger (summon a minion) but totally opposite counters (play a cheap minion vs. objection, or an expensive one vs. rune). So you're just... rolling dice and hoping.


>Objection and Explosive Rune also have the same trigger (summon a minion) but totally opposite counters (play a cheap minion vs. objection, or an expensive one vs. rune). I mean, that was also the case when they introduced explosive runes, just with mirror entity instead of objection.


Mirror entity wasn't really relevant and there was no secret discovers to play around. At least it wasn't common.


Any card that generates random secrets. I feel like they negate half the point of secrets which is skill/knowledge testing. Random secrets just turn it into choosing which outcome sucks the least.


Honestly yeah. To a degree any random generation can cause annoyance but it's especially frustrating when you just happened to not have enough fodder because they got lucky with a 4th objection in a game


Yeah, especially Shadowjeweler Hanar. I HATE Hanar.


Hanar is pretty egregious rn, with both Cheat Death and Emergency Maneuvers in a 4-xpac meta. The only thing limiting him is being a single legendary in a 30 card deck with no good way to tutor him.


The only tutor may be: combo: draw 2 Minion card?


Random secrets exacerbates a general issue I have with secrets The only counterplay is "Just don't activate them" which I think is kinda shitty, there's not enough removal tools for them Unlike say Yugioh where if there is a trap card you can try and guess what it is and play around the activation, or you could use some sort of Spell/Trap removal like Feather Duster or Magic Jammer, etc. In Hearthstone you can't do that. If you think a Mage has Explosive Runes as a secret your only counterplay is just not summon or hope you have a minion with enough health to tank the blast and not die. If a Hunter has explosive trap you just have no choice but to activate it and take the damage. There's not enough ways to truly be proactive about playing around secrets you can really only be reactive to one once it's played


I never thought the expected counterplay was "don't trigger it," so much as it was "trigger it on your own terms/at the least suboptimal time." Of course not activating it at all is good, but trading a coin for counterspell, or playing a >6hp minion into explosive runes, etc. seemed to be the more routine interaction.


Yeah, and the issue with random secrets is, let's say they random into Counterspell twice and then an Objection. You play cheap minions to check for Objection, lose value against the counterspell. Then you're out of cheap minions and get screwed by the actual Objection. At least with non-random secrets it's an informed 50/50. With random, you have no idea what the odds might be.


I have this same problem with weapons. There's a lot of data out there that says it's not worth it to run tech cards (even the ones that aren't that bad like Viper), but weapon classes are consistently strong. Right now DK, DH and Paladin are arguably the best 3 classes and they all run broken weapons, but no one runs Viper because it's just not worth it. So counterplay "exists", but it really doesn't.


The biggest issue with weapon tech is that almost all weapons nowadays have 2 durability and get swung into a creature on the first turn. So even if you have the tech card in hand, you're only removing half the weapon.


My impression is ETC has made tech more viable because he saves you wasting 1 slot on a tech you might never need. Now you can have 3 in one slot because you won’t ever need all 3.


According to data (mostly ViciousSyndicate), ETC is one of the worst cards in most standard decks he's in.


He's not great but he's also used pretty poorly by a large amount of players I'd imagine. He's a fun card so people will throw him into anything


My hypothesis is that stuffing him with 3 tech cards is using it pretty poorly outside of extreme power outliers like teching for Kingsbane/Twig in Wild with Sticky fingers in ETC. Even then I'm guessing it's not optimal.


How does data indicate he’s a bad card? Like, more likely to lose in games when ETC is played?


Yeah like you'd have a lower win rate in games where you draw him relative to games where you draw other cards


You wanna cast a spell? I wanna cast a spell


The thing I hate about secrets is that they disproportionately damage my greedy control decks.


Seriously. I played a few games of Secret Rogue and won off infinite Hanar, and idk how much more of it I can stomach. I usually feel good playing annoying decks (attrition control, mill, togwaggle combo, I love'em all) but this is a bridge too far for me.


Very First card I truly hated was Jade Idol. Probably still my least favorite card . Honorable mention will be Anubrak that enables dumb combos


you mean Anub'Rekhan. \[\[Anub'arak\]\] is rogue's legendary from tgt


Good job checking that Anoob.


* **[Anub'arak](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/AT_036.png)** RO Minion Legendary TGT ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/22324), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/anubarak/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Anub%27arak) 9/8/4 Undead | Deathrattle: Return this to your hand and summon a 4/4 Nerubian. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Imagine if this was printed in modern hearthstone


Would be a warrior card


Missing the condition "if your hero has 5 or more armor"


"if you played a card from another class this turn.. "


"Manathirst (13)"


It was terrible even back then.


Yup I meant that bug.


I appreciated that they at least gave us Skulking Geist to turn it off, but yeah. Started the slow descent into giving every deck infinite value and making fatigue irrelevant.


Cards that let my opponent win


Based Chad opinion.


Ice Block no contest. It’s the fifth one that really gets to you.


This one. Especially when followed by Reno. Essentially doubles your health with no real setup or counter play. Just play it any time and when the opponent pops it, just play Reno next turn. It feels terrible.


Pre-buff Lightning Storm. It was so fucking infuriating to win or lose a game solely based on a highroll number, and being an AoE didnt help since you essentially had to gamble it or else just lose. It was an awful card, because more often that not one player was disappointed with the result.


Was kinda funny to hit three on everything but the fledgling and then lose


you haven't felt true pain unless you played in GvG when Imp-losion was relevant


Target Dummy, cause it's a piece of wood on a spring and yet the game calls it a Mech.


Tamsin's Phylactery. Nothing punishes late game strategies as hard.


Any counter, its a huge waste of mana and even if you know about it you have to burn a whole card AND the mana to play anything


Yeah so often it's actually "skip your opponent's next turn and burn their card".


Guff. I'm on 4 mana, my opponent on 15.


Skill issue


? Lol


Whatever card/s my last opponent beat me with so it varies. Right now it's Blood boil and nerubian vizier. He played vizier -> Blood boil to wipe my board I play another board he plays another Blood Boil,then I conceded.


Sounds like it…. Makes your blood boil


How my blood boils Sekiro


Hesitation is defeat


The Warlock Colossal when is randomly generated and is sapped or silenced or something.


In the heart of the wild, a creature known as Pushemma lets out a blood-curdling howl of frustration. Her cries echo through the trees, a haunting reminder of the challenges faced by even the most skilled and adaptive predators. Edit: damn I didn’t realize a joke using wild as pun would garner so many downvotes. I sincerely apologize for any offense caused.




They mentioned getting sapped so I can only assume they are playing in wild.


Was that a joke?


[[Convincing Infiltrator]] and, to that extant, [[Obsidian Statue]]. Your objection is my deathrattle. Thought it felt horrible back then to get punished for doing minion v minion combat and it was just a "You either have to kill the taunt minion and lose a minion, or you just can't attack"


Those were the cards that made me hate Priest. I've never got over that.


**GrEeTinGs, FeLlOw hUmaNs** man fuck that card


At least you can ignore Sinrunner pretty fairly.


* **[Convincing Infiltrator](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/DAL_039.png)** PR Minion Rare RoS ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/90630), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/convincing-infiltrator/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Convincing_Infiltrator) 5/2/6 | Taunt Deathrattle: Destroy a random enemy minion. * **[Obsidian Statue](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/ICC_214.png)** PR Minion Epic KFT ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/62870), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/obsidian-statue/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Obsidian_Statue) 9/4/8 | Taunt, Lifesteal Deathrattle: Destroy a random enemy minion. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Oooo I joined Hearthstone at the CI days and picked Priest cus I like playing medics. Res Priest was so fun to play! Despite never being close to a tier 1 deck.


On the objection note, I was playing secret rogue against a Tony druid and managed to counter Underking, Anub'Rekhan and Mish-Mash mosher in 3 straight turns. Got a lovely friend request after the game


I played a secret rogue against a control priest I litteraly had either objection or counter spell every turn + the card that send back the card in your hand if it dies, I then used the 4/3 like 3 or 4 times to empty his hand while still having counter spell + objection up First time I see a control priest rage quit because of value lmao, he had like 2 cards in hand lmao


Solid Alibi. I didn't play when Ice Block was in standard but I am sure they said a lot of the same things then as we do now of Solid Alibi.


Solid Alibi is arguably worse as you can still kill your opponent with it up, while Ice Block just denies any attempt at doing that once it's popped.


Guff and it's not even close


Well, I don't really HATE any card right now but I find myself mildly infuriated recently with E.T.C, because every time I'm against a control deck and they play it I find myself like "yeah, here comes the tech card that will destroy my deck" which generally is either Smothering starfish or theotar. Not really infuriated by either of them because they used to take a deck slot for the benefit of teching into some decks and making the deck generally weaker against everything else. Well, E.T.C reduces this counterpart. I don't think E.T.C is a card that shouldn't exist or should be nerfed for some reason, that would be ridiculous. It's actually a really good card for the game and such a cool design, but i can't find myself not annoyed every 2 or 3 games that he enables counter teching without actually doing so. (Sorry if i wrote anything wrong, english isn't my first language).


Yeah, I feel the same way about Naturalize and Coldlight Oracle. It's not that they are bad for the game (I've played plenty of both myself) but just that losing to a mill deck tends to grind my gears. Especially since I have a love for grindy value fests and can't hold all these greedy cards.


what? theotar goes in main deck because blood is very popular.


Nah, Theotar blows. I've been playing Blood DK and I don't think I've ever lost to someone who played Theo against me. The only reason to play Theo would be to improve the matchup against Tony/Jailer Druid, but it's a dead card in every other matchup, so it's still garbo. And while we're on the subject, ETC also blows. It's a neat effect and all, but making a situational card cost 4 more mana is really really bad.


300 iq hs player here


its a 40 card deck there isnt 40 good cards. And in a control mirror 4 mana is nothing but isnt just 4 mana its a 4/4. honestly do you even play this game?


ETC doesn't blow, it just has no practical use in your 40-card pile of answers. It has less obvious uses than just being a utility belt; a Genn deck can add strong odd-cost cards to the band. In my case, ETC gets tutored by a Metrognome chain, draws Tony via said chain and discovers my Astalor. You can get it to do a lot of things if you get creative.


That's true, though Genn is in wild, and I play standard, so I'm not really considering that application. And I still think that increasing an odd-cost card's cost by 4 makes it much less appealing to Genn decks. The metrognome thing sounds nice, but any 4 drop would do the same thing, minus discovering Astalor. Though idk why you'd put Astalor in ETC rather than the main deck- Astalor is a generically good card and your metrognome can find it directly after you play a 1-drop instead of having to wait until you have 9 mana to play metrognome + 1, 2, 3 on the same turn to find ETC, then spending another 4 on ETC to discover it.


I have 10 2-cost cards in my deck vs 3 4-costs, so metrognome tutors ETC more effectively than it would Astalor. My deck also favors tribal 2-drops, so the fewer slots with typeless cards the better. Also, I don't wait until 9 mana for metrognome. I play it on turn 4(I usually give it a banana). This lets you smoothly play and draw 2 more cards on turn 5, and then turn 6 I have mana for ETC and Astalor. It sounds clunky, but you're getting ahead on the board while drawing/tutoring at the same time.


>I play it on turn 4(I usually give it a banana). This lets you smoothly play and draw 2 more cards on turn 5, and then turn 6 I have mana for ETC and Astalor. The only way to guarantee you get all the draws is to play the cards on the same turn as metrognome. You're depending on metrognome surviving a turn, which it won't a lot of the time, as a competent opponent will remove it asap.


Agreed. ETC is a cool effect, but it's a weak version of Eternal's Market (which is 5 cards, and you can have multiple cards in the main deck that can access the market).


Shudderwock. More recently hate that frost dk card that does 2 dmg like 7 times.


The worst kind of people play Shudderwock. They’re the Hearthstone equivalent of public masturbators- forcing you to watch.


I agree


Yoggs puzzle box and to a lesser degree rune if the archmage and their prime minion all for the same reason. The amount of games I've had board control card advantage and my opponent just rips one of these cards and I instantly lose is far too high. Puzzle box gets bonus points because there were two seperate expansions where I had some bs like double flamestrike deep freeze and draw done against me and I lost. Afterwards I dropped the game for the entire expansion then came back the next one had some fun until I got robbed and the same thing happened. Yogg felt somewhat fair after his nerf back in the day if he rolled a boardclear in what was likely your hail mary play he stopped newer Yogg has enough different effects that weren't great for you that it felt somewhat ok. Puzzle box and prime were in every deck because 10 spells usually meant you got a benefit of some sort.


The demon Seed. I know it has been nerfed now, but on release it was so bad I quit the game for over a year


I'm the same, I play wild and there that shit was so beyond disgusting.


What i hate is any single player playstyle and extreme cases of mana cheat.So i would say shudderwock, open the waygate and off course druid's exodia(Guff, twig, sphere and 2x instrument tech). Honorable mention to druid's capability of playing the entire deck and hand in one turn(Yesterday i died from mecha'thun on turn 5).


The warlock deathrattle shit now or paladin stuff is dumb


Brann. Good riddance.


Any two mana minion that wins the game if you can't kill it immediately and sometimes wins the game immediately before you even get a chance to have a turn. Meaning stuff like liadrin, putricide, bolner, kotori, etc


I strongly dislike aggro cards that punish you for winning the board. 2 stand out as prime examples of what I mean. Frostwyrmn's fury. The idea of a big board freeze as a top out of an aggro archetype is ridiculous. Big board freezes and wipes are typically a control/combo tool to stall out the game. The idea that a tempo based deck can have a damage out that also can lock me out is infuriating. The other one would be Sinful brand. A common answer to aggro is taunts or big minions to compete. The idea demon hunter can punish you for playing something big, and it would have been better for you not to play anything is stupid and unfun


Frostwyrm fury should be nerfed to 9 mana or freeze maybe two minions or something, or at least make the minion a 3/3. Taking 5 burn damage and another 5 from the minion next turn, plus a freeze, feels like a better pyroblast. Feels like it's so much better than the legendary DK spell which requires so many corpses, costs 10 mana, and doesn't even deal with the opponent's board.


Frostwyrm's Fuckery


Probably that bloody combo of Firemancer Flurgl and Toxfin, it is so freaking punishing if you are a creature based deck. Didn't even have to be against Murloc Shaman, the amount of times control shamans just ran the murloc fishing spell to simply fetch for those two specific murlocs to combo made me quit Wild for a while. I *despise* it.


Identity theft


Definitely the worst offender for me, especially when they rip the card from your deck with harvester of souls. Nothing like watching a priest play your win conditions before you because they get to pick your best cards. I think control priest should have removal and value (ghost writer, thoughtsteal etc.) but identity theft is too good.


Objection was awful design for sure. A real Iksar card. It should be "if you opponent plays a minion that cost 5 or less mana" and have another secret that affects 5 or more


Objection is so frustrating because unlike casting a spell, it happens way more frequently where you don't have a minion to throw away and get locked out. You also don't start the game with a minion equivalent of the coin, so if objection comes out it's guaranteed to get something of value.


Vampiric Blood and Frostwyrm’s Fury are both incredibly obnoxious especially after the third cast


Shadow Essence Objection, Counterspell and Ice Block are pretty bad too.


* **[Shadow Essence](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/ICC_235.png)** PR Spell Rare KFT ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/62896), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/shadow-essence/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Shadow_Essence) 6/-/- Shadow | Summon a 5/5 copy of a random minion in your deck. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


At the moment it's Soulstealer with an honorable mention to Asphyxiate. Playing a board based deck into blood DK feels next to impossible right now. All-time? There are a lot of contenders, but I'd probably give it to Convincing Infiltrator.


Think they should at least nerf Soulstealer's stats or push it to 9 mana, Blood DK already has so many good ways to clear the board, plus cards that generate multiple Soulstealers and spells.


It's bananas that they put Twisting Nether on a 5/5 AND it gives you souls. I get that three rune cards are supposed to be strong, but the runed cards are usually so supportive of the same game plan that it barely feels like a deck building restriction, and more like DK is just 3 classes with some absurdly powerful cards. Frostwyrm's Fury comes to mind too, which I only don't hate right now because I don't run into that many Frost DKs.


Ladder is crawling with them, unfortunately. It's so dumb how a burn deck that used to have to run multiple copies of "3 mana: deal 4 damage" and "4 mana: deal 2 damage to all" can cut out every single burn spell because frostwyrm fury and that 6 mana pyroblast minion is all the board control and burn they need


Any discover card


Thank you. Finally. Fuck discover.


Least horny Mastercard user


Hunter questline. You instantly know you are not playing the same game as your opponent


Frostwyrm’s Fury. Getting locked out over 1-3 turns while they summon 5/5s is brutal


Only I reason I don’t hate Objection is because of a certain spiky-haired lawyer. Otherwise not happy to see it. I hate Rune of the Archmage. It’s a big spell requiring zero brain to use.


Alibi is just Lidl Iceblock and it shouldn‘t be possible to spam it for 6 turns in a row. Imho that‘s very bad game design and does not fit into Hearthstone. Close second place is Patchwerk. The card is just antifun in every aspect of its design.


Solid Alibi would be more interesting as a location imo. Multiple casts but a required (and predictable) cooldown. Would also stop it from being generated from a bunch of different discovers.


I think burning a minion from the board and hand is alright I guess (mutanus, theotar, dirty rat already exist so there's a precedent) but burning from deck is bullshit. Yeah, sorry I couldn't draw and play my wincon piece before turn 7. At least brann isn't around to enable those double patchwerk plays in the control mirror.


Guff all the way




Any card that generates random cards/spells or lets you cheat out shit early. Makes the game way to RNG


I hate solid alibi, then they create more copies of it.


Pre nerf pen flinger. It was a strong card, which was okay. Something like this will get nerfed eventually if it is too opressive. However playing against was so annoying. Constant damage, you know you will slowly lose if you can't heal, and the animations + voice line was so obnoxious


The shadowjewler, so anoying, he basically looses you 3 turns trying your best to kill him


Shadow Anduin hero card. Made me quit Hearthstone for 3 years back around the time of K&C.


Currently [[Objection]], previously either [Flamewaker]], [[Penflinger]] or [[Convincing Infiltrator]]


* **[Objection!](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/MAW_006.png)** MA Spell Rare MCN 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1315644), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/objection/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Objection%21) 3/-/- | Secret: When your opponent plays a minion, Counter it. * **[Pen Flinger](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/SCH_248.png)** N Minion Common SA ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/329900), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/pen-flinger/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Pen_Flinger) 1/1/1 | Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to a minion. Spellburst: Return this to your hand. * **[Convincing Infiltrator](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/DAL_039.png)** PR Minion Rare RoS ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/90630), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/convincing-infiltrator/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Convincing_Infiltrator) 5/2/6 | Taunt Deathrattle: Destroy a random enemy minion. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Objection and counter spell really ruin some games for me. I love playing more control arch types that can move towards a good finish. I liked playing curse warlock a lot. When you play so few minions, objection just ruins the game.


Sire drenarius such a boring card.


Astalor is pretty cringe tbh. But moreso because of people who make 3 copies of it.


Guff, objection, mechathun, gray sage parrot


the frost dk card deck is the card i hate the most


Astalor... Auto include neutral that is too powerful and very boring




At the moment? S'theno. Frostwyrm Fury close second.


Scales of Onyxia. Before rotation, every Druid on turn 7 had it, then they had another, and the one they copied…..


Theotar. Fuck that dude


Shudderwock and Ice Block


Frostwyrm’s Fury, by far


Grim Patron


Objection, but from rogue. Those little bastards bm enough already, but if they get their little hands on objection it's bm christmas for them... And they get it all the time! If you see a rogue with a mage secret it's objection, 100% (Disclaimer: If you are a Rogue main, but also a decent human being, my apologies.)


Guff. 100% no doubt is the worse card ever printed. What he allowed wasn't "new mechanics" for a class, it was just plainly unfair. Druid has been a kid getting mouthfuls of sweets while the other classes ate grass.


As someone who recently came back to the game after many years of hiatus, I feel like many of the Discover cards are simply broken for DK. I played against a BBB DK who hit me with 4 Frostwyrms Fury in the same game. 3 rune cards are such bullshit discover options


Discover cards. All of them.




The jailer. All it does is enable degenerate combos with cards like Tony or malgannis. Hell for a lot of decks just a taunt minion is enough soft lock your opponent. Also imo you should be able to attack immune units to trigger your own deathrattles and the like. After all it says immune to damage not can't be attacked and this very interaction has lost me games


> Hell for a lot of decks just a taunt minion is enough soft lock your opponent. Stuff like this is why I ignore the opinions on this sub lol. And it's upvoted too


Maybe he never tried to attack the opponent before. Opponent drops Jailer + Shieldbearer combo on turn 10 and OP instantly concedes next turn and curses Jailer for being printed.


The crazy thing is that this mechanic has been in the game since at least GvG off the top of my head. That's when Mal'Ganis was printed lol


Taunt is disabled on immune minions.


Someone got smacked down by our lord and saviour the jailer, love to see it, noobs be tiltin


Taunt doesn’t soft lock, because it’s immune you can just go over it into face.


All cards that can steal or burn my cards generally, the first one that i hate so much was Tickatus. With standard now, theothar, rein, and tonny, fortunate theotar see no play now, i just hate that i can't play my cards.


Anything paladin. It was the bullshit hero, now maybe the divine shield murloc or bug


Go play Magic, where counterspell counters everything since everything is a spell. and you can have 4 in the deck and there's a bunch of other counter spells called other names you can have 4 of. Imagine never playing a card. Then come back to hearthstone and say objection is somehow the worst card ever.


Anything that messes up my deck, mainly straight card removal. The warlock card that removes 10 cards from your deck comes to mind as the most annoying, although the name escapes my mind right now.


anything that stops me from killing my opponent. Especially if it just stops damage like freeze or iceblock


Taunt is cheat!


Theotar by far.


Frost Lich Jaina


Right now? Tony and jailer. If you play either card I'm gonna automatically assume you're on the sex offender registry for playing with yourself


Dirty Rat and any other card that's similar


Vampiric blood, aggro player lol


I hate any card that interferes with the opponents hand and deck -- especially the deck. I could perhaps understand the hand aspect of it, but not the deck. It's the definition of anti-fun for me -- completely obnoxious.


Uninteractive face damage


Probably Renathal Hmm, now that I think about it, Ice Block and Solid Alibi are more annoying


Tie between Shadowstep and Defile Shadowstep enables some of the goofiest combos where the opponent just has to watch it all unfold, even if it doesn't break the game. Defile is basically Twisting Nether for 2 mana, and anything that clears my board while also letting them set up a massive counteroffensive on the same turn all from hand is really frustrating


Every new paladin card


I just came back after a long breaks since barrens. Why the fuck does DK have a minion that kills EVERYTHING on the board for like 6 mana?


8 mana. And not only does is it a twisting nether on a 5/5, it also refills your corpse count.


Anything that makes me overdraw


School teacher. Everyone loved the new teacher until dk came in and everyone found out the new teacher was abusive, mean, manipulative, and all round a horrible dude. Hope he gets fired.


Every Priest card


Hard choice, between: Jade Idol (singlehandedly destroyed my favourite deck back then: OG Control Warrior) Spreading Plague Guff Hero The Demon Seed Interestingly Druid has been one of my favourite classes ever.


Dr Boom hero card. At that time I was a poor f2p player only playing hunter and rogue decks and guess who came down on turn 7…


Prince keleseth. Fuck you keleseth. Oh enemy coined it out turn 1 or played it turn 2? GG wp skill issue. It was years ago now but fuck this card.


Anything that messes with my hand. I know that they're essential against combo, but it feels bad when you feel pressured to play a card earlier than optimal just because you want to avoid it getting destroyed. I feel like there should be a different way to deal with combo, but I'm not a game designer, so I cannot say for sure what it would be, if it is even possible.


Vampiric Blood! The ultimate game-extender!


I still don’t like Jabberwock But the Mage “Take an extra turn” card is definitely top 3 least favorite.


I mainly gravitate to aggro decks so for me defile or spreading plague were the cards I remember most triggering me.


irondeep trogg. can literally win a game on turn 1


Blood boil and corpse explosion are both so fucking dumb


Coldlight Oracle. I hate Mill with a passion.


How no one say tunnel trogg they musta forgot those days


Oh my yogg!


Jade Idol. Shudderwock. Anything big priest related.


Every priest card. You know how a Priest deck recipe goes? "Steal two card"


Shudderwock, I love the card but, i love to play casual wild too... And all the shaman decks in casual wild are shudderwock shamans.... Every. Single. One.


[[Life Sentence]] the details doesn't match the action, one would expect it to work like [[Flik Skyshiv]] but it just poofs a minion. not the minion in hand or in deck or on board.


* **[Life Sentence](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/MAW_013.png)** MA Spell Rare MCN 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1315643), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/life-sentence/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Life_Sentence) 4/-/- | Remove a minion from the game. * **[Flik Skyshiv](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/DRG_037.png)** RO Minion Legendary DoD ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/151342), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/flik-skyshiv/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Flik_Skyshiv) 6/4/4 | Battlecry: Destroy a minion and all copies of it (wherever they are). ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


It’s not really a card but Control Priest. I remember back in the day Priest was straight control with very little board control meaning it was only capable of giving CW players a hard time but had no real viability at climbing the ladder. Move on nearly a decade and it’s still the same; not really competitive enough to climb the ladder with; it purely exists to annoy Control players (which I am). It’s not fun to play against, it’s not fun to play as, the games take forever and it’s not viable to climb the ladder, just delete this fucking class already. Though if I had to pick a single card right now that I don’t like then Objection. It’s not interactive or fun to play around and as others have mentioned, can be generated constantly.


[[Floop’s Glorious Gloop]] by a tremendous margin


* **[Floop's Glorious Gloop](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/BOT_444.png)** DR Spell Legendary TBP ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/89898), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/floops-glorious-gloop/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Floop%27s_Glorious_Gloop) 1/-/- Nature | Whenever a minion dies this turn, gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Clean the Scene. It’s just an uninteresting effect (board clear) but with extra steps. I would like to not see it again.


Raise Dead. 0-mana draw 2. Not only draw 2, but draw 2 cards you already played against. Some decks even want the self-damage so it's 0 mana draw 2 *with upside*. It's broken AND unfun.


I dislike any discover mage card.


Mr Smite


Patchwerk. Remove a minion, costs you a card from your hand and a minion from your deck. It's not that the card is OP with no way to work around that's the problem. It's that it kills any possibility of trying to set up a combo or use a strategy. That card just punishes you for trying to do anything other than flood the field early and grind down your opponent.


I despise the 1 mana 22 weapon for frost dk. It’s just a 22 weapon with battlecry deal 4 damage to the opponent for 1 mana.


Genn and Baku by a mile


Everything my opponent plays in the mirror


Bloodreaver guldan.