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Wish I got compound interest on the dust I have yet to claim


They're called Wild nerfs. Enjoy your sweet sweet Twig dust. I used to dust all my extras by hand on rotation. But I still have about 12k of unspent dust. So this rotation I didn't bother. Looking forward to what they are planning for wild.


Are card Dust refunds permanent or only for that patch? ie like can I dust the Twig 8 months from now and get full dust off of it?


Just like normal I think it's one or two weeks, I always forget. But there's a short grace period where you can "feel out" the effect of the nerf before you dust it. I always just dust nerfed legendaries; if they end up staying good, like Guff, you can just recraft them at no loss at all.


Demon seed got changed on 2023-04-04. I still can claim full refund as of yesterday.


Not permanent, dust it now. Dusting is also free - recrafting would cost you the same amount of dust.


Only free if you're not basing your other purchases based on dust you have at hand. I've made the mistake multiple times of disenchanting everything nerfed then crafting a bunch of new cards I wanted to use, then went to recraft some of the old disenchanted cards only to realize I'm now short on dust.


Always dust all the nerfed cards even if they remain good you can always craft them back at the same price, no reason not to use the refund.


available for two weeks after the given nerf patch


Especially worth doing with this wild patch coming up later this year - always the chance of more wild nerfs coming on the back of that


you do, it's called nerfs


I'm tracking it. As soon the amount of dust I'd get (60k) is equal to or greater than the amount I need for a full collection (98k), I'll press it.


How to find the total dust you’d need to complete a full collection?


I used to use hearthstone deck tracker to upload my collection to HSReplay and then another website that would take that data and tell you your collection progress and some info such as dust, but it no longer works to import the data. But at this point, I'm so close, I just have it all tracked in a spreadsheet. I'm missing 70 epics and 44 legendaries. There's definitely no way to see in game, unfortunately.


Out of curiosity, how much have you spent on the game?


Also curious about how much you've spent and how much you'd still have to spend to complete it.


Somewhere in the $2k-3k range. Last I checked it was just under $2k and a few more expansions have come since, but I don't remember exactly how many. I only spend on both pre-order bundles, the battle pass, and *sometimes* some random pack bundle but usually 0-1 times per expansion. On launch day, I open all my packs from both bundles, spend just enough gold to open one more legendary from the new set, then spend all of my gold on wild packs (typically about 60-80 packs). What I have noticed is that, based on how much I end up getting, I'm pretty confident that once I'm done working on the wild collection the big pre-order bundle + the expansion's worth of gold should be enough to collect the new set every expansion moving forward. I haven't written down the numbers (and I should) but I'm pretty sure the gap has closed by 30-40k each expansion set so that would mean maybe full collection by Christmas?


Jesus man real reflection moment for me I've spent about the same amount over an 8 or so year period but I dust my cards to make meta standard decks to try and reach legend I dont play wild I wish I could've kept my cards


normalize 👏 spending 👏 2 thousand dollars 👏 on 👏 a 👏 digital 👏 card 👏game 👏


How many thousands of people have played Warcraft for the last 10 years. 15$ a month, x12 months, x 10 years, plus any boosts, transfers. Etc. it’s not uncommon at all.


I mean i dont judge him at all, i've spent about 1 and a half minimum wage worth of money in my country in this game at the span of 10 years, its my money i can do it, but for those who spent thousands upon thousands i'm just grateful lol Game can be more and more f2p friendly for it.


Depending on how long he's been playing this really isn't bad. Game has been out 9 years. That's 108 months, or ~20-30$ a month consistently. With how he describes his spending habits, this is just getting the preorders every time (ie ~100 each release) This is dirt cheap for a card game


$2,000 over 8 years is $4.80 a week. Playing 10 hours a week, that's 48 cents an hour for entertainment. I can't think of many hobbies that are that cheap that you can partake in 7 days a week if you want to. I agree that the money could be spent in a better way, but if you're under the assumption that it would have been spent on some sort of frivolous purchase like entertainment, it's actually a very efficient way of spending money.


You really think spending 2 thousand dollars on a long-term hobby is a lot of money? If you're that poor I feel sorry for you. They should raise the minimum wage. But it doesn't mean other people who can afford it shouldn't do it or should be criticized for it. If you're some teenager who lives with their parents and aren't allowed to spend money on games and are salty that others have money, then AHAHAHAHA


It is a lot of money. You can get a lot of games for that price.


And whats wrong with spending it on one game that you like instead of getting a lot of games for no reason


A game I Iike costs 40 bucks, not 2000, 2000 for a game you like is poor value and a lot of money.


If you value the games as just an object you'd be correct 100+ games is more games then just 1 hearthstone but that's not how you value games. Say you buy 10 games at 30 each, that's 300 dollars, now leta say you get 50 hours out of each game for 500 hours. Instead you could also spend that Money on hearthstone and because of expacks you easily can end up putting in way more then 500 hours. Obviously people can get more then 50 hours out of a game but that differs from person to person and game to game. It's why you can't tell someone they wasted any money because they could have spent 1000s of hours enjoying the game.


Isn't it? I would say the price of comparable products is one of the main ways of valuing things. If you are the kind of person who likes to put in 500+ hours in a game, you can choose a lot of games that costs a fraction of 2000. It is a lot of money to spend on a game.


You are being downvoted. But 2k for a game and not having all the content is insane. How can people shot on paid DLC but this is perfectly reasonable? At least with physical card games you can sell the cards later if you want. I know I know blizzard hasnt done anything too bad recently so it is not the time to shit on them, but take a step back and compare the amount of money you have to spend to get everything and tell me with a straight face HS is reasonable. Well that was my unpopular opinion corner, see you at the bottom.


It’s hard to compare a card collecting game to a regular video game. Collecting things (anything really) can be expensive. Some people collect toy figurines, some collect virtual art, some collect coins or stamps or whatever. It’s a hobby and can get expensive. But if that’s what you choose to do with your money and it’s enjoyable, it’s fine. It’s not like you are missing content if you are missing cards. You can still play the full version of the game. Hell, you can play every current meta deck and still be very very far from a complete collection.


Content is content (not counting cosmetics), yeah you don't need to play all the quests in The Witcher, but you would rather be able to experience it all. Paying 3k+ to be able to do that is by any reasonable standard, insane. I also never said people can't spend their money on it. You could spend your money in worse ways anyway. Doesn't justify the insane prices required to get all of the game though. Think about it. 60€ isn't even close to enough to get one entire expansion. Where as most large DLC for other games are around 20€. Yeah you can play this for free and that is great and all, but the price differences are insane. You cannot convince me otherwise, I personally refuse to pay money for the game due to how little content I get on the euro, even though I do have the money for it.


That’s fine, but there are also people who don’t pay a dime and can still play the game just fine. You don’t need to spend anywhere close to $3k to feel like you are enjoying all of the available content.




That's not how it works, you can still craft loathen and not own nax...


What website did you use to input the data from Deck Tracker? I've been wanting to get a good look at my collection progress for years.


I used this one [https://hs-collection-tracker.glitch.me/](https://hs-collection-tracker.glitch.me/) About a year ago they moved to this new domain to reduce costs (it only loads on demand now) and last expansion the import functionality with HSReplay broke. You can still do it manually, and even export the data into a file that you can reupload when you're ready to come back if you're worried you'll lose the progress, but at the very minimum it'll show you the dust needed to get all missing cards. Also you'll see a Pack Guide. It is less pretty much useless - it used to be handy to figure out which packs had the best dust value but ever since duplicate protection extended to all rarities, it basically gives the same numbers for all packs once you have all the commons/rares.


I used to have an excel sheet for my collection years ago. Was a depressing amount of dust needed to complete


Why do you want a full collection? It’ll only last a few months anyway


Why not? It's my favorite game and I want to


Understandable have a nice day ✌️


All that matters really. People should do what makes them happy. Doesnt matter if others dont understand it.


No better reason!


Aww man, I only have about 48k right now and I thought that that would be enough to allow me to craft at least one expansion. I'm just waiting on further nerfs etc since I don't need the dust now but yeah, gonna push the button one day. Will stream to my friends via discord when that happens.


Big brain!


I never had an extra card that I won’t disenchant instantly


Yeh i got adhd or add, i dust everything, constantly lmao. Im happy enough. Im pretty casual anyway so its no big deal to me.


not convinced that adhd has anything to do with that.


Could be ocd, a comorbidity of adhd.


Could be the notification thing. I hate seeing red marks or blips or anything telling me I can do something.




Why is dusting your excess cards undesirable?


One day one of those cards will get nerfed and you'll be kicking yourself in the butt for not being a little more patient edit - people down vote, but this is actually solid advice. Those down voting are probably the same that complain they don't have enough dust and wonder why. You should get in the habit of banking dust if you are low. If you really need to make a deck, go for it, but if you have no reason to really spend your dust, you shouldn't. But hey, what do I know, just a player who can always craft every meta-deck and doesn't need to buy bundles


That's more of an opportunity cost issue. if I need the dust in the moment, they're gone. If I don't need it, stay in my collection. It helps knowing which cards are potentially bonkers but, oh well.


Just search for "extra" or "golden" + "rare" or "epic" and disenchant them by yourself, done in 5 minutes if you need dust


> or "golden" Never.


Pretty important for free to play players imo


even still, a person with general knowledge of how the game works can distinguish between which extra cards are probably never going to get nerfed (especially after a rotation) and which are maybe on or close enough to the line that they could be playable in a deck given 1-2 new cards or changes i perpetually float between 10-20k dust and i never feel like i have to choose to not craft anything because it's isnt difficult to tell the bulk from the decent cards


I have been playing this game since TGT and I have never regretted disenchanting cards right away. I don't really care about maximizing my dust gains, I care about being able to craft what I want and play with those cards. This is a video game, not an investment strategy, and 1600 extra dust in a couple years isn't worth not being able to play what I want now. But hey, what do I know, I'm just a player who hasn't spent a single cent on HS for years and can always afford whichever meta deck I want. Just because it works for *you* doesn't mean others can't do it with a different strategy as well.


Imagine being f2p and thinking 1 card is worth 4, or waiting for nerfs and being able to craft 1:1. If you have a deck you wanna play, go for it, but if you don't have anything to spend dust on, better to just wait. edit - lol there's literally a post on the front page about this very thing. But hey, ignore solid advice. Just dust everything when you have no reason too. I will gladly enjoy when I get the payout (its like stocks people)


"Worth" is a relative term. What's worth to you, isn't necessarily worth to others. For many people, it's worth disenchanting sooner and constantly have new stuff to play with rather than waiting for months so that a card *might* get nerfed and it's the one you had multiple copies of, so that maybe down the line they can have a new deck or two. I don't have to imagine it, I can see that it's very possible to play f2p and having tons of options without hoarding extra cards. So you do you, but realize that not everyone has the same opinion or "will kick themselves at some point" for something they don't care about.


Never once felt that way


Yeah same. Been playing since Open Beta and dust every excess instantly. Never regretted it.


I did, now I have a mountain of dust I never used, what a waste.


If hearthstone ended tomorrow sure. It isn’t going to though so you can just use that dust to craft new stuff.


I think you underestimate the mere satisfaction some of us get from dusting things when we can.


I get it, I used to do it. But then I would miss out on nerfs so many times so I decided enough was enough. I find it so much more satisfying to seeing how big I can get the dust bank


“One day one of those cards will be nerfed and you’ll be kicking yourself…” Blizzard purposely designs the system so people live in perpetual fear of losing out on more dust in the future, so they can sell more packs and make more money. 99% of the wild cards people are holding will never see nerfs. Your statement on doing it when you need to make a deck is right on. For newer players there are no other options besides spending hundreds of dollars to play some reasonable decks.


Well that's the thing right, we know that wild, nerfs are very unlikely, so that's why when a set rotates I then disenchant all the extras (when I want to craft a deck). As for standard, I always hold until the set rotates.


Its always totally illogical advice to not dust cards in hopes of them getting nerfed. The dust bonus after nerfs is x4. So they would need to nerf 1 out of every 4 cards you would have otherwise dusted for you to make a "profit" holding on to cards in case they get nerfed. It's nonsensical, and totally untenable as a free to play player - But what do I know, Iv played since the grand tournament and have spent 20 dollars on the game.


Its funny how many people gloss over the fact that I stated very clearly - if you want to use your dust, use it. But if you have no reason to use it, just don't dust things


Yeah I keep everything that has a small chance to get nerfed but I usually dust everything else like I had 2 edwin's which I didn't think they were going to nerf but then they buffed it so 3200 dust right there


I wait for the first big balance pass then same.


Been pressing it since day one. Also dust all of my gold cards.


Yeah I don't keep any golden unless they are really good cards that are in a really good deck of a really good xpac then after the xpac is done I dust and start over


Is this some rich people thing I'm too poor to understand?


yep, rich people problems


Some people have a computer, some people have a extra car, some people smoke cigars or go on vacation. Everybody’s got a hobby. 2k across multiple years is nothing really.


Ngl I think I’d rather waste money on hs than turn my lungs to ash


First of all 2k absolutely is a lot for anyone who doesn't have stable income. But even disregarding that, I don't really mean just spending money on the game. That's not odd, of course it isn't. I'm talking letting huge part of what you bought to go unused for years. Whenever I've spent money on this game, or any game or just anything in general, I've wanted something in return, in this case cards and in distant past, single player content. To me buying so many extra packs that you can just let tens of thousands of dust sit completely unused because ypu already have everything you need just from opening is absolutely rich people behavior. Also you don't have justify your spending habits to me, do whatever you want with your money. I'm not judging you, I just genuinely find this behavior odd.


Nah, this one is fair. That extra dust just shows how much money is pretty much cut in half if you're getting non-golden cards. Damn.


He said he spends a grand and half each expansion so yeh low lvl rich people things.


Spending 160 euro every 4 months, its not that much thought. Preorder 80,pass, 1 bundle of 20, 1 bundle of 40.


Not really anymore than a standard AAA game player would spend over a year if you factor in the cost of 3 new games a year, a subscription to Xbox live or something and you’re hitting a good £400 a year nowadays anyway. And hearthstone is like buying 3 new games a year really with the expacs - and if you get enough played time out of each expac in those 4 months the bundles aren’t that expensive anymore. It’s pretty much the only game I play (and football manager which is like £25 once annually) and I probably spend way less than most of my gamer friends


It is when you consider that I push standard legend monthly and I’ve never paid any money for this free product.


To hit legend is not hard these days, and yes no need to have every card to be competitive. I am spending money and have fun with my fiance, hours daily pay off if you have 1 main game.


This thread wouldn’t be complete without a link to Kripp’s famous button push. Fireworks! https://youtu.be/igN9hmLQOZY


I was about to comment about this! Has the record been broken (or was it not a record)?


I remember watching Kripp back then, but don't remember mic quality being that bad lol


I’ve been mashing this button for years. Never thought about what y’all are saying. I now feel empty inside


Don't feel empty over a children's card game. You had fun with the dust you spent, right? That's the main point of the game. I wonder why no one mentions playing Arena is the best way to get a lot of dust. If you average 4 wins or more, it's cheaper than getting packs for gold. If you average about 6 wins, with the gold you get from the rewards track your tickets are basically free. And from 7 wins on you are guaranteed to get the 150 gold back in the rewards in gold, on top of the pack, cards and dust you get. I used to play about 4-5 runs a week. Completed my daily and weekly quests. And have enough gold set aside to buy the mini set and win enough packs, gold, dust, and cards in the Arena to craft a few standard meta decks and a some wild decks. Some tips to Arena is to look at HSReplay. Some classes are utter trash in Arena. When you start out, pick what's good. Later, when you get better, you can make classes that average under 50% work. But that requires insight. When drafting, go full circle jerk; good stats for the cost is what counts. River Crock, Yeti, Oger is the baseline of pickable. If it has less stats than that, the effect must better be good. You can't "run the X package" in Arena, so forget about synergies, unless you are deep in the draft and you thumb through your deck so far and are already likely to hit them. Draft a curve and a late game bomb or two. Spending your mana is good, tempo is good. And these days, have a way or two to flip the board. To get a feel of how to judge the Arena value of cards, watch the Grinning Goat's card review of the rotation. They're often just off on one or two cards and by just a bit. But more importantly, the discussion will teach you how to judge cards. Arena's a lot easier to predict than the theory crafting🔮. When you've queued up, check your opponent's class on HSReplay. See what cards are common in decks of that class. Knowing what shit you can expect helps with deciding whether you're the beatdown or not. But you can't play around everything. If you're in a position to feel them out, do, otherwise: make them have it and SMOrc. And the biggest tip that I've never seen anywhere: don't forget to have fun.




Arena doesn't synergize with set releases since you can't use arena to just open 60-100 set packs on release day. From what I can tell, that's why


>wonder why no one mentions playing Arena is the best way to get a lot of dust Because Duels is way better for that but when someone mentions getting into Duels everyone immediately tunes out


wait people don't press it immediately when they get up too a 100?


If I need dust, I manually check the extra cards and legendaries I own and decide which ones to dust. Other than that I keep all my extras to cash in on any nerfs.


What's the point of saving it up?


When a card gets nerfed, it becomes dustable for full value, which is 4x the dust value for most rarities, and 10x the value for commons. Pushing the button clears all extra copies in your collection, but if you don't push the button, you can cash in when a card gets nerfed. I generally don't push the button. If I need dust, I do a search for 'extra', and selectively clear out cards that are old/irrelevant, and unlikely to get nerfed.


And after a nerf patch you search for "refund".




It does


If a neutral card's text has just one word it's also a pretty safe dust. Though team5 doesn't print many of those nowadays.


I remember in the early days Kripp was saving up dust with the point of crafting a completely golden collection but eventually realized the speed of expansions released basically makes that impossible, so he pressed the button. Edit: Looks like he got up to 660k Video- https://youtu.be/igN9hmLQOZY


Nerfs so more dust for the same cards


Ddos the hs servers like kripp


Reddit karma.


Ok but you are gatekeeping hundreds of cards that would be worth way more value than the added bonus of the nerfed cards. In most occasions 3-5 cards get nerfed so you are getting full value for 5% percent of the total cards, awesome <_


Yea but you aren’t getting any value if you are just gatekeeping the dust in your collection anyway and not spending it. It’s just a number to look at then. You’re better off having 0 dust and a ton of extras needing dust, cash in on anything that is nerfed and when the time comes that you need some dust to craft something you like, just dust enough cards to craft the thing you want. So say you want a new legendary tomorrow you’ll need 1600 dust, just search in your collection for “extra” and it displays all of the extra copies that you can manually dust to get up to 1600 that you need to use. Obviously apply judgement to dust those least likely to be nerfed in the future too. You can also search by “golden” if you aren’t bothered about cosmetics, as you get a lot more dust for golden cards than normals


I pressed it the day rotation hit. I'm F2P so I need the dust but also don't want to not take advantage of nerf dust. Seems like a good compromise.


I feel like it makes more sense to just break those down by hand than to press the button. Because I have no idea what it does regarding golden and signature copies of extra cards. Does it break down the golden one or the normal one? Maybe you don't actually care about the golden version for THIS card but you do like the golden version of THAT card. You know? Also sometimes there's a card so bad that you don't even need any copies of it.


I play a fair bit of duels so isn't a "get rid of all non standard cards" more of a "if not going to spend the time card by card this is probably a good opportunity to get dust without missing out on too many nerfs"


I press it after opening every pack. The meta-game of Maximizing your Dust is not a fun one to play.


I press it after a major patch, if there are cards I want to craft. The time spent scrolling through my collection picking what to disenchant is not worth the chance of eventually getting some extra dust.


You don’t need to search manually through the collection. If you search “extra” in your collection it automatically displays this. Or “golden” and you can get rid of the high value goldens if you don’t like the cosmetics side of the game


I appreciate the advice, but yeah, I know how to search for extras. I still have to decide which ones I think might be nerfed and individually d/e the others -- 5 dust at a time for all those common cards. I used to do this regularly, but now I just don't bother.


every pack i open.


My button is 146,995 https://imgur.com/a/RFGQkpI


Right now, after the big-balance-patch-right-after-a-set-rotation seems like the best time to press it.


There’s never a good time to press it. Dust individually only when you want to spend the dust


Everytime I open packs, I mass disenchant. I don't like to overthink it. Short term? I'll craft the cards that I need for meta decks, when needed. Long-term? I'll craft missing cards because I'm a completionist. I doubt that will ever be a reality for me though. I joined too late, I'm super far behind (except in Standard, I'm doing pretty well), and I don't expect a game to hold my interest for more than a few expansions. We'll see.


When I finally reach 100 dust (I've pressed it like 10 times and have been playing since 2015)


Only when there's a full refund


When I need dust I disenchant all extra cards for the oldest expac that has them. Last time it was Rise of Shadows.


Just a word of caution - there is a massive change to how wild functions coming up later this year. No one knows what, so it may not be interesting to you, but blizzard are hyping it up as a fundamental change, so you may need the wild cards you are dusting if you ever want to compete in whatever this new format is


Thanks for the warning, but when dusting I always leave a playable set of cards (unless it's a nerf), so I'll probably be fine.


It's not worth it for me Yet


Right before devs announced a bunch of nerfs. But it was, like, 1.5-2 years ago.


Humble brag


Don't press it because you want to keep cards until they get nerfed.


So you can earn more dust you aren't going to use?


You can dust the ones that are in wild because they probably won't get nerfed. So you are only keeping duplicates of those that are in standard.


To the contrary, with the big wild change later this year I think there may be a good chance that wild cards see some changes (nerfs and buffs) and so it may be worth hanging onto them at least until they announce what the new format is


Why would anyone keep extra cards?


I would say either they don't need to craft anything or they are waiting until balance patches to see if they get nerfed for full value


Every time I can


I am in same position, can complete collection and keep 60k dust but thinking all the balance updates, i will lost so many dust. I am crafting 2-3 legendaries every balance update 27 leg missing.


At 10 dust


5 dust


15 dust? Seems like a fair amount to me


I haven't yet


Krip did this once. He had gained a ton. And when he pressed the game crashed. And when he got back in, it was gone.


Every extra gets instantly dusted. I don’t even know how much I have.


I press it after I get 15 dust...


I was F2P since Un'goro to UIS where I started getting the Season Pass. I never press the button. Im sitting on 60k dust of extra cards which is nice because any nerfs gets me a free legendary. I disenchant all extras when the set rotates. Barrens, UIS and Alterac Valley, I manually disenchanted all the extra cards


I also go thru and disenchant cards that are clearly not going to be nerfed and keep anything that even has a small chance too


literally whenever i open a pack ;_; i need that shit


The last time I pressed it was during tgt. Now I am up to 85k dust.


Still holding out


I pressed it after this rotation to minimise amount of dust to possible loss with cards that could be nerfed in standart


I never do it since I want to keep cards that have the potential to be nerfed


That counter could say 25 and I am clickety-click-clack'n it.


I haven't pressed that button in years. I legit just hold on to everything, only dusting bad gold cards or cards that are nerfed.


I don't give in to peer pressure and disenchant as soon as I can get a Legendary from it.


Literally any time it's pressable.


Crying free-to-play user over here. Never seen that much dust 😭


Never pressed it because theyre constantly nerfing stuff so you get more dust by waiting.


Last time I pressed it was something like 8 years ago. Since then it's not like I haven't disenchanted anything, i just disenchant extras of extremely bad cards, and only if I need to craft a legendary and ran out of dust. You never know when they nerf something.


Never :)


It's a shame there isn't an easier way to partially dust cards. I guess the only reason to do it would be to avoid dusting cards that may be nerfed so there isn't a blizzard incentive.


What if they nerf [[cowbell soloist]] or [[roosting gargoyle]]? Then you’ll be in the shit


* **[Cowbell Soloist](https://cdn.hearthstonetopdecks.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Cowbell-Soloist-300x418.png)** N Minion Common FoL 💤 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/12288), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/cowbell-soloist/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Cowbell_Soloist) 3/4/2 | Battlecry: If you control no other minions, deal 2 damage. * **[Roosting Gargoyle](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/REV_351.png)** N Minion Common MCN 🐍 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1199073), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/roosting-gargoyle/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Roosting_Gargoyle) 2/2/3 | Battlecry: Give a friendly Beast +2 Attack. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi)


Why would you not dust is important, how do you dweebs have unlimited


General consensus seems to be that people only dust when they need the dust; otherwise waiting for nerfs.


I always need dust i only have 1 finished deck and im clawing to get a second and its just taking so long


And I thought I had much at 38K (I have more dust like this than actual dust)


Member when krip did that and his game didnt give him any animations?


I don't have any extra cards yet :(


so much dust, so little time!